历史最长的贪吃蛇!!! 足足写了3天! 食物从天而降, 自动找东西吃,有炸弹减血,随机出现的墙,引入账户机制,会记录消费记录,付费继续游戏,也可切换账户

jmp_buf jmpbuffer;
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 30;
const int maxm = 30;
char maps[30][30];
int dx[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
int dy[4] = {0, -1, 0, 1};
bool boom = false;
bool stop_fall = false;
int blood = 100;
int res;
int cnt = 0;
int speed = 1600000;
string moves;
string nothing;
string oper1 = "为蛇加血量消耗了:";
string oper2 = "为账户充值增加了:";
string oper3 = "为蛇变换头尾消耗了:";
int count_num;
int u;
struct fg {
    string codes;
    int money;
struct ffg {
    string operations;
    int changes;
    int moneys;
map<string, fg> kk;
map<string, vector<ffg> > kkk;
string str1, str2, op;
bool need_to_put = true;
int aaa, bbb, aa;
int head, tail;
int num = 0;
int total_num = maxn * maxm;
struct no {
    int x;
    int y;
    int next;
}node[maxn * maxm];
bool IO(char c) {
    if(c == 'a') return true;
    if(c == 'w') return true;
    if(c == 'd') return true;
    if(c == 's') return true;
    return false;
struct bo {
    int x;
    int y;
int bombs_num;
int ccc, ddd, cc;
int dist(int i, int j, int x, int y) {
    return abs(i - x) + abs(j - y);
int swaps(int t) {
    if(t == -1 || (node[t].next == -1))
        return t;
    else {
        int tt = swaps(node[t].next);
        node[node[t].next].next = t;
        node[t].next = -1;
        return tt;
bool lk = true;
int main() {
    while(1) {
        if(setjmp(jmpbuffer) != 0) {}
        cout << "请输入账户:";
        cin >> str1;
        if(!kk.count(str1)) {
            cout << "该用户不存在,请注册" << endl;
            cout << "请输入账户:";
            cin >> str1;
            if(kk.count(str1)) {
                 cout << "该账户已经存在!" << endl;
                 goto ppp;
            cout << "请输入密码:";
            cin >> str2;
            cout << "请输入充值点数:";
            lk = false;
            int u;
            cin >> u;
            kk[str1].codes = str2;
            kk[str1].money = u;
            kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, u, kk[str1].money});
            cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
            for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
            cout << "按1继续" << endl;
            cin >> nothing;
        else {
            cout << "请输入密码:";
            cin >> str2;
        while(kk[str1].codes != str2) {
            cout << "密码错误" << endl;
            cout << "按1再次输入密码, 按2重新注册" << endl;
            while(cin >> op) {
                if(op[0] != '1' && op[0] != '2') continue;
                else break;
            if(op[0] == '1') {
                cout << "请输入密码:";
                cin >> str2;
            else if(op[0] == '2') {
                cout << "请输入账户:";
                cin >> str1;
                if(kk.count(str1)) {
                    cout << "该账户已经存在!" << endl;
                    goto ppp;
                cout << "请输入密码:";
                cin >> str2;
                cout << "请输入充值点数:";
                int u;
                cin >> u;
                kk[str1].codes = str2;
                kk[str1].money = u;
                kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, u, kk[str1].money});
                cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                    cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                    cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                cin >> nothing;
        if(1 == 1) { // games1();
            node[++ num].next = -1;
            node[num].x = 5;
            node[num].y = 6;
            head = num; tail = num;
            maps[5][6] = 'h';
            if(1 == 1) { // puts_one();
                while(1) {
                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                need_to_put = false;
            if(1 == 1) {   //outs();
                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                            cout << maps[i][j];
                        cout << maps[i][j];
                    cout << endl;
            while(1) {
                if(1 == 1) { // works()
                    int dis = 0x3f, pos = -1;
                    int xx = node[head].x, yy = node[head].y;
                    for(int k = 0; k < 4; k ++) {
                        int xxx = xx + dx[k], yyy = yy + dy[k];
                        if(xxx == 0 || xxx == maxn - 1 || yyy == 0 || yyy == maxm - 1)
                        if(maps[xxx][yyy] == 'o') continue;
                        if(maps[xxx][yyy] == 'w') continue;
                        if(maps[xxx][yyy] == 'b') continue;
                        if(dist(xxx, yyy, aaa, bbb) < dis) {
                            dis = dist(xxx, yyy, aaa, bbb);
                            pos = k;
                    if(pos == -1) {
                        cout << "it is time to swap the tail and head" << endl;
                        cout << "是否为这条蛇续命;按1继续,且至少充1000金币,按2就只能重新开始了" << endl;
                        cin >> u;
                        if(u == 2) {
                            bombs_num = 0;
                            memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                            num = 0;
                            blood = 100;
                            node[++ num].next = -1;
                            node[num].x = 5;
                            node[num].y = 6;
                            speed = 16000000;
                            head = num; tail = num;
                            maps[5][6] = 'h';
                            if(1 == 1) { // puts_one();
                                while(1) {
                                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                need_to_put = false;
                            if(1 == 1) { //outs();
                                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                                            cout << maps[i][j];
                                        cout << maps[i][j];
                                    cout << endl;
                            boom = false;
                        else if(u == 1) {
                            int uu;
                            while(1) {
                                cout << "请输入充血量值的点数:";
                                cin >> u;
                                while(u < 1000) {
                                    cout << "金币少于1000,请再次输入合法的值" << endl;
                                    cin >> u;
                                while(u > kk[str1].money) {
                                    cout << "余额不足哎" << endl;
                                    cout << "接下来按1准备向账户充值,2是刚才充值的血量点数" << endl;
                                    cin >> u;
                                    if(u == 1) {
                                        cout << "请输入向账户增加的值数" << endl;
                                        int uu;
                                        cin >> uu;
                                        kk[str1].money += uu;
                                        kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, uu, kk[str1].money});
                                        u = 2;
