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原创 扬扬的J2EE学习笔记(五)Installing J2EE SDK(安装J2EE SDK)

每周学一些J2EE,作点笔记。目标:能熟练使用Websphere做J2EE的开发工作。加油!加油!!加油!!!以在Linux下安装为例。1 准备安装J2SE普通用户身份:./j2sdk-1_3_1_01-linux-i386-rpm.bin运行安装程序,最后生成jdk-1.3.1_01.i386.rpm文件2 安装J2SE SDK1) su root身份:rpm -iv jdk-1.3.1_01.

2005-04-20 14:18:00 2079

原创 扬扬的J2EE学习笔记(四)Platform Services平台服务

每周学一些J2EE,作点笔记。目标:能熟练使用Websphere做J2EE的开发工作。加油!加油!!加油!!!1. 平台服务概述   1) 为应用编程的部署提供服务。   2) 命名服务:能够帮助应用客户端寻找企业Beans;寻找通过Java Naming Directory Interface(JNDI)访问naming环境的WEB组件。   3) 无须更改源代码就能定制组件   4) 使用JN

2005-04-10 22:51:00 1246

原创 [推荐]请不要做浮躁的人

在MATRIX论坛上看到的,搞技术的,尤其是做coder的看看很有启发。请不要做浮躁的人 1.不要看到别人的回复第一句话就说:给个代码吧!你应该想想为什么。当你自己想出来再参考别人的提示,你就知道自己和别人思路的差异。 2.初学者请不要看太多太多的书那会误人子弟的,先找本系统的学,很多人用了很久都是只对部分功能熟悉而已,不系统还是不够的。 3.看帮助,不要因为很难而自己是初学者所以就不看;帮助永远

2005-04-08 16:18:00 1075 1

原创 扬扬的J2EE学习笔记(三)Components and Roles组件和角色

每周学一些J2EE,作点笔记。目标:能熟练使用Websphere做J2EE的开发工作。加油!加油!!加油!!! 1. 架构   1) 组件:一个应用级的软件单元      J2SE拥有JavaBeans;J2EE拥有EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)   2) 系统级实体容器      提供:运行支持、生命周期管理、安全、部署、线程   3) applet和客户应用程序     

2005-04-08 14:53:00 1248

原创 扬扬的J2EE学习笔记(二)J2EE的客户端/服务器

每周学一些J2EE,作点笔记。目标:能熟练使用Websphere做J2EE的开发工作。加油!加油!!加油!!!图3 J2EE情景模式图三里须注意的是:1、Tier integration is the center of the J2EE programming model.      J2EE编程模式的中心思想是多层集成。2、用户使用Browser方式访问:      1) Browser:使用

2005-04-07 18:38:00 1194

原创 打造你的个性:在blog中显示天气预报、日历、时钟、MSN、QQ在线状态

时钟 日历 var diarydays=""; .calendarBigBorder { font-family: "Arial", "Helvetica", "sans-serif", "宋体"; text-decoration: none; width: 170; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt;border:1px dotte

2005-04-07 16:21:00 1396

原创 认识RAID

独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)是在服务器等级用于高容量数据存储的公用系统。RAID系统使用许多小容量磁盘驱动器来存储大量数据,并且使可靠性和冗余度得到增强。对计算机来说,这样一种阵列就如同由多个磁盘驱动器构成的一个逻辑单元。 RAID存储的方式多种多样。某些类型的RAID强调性能,某些则强调可靠性、容错或纠错能力。因此,可根据要完成的任务来选择类型。 不过,所有的RAID系统共同的特点——也是其真正

2005-04-07 10:39:00 1437

原创 如何在 LotusScript 中处理组

本文来自IBM developerWorks 中国网站http://www-900.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/lotus/ls-groups/index.shtml级别: 中级Andre Guirard (Andre_Guirard@us.ibm.com)) EI 产品开发人员, IBM2005 年 1 月 本文将介绍如何使用内置 NotesAdministrationP

