功能强大的 Android Studio

英文来源: The powerful Android Studio
作者: Saúl Molinero(@saulmm),感谢作者对本篇文章的翻译授权。
译者: D_clock爱吃葱花
校对: 汤涛(就职于海豚浏览器,微信公众号AndroidTrending管理员)、Yasic(电子科技大学在校大学生,Diycode社区管理员)

Android Studio 作为 Android 开发的官方工具已经有一段时间了。考虑到 IntelliJ IDEA 在开发过程中为编辑、调试、分析、重构等众多功能上提供了更高效的方式,为此,Android Studio 选择在 IntelliJ IDEA 的基础上进行开发。在最新版的 Android Studio 中(写这篇文章时,最新版本是2.2)包含了很多改进, 比如 新的 UI 编辑器、新的 ConstraintLayout 布局交互方式等。本文的关注点不在于涵盖这些新特性。这次,我想介绍一些自己平时经常使用的 Android Studio 小技巧。这篇文章原本是我在Exfest’16 活动中的一篇演讲稿(没有PPT),正好有新的借口来写一篇新文章:) 。让我们开始吧!


  • 文中所有快捷键对应平台: Mac OS X 10.5+

  • 文中展示快捷键操作的GIF图底部的那个绿框框,是一个很好用的插件,叫Presentation Assistant,对用于演示和结对编程是很棒的:)。



在运行应用的时候,最好禁止展开 Android Monitor 窗口(因为在运行配置中默认是展开的)。为此,可以在我们当前的 Project 中,选择 Edit Configurations -> Android Application -> Miscellaneous 路径,关掉下面的勾选。

不显示 Tab

正如 Hadi Hadiri 在他的文章中明确提到,使用这些 Tab 可能导致以下麻烦:丢失上下文,消耗宝贵的编辑空间,并且这些标签需要使用触控板或鼠标交互。如果这些 Tab 对你来说没有什么用处,可以到 settings -> editor -> tabs 设置中,将 Placement 属性设置为 None。

IntelliJ IDEA 不需要使用标签也能高效地在代码间进行切换。




IntelliJ IDEA 以及

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Turn your ideas into elegant and powerful mobile applications using the latest Android Studio for the Android Lollipop platform About This Book Design and customize GUI using material design to create attractive and intuitive layouts easily Bring your designs to life with Android 5's powerful and extensive Java libraries, new sensors, and new platforms such as TVs, wearables, and cars An example-based guide to learn and develop applications for Android 5 Who This Book Is For If you have a great idea for a mobile app, and some familiarity with Java, or a similar procedural programming language, then all you need is this book to turn your idea into a reality. What You Will Learn Set up an effective development environment to create Android apps from scratch Control the layout structure and design and edit code to control screen events Respond to user interaction using Java and XML with your app Keep your users up to date with Android's new notification framework Implement Google APIs such as maps and other Google Services Create apps for televisions, cars, and wearables and build home-screen app widgets Add audio and video playback to your apps using the AudioManager and MediaPlayer classes Program the two new Lollipop widgets, CardView and RecyclerView Compile your apps, distribute them on the Google Play store, and build in a variety of ways to monetize them In Detail Android is a mobile operating system that runs on a staggering number of smart phones and tablets. Android offers developers the ability to build rich and innovative applications written using the Java programming language. Beginning with detailed instructions on how to install and configure the Android SDK, Studio, and Virtual Device Manager, the book moves on to creating a simple, but working, "Hello World" app that can be run on a real device or emulator. The book then moves on to layouts and the visual design of Lollipop apps. A new app is begun to demonstrate this and expanded as we move further, and, once material design has been introduced, the book moves on to the Java coding aspect and how to write code that responds to user interactions via callback methods such as touchscreen gesture listeners. No book on Lollipop APIs would be complete without explaining how the new Android TV, Wear, and Auto SDK tools work and how they can be utilized to either create new apps or convert those originally written for other platforms. The book concludes by demonstrating how to package and deploy your finished app on the Google Play store. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Setting up the Development Environment Chapter 2: Building a UI Chapter 3: Activities and Fragments Chapter 4: Managing RecyclerViews and their Data Chapter 5: Detecting Touchscreen Gestures Chapter 6: Notifications and the Action Bar Chapter 7: Maps, Locations, and Google Services Chapter 8: Apps for TVs, Cars, and Wearables Chapter 9: Camera, Video, and Multimedia Chapter 10: Publishing and Marketing


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