Oracle Apps DBA工具:ADADMIN使用说明


ADADMIN主要用于Oracle Apps文件系统和数据库的维护工作,是Apps DBA常用的工具。



[oracle@bej301441 ~]$ adadmin

如果ADADMIN命令无法运行,很可能是环境变量没有设置,可以运行下". $APPL_TOP/instance.env"来设置环境变量。adadmin执行过程中,需要数据库system用户的密码和apps用户的密码




AD Administration Main Menu

1.Generate Applications Files menu
2.Maintain Applications Files menu
3.Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu
4.Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
5.Change Maintenance Mode
6.Exit AD Administration


Generate Applications Files

如果系统用户无法访问Message,Form或者Report,你可以尝试使用“Generate Applications Files” 下的菜单来解决问题。

1.Generate message files

This task generates message binary files in the $PROD_TOP/mesg directory from oracle application object library tables.We generally perform this task only when instructed to do so in a readme file of a patch.

2.Generate form files 

1. form,把$AU_TOP/forms/<LANG>/下的fmb文件生成<PROD>_TOP/forms/<LANG>下的fmx文件
2. library,把$AU_TOP/resource/下的pll文件重新生成plx文件

3. menu,FNDMENU.mmb -> FNDMENU.mmx

3.Generate report files


4.Generate graphics files

This task generates Oracle graphics files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name like (*.ogd),The serious of prompts and actions in this task are very similar to the prompts and actions in the Generate form files task.

5.Generate product JAR files

GenerateJava archive (JAR) files whenever you upgrade the Developer technology stack orwhen recommended by Oracle Support Services. It signs JAR files (if on the Webserver) and does the following:
■Generates product JAR files in JAVA_TOP and copies them to APPL_TOP.
■Generates other Java-related files under APPL_TOP and JAVA_TOP.
■Recreates Java libraries ( and under APPL_TOP andJAVA_TOP.

6.Return to Main Menu

另可参见:ADADMIN - Generate Applications Files 菜单项详解 

Maintain Applications Files

“Maintain Applications Files”主要是用于保持你的系统文件最新。比如,你需要拷贝文件从一个特定位置或者转换文件的字符集

1.Relink Applications programs

Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server libraries so that they function with the Oracle database. For each product, choose whether to link all executables or only specific ones.
Note:The default is to relink without debug information. Use the debug option only when requested to do so by Oracle Support Services .

2.Create Applications environment file

3.Copy files to destinations

Copies files from each product area to central locations where they can be easily referenced by non-Applications programs. This option uses revision-based copy logic to ensure that the destination file versions are the same as, or higher than, the source file versions.

Note:Were commend that you do not use the force option to overwrite existing files unless instructed by Oracle Support Services. Copying files with this option updates all JAR files. JInitiator then downloads required JAR files to each client again, causing runtime performance degradation.

The file types and their respective destinations are shown in the following table:

These files:                                               copied to (UNIX)
Java files                                                   $JAVA_TOP
HTML files                                                $OAH_TOP
Media files                                                 $OAM_TOP
Note:When this option is used to copy reports or graphics files, the default destinationis under AU_TOP.

4.Convert character set

Preparesthe files in the APPL_TOP for conversion to another character set, and then performs the conversion.

When you choose this option, AD Administration presents another submenu, which contains options for scanning your files in preparation for the conversion. The scan searches for exceptions — files that will have incomplete (lossy)conversions — so that you can fix potential problems before you actually convert the character set. Choose one of the following scan options.

1.       Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions. Scans the APPL_TOP and creates three files in the admin\<SID>\out directory.

File                                                     Contents
admanifest_excp.lst               Lists files that will not be converted because of lossy conversion. admanifest.lst                             Lists files thatcan be converted.         
admanifest_lossy.lst                   Lists files with lossy conversions, including line by line detail.

Review the files listed in admanifest_excp.lst. Fix files that report lossy conversion before you convert the character set. Repeat this task until there are no entries in admanifest_excp.lst. If you need to see more detail, review admanifest_lossy.lst.

2.       Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions. Collects the same information as the firsttask, but scans custom Applications directories rather than the APPL_TOPdirectory.
3.       Convert character set. Run this task only if admanifest_excp.lst has no entries. Itprompts you for the manifest file (admanifest.lst) created when you ran the scan option(s).

The utility backs up the product source files and the APPL_TOP/admin source files.It saves product files in the <PROD>_TOP directories in the format<prod>_ s_<char_set>.zip. It saves admin source files in the APPL_TOP/admin directory in the format admin_s_<char_set>.zip

5.Maintain snapshot information

There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire Applications system (that is, across all APPL_TOPs).

Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either current view snapshots or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once and updated when appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A partial view snapshot allows you to synchronize only selected files from a current view. A named view snapshot is a copy of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current view snapshot) and is not updated.

Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the global current view snapshot to determine which patches have already been applied. AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP current view snapshot to determine if all prerequisite patches have been applied to that APPL_TOP. Snapshot information is stored in the AD_SNAPSHOTS, AD_ SNAPSHOT_FILES, and AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES tables.

During a new installation, Rapid Install creates a current snapshot as a baseline. And, each time you run AutoPatch, it automatically creates a new (updated) snapshot so that the information is current as of the application of the patch.

Maintain Snapshot Information menu options :

■ List snapshots (stored in the system)
■ Update current view snapshot (full or partial APPL_TOP and global)
■ Create named snapshot (select a current view snapshot to copy and name)
■ Export snapshot to file (select one to export to a text file)
■ Import snapshot from (a text) file
■ Delete named snapshot (select a snapshot for deletion)

6.Check for missing files

Verifies that all files needed to run Oracle Applications for the current configuration are in the current APPL_TOP. Choose this task if you suspect there are files missing in your APPL_TOP.

