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微软 patterns & practices 系列之 -- Dependency Injection with Unity This guide is one of the resources available with the Unity 3 release to help you to learn about Unity, learn about some of the problems and issues that Unity can help you to address, and get started using Unity in your applications. Unity is primarily a dependency injection container and so the guide also contains an introduction to dependency injection that you can read in isolation even if you don’t plan to use Unity, although we hope you will. The chapters are designed to be read in order, each one building on the previous one, and alternating chapters that cover some of the conceptual background material with chapters that address the specifics of using Unity in your own applications. If you’re already familiar with concepts such as dependency injection and interception, you can probably focus on Chapter 3, “Dependency Injection with Unity,” Chapter 5, “Interception with Unity,” and Chapter 6, “Extending Unity.” The first two chapters introduce the conceptual background and explain what dependency injection is, what are its benefits and drawbacks, and when you should consider using it. Chapter 3 then applies this theoretical knowledge to the use of the Unity container and provides examples and guidance on how to use it in a variety of scenarios. Chapter 4 describes interception as a technique to dynamically insert code that provides support for crosscutting concerns into your application. Chapter 5 discusses advanced topics of interception and policy injection, along with alternatives, and offers some suggestions about when you should use it. The final chapter introduces some of the ways that you can extend Unity such as creating container extensions or creating custom lifetime managers.



This guide will help you effectively select the right Microsoft development technologies and approaches for your .NET custom application development, depending on the priorities you have for your application and for your business domain. This guidance does not cover Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) practices. For additional guidance on this topic, you can visit the Visual Studio ALM website at www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/alm. Who should use this guide This guide will be useful to decision makers, software architects, development leads, and developers who are involved in selecting the technologies to use for their applications and projects based on Microsoft development platforms. Specifically, it covers custom enterprise application development, although ISVs might also find the information and recommendations useful. This paper does not cover development solutions based on Microsoft business-market products, such as vertical solutions based on Dynamics CRM or Dynamics ERP.



This book is intended to provide you with an overview of the new features and enhancements introduced in Windows Server 2012 R2. The intended audience for this book is IT pros who deploy, manage, and maintain Windows Server workloads in data center, private cloud, and hosting provider environments.



Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is the next generation of Microsoft’s information plat form, with new features that deliver faster performance, expand capabilities in the - cloud, and provide powerful business insights. In this book, we explain how SQL Server 2014 incorporates in-memory technology to boost performance in online transactional processing (OLTP) and data-warehouse solutions. We also describe how it eases the transition from on-premises solutions to the cloud with added support for hybrid environments. SQL Server 2014 continues to include components that support analysis, although no major new features for business intelligence were included in this release. However, several advances of note have been made in related technologies such as Microsoft Excel 2013, Power BI for Office 365, HDInsight, and PolyBase, and we describe these advances in this book as well.


Microsoft_Press_eBook_Building_Cloud_Apps_with Microsoft_Azure_PDF.pdf

Microsoft_Press_eBook_Building_Cloud_Apps_with Microsoft_Azure_PDF.pdf


微软程序架构指南 Microsoft Application Architecture Guide

微软程序架构指南 Microsoft Application Architecture Guide This guide is not a step-by-step tutorial for application architecture and design, but rather an overview and a reference. The guide is divided into four main sections, each containing a number of chapters: l The first section of the guide, “Software Architecture and Design,” provides a summary of the underlying principles and patterns that provide the foundation for good application architecture and design and a suggested approach for creating your architecture design. If you are using the guide to learn about the fundamentals of application architecture, start with this section and then work through the remaining parts to learn about layered design, components, quality attributes, crosscutting concerns, communication, deployment, and common application types. l The second section of the guide, “Design Fundamentals,” provides generally applicable guidance for designing a solution’s layers, components, and services; and guidance on addressing quality attributes and crosscutting concerns. It also covers communication and deployment topics. If you want to learn about the layered approach to application architecture and design, or the design of specific components and services, start with this section and then explore the following sections to see how to take account of quality attributes and how to design a physical deployment strategy. Introduction xxix l The third section of the guide, “Application Archetypes,” provides specific guidance on the architecture and design of typical application types, such as Web, RIA, rich client, mobile, and services applications. If you have some prior experience with application architecture and design and want to learn about the architecture and major design features of common types of application and the specific guidance for each type, start with this section and then use the remaining sections to expand and verify your knowledge. l Finally, the Appendices provide an overview of the Microsoft platform and .NET Framework technologies and their capabilities. This section also provides a summary of common design patterns, and references to additional resources and materials. If you are new to the .NET Framework, or want to learn about the technologies available on the Microsoft platform, use this section to get an overview of the .NET Framework and platform services, see the major technology matrices, and read descriptions of patterns & practices assets such as Enterprise Library and the patterns & practices design pattern library. Depending on your experience and requirements, you can refer directly to the specific section(s) that best address your needs. Alternatively, if you are looking for an extensive overview of design and architecture on the Microsoft platform and the .NET Framework, you can read the guide from start to finish. It will help you to understand the architecture and design approach. You can work the guidance into your application development life cycle and processes, and use it as a training tool.


