41个 谷歌 最难的面试题中英 开放性脑洞题目 1/2

翻译: Cvanzy

来源: Glassdoor

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1. What is your favorite Google product, and how would you improve it?

--Associate product manager, January 2016

1.你最喜欢的谷歌应用是什么 你将如何去提升它?


2. If you wanted to bring your dog to work but one of your team members was allergic to dogs, what would you do?

--Associate account strategist, December 2014

2.如果你想带你的狗来上班 但是你的某位同事对公狗过敏怎么办?


3. If ads were removed from YouTube, how would you monetize it?

--Associate account strategist, January 2016

3.如果YouTube没广告了, 它该如何赚钱?


4. What do you know about Google?

--Administrative business partner, February 2015

4. 你知道Google什么?


5. Design an evacuation plan for the building.

--Business analyst, November 2014

5. 设计一个关于这栋建筑的疏散计划


6. Which do you think has more advertising potential in Boston, a flower shop or a funeral home?

--Account strategist, October 2015

6.你认为在波士顿的鲜花店和殡仪馆, 哪家更有广告宣传潜力?


7. A coin was flipped 1,000 times and there were 560 heads. Do you think the coin is biased?

--Quantitative analyst, September 2015

7. 如果一枚硬币随机抛1000次, 有560次正面, 你是否认为这枚硬币结果是不公正的?


8. What does "being Googley" mean to you?

--Product specialist, December 2015

8. 你认为 “谷歌化” 对你意味着什么?


PS: 我就什么是谷歌化做了一番调查 

"谷歌化“ 意味着 做谷歌员工所做,关乎用户,考虑全面, 不要往坏处思考。

放在每天的日程中, 包括一些 离开的时候随手关掉灯, 对新人友好,好善乐施



9. Name a prank you would pull on x manager if you were hired.

--Google applications support engineer, June 2014

9. 如果你被雇佣了, 列举一个你会对你的上司做的恶作剧。



10. What is your opinion on whether or not individuals should be required to use their official name when opening a Gmail or Google +  account?

--Administrative assistant, April 2014

10. 你认为当用户注册一个Gmail 或者谷歌账号 是否需要用真名?



11. What would you want to do if you didn't have to work?

--Interaction designer, September 2014

11.  如果你不需要工作, 你会想做什么?


PS: 你不需要为赚钱而努力


12. What scares you?

--Business analyst interview, September 2014

12. 什么是你恐惧?


13. How many ways can you think of to find a needle in a haystack?--Business associate, May 2014

13. 你能找到多少大海捞针的方法?  

PS: haystack 意思为 "草垛"



14. Estimate the number of tennis balls that can fit into a plane.

--Intern, December 2015

14. 估计一个数字 关于 你能塞多少个网球进入一架飞机


15. If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?

--Associate account strategist, March 2014

15. 如果你只能记住一句话, 是什么话?



16. If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?

--Associate account strategist, March 2014

16. 选择一首歌 当你余生每次进入房间都会播放 它是什么?

17. How do you think the digital advertising world will change in the next three years?--Creative director, January 2016

17. 你觉得电子广告在未来三年该如何发展?


18. What three things would you change at your university/workplace if you were CEO today?

--Account strategist, April 2014

18. 如果你现在做CEO,  说三个改变对于你的大学/工作环境


19. Describe AdWords to a 7-year-old.

--Associate account strategist, December 2014

19. 像一个7岁的男孩介绍 ADWords

PS: ADWords 是 谷歌的广告业务

20. You have a grocery delivery service (similar to Amazon Fresh) that delivers food within 24 hours. Estimate how many trucks you need to operate this service.

--Product manager, November 2015

20. 你运营着一家 食品杂货配送业务 (如果Amazon生鲜 服务一样), 你估计你得需要多少卡车?


21. How would you explain cloud computing to a 6-year-old?

--Product manager, November 2015

21.  你如何向一个6岁的孩子解释云运算?


翻译: Cvanzy

来源: Glassdoor

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