《TCP/IP Sockets 编程》笔记5

第5章 发送和接收数据


There is nomagic: any programs that exchange information must agree on how that information will be encoded—represented as a sequence of bits—as well as which program sends what information when, and how the information
received affects the behavior of the program. This agreement regarding the form and meaning of information exchanged over a communication channel is called a protocol ;





By “platform” in this book we mean the combination of compiler, operating system, and hardware architecture. The gcc compiler with the Linux operating system, running on Intel’s IA-32 architecture, is an example of a platform.





第二,预定义常量CHAR_BIT 决定C语言里一"byte"占据的位数。

Here are a couple of things to note about sizeof(). First, the language specifies that sizeof(char) is 1—always. Thus in the C language a “byte” is the amount of space occupied by a variable of type char, and the units of sizeof() are actually sizeof(char). But exactly how big is a C-language “byte”? That’s the second thing: the predefined constant CHAR_BIT tells how many bits it takes to represent a value of type —usually 8, but possibly 10 or even 32.




The C99 language standard specification offers a solution in the form of a set of optional types: int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, and int64_t (along with their unsigned counterparts uint8_t, etc) all have the size (in bits) indicated by their names. On a platform where CHAR_BIT is eight, these are 1, 2, 4 and 8 byte integers, respectively. Although these types may not be implemented on every platform, each is required to be defined if any native primitive type has
the corresponding size. (So if, say, the size of an int on the platform is 32 bits, the “optional” type int32_t is required to be defined.


Most protocols that send multibyte quantities in the Internet today use big-endian byte order; in fact, it is sometimes called network byte order. The byte order used by the hardware (whether it is big- or little-endian) is called the native byte order.


Addresses and ports that cross the Sockets API are always in network byte order.



size_t fwrite(const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream)
size_t fread(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE * stream)

Note that the sizes are given in units of sizeof(char), while the return values of these methods are the number of objects read/written, not the number of bytes.



The C language rules for laying out data structures include specific alignment requirements, including that the fields within a structure begin on certain boundaries based on their type. The main points of the requirements can be summarized as follows:
1. Data structures are maximally aligned. That is, the address of any instance of a structure (including one in an array) will be divisible by the size of its largest native integer field.
2. Fields whose type is a multibyte integer type are aligned to their size (in bytes). Thus, an int32_t integer field’s beginning address is always divisible by four, and a uint16_t integer field’s address is guaranteed to be divisible by two.

To enforce these constraints, the compiler may add padding between the fields of a structure.





Strings and Text


The C99 extensions standard defines a type wchar_t (“wide character”) to store characters from charsets that may use more than one byte per symbol. In addition, various library functions are defined that support conversion between byte sequences and arrays of wchar_t, in both directions. (In fact, there is a wide character string version of virtually every library function that operates on character strings.) To convert back and forth between wide strings
and encoded char (byte) sequences suitable for transmission over the network, we would use the wcstombs() (“wide character string to multibyte string”) and mbstowcs() functions.


#include <stdlib.h>
size_t wcstombs(char *restrict s, const wchar_t *restrict pwcs, size_t n);
size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *restrict pwcs, const char *restrict s, size_t n);



The bad news is that C99’s wide character facilities are not designed to give the programmer explicit control over the encoding scheme. Indeed, they assume a single, fixed charset defined according to the “locale” of the platform. Although the facilities support a variety of charsets, they do not even provide the programmer any way to learn which charset or encoding is in use. In fact, the C99 standard states in several situations that the effect of changing the locale’s charset at runtime is undefined. What this means is that if you want to implement a protocol using a particular charset, you’ll have to implement the encoding yourself.



Constructing, Framing, and Parsing Messages


A clean design further decomposes the process into two parts. The first is concerned with framing, or marking the boundaries of the message, so the receiver can find it in the stream. The second is concerned with the actual encoding of the message, whether it is represented using text or binary data. Notice that these two parts can be independent of each other, and in a well-designed protocol they should be separated.




Two general techniques enable a receiver to unambiguously find the end of the message:

1. Delimiter-based: The end of the message is indicated by a unique marker, a particular, agreed-upon byte (or sequence of bytes) that the sender transmits immediately following the data.
2. Explicit length: The variable-length field or message is preceded by a length field that tells how many bytes it contains. The length field is generally of a fixed size; this limits the maximum size message that can be framed.















评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


