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转载 Spring Reactor 入门与实践

适合阅读的人群:本文适合对 Spring、Netty 等框架,以及 Java 8 的 Lambda、Stream 等特性有基本认识,希望了解 Spring 5 的反应式编程特性的技术人员阅读。一、前言最近几年,随着 Node.js、Golang 等新技术、新语言的出现,Java 的服务器端开发语言老大的地位受到了不小的挑战。虽然,Java 的市场份额依旧很大,短时间内也不会改变,但 Java 社区...

2018-06-21 15:35:55 38454 7

转载 最简单的Lambda入门教程


2018-06-21 15:35:31 6850 4

转载 Annotation Type EnableLoadTimeWeaving

@Target(value=TYPE) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented @Import(value=LoadTimeWeavingConfiguration.class)public @interface EnableLoadTimeWeavingActivates a Spring LoadTimeWeaver for this app

2017-04-21 13:13:07 1624

转载 Spring Security 3.1 自定义 authentication provider

前言在使用Spring Security的时候,遇到一个比较特殊的情况,需要根据用户名、邮箱等多个条件去验证用户或者使用第三方的验证服务来进行用户名和密码的判断,这样SS(Spring Security,一下简称SS)内置的authentication provider和user detail service就不能用了,花了一些时间去寻找其他的办法。前置条件Spring MVC

2017-04-20 09:30:30 2629

转载 在Spring Boot中整合Spring Security并自定义验证代码

最终效果1、实现页面访问权限限制 2、用户角色区分,并按照角色区分页面权限 3、实现在数据库中存储用户信息以及角色信息4、自定义验证代码效果如下: 1、免验证页面 2、登陆页面 在用户未登录时,访问任意有权限要求的页面都会自动跳转到登陆页面。 3、需登陆才能查看的页面 用户登陆后,可以正常访问页面资源,同时可以正确显示用户登录名:

2017-04-20 09:22:36 2324 1

转载 Upload files by sending multipart request programmatically

In the article Upload file to servlet without using HTML form,we discussed how to fire an HTTP POST request to transfer a file to a server – but that request’s content type is not ofmultipart/

2017-02-08 07:45:54 611

转载 Upload file to servlet without using HTML form

It’s trivial to use a web form which is made by HTML code for uploading files from web browser to a server. This is commonly referred asform based file upload, and typically suitable for web-based a

2017-02-08 07:44:35 325

转载 How to automate login a website – Java example

In this example, we will show you how to login a website via standard Java HttpsURLConnection. This technique should be working in most of the login form.Tools & Java Library used in this example

2017-02-08 07:41:46 1136

转载 How to send HTTP request GET/POST in Java

In this article, we will show you two examples to make HTTP GET/POST request via following APIsStandard HttpURLConnection.Apache HttpClient library.1. Java HttpURLConnection exampleThis exampl

2017-02-08 07:39:22 800

转载 springmvc(18)使用WebSocket 和 STOMP 实现消息功能

【0】README1)本文旨在 介绍如何 利用 WebSocket 和 STOMP 实现消息功能;2)要知道, WebSocket 是发送和接收消息的 底层API,而SockJS 是在 WebSocket 之上的 API;最后 STOMP(面向消息的简单文本协议)是基于 SockJS 的高级API(干货——简而言之,WebSocket 是底层协议,SockJS 是WebSocket 的

2017-01-12 13:57:29 2065 2

转载 Using WebSocket to build an interactive web application

This guide walks you through the process of creating a "hello world" application that sends messages back and forth, between a browser and the server. WebSocket is a very thin, lightweight layer above

2016-12-09 13:41:13 509

转载 认识HTML5的WebSocket

在HTML5规范中,我最喜欢的Web技术就是正迅速变得流行的WebSocket API。WebSocket提供了一个受欢迎的技术,以替代我们过去几年一直在用的Ajax技术。这个新的API提供了一个方法,从客户端使用简单的语法有效地推动消息到服务器。让我们看一看HTML5的WebSocket API:它可用于客户端、服务器端。而且有一个优秀的第三方API,名为Socket.IO。一、什么是W