7.Return to Main Menu

Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities

编译或者重新加载数据库entities,可以使用“Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities”里的菜单项。

1.Compile APPS schema

Spawns parallel workers to compile invalid database objects in the APPS schema.
Note: The need for a separate MRC schema has been removed in this release, as has the associated prompt to run Invoker Rights.

2.Compile menu information

Compiles menu data structures. Choose this task after you have uploaded menu entries to the FND_MENU_ENTRIES table, or if Compile Security concurrent requests submitted from the Menus form (after changing menu entries) fail for any reason.
AD Administration asks if you want to force compilation of all menus. If you choose the default (No), only menus with changes are compiled. If you enter Yes, all menus are compiled. Compiling all menus is generally not advised.

3.Compile flexfields

Compiles flexfield data structures in Oracle Application Object Library (FND) tables. Choose this task after you apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Patches usually indicate when you should perform this step.
Flexfields automatically compile data when you use them for the first time, so running this task is not required. However, compiling flexfield data at a specific time (for example, when system use is low), rather than automatically at first use, can alleviate potential runtime performance issues.

4.Reload JAR files to database

Reloads all appropriate Oracle Applications JAR files into the database. Choose this task if all Oracle Applications Java classes are removed from your database, for example, if the database Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is reloaded because of a corrupt database.

5.Return to Main Menu

Maintain Applications Database Entities

During normal system use, the integrity of your database can be compromised, for example through user error or after you apply a large patch. It’s a good idea to verify the integrity of database entities as a regular maintenance procedure, or whenever the behavior of your system indicates that database entities may have been corrupted.
Some tasks on this menu report on issues, or potential issues, with database entities, and others actually remedy the issues. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.

1.Validate APPS schema

Verifies the integrity of the APPS schema. It produces a report named <APPS schema name>.lst that lists issues and potential issues, grouped by the action required:

■ Issues you MUST fix (not specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you MUST fix (specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you may want to address (specific to the APPS schema).

The report is located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out (UNIX), where <SID> is the value of the ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable, or in %APPL_ TOP%\admin\<SID>\out (Windows), where <SID> is the value of the LOCAL variable. Each section of the file contains instructions for resolving the issues that are listed. Most issues can be fixed by either compiling invalid database objects or recreating grants and synonyms.

2.Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema

 This task recreates grants and synonyms for the Oracle Applications public schema (APPLSYSPUB), recreates grants on some packages from SYSTEM to APPS, and spawns parallel workers to recreate grants and synonyms linking sequences and tables in the base schemas to the APPS schema.

Typically, you run this task after the Validate APPS schema task has reported issues with missing grants and synonyms.

3.Maintain multi-lingual tables

Run this task after you add a language. It prompts you for the number of workers, then updates all multilingual tables.

4.Check DUAL table

Some Oracle Applications products must access the DUAL table. It must exist in the SYS schema and contain exactly one row. This tasks verifies the existence of this table and the single row.

5.Maintain Multiple Reporting Currencies schema

It invokes PL/SQL packages which maintain database objects for these features. (See admntmls.pls and admntmcr.pls in $AD_TOP/admin/sql)

MRC and MLS are both implemented using "adjunct APPS schemas", meaning a complete copy of the objects in each APPS schema is replicated (and enhanced, in some cases) into an APPS_MRC and/or APPS_MLS schema. Whenever a change is made to an APPS schema, the modifications must be reflected in the adjunct schemas; otherwise, MRC and MLS functions may fail. This task is only displayed on the Database Objects menu if you have Multilingual (MLS) or Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) functionality currently installed.

6.Return to Main Menu

Change Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].
Please select an option:
1.Enable Maintenance Mode
2.Disable Maintenance Mode
3.Return to Main Menu 




ADAdmin工具主要用于批量管理AD帐户,打开程序后在文本框中输入帐户名称即帐户的samAccountName属性值即可,目前只接受这一种帐户属性值。可进行如下批量操作: 1. 批量查看帐户信息:Check User。输入帐户后可查询所有帐户的常用属性信息。 2. 批量新建帐户:New User。保证ADAdmin.exe与users.xlsx在同一目录,目前只支持Office 2007及以上版本,在users.xlsx中的newuser Sheet中输入帐户的相关属性信息,然后点击Run运行即可,新建的帐户初始密码与用户名相同,密码永不过期,不会要求下次登录前修改密码。 3. 批量重置密码:Reset Password。可进行批量重置密码,默认将密码重置为与帐户相同,全为小写,也可自定义密码进行重置,重置后不会要求用户在下次登录前修改密码。 4. 批量启用/禁用帐户:Xable User。可进行批量启用帐户或禁用帐户。 5. 批量删除帐户:Remove User。可进行批量删除帐户。 6. 批量设置帐户属性:Set Properties。可批量设置帐户属性,只要先在users.xlsx中的setprop Sheet中输入帐户的属性信息然后点击Run运行即可。 7. 批量查询组信息:Check Group。可批量查询组的属性及类型等信息。 8. 批量添加帐户到组:Add to Group。在文本框内输入帐户samAccountName和要加入的组,然后点击Run运行即可。 9. 批量从组中删除帐户:Remove from Group。在文本框中输入帐户samAccountName和要从中删除的组,然后点击Run运行却可。




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