【贪玩巴斯】B站YouTube最好的英语训练课程1个月提升口语听力n个level (63集完整版),章节英语原文

【贪玩巴斯】B站YouTube最好的英语训练课程1个月提升口语听力n个level (63集完整版),章节英语原文

Chapter 1

I am sorry, the books are not for sale. 
Her talents are well-known.
He punished my champion champagne.
We shouldn't rush to blame them.
The verses scan well.
This leads to gradual memory exhaustion.
She is old enough to know better.
Please do not write below this line.
I will be there to cheer for you.
 t won't take long to mend the car.
 He didn't bother to tell me about it.
The wine has a rich aromatic flavor.
 Hang the expense.
 I know it knocks you cold.
We have a representative sample.
Bye, see you next week.
I am as healthy as ever.
The boy potted the partridge.
The house stands alone on the hill.
That's not at all the thing to do.
He saluted and stood at attention.
You are early.
It was a close race.
There is no waste matter left over.
I'd like to be a reporter.
She made artificial flowers from paper.
I think myself right.
He never replied to the letters.
James lapped in two minutes.
I apologize if you took offense.
Your passports expire.
She eagled at the final hole.
They need a domestic help.
Some folks are nerve satisfied.
Never mind. We can manage without.
There were under twenty people there.
The teacher named John as the monitor.
A live bomb had earlier been defused.
Nurse Millard will be with you shortly.
The house has a south-facing aspect.
He proposed the subject for the debate.
I was puzzled with the question. (by)
The film was projected on the screen. (onto)
She tried writing out her views.
She turned her ankle while ice skating. (sprain/twist)
We are talking magic box megabucks this time.
Walking wore a hole in my shoes.
I took off my shoes and all my clothes.
The child is hugging her dog doll.
That's a wonderful idea.
The teachers used to push us hard.
He grew tall during his adolescence.
Go to bed, every one of you.
The day was just dawning.(dusk/sundown)
Have you got any mineral water? (pure water)
That jacket is too small for you.
I need a twist to turn the story around round. (turning point/unexpected turn)
I need to speak with her this minute.
I forbid you.
She is in a hopeless situation.
He dealt me s sudden blow.
Celtic won the first leg 2-0. (the semi-final first-leg)
He is old enough to be her father.
She dished the dinner.
We expect you to act on the square. (rightfully/righteously/straightforwardly)
She's/has grown her hair long.
They discovered her to be a good singer.
Please come with me.
His money came mainly from salary.
I value my freedom above all things.
The garden is bright with flowers.
Death comes to all men.
He is a soldier.
My man will show you to the door. (show sb to the seat/door)
When did you last see him?
At that point, all the lights went out.
Is Western society going downhill?
Try again.
His holiday has had a beneficial effect.
We are going to the airport by coach.
The stove is smoking badly.
I'd/would much prefer to live in the country.
Tom is an excellent junior. (freshman/sophomore/junior/senior)
The baddest rock memoir ever. / ˈmemwɑːr /
I want to ensure insure my residence.
He adjusted his glasses.
The horse stands stamped ground nervously.
How much beef did she buy?
The disturbing news made us sad.
Cathy was beside herself with anger. (be beside oneself with...)
He asked me to shave a lawn. (mow/cut the grass)
She is sitting in seating an old pair of trousers. (v.固定、安装)
That's the wrong answer.
He was absent from class yesterday.
Whose else mother teaches English?
We should consider her age.
The ball went sailing into the bullshit over the bushes. (sail over the outfields/his head)
Her old man is very healthy.
Add enough milk to form a soft dough.
 The duty rota had been pinned up. (duty roster值班表/duty room值班室/stamp duty rate印花税)

