JAVA标准系列(final JSR)

JSR Review (1 JSR) | Early Draft Review (2 JSRs) | Public Review (0 JSRs) | Proposed Final Draft (6 JSRs) | Final Release (196 JSRs) | Maintenance Review (0 JSRs) | Inactive (43 JSRs)

Final Release of New Specifications

After completion of the Reference Implementation (RI) and Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK), a Specification moves from Final Proposed Draft to Final Release. The steps are described in Section 3.2 through Section 3.4 of the JCP 2.0 document.

Note that in JCP 1.0, the Final Proposal Draft was called the First Release, and the TCK was called the Compatibility Test Suite (TCK). The Final Release steps for JCP 1.0 are described in Section 8 and Section 9 of the JCP 1.0 document.

Download Final Releases

The following final versions of specifications are available for download.

1Real-time Specification for Java
Description:The Real-Time Specification for Java extends the JavaTM platform to support both current practice and advanced real-time systems application programming.
Spec Lead:Peter Dibble, TimeSys Corporation
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3JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification
Description:The JMXTM specification will provide a management architecture, APIs and services for building Web-based, distributed, dynamic and modular solutions to manage Java enabled resources.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadEamonn McManus, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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4ECperf Benchmark Specification
Description:ECperf is an EJBTM performance workload that is real-world, scalable and captures the essence of why component models exist.
Spec Lead:Shanti Subramanyam, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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5XML Parsing Specification
Description:The JavaTM API for XML Parsing (JAXP) allows developers to easily use XML Parsers in their applications via the industry standard SAX and DOM APIs.
Spec Lead:Rajiv Mordani, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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6Unified Printing API (Java Print Service API)
Description:This unified Java Print API will be based on a print model that meets the requirements of the current Java 2 Print API and JiniTM Printing.
Spec Lead:Robert Herriot, Xerox
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9Federated Management Architecture Specification
Description:The Federated Management Architecture (FMA) specifies a storage management platform that will allow vendors to construct storage management applications from standard and custom components.
Spec Lead:William Connor, Phd., Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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10Preferences API Specification
Description:A simple API allowing programs to manipulate user preference data and configuration data.
Spec Lead:Joshua Bloch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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11JAINTM TCAP Specification
Description:JAINTM TCAP JSR is a proposed Java specification for the TCAP layer of the Signaling System 7 (SS7) stack.
Spec Lead:Phelim O'Doherty, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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12JavaTM Data Objects (JDO) Specification
Description:The JDO specification provides for interface-based definitions of data stores and transactions; and selection and transformation of persistent storage data into native JavaTM programming language objects.
Spec Lead:Craig Russell, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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13Decimal Arithmetic Enhancement
Description:This primarily adds floating point arithmetic to the BigDecimal class, allowing the use of decimal numbers for general-purpose arithmetic without the problems resulting from conversions to and from another type.
Spec Lead:Joe Darcy, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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14Add Generic Types To The JavaTM Programming Language
Description:Extending the JavaTM programming language with generic types (aka parameterized types).
Spec Lead:Alex Buckley, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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15Image I/O Framework Specification
Description:Image I/O supports image reader and writer plug-ins for sampled image formats. The API provides for exposure and preservation of metadata as well as pixel data.
Spec Lead:Phil Race, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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16J2EETM Connector Architecture
Description:The J2EETM Connector architecture defines a standard architecture for integrating JavaTM applications with existing back-end Enterprise Information systems.
Spec Lead:Binod PG, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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19Enterprise JavaBeansTM 2.0
Description:The Enterprise JavaBeansTM 2.0 specification extends the architecture with integration with JMS, improved support for entity bean persistence, a portable query language for finder methods, and support for server interoperability.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadLinda DeMichiel, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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21JAINTM JCC Specification
Description:JSR 21 focuses on the JAINTM Java Call Control (JCC) Specification. Any references seen below that refer to the JAIN Coordination and Transactions (JCAT) are addressed in JSR 122.
Spec Lead:John-Luc Bakker, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
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22JAINTM SLEE API Specification
Description:Descriptions of all interfaces, classes, exceptions and requirements to develop portable telecommunication services and application frameworks so that services once developed will run on any JAINTM SLEE-compliant execution environment.
Spec Lead:David Ferry, Open Cloud Limited
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23JAINTM MGCP API Specification
Description:This work will specify the JAINTM API through which access to protocol stacks that support the Media Gateway Control Protocol (RFC 2705) may be achieved.