2005-04-07 09:52:00 1388

Learning Python, 3rd Edition

Learning Python, 3rd Edition Mark Lutz Book Description Publication Date: October 29, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0596513984 | ISBN-13: 978-0596513986 | Edition: Third Edition Portable, powerful, and a breeze to use, Python is ideal for both standalone programs and scripting applications. With this hands-on book, you can master the fundamentals of the core Python language quickly and efficiently, whether you're new to programming or just new to Python. Once you finish, you will know enough about the language to use it in any application domain you choose. Learning Python is based on material from author Mark Lutz's popular training courses, which he's taught over the past decade. Each chapter is a self-contained lesson that helps you thoroughly understand a key component of Python before you continue. Along with plenty of annotated examples, illustrations, and chapter summaries, every chapter also contains Brain Builder, a unique section with practical exercises and review quizzes that let you practice new skills and test your understanding as you go. This book covers: Types and Operations -- Python's major built-in object types in depth: numbers, lists, dictionaries, and more Statements and Syntax -- the code you type to create and process objects in Python, along with Python's general syntax model Functions -- Python's basic procedural tool for structuring and reusing code Modules -- packages of statements, functions, and other tools organized into larger components Classes and OOP -- Python's optional object-oriented programming tool for structuring code for customization and reuse Exceptions and Tools -- exception handling model and statements, plus a look at development tools for writing larger programs. Learning Python gives you a deep and complete understanding of the language that will help you comprehend any application-level examples of Python that you later encounter. If you're ready to discover what Google and YouTube see in Python, this book is the best way to get started.


Natural Language Processing with Python

Natural Language Processing with Python Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper Book Description Publication Date: July 7, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0596516495 | ISBN-13: 978-0596516499 | Edition: 1 This book offers a highly accessible introduction to natural language processing, the field that supports a variety of language technologies, from predictive text and email filtering to automatic summarization and translation. With it, you'll learn how to write Python programs that work with large collections of unstructured text. You'll access richly annotated datasets using a comprehensive range of linguistic data structures, and you'll understand the main algorithms for analyzing the content and structure of written communication. Packed with examples and exercises, Natural Language Processing with Python will help you: Extract information from unstructured text, either to guess the topic or identify "named entities" Analyze linguistic structure in text, including parsing and semantic analysis Access popular linguistic databases, including WordNet and treebanks Integrate techniques drawn from fields as diverse as linguistics and artificial intelligence This book will help you gain practical skills in natural language processing using the Python programming language and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) open source library. If you're interested in developing web applications, analyzing multilingual news sources, or documenting endangered languages -- or if you're simply curious to have a programmer's perspective on how human language works -- you'll find Natural Language Processing with Python both fascinating and immensely useful.


Big Data Glossary

Big Data Glossary A Guide to the New Generation of Data Tools By Pete Warden Publisher: O'Reilly Media Released: September 2011 Pages: 60 Print ISBN: 978-1-4493-1459-0 ISBN 10: 1-4493-1459-7 Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4493-1458-3 ISBN 10: 1-4493-1458-9 To help you navigate the large number of new data tools available, this guide describes 60 of the most recent innovations, from NoSQL databases and MapReduce approaches to machine learning and visualization tools. Descriptions are based on first-hand experience with these tools in a production environment. This handy glossary also includes a chapter of key terms that help define many of these tool categories: NoSQL Databases—Document-oriented databases using a key/value interface rather than SQL MapReduce—Tools that support distributed computing on large datasets Storage—Technologies for storing data in a distributed way Servers—Ways to rent computing power on remote machines Processing—Tools for extracting valuable information from large datasets Natural Language Processing—Methods for extracting information from human-created text Machine Learning—Tools that automatically perform data analyses, based on results of a one-off analysis Visualization—Applications that present meaningful data graphically Acquisition—Techniques for cleaning up messy public data sources Serialization—Methods to convert data structure or object state into a storable format TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Terms Document-Oriented Key/Value Stores Horizontal or Vertical Scaling MapReduce Sharding Chapter 2 NoSQL Databases MongoDB CouchDB Cassandra Redis BigTable HBase Hypertable Voldemort Riak ZooKeeper Chapter 3 MapReduce Hadoop Hive Pig Cascading Cascalog mrjob Caffeine S4 MapR Acunu Flume Kafka Azkaban Oozie Greenplum Chapter 4 Storage S3 Hadoop Distributed File System Chapter 5 Servers EC2 Google App Engine Elastic Beanstalk Heroku Chapter 6 Processing R Yahoo! Pipes Mechanical Turk Solr/Lucene ElasticSearch Datameer BigSheets Tinkerpop Chapter 7 NLP Natural Language Toolkit OpenNLP Boilerpipe OpenCalais Chapter 8 Machine Learning WEKA Mahout scikits.learn Chapter 9 Visualization Gephi GraphViz Processing Protovis Fusion Tables Tableau Chapter 10 Acquisition Google Refine Needlebase ScraperWiki Chapter 11 Serialization JSON BSON Thrift Avro Protocol Buffers