Chapter 2

alley 小巷,胡同;小径
descale the pipe; gut the fish
She is changing to go out.
landslide hazard滑坡灾害;landslide victory压倒性胜利
Would you oblige me with some information? ; oblige sb to do sth
Fine feathers do not make fine birds. 金玉其外败絮其中
You spoke too soon. 言之过早
amuse the whole table; amuse oneself 自娱自乐; amusement park游乐园
drive a good/hard/exert bargain 促成交易/艰难讨价; get a good deal 低价买到
carpenter's shop
The way ahead is tortuous, but the future is bright.  Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.  / ˈtɔːrtʃuəs /
come tripping down 翩然而至
How wide is the stream? It's two meters wide.
Each period lasts forty minutes.
Sharpe felt an emptiness inside.
The Count of Monte Cristo基督山伯爵
vivid green翡翠绿/a vivid description生动的报道/a vivid picture
He gave me a second shot of penicilin.
the smell of powder
be good at/be skilled in/be adept at/specialize in/have good skill in擅长
scrape through/squeeze through/squeak through勉强通过/scrape together凑齐/scrape by勉强度日
 There is too much chat in this office!
Place the card face down on the table.
They run short of gasoline/gas.
Would you like a cup of tea/coffee?
Then her brow cleared. 眉头松开
One color can kill another near it./ 让其他颜色黯然失色  Pink doesn't flatter most people. 粉色不衬大部分人
deck-chair帆布躺椅/recliner/reclining chair躺椅、躺着的人/lounge躺椅、机场休息室、旅馆等候室/chaise lounge睡椅
rat on our promise/break a promise/go back on one's word/a breach of warranty(faith)违背诺言
Social divisions in the city are stark.
Somebody stuck a knife in him.
play cards/card games/poker face
paint the wall
I am not with you/I didn't catch(get) what you said/I didn't catch you/I couldn't follow you/I am not following you/I can't understand you/I don't understand what you mean/I am not clear on what you are saying我没听懂你说的
She painted the door green.

Chapter 3

A friend of mine helped me out.
You should offer to help.
I love animals.
When he woke up, the song sun was rising.
Why don't you sit down and communicate with your brother?
What can I do?
With no light outside, it felt like midnight.
Most people would never think about this.
The weather is beautiful today.
at the time of the rainstorm 
Relations between my parents have become difficult. 
My problem is that I can't get on/along with my family.
Children these days depend on their parents too much./eg. It's all about money these days.
The storm brought people closer together.
I was excited about the idea of having a dog.
It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. (justice/equity)
Black clouds were making the sky very dark.
do chores做家务
I hope things will be better for you soon.
at first/at the beginning/above all

Chapter 4

I really want them to be successful.
I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.
Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.美梦成真(固定表达)
She could read by herself at the age of four.
I don't think that's fair.
The man was saved by the doctors in time.
Mary is a book lover.
But to his surprise, they all agree to go with him.
Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor./ eg. I love dogs. 我爱狗; I love dog. 我爱吃狗肉🈲
How do you know?
She still works here once a week to help kids learn to read.
He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital./ He must have put on several kilos.他一定增重了几公斤。
A woman next to him was shouting for help.
Too much pressure is not good for a child's development.
It's crazy.
Do you think it comes from a newspaper?
She said the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital./heart disease/heart trouble/heart attack/cardiopathy/a heart complaint心脏病
He got off and asked the woman what happened./We help the company to get off the ground. 帮助企业开始运转/get off the bus下车/get off the farm离开农场/get off my back不要再对我啰嗦
Mario believes he can help him to get his future dream job.
And they are always comparing them with the other children.
But the driver didn't think about himself.
Maybe you should learn to relax.
But I want to know more about how to care for animals.
He only thought about saving a life.
Many of them are learning examing skills so that they can get into a good high school.
However, the tired children don't get home until 7:00 p.m.
He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning./every weekday morning/every daylight workday
People shouldn't push their kids so hard.

Chapter 5

have/throw/hold/organize a party; drinks and snacks; CD player; be careful with sth.
study until midnight; after-school class/extra-curricular class/tutorial class/interest class课外班、辅导班、兴趣班; I can only/also/just...; I guess that's the reason
What's wrong?/What's the matter?; have a fight with sb打架/have a quarrel about/quarrel with sb吵架; write him a letter; call up打电话、征召; surprise him令他吃惊; the ball game球赛; wait until then等到那时候
look through my things翻我的东西; take (away) some of my magazines; give them back to you/return them to you; tell her to say sorry; It's not a big deal没什么大不了的; Hope things work out./Hope all goes well.

