时间序列 python_时间序列-Python库

时间序列 python

时间序列 python

时间序列-Python库 (Time Series - Python Libraries)

Python has an established popularity among individuals who perform machine learning because of its easy-to-write and easy-to-understand code structure as well as a wide variety of open source libraries. A few of such open source libraries that we will be using in the coming chapters have been introduced below.

Python因其易于编写和易于理解的代码结构以及各种各样的开源库而在执行机器学习的个人中广受欢迎。 下面介绍了一些我们将在接下来的章节中使用的开源库。

NumPy (NumPy)

Numerical Python is a library used for scientific computing. It works on an N-dimensional array object and provides basic mathematical functionality such as size, shape, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum as well as some more complex functions such as linear algebraic functions and Fourier transform. You will learn more about these as we move ahead in this tutorial.

数值Python是用于科学计算的库。 它适用于N维数组对象,并提供基本的数学功能,例如大小,形状,均值,标准差,最小值,最大值以及一些更复杂的函数,例如线性代数函数和傅立叶变换。 随着本教程的深入,您将学到更多有关这些的知识。

大熊猫 (Pandas)

This library provides highly efficient and easy-to-use data structures such as series, dataframes and panels. It has enhanced Python’s functionality from mere data collection and preparation to data analysis. The two libraries, Pandas and NumPy, make any operation on small to very large dataset very simple. To know more about these functions, follow this tutorial.

该库提供了高效,易于使用的数据结构,例如系列,数据框和面板。 从单纯的数据收集和准备到数据分析,它增强了Python的功能。 Pandas和NumPy这两个库使对小到非常大的数据集的任何操作都非常简单。 要了解有关这些功能的更多信息,请遵循本教程。

科学 (SciPy)

Science Python is a library used for scientific and technical computing. It provides functionalities for optimization, signal and image processing, integration, interpolation and linear algebra. This library comes handy while performing machine learning. We will discuss these functionalities as we move ahead in this tutorial.

科学Python是用于科学和技术计算的库。 它提供了优化,信号和图像处理,积分,插值和线性代数的功能。 该库在执行机器学习时非常方便。 在本教程中,我们将讨论这些功能。

Scikit学习 (Scikit Learn)

This library is a SciPy Toolkit widely used for statistical modelling, machine learning and deep learning, as it contains various customizable regression, classification and clustering models. It works well with Numpy, Pandas and other libraries which makes it easier to use.

该库是一个SciPy工具包,因为它包含各种可自定义的回归,分类和聚类模型,因此广泛用于统计建模,机器学习和深度学习。 它与Numpy,Pandas和其他库配合使用,使其更易于使用。

统计模型 (Statsmodels)

Like Scikit Learn, this library is used for statistical data exploration and statistical modelling. It also operates well with other Python libraries.

与Scikit Learn一样,该库也用于统计数据探索和统计建模。 它也可以与其他Python库一起很好地运行。

Matplotlib (Matplotlib)

This library is used for data visualization in various formats such as line plot, bar graph, heat maps, scatter plots, histogram etc. It contains all the graph related functionalities required from plotting to labelling. We will discuss these functionalities as we move ahead in this tutorial.

该库用于各种格式的数据可视化,例如折线图,条形图,热图,散点图,直方图等。它包含从绘图到标记所需的所有图形相关功能。 在本教程中,我们将讨论这些功能。

These libraries are very essential to start with machine learning with any sort of data.


Beside the ones discussed above, another library especially significant to deal with time series is −


约会时间 (Datetime)

This library, with its two modules − datetime and calendar, provides all necessary datetime functionality for reading, formatting and manipulating time.


We shall be using these libraries in the coming chapters.


翻译自: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/time_series/time_series_python_libraries.htm

时间序列 python





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