                                    if(u == 2) {
                                        cout << "请输入首尾变换的费用" << endl;
                                        cin >> u;
                                        while(u < 1000) {
                                            cout << "金币少于1000,请再次输入合法的值" << endl;
                                            cin >> u;
                                        if(u > kk[str1].money) continue;
                                cout << "蛇可以首尾交换了" << endl;
                                kk[str1].money -= u;
                                boom = false;
                                kkk[str1].push_back({oper3, u, kk[str1].money});
                                cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                                for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                                    cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                                    cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                                cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                                cin >> nothing;
                            head = tail;
                            tail = swaps(tail);
                            maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                            maps[node[tail].x][node[tail].y] = 'o';
                            int dis = 0x3f, pos = -1;
                            int xx = node[head].x, yy = node[head].y;
                            for(int k = 0; k < 4; k ++) {
                                int xxx = xx + dx[k], yyy = yy + dy[k];
                                if(xxx == 0 || xxx == maxn - 1 || yyy == 0 || yyy == maxm - 1)
                                if(maps[xxx][yyy] == 'o') continue;
                                if(maps[xxx][yyy] == 'w') continue;
                                if(dist(xxx, yyy, aaa, bbb) < dis) {
                                    dis = dist(xxx, yyy, aaa, bbb);
                                    pos = k;
                    if(pos == 0) { //work('w');
                        if(1 == 1) {
                            char c; c = 'w';
                            res ++;
                            int uio = speed;
                            if(res % 300 == 299) {
                                cout << "是否需要变速:";
                                cout << "按0原样继续,1慢速,2中速,3快速" << endl;
                                cin >> speed;
                            if(speed == 0) speed = uio;
                            else if(speed == 1) speed = 160000000;
                            else if(speed == 2) speed = 16000000;
                            else if(speed == 3) speed = 1600000;
                            for(int ik = 0; ik < speed; ik ++) {} // 降速
                            if(1 == 1) { // head_move(c);
                                char temp; temp = c;
                                cnt ++;
                                cout << cnt << endl;
                                int x = node[head].x, y = node[head].y;
                                if(temp == 'a') y --;
                                if(temp == 'd') y ++;
                                if(temp == 'w') x --;
                                if(temp == 's') x ++;
                                if(x == 0 || x == maxn - 1 || y == 0 || y == maxm - 1) boom = 1;
                                if(!boom) {
                                    if(x == aaa && y == bbb) {
                                        num ++;
                                        num = num % total_num;
                                        // num 有越界的危险,故%,不影响结果
                                        node[num].x = x;
                                        node[num].y = y;
                                        node[num].next = -1;
                                        node[head].next = num;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                        head = node[head].next;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                                        aaa = -1; bbb = -1;
                                        need_to_put = true;
                                        stop_fall = false;
                                    else {
                                        if(maps[x][y] == 'o') boom = true;
                                        if(!boom) {
                                            num ++;
                                            num = num % total_num;
                                            node[num].x = x;
                                            node[num].y = y;
                                            node[num].next = -1;
                                            node[head].next = num;
                                            maps[node[tail].x][node[tail].y] = ' ';
                                            if(tail != head)
                                                maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                            tail = node[tail].next;
                                            head = node[head].next;
                                            maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                            if(1 == 1) {  // stone_move
                                aa = aaa - 1;
                                if(aaa < maxn - 2 && !stop_fall) {
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = ' ';
                                    aa ++; aaa ++;
                                if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o' || maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') {
                                    need_to_put = true;
                                else if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') {
                                    maps[aa][bbb] = 'm';
                                    aaa = aa;
                                    stop_fall = true;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                            for(int io = 0; io < bombs_num; io ++) {
                                int i = io;
                                int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd  = bombs[i].y;
                                if(!ccc && !ddd) continue;
                                if(ccc < maxn - 1) {
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = ' ';
                                    ccc ++;
                                    bombs[i].x ++;
                                char temps = maps[ccc][ddd];
                                if(temps == '#' || temps == 'w' || temps == 'o' || temps == 'm' || temps == 'h') {
                                    if(1 == 1) { //bomb_boom(i);
                                        int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd = bombs[i].y;
                                        cout << "hjk" << " " << i << " " << ccc << " " << ddd << endl;
                                        for(int id = ccc - 1; id <= ccc + 1; id ++) {
                                            for(int jd = ddd - 1; jd <= ddd + 1; jd ++) {
