Programming MS Office 2000 Web Components第二章第一节(第二部分)












       属性工具箱是由两位OWC小组的天才程序员,Eric MattesonCesar Alvarez开发的不可思议的杰作,属性工具箱也证明了试图使用DHTML来模仿Office的用户界面风格是一件困难重重的事。早期,我们坚持认为我们应该使属性工具箱尽可能地和标准的Office用户界面相似,EricCesar也的确花费了数月的时间来改变HTMLIE浏览器,使得它能符合需求。大多数人都不相信结果竟然就在HTML中。然而,因为考虑到虽然一般人都可以很有效的使用web站点,但还是会被Office应用程序中的许多高级对话框所迷惑,所以关于使用HTML来模拟Office用户界面是否使得控件更易于使用的争论依然很突出。


       对于那些希望在web页面中使用Office Web Components的开发者们,我的建议是不要浪费时间企图将HTML融入到传统的微软窗体应用程序的界面中,而应该利用HTML的简洁和动态布局的优势来为您的应用程序开发一个更加自然和易于使用的界面。


       假设您已经开发了一个用于列出您当前的产品线的电子表格, 表格中显示了每一个产品的单价,库存数量,和定购数量,还有一个给出了销售率的计算列,用于显示潜在的价值。现在用户需要根据产品的潜在价值对产品列表进行降序排列。用户可以在电子表格用户界面中,简单的选择需要排序的区域(或者在区域中选择任意的一些单元),并点击降序工具条按钮。当按钮被点击时,一个Excel中没有的菜单在按钮下方显示出来,如图22所示。


22  使用中的电子表格组件用户界面





' MultiColumnSort
' 目的: 同时根据多列对电子表格进行排序
' 传入:    电子表格中需要排序的区域的引用,
'          被排序的列的列编号的数组,
'          排序方向标志的数组(和上面的数组相同大小)
' 输出:     无 (完成排序动作)
Sub MultiColumnSort(Spreadsheet, Range, Columns, Directions)
    ' 启动一个撤消单位,以便可以以一个完整单位的任务进行撤消

' 关闭ScreenUpdating属性,使得当我们设置过滤,排序
' 和再过滤时电子表格不会重画
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' 现在递减遍历Columns数组和Directions数组,
    ' 实现我们需要的效果
    For ct = ubound(Columns) To lbound(Columns) Step -1
        ' 0 is a guess for column headings
        Range.Sort Columns(ct), Directions(ct), 0
    Next 'ct
    ' 打开ScreenUpdating属性开关,使电子表格重画
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' End the undo unit
End Sub 'MultiColumnSort()






23.         电子表格组件的自动过滤用户界面







' TopNFilter
' 目的: 根据给定的列编号过滤出列表的前N项
' 输入:    电子表格和区域的引用、列编号, 
'          要过滤出的行的行数,以及标识过滤出前N行还是后N行的方向值
' Out:     无 (完成所需的过滤)
Sub TopNFilter(Spreadsheet, Range, ColumnNum, N, Direction)
    Set c = Spreadsheet.Constants
    Set rngData = Range
    Set af = Spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.AutoFilter
    ' 启动一个撤消单元,以便将来能以完整的单元进行撤消

' 关闭ScreenUpdating属性开关,使得当我们在设置过滤,排序和再次应用
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' 清除任何现存的过滤定义
    ClearFilters Spreadsheet

    ' 在给定的数据区域中根据传入的列号的列排序列表
    If LCase(Direction) = "bottom" Then
        rngData.Sort ColumnNum, c.ssAscending, c.ssNo
        rngData.Sort ColumnNum, c.ssDescending, c.ssNo
    End If
    vNValue = rngData.Cells(N,ColumnNum).Value
    While rngData.Cells(N+1,ColumnNum).Value = vNValue
        N = N + 1
    Set fltr = af.Filters(ColumnNum)
    fltr.Criteria.FilterFunction = c.ssFilterFunctionInclude
    For ct = 1 To N
    ' 最后引用自动过滤

    ' 打开ScreenUpdating属性开关,使电子表格重画
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' 结束撤消单元

End Sub 'TopNFilter()





' ExpressionFilter
' 目的: 使用一个可以被VBScript计算的表达式,在一给定的列上过滤列表
' 输入: 指向电子表格和区域的引用,进行过滤的列号,和用来进行过滤得表达式。
' 输出:    无 (列表被过滤)
Sub ExpressionFilter(Spreadsheet, Range, ColumnNum, Expression)
    Dim sExp         ' 临时表达式变量
    Dim vValue       ' 临时存储变量
    Set c = Spreadsheet.Constants
    Set rngData = Range
    Set af = Spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.AutoFilter

