平台:Win2000 Pro SP4, VC++6.0,SDK
1. 首先是以工程文件里的.rc文件为基础,制作多种语言的.rc文件,就是把有关对话框,属性页,以及一些ID文字替换为其他的语言文字,这里需要注意的是,不同语言版本的.rc文件,包含很多相同的图标(Icon),对话框(Dialog),String Table,在VC编译器的SourceView里都要选择相应的语种。比如:如果是English,以上说的这些都要选择English(U.S.)。
2. 添加多语言编译版本,选择Build->Configurations,点击Add,添加相应的语言编译版本,我这里添加的是English Release。随后添加多种语言版本。
3. 编辑不同语言版本的Project Setting。点击菜单Project->Settings,修改相应的设置
设置Output directories: 包括Intermediate和Output files,我这里都设置为English Release
设置Output file name: 我这里设置为English_Release/ktrexe.exe
设置Language: 英语(美国)
4. 添加Source Files
5. 点击Project->Settings,点击你所点击的.rc文件
选中Exclude file from build
选择“是”,每一种.rc文件分别选取相应的语言编译版本,比如Win32 English Release,选择Winapp1_English.rc,然后在Exclude file from build打勾即可。
6. 编译:
选择Build->Batch Build
选中您所要编译的语种,选中Selection only,点击Rebuild All即可。
7. 此时,您可以看到您的.dsp文件已经被修改。
由于该工程是简体中文的,我想添加其他的语言版本,我就在.rc复本的基础上把简体中文的项目换成了其他的语言(比如西班牙语),然后我在Build->Configurations里添加了Spanish Release,在Project-〉Settings里设置了语言环境,输入路径等等属性。随后我就在Project-〉Add Files添加我刚才更换语言的.rc文件添加进来。
目的是用Debug调试,然后在Build-〉Batch Build选项里选择我要编译的语言种类,一次编译多种语言。
问题是VC6.0提示说“Multiple.rc files exist in this project. Only one can be marked as included in the build. The others will be excluded frome the build.”
因为所有的id没变, 所有程序都能正常运行。
Several solutions:
1. Place all your resources into one big. rc file.
2. Exclude the additional rc files from the build and include them by the
resource includes (right mouse click on the resource file in the resource
editor). In this case you have to take care that bitmaps and others are only
included once!
3. Create seperate DLL's for each language and use the corresponding handle
to this DLL when loading resources. Read the docu to AfxSetResourceHandle
when you are using the MFC.
1) use the "resource includes" menu item in VC C++ 6.0 and include one
resource in the other (i.e. #include "file.rc") Make sure that there are no
conflicts and each resource is properly marked with the correct language.
Mark the RC file as excluded from the build. It will get built anyway since
it was included in the main RC.
2) have separate DLL (i.e. a separate sub-project) for each RC file (the
satellite DLL approach to localization)
If you are unhappy with having separate builds for each language then
you'll have to combine the .rc files with (or without if they doesn't use
same identifiers) the proper LANGUAGE ID #ifdef's. If you don't know
about these, use the Resource editor built into the Environment to create
a new .rc with element variants in several languages. Then open the file
and analyse it.
In VS.NET 2003 click on Build>Configuration Manager
You will find your project. Now it is possible to select New in the combo
"Active Solution Configuration" you can add new settings to the current ones
In VS6 click on Build->Configurations. You will find your project displayed
as a tree. Click on Add to add new configurations.
In both caes you will be asked what base configuratin should be copied.
Now you can create different Release modes like German/English/Bavarian and
so on...
For each configuration you can define diffrent rc files to be excluded from
the build. Also you can define different output directories.
The disadvantage is that you always have a complete binary for a language
and you can not switch the language on user request!