Cloud Design Patterns Book

Cloud Design Patterns: Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications 来源:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn568099.aspx 官方介绍: Our intention is not to provide a comprehensive collection of patterns. Instead, we chose what we think are useful patterns for cloud applications—taking into account the popularity of each one amongst users. Neither is this a detailed guide to the features of Azure. 包含以下云平台下常用的24中设计模式(翻译的不准,仅供参考): Cache-aside 缓存旁路? (direct manipulation,用起来像是直接访问) Circuit Breaker 断路器模式 Compensating Transaction 事务回滚 Competing Consumers 并行处理 Compute Resource Consolidation 处理单元模式 Command and Query Responsiblility Segregation 读写分离 Event Sourcing 追加写入 External Configuration Store 配置使用外部存储 Federated Identity 外部鉴定 GateKeeper 守卫者 Health Endpoint Monitoring 服务状态监视 Index Table 根据查询场景确定索引列 Leader Election 领导选举 Materialized View 物化视图 Pipes And Filters 管道和过滤器(分解复杂任务) Priority Queue 任务优先级 Queue-based Load Leveling 基于Queue的负载度量 Retry 重试模式 (和断路器模式相反,但通常同时使用) Runtime Reconfiguration 运行时配置更新 Scheduler Agent Supervisor 任务调度管理 Sharding 水平分区 Static Content Hosting 静态资源部署 Throttling 限流控制 Valet Key 令牌访问


Jersey 2.17 User Guide pdf

Jersey 2.17 开发手册 Jersey 2.17 User Guide.pdf


Orbacus JOB-4.3.4 source

开源CORBA产品Orbacus,Java版本, JOB-4.3.4 源码包


Orbacus Notify Guide

This manual describes Orbacus Notify, an implementation of the Object Management Group’s Notification Service specification.


FreeSSL for Orbacus Guide

This manual describes the FreeSSL plug-in, which enables secure communications using the Orbacus ORB in both Java and C++.


CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification

CORBAservices: Common Object Services contains the following chapters: Overview provides an introduction to the CORBA object services, including a summary of features for each service. General Design Principles provides information about the principles that were used in designing each service; explains the dependencies among services; and explains how Object Services relate to each other, CORBA, and industry standards in general. Chapters 3 through 16 each contain a specification for the following Object Services: • Naming • Event • Persistent Object • Life Cycle • Concurrency Control • Externalization • Relationship • Transaction • Query • Licensing • Property • Time • Security • Trading • Collections


Orbacus Guide

This manual describes how Orbacus implements the CORBA standard, and describes how to develop and maintain code that uses the Orbacus ORB. This is the primary developer’s guide and reference for Orbacus.


Orbacus JThreads/C++ Guide

Orbacus JThreads/C++ Guide



ANTLRWorks: The ANTLR GUI Development Environment website: http://www.antlr3.org/works/ 双击可运行






httest-2.4.9-win.zip windows 下 http 测试工具


MySQL Connector/J Developer Guide

MySQL Connector/J Developer Guide (revision: 40012)


ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide

ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide A Guide to Deployment and Administration





Quartz_Scheduler_Example_Programs_and_Sample_Code.pdf Version 2.2.1

Quartz_Scheduler_Example_Programs_and_Sample_Code.pdf Version 2.2.1


Quartz_Scheduler_Configuration_Guide.pdf Version2.2.1

Quartz_Scheduler_Configuration_Guide.pdf Version2.2.1


Getting_Started_with_Quartz_Scheduler.pdf Version 2.2.1

Getting_Started_with_Quartz_Scheduler.pdf Version 2.2.1


spring-framework-reference 4.0.4 RELEASE

spring-framework-reference 4.0.4 RELEASE


[JSR 338]Java Persistence API Version 2.1

[JSR 338]Java Persistence API Version 2.1



Orbacus4.3.4,一个CORBA C++开源库,PROGRESS公司只提供开源库。使用需要共Perl编译。这是VC9环境下编译好的Debug库,可以直接用于开发。






CSV文件管理类,特性如下: 1.每个对象对应一个默认文件,新建或者载入文件会更改默认文件名称 2.整个文件内容以二维数组的形式展现,使用 行标 和 列标 访问内容,所有下标从 0 开始 3.支持以指定列内容的特定数据类型进行排序 4.支持标题行,在载入时可以选择是否有标题行,标题行不在数据行范围内 5.支持每个单元格元素内包含 [空格、制表符、双引号、逗号、换行符] 等特殊字符 6.文件末尾的换行符不是必须的 7.以标题行或者第一行内容确定整个文件每行的列数量,其余行的不足部分会被认为是空元素、超出部分会被忽略 8.loadFile 和 newFile 会把CSV的所有内容载入到内存,适用于处理文件大小在 50Mb 以内的文件 9.静态方法 getRowFromStream 和 addRowToStream 为个性化外部调用提供支持



Orbacus4.3.4,一个CORBA C++开源库,PROGRESS公司只提供开源库。使用需要共Perl编译。这是VC9环境下编译好的库,可以直接用于开发。


Orbacus4.3.4[一个CORBA C++ 开源库]




uCOS-II在freescale HCS12DG128的移植



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