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MS-DOS 5.0

README.TXT NOTES ON MS-DOS VERSION 5.0 =========================== In this file the following topics are covered: 1. Introduction 2. Solving Setup Problems 2.1 Priam and Everex Hard Disks 2.2 SyQuest Removable Hard Disk 2.3 Bernoulli Drive 2.4 Disk Manager 2.5 SpeedStor and Volume Expansion 2.6 Novell Partitions 2.7 Vfeature Deluxe 2.8 Columbia Data Systems Device Driver 2.9 Incompatible Partition 2.10 WYSE Partitions 2.11 286 Accelerator Cards 2.12 Bernoulli Cache 2.13 AT&T 6300 Computers 2.14 LANtastic 2.15 Western Digital SCSI Hard-Disk Controllers 2.16 Change CONFIG.SYS File 2.17 Toshiba T1600 and a Hard RAM Disk 3. Installing MS-DOS 5.0 on OS/2 Systems 3.1 Installing MS-DOS 5.0 and OS/2 Dual-Boot Systems 3.2 Using the Uninstall Program on an OS/2 System 4. Solving Memory Problems 4.1 386MAX 4.2 All Computers Expanded-Memory Driver 4.3 Bus Master DMA Controller 4.4 HIMEM.SYS Location 4.5 INT15 Access to Extended Memory 4.6 Intel LIM Driver 4.7 Phoenix BIOS and HIMEM.SYS 4.8 QEMM 4.9 XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EM.SYS 5. Solving Problems with Windows 5.1 DOS Applications in Windows Enhanced Mode 5.2 EMM386.EXE Location 5.3 WINA20.386 File 5.4 Windows 3.0 Enhanced Debug Version 5.5 Windows 2.03 5.6 Windows/286 2.1 5.7 Windows 386 and the Upper Memory Area 6. Making Your Hardware Compatible with MS-DOS 5.0 6.1 101-key Keyboards and QBasic/MS-DOS Editor 6.2 Acer 1100/33 6.3 Adaptec Controller Boards 6.4 Amstrad Systems and KEYB.COM 6.5 Hardcard II 6.6 COMPAQ EXTDISK.SYS Driver 6.7 Corel System Drivers 6.8 External Disk Drives 6.9 Mice and MS-DOS Shell 6.10 NCR VGA BIOS 6.11 Olivetti Systems 6.12 Toshiba T3100SX 6.13 Western Digital VGA Card 6.14 Zenith Computers 7. Making Your Network Compatible with MS-DOS 5.0 7.1 3+Share 7.2 AT&T StarGROUP 7.3 DCA 10Net and Word5 7.4 DOS LAN Requester 7.5 I



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