Chapter 6

Fruit Varieties

apricot杏;avocado牛油果;black brin黑布林;cantaloupe哈密瓜;clementine克莱门氏小柑橘;cranberry蔓越莓;date palm枣椰树;dragonfruit火龙果;durian榴莲;fig无花果;goji berry枸杞;grape葡萄;grapefruit西柚;honeydew (melon)甜瓜;kiwifruit奇异果;kumquat金桔;lychee荔枝;papaya木瓜;passion fruit百香果;plum李子;pomegranate石榴;raspberry覆盆子;start fruit杨桃;mulberry桑葚;nectarine油桃,蜜桃;tangerine柑橘;

2、vegetable varieties


Chapter 7

the dinning room/hall
What are some of the rules?有啥规矩/music player音乐播放器/wear school uniform穿校服/

Chapter 8

He had not much morals.
He was sentenced sent into prison for stealing.
He delayed my calling the police.
Did he warn you that he might be late?
The rain has ruined my new dress.
Apples fall from the tree.
I was told off for talking in class.
The coffee shop opens at 10 o'clock.
It takes a long time.
The blind lives in the dark.
Paris is a famous city.
It was a cruel lesson. 惨痛的教训
His hair has turned white. (头发不加S)
She's been behaving rather oddly.
A cut diamond has many faces.
He became ill through overwork.
Good idea!
You look in that dress.
The ice skater The ice skater runs rammed into the barrier.
The letter was sent with my approval.
They only test The illness demands a long rest.
The troops were too weak to withstand.
He came from a rich family. 出身富裕
The empty house was completely silent.
He aspire off is spare of shoulders/speech.肩窄/话少
He is a senior member of the committee.
He likes It lacked the power of the Italian cars. / lækt /
If only he would hold her close to him.紧拥入怀
He is planning a tune on his pipe.用笛子吹曲子
What are the chances that they'll win?       / ðel /
Sam felt his forehead. 触摸
I'd like to come too.
One misfortune followed another.祸不单行
I'd like a job in television.
He got a duck in each inning.每局都得0分
Don't dirty your hands.
Syrup consists of sugar and water.
The child's body was shaking with sobs.
Her letter awoke old memories.
She carried a spray of pink roses./a bunch of/a bouquet for Miss Kate
When shall we start getting in the rice?
How much is the entrance fee?/admission
I object.
The child was a trial to his parents.(对人的忍耐、自制力的)考验,磨练;烦人的事,惹麻烦的人;
He referer Jenny to a specialist.专家
I am positive.
Trees bowed in the wind.
She gassed her car.
It is a ship of 3000 tons burden.
This soup is a mere wash.泔水、清水
You'd better leave right now.
The business is doing fine.
It's not our business.
They heard someone moving about outside.
He kept kicked the door open.
Cider is made from apples.
Salvatore combed his hair carefully.
They are banking snow.(把某物)堆积起来,聚集起来;
The relief driver has got here.
The next five days were a nightmare.
I'll pay for the lunch at the desk. 收银台付钱
Take the lift to the sixth floor.
He recognized her in the photo.
They open an epoch of social reform.
I am staying at home today.
The city built a roundabout.
He is good company.
The abuse was directed at the TV crews.
Will you save me a  place at your table?
May I borrow your car, Mother?
4:1 was the final score.
Where have they put my clothes?
Please tell me straight what you think.
He was so tired that he fell asleep.
I had no money left and was desperate.
She pushes the door open.
Some soft foods become firm when cold.
I stuck posters on the door.
Smoking is prohibited.
Sadly, his enterprise was not rewarded.
He pets his cat on its back.
We left the others way behind.
She loved to adorn herself with finery.
This battle dealt the enemy hard blows.
A sheet of frost covered the windshield.
The question is how to repair the error.
They live in a sweat little house.
She was afraid of offending anyone.
Let's get together for lunch.
I used to walk abroad after supper.
Our voices echoed in the empty house.
My whole body hurt.
His face is werid weary beyond description.
The windows were painted green.
We went to school together in Atlanta.
It's something of a disappointment.
Do you want ruled paper or plain?
Our hearts are closely linked.
We are short of hands.
  What time do the fireworks start?
 Most of my money goes toward bills.
 I was full of confidence.
 My special guest will be Jerry Seinfeld.
 She was slender and had long dark hair.
 They roped themselves together.
 I've left the car lights on.
 He was pulled down by a sudden fever.
 It's just turned midnight.
 The clock ticked the minutes.
 Mother decided to fix them a meal.
 They are mining for salt.
 The molten metal was run into a mould.
 I'll exchange my apple for your cake.
 How tall are you?
 I waited at the top of the stairs.
 China is a big land.
 The old lady keeps five cats.
 They grew very bitter over the project.
 Sunday is a day of rest.
 Who is catering your daughter's wedding?
 He soon forgot his anger and came around.
 He's been there ever since you left.
 The choice rests entirely with you.
 It's nothing to worry about.
 I am not excusing him for what he did.
  King Charles I had his head cut off. 查理一世被砍了头
 Please center the subheads.
  They fought a duel.
 The body quickly absorbs aspirin.
  The lights changed to green.
 He pretended to be ill.
 He gave me a slightly hurt look.
 I will love you for always.
 He is a computer operator.【liaison】
  He'll have to try it out for himself.
 Scientists have already cloned a sheep.
 The child trailed a toy horse after him.
 Jack refused money to her. 【refuse sb money】拒绝借钱给sb
 He guessed right about some things.
 He played his part cold. 毫无准备地
 We laughed at ourselves sick at the memory.
 He has a talent for music.
 Would you tail the kite for me?
 They arrived yesterday morning.
 I retired to my study upstairs. (书房)
 He is holidaying in the south of France.
 I notice a policeman standing nearby.
 The facilities are very basic.
 They went belting along the road. 疾驰
 It was made of three diamonds.菱形
 The ship sailed around the point. 绕行
 The engine just died on us.
 Milton was shown in the office.
 It was used by all sorts of people.
 The egg dropped onto the floor.
 I'll go and nose about for more news.
 He explained how to use this instrument.
 We have accomplished what we hoped for.
  A single room with a bath, if possible.
 I included you among my friends.
 We serve buffet during lunch time only.
 You are playing a part.
 The hostages can't go home just yet.
 You give me a pain. 让我讨厌
  I always wear an apron when I cook.围