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == '#') continue;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'w') maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'm') {
                                                    maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                    //need_to_put = true;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'o' || maps[id][jd] == 'h') {
                                                    blood -= 10;
                                                    cout << "the blood of the snake has deleted 10!" << endl;
                                                    cout << "蛇剩下的血量为:" << blood << endl;
                                        bombs[i].x = 0, bombs[i].y = 0;
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = 'b';
                            if(res % 57 == 1) {
                                while(1) {
                                    int fx = rand() * 18 % maxn, fy = rand() * 18 % maxm;
                                    char temps = maps[fx][fy];
                                    if(temps == 'm' || temps == 'h' || temps == 'o')
                                    if(fx == 0 || fx == maxn - 1 || fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    maps[fx][fy] = 'w';
                            if(res % 10 == 1) {
                                int fx, fy;
                                while(1) {
                                    fx = 1, fy = rand() * 57 % maxm;
                                    if(fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'w') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'm') continue;
                                maps[fx][fy] = 'b';
                                bombs[bombs_num].x = fx;
                                bombs[bombs_num].y = fy;
                                bombs_num ++;
                            if(blood <= 0) boom = true;
                            if(boom) {
                                cout << "game over" << endl;
                                cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl;
                                cout << "是否为这条蛇续命;按1继续,按2就只能重新开始了";
                                cout << ",按3重新跳到最初始的输入账户的界面,可以可以更换账户!" << endl;
                                cin >> u;
                                if(u == 3) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    blood = 100;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    boom = false;
                                    longjmp(jmpbuffer, 1);
                                if(u == 2) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    num = 0;
                                    blood = 100;
                                    node[++ num].next = -1;
                                    node[num].x = 5;
                                    node[num].y = 6;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    maps[5][6] = 'h';
                                    if(1 == 1) { //puts_one();
                                        while(1) {
                                            aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                            if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                            maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                        need_to_put = false;
                                    if(1 == 1) { //outs();
                                         for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                            for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                                if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                                    maps[i][j] = '#';
                                                    cout << maps[i][j];
                                                cout << maps[i][j];
                                            cout << endl;
                                    boom = false;
                                else if(u == 1) {
                                    int uu;
                                    while(1) {
                                        cout << "请输入充血量值的点数:";
                                        cin >> u;
                                        while(u > kk[str1].money) {
                                            cout << "余额不足哎" << endl;
                                            cout << "接下来按1准备向账户充值,2是刚才充值的血量点数" << endl;
                                            cin >> u;
                                            if(u == 1) {
                                                cout << "请输入向账户增加的值数" << endl;
                                                int uu;
                                                cin >> uu;
                                                kk[str1].money += uu;
                                                kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, uu, kk[str1].money});
                                                u = 2;
                                            if(u == 2) {
                                                cout << "请输入向蛇增加的值数" << endl;
                                                cin >> u;
                                                if(u > kk[str1].money) continue;
                                        cout << "蛇的血量重新变为:" << " " << u << endl;
                                        kk[str1].money -= u;
                                        blood = u;
                                        boom = false;
                                        kkk[str1].push_back({oper1, u, kk[str1].money});
                                        cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                                        for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                                            cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                                            cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                                        cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                                        cin >> nothing;

                            else { // outss();
                                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                                            cout << maps[i][j];
                                        cout << maps[i][j];
                                    cout << endl;
                            if(need_to_put) { //puts_one();
                                while(1) {
                                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                need_to_put = false;
                    if(pos == 1) { //work('a');
                        if(1 == 1) {
                            char c; c = 'a';
                            res ++;
                            int uio = speed;
                            if(res % 300 == 299) {
                                cout << "是否需要变速:";
                                cout << "按0原样继续,1慢速,2中速,3快速" << endl;
                                cin >> speed;
                            if(speed == 0) speed = uio;
