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转载 5 things you should know about SharePoint 2007 Records Center

文章转载自arbindocFor past couple of months, I have been working on large implementation of Records Center site in SharePoint 2007. During this time, I have come across few features in Records Center sit

2013-07-15 08:54:42 587

原创 打开SharePoint 2010详细错误信息

默认情况下,如果SharePoint的页面在加载时出错,只会显示Unexpected Error或只是Error,为了查看详细信息,我们一般都会如下设置web.config1.On the web server, navigate to the site directory (probably something like: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDire

2013-07-15 08:50:25 1012

原创 Pages Library不能显示Library Settings页面的错误处理

找了好久原因的一个错误,就是当你打开Pages Library的Library Settings页面时提示unexpected错误,如果打开web.config的详细错误信息或查看ULS logs的时候会看到如下的错误信息:SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.Web.HttpException: The DataSource

2013-07-15 08:43:27 1169

原创 通过脚本_spPageContextInfo获取当前SharePoint上下文信息

_spPageContextInfo,一段非常有用的SharePoint JavaScript代码,通过它可以很方便获取当前页面的相关信息。NameSP2007SP2010SP2013Example ValuealertsEnabled XXfalseallowSilverlightPrompt XXtrue

2013-07-03 14:29:36 1716

原创 Common Programming Tasks in the JavaScript Object Model

JavaScript Object Model MSDNhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh185015(v=office.14).aspx

2013-07-03 14:14:50 611

原创 SharePoint 2010 JavaScript Object Model中executeQueryAsync的递归调用

最近一客户需求在页面上显示某Picture Library里面的客户信息,而且这些客户信息是按照文件夹分组存放。因为呈现样式是按照客户的设计样式显示,为简单起见直接使用Client Object Model script。1)首先是获取指定父文件夹下面所有子文件夹。#contactUs { padding: 0; margin: 20px 0 0 0;}#contactUsMa

2013-07-03 10:01:04 1871

原创 SharePoint 2010 JavaScript Object Model获取列表下所有文件夹名称

最近有一项目需要通过Client Object Model获取某一指定列表下所有文件夹名称,下面是具体的实现方法。ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getFolders, "sp.js");function getFolders() { var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var li

2013-07-01 14:00:32 1215

转载 时间、质量、成本——项目管理的矛与盾

工期紧,活儿只能凑合了;超支,赶紧砍内容,别弄那么多;资源有限,人手奇缺,往后拖吧。 这就是我们身边项目运作时常发生的状况。 所有的项目经理都会做预算,都会设置检查点,都知道又要无休止的协调。但真正执行起来,千变万化的现实让他们经常无所适从。 时间、质量、成本 难平衡! 在纸上画一个等边三角形。在各个边上标上时间、质量、成本。我们会看到,任何一方的移动必定带动其他的变形。这个三角形

2013-06-28 09:13:42 966

转载 Creating a List Item instance programmatically using the object model

https://www.nothingbutsharepoint.com/sites/devwiki/sp2007dev/pages/creating%20a%20list%20item%20instance%20programmatically%20using%20the%20object%20model.aspxThe below code shows how to create a Li

2013-06-24 14:29:48 1112

原创 Set value DateTime field to null

如果自己在List/Document Library创建了一些DateTime field,但是这是field有时候会需要设为空值,这时候通过代码该如何赋值?item["EndDate"] = null; 上面的操作就可以解决这个问题。

2013-06-24 14:21:19 931

转载 Download files from a SharePoint document library remotely via Lists.asmx webservice

sowmyancsBelow I am giving a sample c# code for a .Net Console application, to download the files from a SharePoint Document Library remotely via Lists.asmx web service. We can use the same code for

2013-06-24 14:13:49 1373

转载 Using Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010

Kirk EvansOne of my kids’ favorite books is called If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff─a children’s book based on the slippery-slope notion that if you give a mouse a cookie, he will ask

2013-06-24 14:06:16 1296

原创 SharePoint 2010 PowerShell 命令

SPAccessServiceApplication Get-SPAccessServiceApplication – Gets an {Access Service} application object. New-SPAccessServiceApplication Set-SPAccessServiceApplication – Sets a global property fo

2013-06-24 09:47:26 2826

原创 修改列表内置栏Created, Modified, Created By, Modified By, Assigned To

当使用SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges创建或更新SPListItem时,如何修改Created, Modified, Created By, Modified By, Assigned To?很简单,如下: item["Created"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);item["Modified"] = DateTime

2013-06-24 09:25:31 1607

转载 All ways of RunWithElevatedPrivileges

Download it:https://sites.google.com/site/sasivalipireddy/home/RunWithElevatedPrivileages_ALL.pdfRunWithElevatedPrivileges? Why can’t we use RunWithElevatedPrivileges in event handlers?Imper

2013-06-24 08:55:51 1207

原创 jQuery - Checkbox

(1)判断checkbox是否选中$('#checkbox').is(':checked')(2)设值$('#material')[0].checked = true;

2013-06-24 08:20:26 534

转载 SharePoint Publishing Site Map Providers and Navigation

Configuring the navigation of SharePoint 2010 publishing sites and subsites can be a bit confusing, also when configuring the navigation from code or from your web templates (or even old school site d

2013-06-19 08:21:10 1084

转载 A Single Breadcrumb for All SharePoint Pages

SharePoint’s out-of-the-box breadcrumb control is kinda a strange animal. Basically you have three different kinds of breadcrumbs in SharePoint. Each of these breadcrumbs are using different provider

2013-06-19 08:16:26 568

原创 SharePoint 2010 with Breadcrumb Navigation

当使用CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode作为Publishing Portal的SiteMapProvider时,其在页面上显示的节点如下1) SubSite 1 - Page 1Publishing Site > SubSite 1 >Page12) Site SettingsPublishing Site > SubSite 13) Form

2013-06-19 08:05:22 533

转载 How To Remove Drop-Off Libraries

How To Remove Drop-Off Libraries As previously discussed, Sharepoint automatically creates a tin-eared list of nonsense whenever you turn on or change any aspect of its development. Some of th

2013-06-19 07:16:36 709



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