使用join 二个表的结构,测试数据
INSERT INTO `class` (`id`, `sid`, `name`) VALUES (1, 2, 'A');
INSERT INTO `class` (`id`, `sid`, `name`) VALUES (2, 3, 'B');
INSERT INTO `school` (`id`, `sid`, `name`, `price`) VALUES (1, 2, 'tom', 5);
INSERT INTO `school` (`id`, `sid`, `name`, `price`) VALUES (2, 2, 'jack', 9);
INSERT INTO `school` (`id`, `sid`, `name`, `price`) VALUES (3, 3, 'rose', 4);
INSERT INTO `school` (`id`, `sid`, `name`, `price`) VALUES (4, 3, 'erice', 7);
select SUM(price) from school where sid = 2
select a.*,SUM(b.price) from class as a JOIN school as b where a.sid = b.sid group by a.sid
select a.*,SUM(b.price) as sum_price from class as a JOIN school as b where a.sid = b.sid group by a.sid
select a.*, (select school_name from table_school where a.city_pid=school_id) as city_name
from table_school as a where a.school_id = :school_id;
求和(函数判断)1: 查询同一个表同一字段不同类型
select a.education_sn,
SUM(if(c.pay_type = 0,c.pay_fee,0)) as educ_fee,
SUM(if(c.pay_type = 1,c.pay_fee,0)) as filing_fee,
SUM(if(c.pay_type = 2,c.pay_fee,0)) as collect_fee,
SUM(if(c.pay_type = 3,c.pay_fee,0)) as guidance_fee
from ah_education as a
JOIN ah_pay as c on a.eid = c.eid where a.is_delete = 0 and a.eid = 107 GROUP by a.education_sn;
求和(原始)2: 查询同一个表同一字段不同类型
select a.education_sn,
( select SUM(pay_fee) from ah_pay where pay_type = 0 and eid = 107 ) as educ_fee ,
( select SUM(pay_fee) from ah_pay where pay_type = 1 and eid = 107 ) as filing_fee ,
( select SUM(pay_fee) from ah_pay where pay_type = 2 and eid = 107 ) as collect_fee ,
( select SUM(pay_fee) from ah_pay where pay_type = 3 and eid = 107 ) as guidance_fee
from ah_education as a
JOIN ah_pay as c on a.eid = c.eid where a.is_delete = 0 and a.eid = 107 GROUP by a.education_sn
count(case when a.status = 0 then 0 end) as count0,
count(case when a.status = 1 then 1 end) as count1,
count(case when a.status = 2 then 2 end) as count2,
count(case when a.status = 3 then 3 end) as count3
from ah_reservation as a
where a.submit_manager_id = 95 and a.is_delete = 0
and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 DAY) <= date(from_unixtime(a.create_time))
GROUP by a.submit_manager_id