    ' 启动一个撤销单元,以便将来可以作为一个完整单元的工作进行撤销。

    ' 关闭ScreenUpdating属性开关,以便当重置过滤属性,排序和再次应用过滤    ' 时电子表格不会重画
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' 清除任何现存的过滤设置
    ClearFilters Spreadsheet

    ' 获得指定列的过滤对象,并设置过滤功能属性为”包含”
    Set fltr = af.Filters(ColumnNum)
    fltr.Criteria.FilterFunction = c.ssFilterFunctionInclude

    ' 检查是否表达式包含了列值的替换符,
    ' 如果包含则设置标志
    fValueToken = cbool( _
        instr(1, Expression, g_sValueToken, vbTextCompare) > 0)

    For Each cell In rngData.Columns(ColumnNum).Cells
        ' 获得当前单元的值
        vValue = cell.Value
        ' 如果vValue是一个字符串,为了防止其中包含了空格的情况
        ' 我们需要在它的前后加上引号
        If vartype(vValue) = vbString Then    
            vValue = """" & vValue & """"
        End If
        ' 组成我们需要执行的表达式,将当前行的值插入到表达式中
        ' 合适的位置处
        If fValueToken Then
            sExp = "g_fEval = cbool(" & Replace(Expression, _
                g_sValueToken, vValue, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) & ")"
            sExp = "g_fEval = cbool(" & vValue & " " & Expression & ")"
        End If
        ' 执行表达式
        window.execScript sExp, "VBScript"
        ' 全局变量g_fEval现在已经被设置成True或者False.
        ' 如果是True,该行将会被包含在过滤结果中.
        If g_fEval Then
            fltr.Criteria.Add cell.Text
        End If
    Next 'ct

    ' 最后执行自动过滤

    ' 打开ScreenUpdating开关,使得电子表格可以重画
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' 结束撤销单元

End Sub 'ExpressionFilter()


       上述函数使用文档对象模型(DOM)中名为execScript的方法执行表达式(DOM是为Internet Explorer中的脚本提供的编程模型)。这个方法将字符串形式的脚本代码传递给动态引擎脚本(在这个例子中,是VBScript)来计算。之后脚本代码将表达式的结果存储在一个全局变量中,以便结果能够被用来判断表达式的真假。如果表达式为真,该行将会被包含在过滤后的集合中;如果为假,该行将被排除。






Sorting and Filtering

While you are reading this section, you might find it useful to open the Samples/ Chap02/SortFilterExample.htm file on the companion CD. The code shown in this section and the scenario described stem from that file.

The Spreadsheet component supports the basic sorting and filtering functionality found in Excel and exposes it through the programming model and the user interface. However, the sort and filter user interface in the Spreadsheet control is somewhat improved over that in Excel. Let's look at an example.

Adventures in DHTML

The Property Toolbox is an incredible piece of work created by two of OWC's talented developers, Eric Matteson and Cesar Alvarez. The Property Toolbox is also proof that attempting to emulate Office user interface conventions in DHTML is just asking for trouble. Early on, we decided that we should make the Property Toolbox look as much like the standard Office user interface as possible, and Eric and Cesar faithfully spent many months twisting and contorting HTML and Internet Explorer to make it comply. Most people can't believe that the result is actually in HTML. However, the jury's still out on whether emulating the Office user interface in HTML makes it any easier to use, considering that the average person can use web sites quite effectively but is still befuddled by many of the advanced dialog boxes in the Office applications.

I think everyone would agree that it would have been much easier to follow the user interface conventions made popular on the Web and present a new kind of command interface born and bred in HTML. For developers intending to use the Office Web Components in web pages, my advice is not to spend your time trying to wrangle HTML into a traditional Microsoft Windows application user interface. Instead, use HTML's simplicity and dynamic layout strengths to develop a more natural, easy-to-use interface for your application.

Suppose you have developed a spreadsheet that lists your current product line, showing each product's unit price, quantity in stock, and quantity on order, as well as a calculated column showing a potential worth given a sell-through rate. Now the user wants to sort the list of products by their potential worth in descending order. Through the Spreadsheet component user interface, the user simply selects the range to sort (or selects any cell in the range) and clicks the Sort Descending toolbar button. When this button is clicked, a menu appears below it that does not appear in Excel, as Figure 2-2 depicts.