                            else if(speed == 1) speed = 160000000;
                            else if(speed == 2) speed = 16000000;
                            else if(speed == 3) speed = 1600000;
                            for(int ik = 0; ik < speed; ik ++) {} // 降速
                            if(1 == 1) { // head_move(c);
                                char temp; temp = c;
                                cnt ++;
                                cout << cnt << endl;
                                int x = node[head].x, y = node[head].y;
                                if(temp == 'a') y --;
                                if(temp == 'd') y ++;
                                if(temp == 'w') x --;
                                if(temp == 's') x ++;
                                if(x == 0 || x == maxn - 1 || y == 0 || y == maxm - 1) boom = 1;
                                if(!boom) {
                                    if(x == aaa && y == bbb) {
                                        num ++;
                                        num = num % total_num;
                                        // num 有越界的危险,故%,不影响结果
                                        node[num].x = x;
                                        node[num].y = y;
                                        node[num].next = -1;
                                        node[head].next = num;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                        head = node[head].next;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                                        aaa = -1; bbb = -1;
                                        need_to_put = true;
                                        stop_fall = false;
                                    else {
                                        if(maps[x][y] == 'o') boom = true;
                                        if(!boom) {
                                            num ++;
                                            num = num % total_num;
                                            node[num].x = x;
                                            node[num].y = y;
                                            node[num].next = -1;
                                            node[head].next = num;
                                            maps[node[tail].x][node[tail].y] = ' ';
                                            if(tail != head)
                                                maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                            tail = node[tail].next;
                                            head = node[head].next;
                                            maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                            if(1 == 1) {  // stone_move
                                aa = aaa - 1;
                                if(aaa < maxn - 2 && !stop_fall) {
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = ' ';
                                    aa ++; aaa ++;
                                if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o' || maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') {
                                    need_to_put = true;
                                else if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') {
                                    maps[aa][bbb] = 'm';
                                    aaa = aa;
                                    stop_fall = true;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                            for(int io = 0; io < bombs_num; io ++) {
                                int i = io;
                                int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd  = bombs[i].y;
                                if(!ccc && !ddd) continue;
                                if(ccc < maxn - 1) {
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = ' ';
                                    ccc ++;
                                    bombs[i].x ++;
                                char temps = maps[ccc][ddd];
                                if(temps == '#' || temps == 'w' || temps == 'o' || temps == 'm' || temps == 'h') {
                                    if(1 == 1) { //bomb_boom(i);
                                        int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd = bombs[i].y;
                                        cout << "hjk" << " " << i << " " << ccc << " " << ddd << endl;
                                        for(int id = ccc - 1; id <= ccc + 1; id ++) {
                                            for(int jd = ddd - 1; jd <= ddd + 1; jd ++) {
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == '#') continue;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'w') maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'm') {
                                                    maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                    //need_to_put = true;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'o' || maps[id][jd] == 'h') {
                                                    blood -= 10;
                                                    cout << "the blood of the snake has deleted 10!" << endl;
                                                    cout << "蛇剩下的血量为:" << blood << endl;
                                        bombs[i].x = 0, bombs[i].y = 0;
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = 'b';
                            if(res % 57 == 1) {
                                while(1) {
                                    int fx = rand() * 18 % maxn, fy = rand() * 18 % maxm;
                                    char temps = maps[fx][fy];
                                    if(temps == 'm' || temps == 'h' || temps == 'o')
                                    if(fx == 0 || fx == maxn - 1 || fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    maps[fx][fy] = 'w';
                            if(res % 10 == 1) {
                                int fx, fy;
                                while(1) {
                                    fx = 1, fy = rand() * 57 % maxm;
                                    if(fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'w') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'm') continue;
                                maps[fx][fy] = 'b';
                                bombs[bombs_num].x = fx;
                                bombs[bombs_num].y = fy;
                                bombs_num ++;
                            if(blood <= 0) boom = true;
                            if(boom) {
                                cout << "game over" << endl;
                                cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl;
                                cout << "是否为这条蛇续命;按1继续,按2就只能重新开始了";
                                cout << ",按3重新跳到最初始的输入账户的界面,可以可以更换账户!" << endl;
                                cin >> u;
                                if(u == 3) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    blood = 100;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    boom = false;
                                    longjmp(jmpbuffer, 1);