Chapter 9

different forms of expression表现形式
final offer最终报价
laugh at/kid/pull a joke on/trick sb
He is believed to be dead.
shame your family
lost his life
a Bachelor of Arts文学学士
the wind dropped/decreased风变小了
raise truck种植商品蔬菜
trip and fall over绊了一下摔倒了
You are talking bullshit.你胡说!
Please wait to be seated. 请稍坐
Size matters less than quality.
grumble within my hearing在我耳边抱怨
He knows where his interest lies.
Can't you run any faster?
A white flag signifies surrender.白旗表示投降
He has a host of reasons.
This was the basis of the final design./ base on 
bullying at school校园霸凌
The elderly man is rich in experience.
We live in the northeast of Span.
kid gloves羊皮手套
The troops marched on.
The weather had turned warm.
The printers reduced the point size.
The world today is far from peaceful.
The cold wind searched the streets./The chilly wind blew through the streets.
He managed a few sentences.
The articles make a quick return.商品盈利快/shareholders opted for quick profits rather than long-term returns
They anchored the boat.
an ear of wheat/rice/corn一穗麦/稻/玉米
She can speak four languages.
A stereo set has two channels.
Can you get a fix on the submarine?
remove sb from office; relieve sb of position免职; remove
two jars of coffee两罐咖啡
The river is half of a mile across/in width.
a mountain of work大量工作
medical handbook医用手册
The thought of summer suggests swimming.
They arrived home minus their luggage.
He is a person of high principles.
possess one's soul 有自制力, 保持冷静
When he speaks, he talks sense./reasonable
sweep the flag a bow/ make a bow鞠躬
I went through by a summary method. 简易的方法
The dust coated the desk.
The car can't climb the hills in high (speed).
take a pill to settle his stomach舒缓胃部
of all time/all of my days/all the time一直以来
They used dry ice to fog the stage.
unemployed/jobless/on the beach失业的
The next market is on the 15th.
save on land/water/laundry bills
take drugs/use特指吸食毒品v/be a drug addict/be addicted to drugs吸毒
How about some tea?/a cup of tea
at this price of ...
balance/measure/think over/consider...on second thoughts/with caution仔细斟酌
Leave that chair where it is.
fix my face熟悉、整理仪容
a bad/severe headache
The asking price is modest.
Summer is in.夏天来了
lead a life of pleasure享乐度日