Figure 2-2. The Spreadsheet component user interface in action.

One of the common problems users encounter while sorting Excel ranges is selecting the range to sort and the column to sort by. The Spreadsheet component lets users easily select the range to sort, and it lets them choose the column to sort by from a list of column names that appears when the Sort Ascending Or Sort Descending toolbar button is clicked. The sorting functionality is also available through the programming model via the Sort method of the Range object. This allows the developer to easily enable list sorting when the user clicks or double-clicks a column heading.

You might notice that the Spreadsheet component lets you sort the list only one column at a time. Excel offers a Sort dialog box that lets you sort by up to three keys at once (for example, sort by category, then by shipper, and then by potential worth). The Spreadsheet component has no user interface for doing this, but the underlying engine does support it. To emulate multicolumn sorting, you can use the following routine:

' MultiColumnSort
' Purpose: Sorts the spreadsheet by many columns at once
' In:      References to the spreadsheet and range to sort,
'          an array of column numbers on which to sort,
'          and an array (same size) of direction indicators
' Out:     Nothing (performs the sort)
Sub MultiColumnSort(Spreadsheet, Range, Columns, Directions)
    ' Start an undo unit so that this can undo as a whole unit of work

    ' Turn ScreenUpdating off so that the spreadsheet does not redraw
    ' while we are resetting filters, sorting, and reapplying filters
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' Now loop over the Columns and Directions arrays backwards,
    ' which will give us the effect we want
    For ct = ubound(Columns) To lbound(Columns) Step -1
        ' 0 is a guess for column headings
        Range.Sort Columns(ct), Directions(ct), 0
    Next 'ct
    ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on so that the spreadsheet redraws
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' End the undo unit
End Sub 'MultiColumnSort()

The trick to multicolumn sorts is to actually perform the sorts in the opposite order they're defined in. If you want to sort first by category and then by shipper, the routine first sorts the list by shipper and again by category. When the spreadsheet sorts a list by a new column, the previous ordering in another column is preserved within each item in the new column. The routine we just looked at accepts a range to sort, an array of column numbers, and an array of direction values (ascending or descending). The routine walks backwards along the two arrays, giving the effect of a multicolumn sort. Note that it also uses the BeginUndo and EndUndo methods to make all the sort operations part of one undo block so that they're undone together when the user chooses the Undo command.

The Spreadsheet component also sports a new AutoFilter user interface. The filtering functionality is similar to that found in Excel, but the AutoFilter drop-down lists in the user interface are a little different. Suppose that in the list of products we examined in Figure 2-2 you want to filter out some product categories to see how it would affect the products with high potential worth. The developer or user could turn on AutoFilter, click the AutoFilter arrow for the Category column, and see the screen shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3. The Spreadsheet component's AutoFilter user interface.

In Excel, you can choose a single item quite easily; however, selecting more than one item requires using the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, which can be quite arduous when you simply want to exclude four or five items. In the Spreadsheet component, the AutoFilter drop-down list has check boxes next to each item, as well as a Show All item at the top that lets you quickly toggle all items between the checked and unchecked states.

The astute reader will notice that the AutoFilter drop-down lists do not include two of the useful settings found in Excel. For instance, you won't find a Top 10 item, which allows you to quickly filter for the top 10 (or any other number of) items. Nor will you find a Custom item, which you can use to perform more complex filtering than simple include and exclude filters allow. Unfortunately, these higher-level functions aren't built in to the Spreadsheet component yet. However, you can easily emulate them by making a few calls to the Spreadsheet control's programming model.

To emulate top N filtering, you can use the following routine:

' TopNFilter
' Purpose: Filters for the top N items in the list given a column number
' In:      References to the spreadsheet and range, column number, 
'          number of rows, and direction value that indicates
'          top N or bottom N filtering
' Out:     Nothing (performs the top N filter)
Sub TopNFilter(Spreadsheet, Range, ColumnNum, N, Direction)
    Set c = Spreadsheet.Constants
    Set rngData = Range
    Set af = Spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.AutoFilter
    ' Start an undo unit so that this can undo as a whole unit of work

    ' Turn ScreenUpdating off so that the spreadsheet does not redraw
    ' while we are resetting filters, sorting, and reapplying filters    
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Clear any existing filters
    ClearFilters Spreadsheet