Introduction to Information Retrieval

Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 2008. Features • Introduces all key concepts, requiring little prior knowledge • All concepts are illustrated with figures and examples • Supporting web site features lecture slides that follow the book, and a solutions manual for lecturers Table of Contents 1. Information retrieval using the Boolean model 2. The dictionary and postings lists 3. Tolerant retrieval 4. Index construction 5. Index compression 6. Scoring and term weighting 7. Vector space retrieval 8. Evaluation in information retrieval 9. Relevance feedback and query expansion 10. XML retrieval 11. Probabilistic information retrieval 12. Language models for information retrieval 13. Text classification and Naive Bayes 14. Vector space classification 15. Support vector machines and kernel functions 16. Flat clustering 17. Hierarchical clustering 18. Dimensionality reduction and latent semantic indexing 19. Web search basics 20. Web crawling and indexes 21. Link analysis.


Programming Interviews Exposed 2nd.Edition (CHM版)

The pressure is on during the interview process but with the right preparation, you can walk away with your dream job. This classic book uncovers what interviews are really like at America's top software and computer companies and provides you with the tools to succeed in any situation. The authors take you step-by-step through new problems and complex brainteasers they were asked during recent technical interviews. 50 interview scenarios are presented along with in-depth analysis of the possible solutions. The problem-solving process is clearly illustrated so you'll be able to easily apply what you've learned during crunch time. You'll also find expert tips on what questions to ask, how to approach a problem, and how to recover if you become stuck. All of this will help you ace the interview and get the job you want. What you will learn from this book Tips for effectively completing the job application Ways to prepare for the entire programming interview process How to find the kind of programming job that fits you best Strategies for choosing a solution and what your approach says about you How to improve your interviewing skills so that you can respond to any question or situation Techniques for solving knowledge-based problems, logic puzzles, and programming problems Who this book is for This book is for programmers and developers applying for jobs in the software industry or in IT departments of major corporations. Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved. 目录 Preface. Acknowledgements. 1. Before the Search. 2. The Job Application Process. 3. Approaches to Programming Problems. 4. Linked Lists. 5. Trees and Graphs. 6. Arrays and Strings. 7. Recursion. 8. Concurrany. 9. Object Oriented Programming. 10. Databases. 11. Other Programming Topics. 12. Counting, Measuring, and Ordering Puzzles. 13. Graphical and Spatial Puzzles. 14. Knowledge-Based Questions. 15. Non-Technical Questions. 16. Conclusion. Appendix. Resumes. Index.


英文原版MCTS 70-536: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0–Application Development Foundation

官方电子版,来自英文原版书籍随书光盘。 MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-536) Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0–Application Development Foundation


英文原版MCTS 70-562: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5—ASP.NET Application Development

官方电子版,来自英文原版书籍随书光盘。 MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-562): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5—ASP.NET Application Development eBook


数据挖掘经典书籍Morgan Kaufmann Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools And Techniques 2nd ed. 2005




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