                                if(u == 2) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    num = 0;
                                    blood = 100;
                                    node[++ num].next = -1;
                                    node[num].x = 5;
                                    node[num].y = 6;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    maps[5][6] = 'h';
                                    if(1 == 1) { //puts_one();
                                        while(1) {
                                            aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                            if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                            maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                        need_to_put = false;
                                    if(1 == 1) { //outs();
                                         for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                            for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                                if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                                    maps[i][j] = '#';
                                                    cout << maps[i][j];
                                                cout << maps[i][j];
                                            cout << endl;
                                    boom = false;
                                else if(u == 1) {
                                    int uu;
                                    while(1) {
                                        cout << "请输入充血量值的点数:";
                                        cin >> u;
                                        while(u > kk[str1].money) {
                                            cout << "余额不足哎" << endl;
                                            cout << "接下来按1准备向账户充值,2是刚才充值的血量点数" << endl;
                                            cin >> u;
                                            if(u == 1) {
                                                cout << "请输入向账户增加的值数" << endl;
                                                int uu;
                                                cin >> uu;
                                                kk[str1].money += uu;
                                                kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, uu, kk[str1].money});
                                                u = 2;
                                            if(u == 2) {
                                                cout << "请输入向蛇增加的值数" << endl;
                                                cin >> u;
                                                if(u > kk[str1].money) continue;
                                        cout << "蛇的血量重新变为:" << " " << u << endl;
                                        kk[str1].money -= u;
                                        blood = u;
                                        boom = false;
                                        kkk[str1].push_back({oper1, u, kk[str1].money});
                                        cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                                        for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                                            cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                                            cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                                        cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                                        cin >> nothing;

                            else { // outss();
                                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                                            cout << maps[i][j];
                                        cout << maps[i][j];
                                    cout << endl;
                            if(need_to_put) { //puts_one();
                                while(1) {
                                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                need_to_put = false;
                    if(pos == 2) {//work('s');
                        if(1 == 1) {
                            char c; c = 's';
                            res ++;
                            int uio = speed;
                            if(res % 300 == 299) {
                                cout << "是否需要变速:";
                                cout << "按0原样继续,1慢速,2中速,3快速" << endl;
                                cin >> speed;
                            if(speed == 0) speed = uio;
                            else if(speed == 1) speed = 160000000;
                            else if(speed == 2) speed = 16000000;
                            else if(speed == 3) speed = 1600000;
                            for(int ik = 0; ik < speed; ik ++) {} // 降速
                            if(1 == 1) { // head_move(c);
                                char temp; temp = c;
                                cnt ++;
                                cout << cnt << endl;
                                int x = node[head].x, y = node[head].y;
                                if(temp == 'a') y --;
                                if(temp == 'd') y ++;
                                if(temp == 'w') x --;
                                if(temp == 's') x ++;
                                if(x == 0 || x == maxn - 1 || y == 0 || y == maxm - 1) boom = 1;
                                if(!boom) {
                                    if(x == aaa && y == bbb) {
                                        num ++;
                                        num = num % total_num;
                                        // num 有越界的危险,故%,不影响结果
                                        node[num].x = x;
                                        node[num].y = y;
                                        node[num].next = -1;
                                        node[head].next = num;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                        head = node[head].next;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                                        aaa = -1; bbb = -1;
                                        need_to_put = true;
                                        stop_fall = false;
                                    else {
                                        if(maps[x][y] == 'o') boom = true;
                                        if(!boom) {
                                            num ++;
                                            num = num % total_num;
                                            node[num].x = x;
                                            node[num].y = y;
                                            node[num].next = -1;
                                            node[head].next = num;
                                            maps[node[tail].x][node[tail].y] = ' ';
                                            if(tail != head)
                                                maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                            tail = node[tail].next;