2016-12-09 12:01:14 266

转载 Spring MVC - @RequestBody and @ResponseBody demystified

Spring MVC - @RequestBody and @ResponseBody demystifiedIn this post i want to dig into spring mvc a little, revealing what happens behind the scenes when a request is converted to your parameter o

2016-12-07 11:06:17 346

转载 预排序遍历树算法(非递归无限极分类算法)

本文是我学习MySQL官方教程Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL的笔记多层数据结构估计所有的web开发者估计都不会陌生,各种软件的分类都是基于多层结构来设计的。下面是一个典型的多层数据结构示意图:相关创建数据语句:CREATE TABLE category(category_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT

2016-11-29 17:14:03 2828

转载 设计无限级分类

产品分类,多级的树状结构的论坛,邮件列表等许多地方我们都会遇到这样的问题:如何存储多级结构的数据?在PHP的应用中,提供后台数据存储的通常是关系 型数据库,它能够保存大量的数据,提供高效的数据检索和更新服务。然而关系型数据的基本形式是纵横交错的表,是一个平面的结构,如果要将多级树状结构存储 在关系型数据库里就需要进行合理的翻译工作。接下来我会将自己的所见所闻和一些实用的经验和大家探讨一下:

2016-11-25 17:42:11 3311 2

转载 Spring JPA – Multiple Databases

1. OverviewIn this tutorial we’ll implement a simple Spring configuration for a Spring Data JPA system withmultiple databases.2. The EntitiesFirst – let’s create two simple entities – each liv

2016-11-25 08:53:41 365

转载 Spring-boot JDBC with multiple DataSources sample

Spring-boot JDBC with multiple DataSources sampleSpring-Boot's auto-configurer seems good for simple applications. For example it automatically creates DataSource and JdbcTemplate, when yo

2016-11-25 08:34:58 552

转载 Testing an Angular Application: Angular JS and Spring Security Part VIII

In this article we continue our discussion of how to use Spring Security with Angular JS in a “single page application”. Here we show how to write and run unit tests for the client-side code using

2016-11-03 14:31:08 381

转载 Modularizing the Client: Angular JS and Spring Security Part VII

In this article we continue our discussion of how to use Spring Security with Angular JS in a “single page application”. Here we show how to modularize the client-side code, and how to use “nice”

2016-11-03 14:29:59 654

转载 SSO with OAuth2: Angular JS and Spring Security Part V

Note: the source code and test for this blog continue to evolve, but the changes to the text are not being maintained here. Please seethe tutorial version for the most up to date content.In th

2016-11-03 14:28:58 2352

转载 The API Gateway Pattern: Angular JS and Spring Security Part IV

Note: the source code and test for this blog continue to evolve, but the changes to the text are not being maintained here. Please seethe tutorial version for the most up to date content.In th

2016-11-03 14:27:43 730

转载 The Resource Server: Angular JS and Spring Security Part III

Note: the source code and test for this blog continue to evolve, but the changes to the text are not being maintained here. Please seethe tutorial version for the most up to date content.In th

2016-11-03 14:26:37 872

转载 The Login Page: Angular JS and Spring Security Part II

Note: the source code and test for this blog continue to evolve, but the changes to the text are not being maintained here. Please seethe tutorial version for the most up to date content.In th

2016-11-03 14:23:59 938

转载 Spring Security and Angular JS

A Secure Single Page ApplicationIn this section we show some nice features of Spring Security, Spring Boot and Angular JS working together to provide a pleasant and secure user experience. It sh

2016-11-03 13:18:22 2620

转载 Spring Security Java Config Preview: Web Security

UpdateUsers should refer to the Spring Security Reference which contains more up to date information.Original Blog PostIn my previous post, I introduced Spring Security Java configuration an

