















Azarath Metrion Zinthos


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原创 【专题】KMP

挖坑...----------------------------一 模板----------------------------const int maxn=1111111;char P[maxn];char T[maxn];int f[maxn];void getFail(char P[],int f[]){ int i=0,j=-1; int

2013-09-29 15:27:17 1324 4

原创 UVA 10816 Travel in Desert 最短路+二分

--------------------DescriptionThere is a group of adventurers who like to travel in the desert. Everyone knows travelling in desert can be very dangerous. That's why they plan the

2013-09-28 20:51:01 1544

原创 UVA 10600 ACM Contest and Blackout 次小生成树/裸

----------Problem AACM CONTEST AND BLACKOUT In order to prepare the “The First National ACM School Contest”(in 20??) the major of the city decided to provide all the schools with a rel

2013-09-26 13:12:43 1475

原创 Poj 3552 Slim Span 最小生成树

-----------------Slim SpanTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 5725 Accepted: 3008DescriptionGiven an undirected weighted gra

2013-09-25 21:13:05 1319

原创 UVA 11354 - Bond 最小树/LCA/瓶颈路

-----------------------Once again, James Bond is on his way to saving the world. Bond's latest mission requires him to travel between several pairs of cities in a certain country. The countr

2013-09-25 18:39:04 1189

原创 HDU 4081 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System 最小/次小生成树的性质

------------------------------Qin Shi Huang's National Road SystemTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2168    Accepted Sub

2013-09-25 14:29:24 1151

原创 UVA 10269 Adventure of Super Mario floyd dp

Problem AAdventure of Super MarioInput: Standard InputOutput: Standard OutputAfter rescuing the beautiful princess, Super Mario needs to find a way home -- with the princess of course

2013-09-23 20:26:51 1164

原创 UVA 11280 Flying to Fredericton 最短路DP

Problem CFLYING TO FREDERICTONAfter being inspired by Salvador Dali's artwork, Brett decided he would like to travel to Fredericton, New Brunswick to visit the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.Br

2013-09-23 20:19:42 1059

原创 【专题】树状数组


2013-09-17 21:47:08 681

原创 【专题】Subsequence

回文子序列----------------------------环形回文子序列HDU 4745 Two Rabbits----------------------------重点是用next() prev() 代替l+1,r-1----------------------------const int maxn=1111;int a[maxn];

2013-09-17 21:42:54 839

原创 hdu 4745 Two Rabbits 环形最长回文子序列

Two Rabbits---------------------------------------------------------------------模型可以转化为求长度为n的序列的最长回文子序列方法为枚举起点+记忆化+环形dp用next(i)代替i++,prev(i)代替i--f[i][j]表示环(i,j)的最长回文子序列。若i=j则环区间为空,若i>j

2013-09-16 10:37:55 767

原创 Codeforces Round #199 (Div. 2)

-----------------------------A. Xenia and Divisors---将n个数3个一组分成满足条件的n/3组。由于数字最多是7,所以只有124、126、136三种分组方式。先分出所有的136,再分出124,126。若所有数字都用光则分组成功。---#include using namespace std;int n;i

2013-09-13 11:45:50 768

原创 hdu 4722 Good Numbers 数位dp

Good NumbersTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 602    Accepted Submission(s): 220Problem DescriptionIf we sum up ev

2013-09-12 15:58:36 858

原创 Codeforces Round #106 (Div. 2) //缺E

-------------------------A. Business trip---至少浇几个月水能使花的长度超过k。---#include #include using namespace std;int main(){ int k; int a[13]; int sum=0; int ans=-1; cin>>k;

2013-09-09 20:27:25 782

原创 Codeforces Round #103 (Div. 2) //缺E

------------------A. Arrival of the General---可以交换相邻两个数字。求将最大值移到最左边,最小值移到最右边所用的最小步数。---#include using namespace std;int main(){ int n; int a[111]; cin>>n; int mx=0,m

2013-09-09 12:43:16 809

原创 Codeforces Round #105 (Div. 2) //缺E

--------------A. Insomnia cure---求1~n中能被klmn整除的数的个数。---#include using namespace std;int main(){ int k,l,m,n,d; cin>>k>>l>>m>>n>>d; int sum=0; for (int i=1;i<=d;i++){

2013-09-08 21:52:17 773

原创 Codeforces Round #104 (Div. 2) //缺E

----------------A. Lucky Ticket---判断给出的数字是不是两半和相等的幸运数字。---#include using namespace std;int main(){ int n; char s[111]; cin>>n>>s; bool ok=true; for (int i=0;i<n;i+

2013-09-08 21:38:04 706

原创 POJ 2914 Minimum Cut 无向图最小割

Minimum CutTime Limit: 10000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 6869 Accepted: 2848Case Time Limit: 5000MSDescriptionGiven an undirected graph, in w

2013-09-07 15:56:10 813

原创 poj 2987 Firing 最大权闭合图

FiringTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072KTotal Submissions: 7126 Accepted: 2164DescriptionYou’ve finally got mad at “the world’s most stupid” employees o

2013-09-07 09:58:47 841

原创 Poj 3713 Transferring Sylla 3-连通

Transferring SyllaTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 1320 Accepted: 322DescriptionAfter recapturing Sylla, the Company plans to establish

2013-09-06 15:08:55 1206

原创 SPOJ 7758 Growing Strings AC自动机DP

7758. Growing StringsProblem code: MGLAR10  EnglishVietnamese   Gene and Gina have a particular kind of farm. Instead of growing a

2013-09-05 16:43:58 1085

原创 Codeforces Round #102 (Div. 2) //缺E

-----------------------A. Help Vasilisa the Wise 2---暴力枚举---#include using namespace std;int r1,r2,c1,c2,d1,d2;int a[2][2];bool solve(){ if (a[0][0]+a[0][1]!=r1) return false;

2013-09-04 19:50:37 766

原创 Codeforces Round #101 (Div. 2)

--------------A. Amusing Joke--前两行的字母恰好组成最后一行--#include #include using namespace std;char a[1111];int ch[26]={0};int main(){ cin>>a; for (int i=0;a[i];i++){ ch[a[i]

2013-09-04 16:13:47 736

原创 poj 1769 Minimizing maximizer 线段树优化的dp

Minimizing maximizerTime Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 3047 Accepted: 1187DescriptionThe company Chris Ltd. is preparing a new sorting ha

2013-09-03 21:27:41 1383

原创 3734 Blocks DP矩阵优化入门

BlocksTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 3665 Accepted: 1611DescriptionPanda has received an assignment of painting a line of blocks. Sin

2013-09-03 20:37:32 749

原创 Code Library 打印面

---/*==============================================*\ | Code Library\*==============================================*//** head-file **/#include #include #include #include #include #include

2013-09-02 19:30:22 657







(键)脑操语言解释器 brainfuck




一个由Java编写的简单推箱子小游戏。 游戏由障碍、空地、箱子、终点与玩家组成。 通过上下左右控制玩家推动箱子。当箱子的推动方向没有障碍时,向前移动到新的位置,玩家也向前移动一步。 当所有箱子都处于终点时,游戏胜利,按回车键进入下一关。当完成所有关卡时,按回车键结束游戏。 在游戏中按R建重新开始本关。



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