                                            head = node[head].next;
                                            maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                            if(1 == 1) {  // stone_move
                                aa = aaa - 1;
                                if(aaa < maxn - 2 && !stop_fall) {
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = ' ';
                                    aa ++; aaa ++;
                                if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o' || maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') {
                                    need_to_put = true;
                                else if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') {
                                    maps[aa][bbb] = 'm';
                                    aaa = aa;
                                    stop_fall = true;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                            for(int io = 0; io < bombs_num; io ++) {
                                int i = io;
                                int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd  = bombs[i].y;
                                if(!ccc && !ddd) continue;
                                if(ccc < maxn - 1) {
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = ' ';
                                    ccc ++;
                                    bombs[i].x ++;
                                char temps = maps[ccc][ddd];
                                if(temps == '#' || temps == 'w' || temps == 'o' || temps == 'm' || temps == 'h') {
                                    if(1 == 1) { //bomb_boom(i);
                                        int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd = bombs[i].y;
                                        cout << "hjk" << " " << i << " " << ccc << " " << ddd << endl;
                                        for(int id = ccc - 1; id <= ccc + 1; id ++) {
                                            for(int jd = ddd - 1; jd <= ddd + 1; jd ++) {
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == '#') continue;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'w') maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'm') {
                                                    maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                    //need_to_put = true;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'o' || maps[id][jd] == 'h') {
                                                    blood -= 10;
                                                    cout << "the blood of the snake has deleted 10!" << endl;
                                                    cout << "蛇剩下的血量为:" << blood << endl;
                                        bombs[i].x = 0, bombs[i].y = 0;
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = 'b';
                            if(res % 57 == 1) {
                                while(1) {
                                    int fx = rand() * 18 % maxn, fy = rand() * 18 % maxm;
                                    char temps = maps[fx][fy];
                                    if(temps == 'm' || temps == 'h' || temps == 'o')
                                    if(fx == 0 || fx == maxn - 1 || fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    maps[fx][fy] = 'w';
                            if(res % 10 == 1) {
                                int fx, fy;
                                while(1) {
                                    fx = 1, fy = rand() * 57 % maxm;
                                    if(fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'w') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'm') continue;
                                maps[fx][fy] = 'b';
                                bombs[bombs_num].x = fx;
                                bombs[bombs_num].y = fy;
                                bombs_num ++;
                            if(blood <= 0) boom = true;
                            if(boom) {
                                cout << "game over" << endl;
                                cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl;
                                cout << "是否为这条蛇续命;按1继续,按2就只能重新开始了";
                                cout << ",按3重新跳到最初始的输入账户的界面,可以可以更换账户!" << endl;
                                cin >> u;
                                if(u == 3) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    blood = 100;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    boom = false;
                                    longjmp(jmpbuffer, 1);
                                if(u == 2) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    num = 0;
                                    blood = 100;
                                    node[++ num].next = -1;
                                    node[num].x = 5;
                                    node[num].y = 6;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    maps[5][6] = 'h';
                                    if(1 == 1) { //puts_one();
                                        while(1) {
                                            aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                            if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                            maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                        need_to_put = false;
                                    if(1 == 1) { //outs();
                                         for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                            for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                                if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                                    maps[i][j] = '#';
                                                    cout << maps[i][j];
                                                cout << maps[i][j];
                                            cout << endl;
                                    boom = false;
                                else if(u == 1) {
                                    int uu;
                                    while(1) {
                                        cout << "请输入充血量值的点数:";
                                        cin >> u;
                                        while(u > kk[str1].money) {
                                            cout << "余额不足哎" << endl;
                                            cout << "接下来按1准备向账户充值,2是刚才充值的血量点数" << endl;
                                            cin >> u;
                                            if(u == 1) {
                                                cout << "请输入向账户增加的值数" << endl;
                                                int uu;
                                                cin >> uu;
                                                kk[str1].money += uu;
                                                kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, uu, kk[str1].money});
                                                u = 2;
                                            if(u == 2) {