Spec Lead:John-Luc Bakker, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
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Description:This allows software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to securely access, discover and agree other APIs, which use abstract primitives that hide the heterogeneity of underlying networks.
Spec Lead:Anders Lundqvist, Incomit AB
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28Java SASL Specification
Description:This specification defines a SASL client and server API in the JavaTM programming language.
Spec Lead:Rosanna Lee, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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30J2METM Connected, Limited Device Configuration
Description:This specification will define a standard platform configuration of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition (J2METM) for small, resource-limited, connected devices.
Spec Lead:Antero Taivalsaari, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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31XML Data Binding Specification
Description:A facility for compiling an XML schema into one or more JavaTM classes which can parse, generate, and validate documents that follow the schema.
Spec Lead:Joe Fialli, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead:Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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32JAINTM SIP API Specification
Description:The JAINTM SIP API specification provides a standard portable interface to share information between SIP Clients and SIP Servers, providing call control elements enabling converged-network applications.
Spec Lead:Phelim O'Doherty, Oracle
Spec Lead:Mudumbai Ranganathan, NIST
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34JavaTM Advanced Imaging API 1.1
Description:Revision of the JavaTM Advanced Imaging API specification to version 1.1. Java Advanced Imaging supports sophisticated image processing in Java 2.
Spec Lead:John Zimmerman, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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35JAINTM INAP API Specification
Description:This JSR is to develop the JAINTM (Java APIs for Integrated Networks) INAP (Intelligent Network Application Protocol) specification for Intelligent Network Applications in the Telecommunications Industry.
Spec Lead:Shankar Allimatti, Mahindra British Telecom Ltd.
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36Connected Device Configuration
Description:The Connected Device Configuration (CDC) provides the basis of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition for devices that have a sufficient 32-bit microprocessor and ample memory.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadJon Courtney, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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37Mobile Information Device Profile for the J2METM Platform
Description:This specification will define a profile that will extend and enhance the "J2METM Connected, Limited Device Configuration" (JSR-000030), enabling application development for mobile information appliances and voice communication devices.
Spec Lead:Brian Deuser, Motorola
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38Application Installation API Specification
Description:This proposal is to develop a set of Java APIs that will enable cross-platform installation and de-installation of JavaTM applications as well as platform-specific applications.
Spec Lead:Paul Lovvik, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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40The JavaTM Metadata Interface (JMI) Specification
Description:The Java Metadata Interface specification will address the need for a pure Java metadata framework API that supports the creation, storage, retrieval, and interchange of metadata.
Spec Lead:Ravi Dirckze, Unisys
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41A Simple Assertion Facility
Description:A new keyword allowing programmers to include assertions describing intended program behavior, which can be checked as programs execute to detect bugs.
Spec Lead:Joshua Bloch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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43JTAPI 1.4 Specification
Description:JTAPI 1.4 extends and enhances the current Java Telephony specification.
Spec Lead:Jeff Peck, Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum (ECTF)
Spec Lead:Richard J. Pennenga, Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum (ECTF)
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45Debugging Support for Other Languages
Description:This specification establishes standardized tools for correlating JavaTM virtual machine byte code to source code of languages other than the JavaTM programming language.
Spec Lead:Robert Field, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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46Foundation Profile
Description:The Foundation Profile is a set of APIs meant for applications running on small devices that have some type of network connection.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadJon Courtney, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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47Logging API Specification
Description:Define standard logging APIs for the error and trace logging.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadDanny Coward, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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51New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform
Description:APIs for scalable I/O, fast buffered binary and character I/O, regular expressions, charset conversion, and an improved filesystem interface.
Spec Lead:Star Spec LeadMark Reinhold, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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52A Standard Tag Library for JavaServer PagesTM
Description:A standard tag library for JSPTM pages.
Spec Lead:Jan Luehe, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead:Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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53JavaTM Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer PagesTM 1.2 Spec
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