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转载 Shortcuts Plugin in Vim + Cscope

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" CSCOPE settings for vim           """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

2015-03-25 08:56:07 438

转载 Sending binary files via minicom

Minicom is the defacto standard serial communication program for Linux, modeled after the old DOS program Telix.  While Minicom isn’t as advanced as Telix, it does offer quite a bit of functionality t

2015-03-23 11:34:54 652

转载 Error: no such partition. Grub rescue> Fix for Windows 7

Insert your Windows install discPress any key at the “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD” message to boot from the discChoose Repair your computer after you select the language, time and keyboard me

2015-03-09 15:13:23 386

翻译 NFS, Network File System

Typical implementationThis section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section byadding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be c

2013-10-03 16:34:07 762

原创 ???????????? no permissions

$ sudo lsusbBus 002 Device 005: ID 18d1:d002 Google Inc.# SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="d002", MODE="0666", OWNER="xx"$ chmod a+rx ...$ sudo restart udev$ s

2012-10-08 12:06:35 377

转载 Using GNU C __attribute__


2012-09-26 18:07:43 558

原创 how to modify DNS

$ sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf$ nslookup>

2012-09-22 15:16:57 349

原创 How to download repo

- curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo+ curl https://www.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo

2012-09-22 14:45:47 376

转载 how to install sun-java6-jdk

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse"$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

2012-09-21 00:23:20 363

翻译 Logical Address

A logical address consists of two parts: a segment indentifier and an offset that specifies the relative address within the segment.The segment identifier is a 16-bit field called segment selector,

2012-09-20 16:23:05 406

原创 How to config minicom

1. List the serial devices by command:$ dmesg | grep tty2. Install minicom$ sudo apt-get install minicom3. Config this guy$ sudo minicom -s4. Run it$ minicomIf you wanna save t

2012-09-18 10:34:01 337

原创 Network connection resolved

After changing my main board , NIC also be changed, how to connect  to the Internet   ?Modify /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules, get rid of no used configuration line or delete this file,

2012-09-17 11:41:24 329

转载 open source debug issues


2012-09-16 10:27:56 433

转载 Android source tree structure


2012-09-03 17:25:49 366

转载 Linux环境学习和开发心得(作者:lunker)


2012-08-30 23:26:41 375

转载 GCC Command-Line Options

http://tigcc.ticalc.org/doc/comopts.html原文出处: http://www.ruchee.com/code/linux/gnu/gcc.html常用选项-E:只进行预处理,不编译-S:只编译,不汇编-c:只编译、汇编,不链接-g:包含调试信息-I:指定include包含文件的搜索目录-o:输出成指定文件名

2012-08-27 18:27:23 679

原创 ubuntu 12.04 ADSL

$ sudo ppoeconf

2012-08-25 14:26:03 442

翻译 Bash Commands - Comparison Operators

A binary comparison operator compares two variables or quantities. Note that integer and string comparisonuse a different set of operators.1. integer comparison-eq             is equal toi

2012-08-15 18:11:38 376

翻译 Bash Commands - File test operators

Returns true if...-e             file exists-a             file exists.     This is identical in effect to -e. It has been "deprecated," [34] and its use is discouraged.-f              f

2012-08-15 17:41:34 389

翻译 Bash Commands - Arithmetic Tests using (( ... ))

The (( )) construct expands and evaluates an arithmetic expression. If the expression evaluates as zero, itreturns an exit status of 1, or "false". A non-zero expression returns an exit status of 0,

2012-08-15 15:56:28 326

翻译 Bash Commands - Using the [[ ... ]] rather than [ ... ] can prevent many logic errors in scripts.

#!/bin/bashdecimal=15octal=017hex=0x0fif [ "$decimal" -eq "$octal" ]then echo "$decimal equals $octal"else echo "$decimal is not equal to $octal"             # 15 is not equal to 0

2012-08-15 15:37:13 293

翻译 Bash Commands - Create a script with multi-parameter

#!/bin/bash# Call this script with at least 10 parameters, for example# ./scriptname 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10MINPARAMS=10echoecho "The name of this script is \"$0\"."echo "The name of

2012-08-15 10:00:50 354

翻译 Bash Commands - $ # Variable Substitution

$Let us carefully distinguish between the name of a variable and its value. If variable1 is the nameof a variable, then $variable1 is a reference to its value, the data item it contains.bash

2012-08-15 09:45:53 554

翻译 Bash Commands - # Integer or string?

#!/bin/bash# int-or-string.sha=2334 let "a += 1" echo "a = $a " echo b=${a/23/BB}                # Substitute "BB" for "23".                                         # This transforms

2012-08-15 09:43:24 350

翻译 Bash Commands - $? for testing the result of a command

$? is especially useful for testing the result of a command in a script .#!/bin/bashecho hello                                 echo $?             # Exit status 0 returned because command execut

2012-08-10 18:25:27 415

翻译 Bash Commands - Special Charactors # ? $

1. ?Test operator.condition?result-if-true:result-if-false$ (( var0 = var1### if [ "$var1" -lt 98 ]# then# var0=9# else# var0=21# fi$ echo $var092. $V

2012-08-10 14:31:31 270

翻译 Bash Commands - the diff of > and >> # Use I/O Redirection to generate a log file

1.   ># Redirect stdout to a file.# Creates the file if not present, otherwise overwrites it.2.   >># Redirect stdout to a file.# Creates the file if not present, otherwise appends to it.

2012-08-09 16:09:00 922

翻译 Bash Commands - chmod # Invoking script

1. InvokeHaving written the script, you can invoke it by bash scriptname. Much more convenient is to make the script itself directly executable with a chmod.Either:$ chmod 555 scriptna

2012-08-09 14:15:39 308

翻译 Bash Commands - tr cat tac

1. trcharacter translation filter.1.1 Either tr "A-Z" "*" or tr A-Z \* changes all the uppercase letters in filename to asterisks (writes to stdout). On some systems this may not work

2012-08-09 10:38:02 550

翻译 Add a New Module

Every component in Android is called a moduleModules are defined across the entire tree through the Android.mk filesThe build system abstracts many details to make the creation of a module’s Makef

2012-07-26 16:18:17 316

转载 Develop necessary knowledge of Android system

http://wenku.baidu.com/view/85ab97d333d4b14e85246821.htmlcscope是神马http://www.cnblogs.com/mrray/archive/2011/01/18/1938031.html========================Thanks for the a

2012-07-24 16:03:03 265

转载 ubuntu12.04安装flash player插件

64位的和32位的安装方式不一样。解压后的那个usr目录没用,删了,只需libflashplayer.so那个文件。1.首先确认你下载的是64位的(32位理论上也行,但64位对你的系统来说更佳)flash插件。2.查看一下/usr/下有没有lib64这个目录。如果没有,请看3。打开终端,输入: cd /usr/lib64/sudo mkdir flash-plugin 把libfl

2012-07-24 15:35:40 1783



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