Chapter 10

get in touch联系
fall ill生病
jump into action采取行动
I haven't turned 50 years old./I am not yet 50.我还不到50岁
Suddenly an idea came to me.
Here is much better than anywhere else.
I got incredibly upset.
believe in magic
My fingers turn black in front of my eyes.
crawl out of m bed
sharp climatic changes剧烈的气候变化
work like a charm奏效,药到病除
temperature / ˈtemprətʃər /
Greek God/Greek Numerals希腊神、数字

Chapter 11

see for oneself
neighborhood committee街道委员会
when the humor takes me/in a good humor/in good mood/feel good心情好时
The king of quality质量最佳 The queen of British cities信誉可靠
Do Not Disturb请勿打扰; disturb public order扰乱治安
The worry had aged him.
do a good deed做好事; He is all talk and no deed.他光说不做; in deed实际上
They turned up safe and sound. 安然无恙
send sb outside the classroom
Work begins tomorrow.
return/come/get/be home from work; on the way home from work下班回家
the latest news
A soldier was wounded in the exchange. 交火中受伤
Many marriages end in divorce.
as of now/today截止目前; as of right依理、理所当然地
His grades/marks are very poor. 成绩很差
Our holiday isn't for weeks yet.离假期还远https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/302708/what-does-the-sentence-our-holiday-isnt-for-weeks-yet-mean
You are welcome/free to use my money.
The economy is sliding towards/heading toward/has plunged into/in recession.
They packed explosives around the mine. 把炸药布满矿井周围
Share prices rose in heavy trading.
be nervous of...害怕
The fiction story won't film well. (v)
attend school 上学
I am ashamed to do so. 不好意思这么做
A civil good morning
have/attend/execute/go to/begin a meeting、conference
correspond with sb和某人通信
live happily together ever afterwards
He just doesn't speak my language. 立场不同standpoint/stance
be born lucky/be born to do sth
the divorce rate is fantastically high高地离谱
Edison invented the electric light.
make the adjustment under the fresh instruction
plant 工厂,发电厂;<美>房屋,设施
He was admitted to the Party last year.入党
draw a large audience 叫座/population/vocabulary大量
artificial satellite人造卫星
a pioneer in this field 先驱者、开拓者
greet her guest向客人打招呼
He floated his firm on the stock market.
The players cast a spell on the audience 用符咒迷惑(迷住)
a near and dear friend亲密的朋友
a bad report <英>(学生)成绩报告单;transcript <美>成绩单
He is always in want of money.
regular customer常客/frequenter
We're nowhere near the end 我们还未走到终点
plant a garden打理花园
The parents pick up/collect the children.
He answered with a nod.
He never seemed to need a shave. 刮脸
gain/find/win a secure/permanent foothold
adolescent adj.青春期的, 青春的;n.青少 作者:bili_453786140 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv22731615?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&jump_opus=1 出处:bilibili

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