    ' Sort the list in the data range by the column number
    If LCase(Direction) = "bottom" Then
        rngData.Sort ColumnNum, c.ssAscending, c.ssNo
        rngData.Sort ColumnNum, c.ssDescending, c.ssNo
    End If
    ' Top N can actually include more than N rows if the N+1, N+2,
    ' and so on rows have the same value as the Nth row.
    ' Go to the N+1 row and see if it's the same as the Nth.
       until there is a different value.
    vNValue = rngData.Cells(N,ColumnNum).Value
    While rngData.Cells(N+1,ColumnNum).Value = vNValue
        N = N + 1
    ' N is now set to the number of rows we want to include in the filter
    Set fltr = af.Filters(ColumnNum)
    fltr.Criteria.FilterFunction = c.ssFilterFunctionInclude
    For ct = 1 To N
    ' Finally apply the AutoFilter

    ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on so that the spreadsheet redraws
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' End the undo unit

End Sub 'TopNFilter()

Top N filtering might seem as easy as sorting and then viewing the first N rows. But true top N filtering can return more than N rows because it really means "include the top N values." If the tenth and eleventh values are identical after the sort, a top 10 filter will return both products since they are among the top 10 values. The previous code can perform both top and bottom N filters by merely changing the sort direction from descending to ascending.

Similarly, you can emulate expression-based filtering using a routine like this:

' ExpressionFilter
' Purpose: Filters a list on a given column using an arbitrary expression
'          that can be evaluated by VBScript
' In:      References to the spreadsheet and range, column number to
'          filter upon, and expression to use for evaluation
' Out:     None (list is filtered)
Sub ExpressionFilter(Spreadsheet, Range, ColumnNum, Expression)
    Dim sExp         ' Temporary expression variable
    Dim vValue       ' Temporary value holder
    Set c = Spreadsheet.Constants
    Set rngData = Range
    Set af = Spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.AutoFilter

    ' Start an undo unit so that this can undo as a whole unit of work

    ' Turn ScreenUpdating off so that the spreadsheet does not redraw
    ' while we are resetting filters, sorting, and reapplying filters
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Clear any existing filters
    ClearFilters Spreadsheet

    ' Get the filter object for the specified column,
    ' and set the filter function to "include"
    Set fltr = af.Filters(ColumnNum)
    fltr.Criteria.FilterFunction = c.ssFilterFunctionInclude

    ' Check whether the expression contains the column value token,
    ' and set a flag if it does
    fValueToken = cbool( _
        instr(1, Expression, g_sValueToken, vbTextCompare) > 0)

    ' Loop over the column values in all the rows
    For Each cell In rngData.Columns(ColumnNum).Cells
        ' Get the current row's value
        vValue = cell.Value
        ' If vValue is a string, we need to wrap quotes around it in
        ' case it contains spaces
        If vartype(vValue) = vbString Then    
            vValue = """" & vValue & """"
        End If
        ' Build the expression we need to execute by inserting the
        ' current row's value in the right place
        If fValueToken Then
            sExp = "g_fEval = cbool(" & Replace(Expression, _
                g_sValueToken, vValue, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) & ")"
            sExp = "g_fEval = cbool(" & vValue & " " & Expression & ")"
        End If
        ' Execute the expression
        window.execScript sExp, "VBScript"
        ' The global g_fEval will now be set to True or False.
        ' If True, the row should be included in the filter.
        If g_fEval Then
            fltr.Criteria.Add cell.Text
        End If
    Next 'ct

    ' Finally apply the AutoFilter

    ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on so that the spreadsheet redraws
    Spreadsheet.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' End the undo unit

End Sub 'ExpressionFilter()

This routine uses a Document Object Model (DOM) method named execScript to evaluate expressions. (DOM is the programming model exposed to scripting in Internet Explorer.) This method passes the script code in string form to the Active Scripting Engine (in this case, VBScript) for evaluation. The script code stores the result of the expression in a global variable that is then used to determine whether the expression is True or False. If the expression is True, the row is included in the filtered set; if False, the row is not included.

Alternatively, you can evaluate expressions by using the Eval method of the Spreadsheet component's Worksheet object. Eval uses the Spreadsheet component's function libraries and expression evaluator instead of the active scripting engine, meaning it's useful in containers other than Internet Explorer or when you want to let users include spreadsheet functions or range references in the expression. However, the active scripting engine can give you a powerful expression evaluator. Plus, it allows you to use other scripting languages, such as ECMA Script (also known as JavaScript).


评论 1




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