2016-11-03 11:57:20 382

转载 Configuring boot servlet context and filters

A next step after you have bought into moving to java config and spring boot is tackling converting your web.xml to be configured programmatically. It is almost given that you will need to add an addi

2016-11-03 07:54:08 303

转载 Spring Security and Angular JS

A Secure Single Page ApplicationIn this section we show some nice features of Spring Security, Spring Boot and Angular JS working together to provide a pleasant and secure user experience. It sh

2016-10-20 11:15:47 1403

转载 spring security的原理及教程

spring security使用分类:如何使用spring security,相信百度过的都知道,总共有四种用法,从简到深为:1、不用数据库,全部数据写在配置文件,这个也是官方文档里面的demo;2、使用数据库,根据spring security默认实现代码设计数据库,也就是说数据库已经固定了,这种方法不灵活,而且那个数据库设计得很简陋,实用性差;3、spring security和Ac

2016-09-23 15:31:48 922

转载 Filtering JSON feeds from Spring 3's REST support using addMixInAnnotations

Spring3 allows you to output JSON payloads quite easily with its REST support. It uses Jackson (an advanced, fast API that does JSON serialization essentially converts Java object to JSON).T

2016-09-16 15:37:53 561

转载 use Mix-In Annotations to reuse, decouple

After reviewing the "number #1 user favorite feature" of upcoming Jackson 1.2 release, let's check out the Author's cut. As cool as ability to use any constructor or factory method a POJO has, my fa

2016-09-16 14:54:01 341

转载 Latest Jackson integration improvements in Spring

Updated on 2015/08/31 with an additional Jackson modules sectionSpring Jackson support has been improved lately to be more flexible and powerful. This blog post gives you an update about the mos

2016-09-16 14:36:09 264

转载 how to write your annotation types and make use of built-in annotations to control their behavior

2016-09-16 13:14:38 399

转载 Spring Boot Security Application

Spring Security had some opinions of being complicated to use. Well, of course it's quite complicated when you look at it, as its scope covers a lot of use-cases. Thing is that, truly in a Spring sp

2016-09-14 14:08:02 1375

转载 A Simple Web App with Spring Boot, Spring Security and Stormpath – in 15 Minutes

We recently released a revision to our Stormpath Spring Security integration. You no longer have to inherit from a special Stormpath security configurer adapter. Instead, you apply a Stormpath DSL (do

2016-09-14 14:05:37 1120

转载 Securing REST APIs With Spring Boot

JANUARY 6TH, 2015In my previous post I described how to build REST APIs with Spring Boot.  One glaring omission to that post was security.  Security can be a daunting part of building any app be

2016-09-14 14:03:01 298


In this short addendum to my earlier series on Spring Boot, I’ll be covering a fairly trivial problem whose solution I had a somewhat hard time finding an example of. Like normal, I hope this will hel

2016-09-14 14:02:09 458


Spring Boot provides utilities for quick and easy setup of Spring Security via auto-configuration and Java-based configuration. The getting started guide is quick and easy leads through configuring an

2016-09-14 13:59:55 590

转载 spring boot security reference

28. SecurityIf Spring Security is on the classpath then web applications will be secure by default with ‘basic’ authentication on all HTTP endpoints. To add method-level security to a web ap

2016-09-14 13:57:19 2015

转载 MySQL: Extracting timstamp and MAC address from UUIDs

down voteIn mysql, it is possible to use the uuid function to extract milliseconds.select conv( concat( substring(uid,16,3), substring(u

2016-09-02 13:11:21 480

转载 Java EE 7: Building Web Applications with WebSocket, JavaScript and HTML5

OverviewPurposeThis tutorial shows you how to create an application that uses the WebSocket API for real-time communication between a client and a server. You learn how to:Create a Java Plat

2016-08-25 09:50:21 656





web service方面的教程,里面讲的很详细



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