                                                cout << "请输入向蛇增加的值数" << endl;
                                                cin >> u;
                                                if(u > kk[str1].money) continue;
                                        cout << "蛇的血量重新变为:" << " " << u << endl;
                                        kk[str1].money -= u;
                                        blood = u;
                                        boom = false;
                                        kkk[str1].push_back({oper1, u, kk[str1].money});
                                        cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                                        for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                                            cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                                            cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                                        cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                                        cin >> nothing;

                            else { // outss();
                                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                                            cout << maps[i][j];
                                        cout << maps[i][j];
                                    cout << endl;
                            if(need_to_put) { //puts_one();
                                while(1) {
                                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                need_to_put = false;
                    if(pos == 3) { //work('d');
                        if(1 == 1) {
                            char c; c = 'd';
                            res ++;
                            int uio = speed;
                            if(res % 300 == 299) {
                                cout << "是否需要变速:";
                                cout << "按0原样继续,1慢速,2中速,3快速" << endl;
                                cin >> speed;
                            if(speed == 0) speed = uio;
                            else if(speed == 1) speed = 160000000;
                            else if(speed == 2) speed = 16000000;
                            else if(speed == 3) speed = 1600000;
                            for(int ik = 0; ik < speed; ik ++) {} // 降速
                            if(1 == 1) { // head_move(c);
                                char temp; temp = c;
                                cnt ++;
                                cout << cnt << endl;
                                int x = node[head].x, y = node[head].y;
                                if(temp == 'a') y --;
                                if(temp == 'd') y ++;
                                if(temp == 'w') x --;
                                if(temp == 's') x ++;
                                if(x == 0 || x == maxn - 1 || y == 0 || y == maxm - 1) boom = 1;
                                if(!boom) {
                                    if(x == aaa && y == bbb) {
                                        num ++;
                                        num = num % total_num;
                                        // num 有越界的危险,故%,不影响结果
                                        node[num].x = x;
                                        node[num].y = y;
                                        node[num].next = -1;
                                        node[head].next = num;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                        head = node[head].next;
                                        maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                                        aaa = -1; bbb = -1;
                                        need_to_put = true;
                                        stop_fall = false;
                                    else {
                                        if(maps[x][y] == 'o') boom = true;
                                        if(!boom) {
                                            num ++;
                                            num = num % total_num;
                                            node[num].x = x;
                                            node[num].y = y;
                                            node[num].next = -1;
                                            node[head].next = num;
                                            maps[node[tail].x][node[tail].y] = ' ';
                                            if(tail != head)
                                                maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'o';
                                            tail = node[tail].next;
                                            head = node[head].next;
                                            maps[node[head].x][node[head].y] = 'h';
                            if(1 == 1) {  // stone_move
                                aa = aaa - 1;
                                if(aaa < maxn - 2 && !stop_fall) {
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = ' ';
                                    aa ++; aaa ++;
                                if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o' || maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') {
                                    need_to_put = true;
                                else if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') {
                                    maps[aa][bbb] = 'm';
                                    aaa = aa;
                                    stop_fall = true;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                            for(int io = 0; io < bombs_num; io ++) {
                                int i = io;
                                int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd  = bombs[i].y;
                                if(!ccc && !ddd) continue;
                                if(ccc < maxn - 1) {
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = ' ';
                                    ccc ++;
                                    bombs[i].x ++;
                                char temps = maps[ccc][ddd];
                                if(temps == '#' || temps == 'w' || temps == 'o' || temps == 'm' || temps == 'h') {
                                    if(1 == 1) { //bomb_boom(i);
                                        int ccc = bombs[i].x, ddd = bombs[i].y;
                                        cout << "hjk" << " " << i << " " << ccc << " " << ddd << endl;
                                        for(int id = ccc - 1; id <= ccc + 1; id ++) {
                                            for(int jd = ddd - 1; jd <= ddd + 1; jd ++) {
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == '#') continue;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'w') maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'm') {
                                                    maps[id][jd] = ' ';
                                                    //need_to_put = true;
                                                if(maps[id][jd] == 'o' || maps[id][jd] == 'h') {
                                                    blood -= 10;
                                                    cout << "the blood of the snake has deleted 10!" << endl;
                                                    cout << "蛇剩下的血量为:" << blood << endl;
                                        bombs[i].x = 0, bombs[i].y = 0;
                                    maps[ccc][ddd] = 'b';
                            if(res % 57 == 1) {
                                while(1) {
                                    int fx = rand() * 18 % maxn, fy = rand() * 18 % maxm;
                                    char temps = maps[fx][fy];
                                    if(temps == 'm' || temps == 'h' || temps == 'o')
                                    if(fx == 0 || fx == maxn - 1 || fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    maps[fx][fy] = 'w';
                            if(res % 10 == 1) {
                                int fx, fy;
                                while(1) {
                                    fx = 1, fy = rand() * 57 % maxm;
                                    if(fy == 0 || fy == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'w') continue;
                                    if(maps[fx][fy] == 'm') continue;
                                maps[fx][fy] = 'b';
                                bombs[bombs_num].x = fx;
                                bombs[bombs_num].y = fy;
                                bombs_num ++;
                            if(blood <= 0) boom = true;
                            if(boom) {
                                cout << "game over" << endl;
                                cout << str1 << " " << str2 << endl;
                                cout << "是否为这条蛇续命;按1继续,按2就只能重新开始了";
                                cout << ",按3重新跳到最初始的输入账户的界面,可以可以更换账户!" << endl;
                                cin >> u;
                                if(u == 3) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    blood = 100;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    boom = false;
                                    longjmp(jmpbuffer, 1);
                                if(u == 2) {
                                    bombs_num = 0;
                                    memset(maps, ' ', sizeof(maps));
                                    num = 0;
                                    blood = 100;
                                    node[++ num].next = -1;
                                    node[num].x = 5;
                                    node[num].y = 6;
                                    speed = 16000000;
                                    head = num; tail = num;
                                    maps[5][6] = 'h';
                                    if(1 == 1) { //puts_one();
                                        while(1) {
                                            aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                            if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                            if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                            maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                        need_to_put = false;
                                    if(1 == 1) { //outs();
                                         for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                            for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                                if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                                    maps[i][j] = '#';
                                                    cout << maps[i][j];
                                                cout << maps[i][j];
                                            cout << endl;
                                    boom = false;
                                else if(u == 1) {
                                    int uu;
                                    while(1) {
                                        cout << "请输入充血量值的点数:";
                                        cin >> u;
                                        while(u > kk[str1].money) {
                                            cout << "余额不足哎" << endl;
                                            cout << "接下来按1准备向账户充值,2是刚才充值的血量点数" << endl;
                                            cin >> u;
                                            if(u == 1) {
                                                cout << "请输入向账户增加的值数" << endl;
                                                int uu;
                                                cin >> uu;
                                                kk[str1].money += uu;
                                                kkk[str1].push_back({oper2, uu, kk[str1].money});
                                                u = 2;
                                            if(u == 2) {
                                                cout << "请输入向蛇增加的值数" << endl;
                                                cin >> u;
                                                if(u > kk[str1].money) continue;
                                        cout << "蛇的血量重新变为:" << " " << u << endl;
                                        kk[str1].money -= u;
                                        blood = u;
                                        boom = false;
                                        kkk[str1].push_back({oper1, u, kk[str1].money});
                                        cout << "账户" << str1 << "的花费记录" << endl;
                                        for(int i = 0; i < kkk[str1].size(); i ++) {
                                            cout << i + 1 << " " << kkk[str1][i].operations << kkk[str1][i].changes;
                                            cout << "这个时候账户余额为:" << kkk[str1][i].moneys << endl;
                                        cout << "按1继续" << endl;
                                        cin >> nothing;

                            else { // outss();
                                for(int i = 0; i < maxn; i ++) {
                                    for(int j = 0; j < maxm; j ++) {
                                        if(i == 0 || i == maxn - 1 || j == 0 || j == maxm - 1) {
                                            maps[i][j] = '#';
                                            cout << maps[i][j];
                                        cout << maps[i][j];
                                    cout << endl;
                            if(need_to_put) { //puts_one();
                                while(1) {
                                    aaa = 1, bbb = rand() * 37 % maxm;
                                    if(aaa == 0 || aaa == maxn - 1 || bbb == 0 || bbb == maxm - 1)
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'o') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'h') continue;
                                    if(maps[aaa][bbb] == 'w') continue;
                                    maps[aaa][bbb] = 'm';
                                need_to_put = false;
    return 0;


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


