Angular ng命令


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.16299.492]

(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

Available Commands:
  add Add support for a library to your project.
  new Creates a new directory and a new Angular app.
  generate Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic.
  update Updates your application and its dependencies.
  build Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default).
  serve Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes.
  test Run unit tests in existing project.
  e2e Run e2e tests in existing project.
  lint Lints code in existing project.
  xi18n Extracts i18n messages from source code.
  run Runs Architect targets.
  eject Temporarily disabled. Ejects your app and output the proper webpack configuration and scripts.
  config Get/set configuration values.
  help Help.
  version Outputs Angular CLI version.
  doc Opens the official Angular API documentation for a given keyword.

For more detailed help run "ng [command name] --help"



Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.16299.492]

(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

C:\Users\dqgzs>cd D:\workspace-sts\dqgy\manage


D:\workspace-sts\dqgy\manage>ng generate module app-routing --flat --module=app
Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local
version (1.6.7). The local Angular CLI version is used.

To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".
  create src/app/app-routing.module.ts (194 bytes)
  update src/app/app.module.ts (1539 bytes)

Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local
version (1.6.7). The local Angular CLI version is used.

To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".
ng build <options...>
  Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default).
  aliases: b
  --target (String) (Default: development) Defines the build target.
    aliases: -t <value>, -dev (--target=development), -prod (--target=production), --target <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --output-path (Path) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --aot (Boolean) Build using Ahead of Time compilation.
    aliases: -aot
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --vendor-chunk (Boolean) Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries.
    aliases: -vc, --vendorChunk
  --common-chunk (Boolean) (Default: true) Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.
    aliases: -cc, --commonChunk
  --base-href (String) Base url for the application being built.
    aliases: -bh <value>, --baseHref <value>
  --deploy-url (String) URL where files will be deployed.
    aliases: -d <value>, --deployUrl <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while building.
    aliases: -pr, --progress
  --i18n-file (String) Localization file to use for i18n.
    aliases: --i18nFile <value>
  --i18n-format (String) Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file.
    aliases: --i18nFormat <value>
  --locale (String) Locale to use for i18n.
    aliases: --locale <value>
  --missing-translation (String) How to handle missing translations for i18n.
    aliases: --missingTranslation <value>
  --extract-css (Boolean) Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones.
    aliases: -ec, --extractCss
  --watch (Boolean) (Default: false) Run build when files change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String) Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
    aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --app (String) Specifies app name or index to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --delete-output-path (Boolean) (Default: true) Delete output path before build.
    aliases: -dop, --deleteOutputPath
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --extract-licenses (Boolean) (Default: true) Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.
    aliases: --extractLicenses
  --show-circular-dependencies (Boolean) (Default: true) Show circular dependency warnings on builds.
    aliases: -scd, --showCircularDependencies
  --build-optimizer (Boolean) Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using `--aot`.
    aliases: --buildOptimizer
  --named-chunks (Boolean) Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    aliases: -nc, --namedChunks
  --subresource-integrity (Boolean) (Default: false) Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.
    aliases: -sri, --subresourceIntegrity
  --bundle-dependencies (none, all) (Default: none) Available on server platform only. Which external dependencies to bundle into the module. By default, all of node_modules will be kept as requires.
    aliases: --bundleDependencies <value>
  --service-worker (Boolean) (Default: true) Generates a service worker config for production builds, if the app has service worker enabled.
    aliases: -sw, --serviceWorker
  --skip-app-shell (Boolean) (Default: false) Flag to prevent building an app shell
    aliases: --skipAppShell
  --stats-json (Boolean) (Default: false) Generates a `stats.json` file which can be analyzed using tools such as: `webpack-bundle-analyzer` or
    aliases: --statsJson

ng completion <options...>
  Adds autocomplete functionality to `ng` commands and subcommands.
  --all (Boolean) (Default: true) Generate a completion script compatible with both bash and zsh.
    aliases: -a, -all
  --bash (Boolean) (Default: false) Generate a completion script for bash.
    aliases: -b, -bash
  --zsh (Boolean) (Default: false) Generate a completion script for zsh.
    aliases: -z, -zsh

ng doc <keyword> <options...>
  Opens the official Angular API documentation for a given keyword.
  --search (Boolean) (Default: false) Search whole instead of just api.
    aliases: -s, --search

ng e2e <options...>
  Run e2e tests in existing project.
  aliases: e
  --target (String) (Default: development) Defines the build target.
    aliases: -t <value>, -dev (--target=development), -prod (--target=production), --target <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --output-path (Path) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --aot (Boolean) Build using Ahead of Time compilation.
    aliases: -aot
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --vendor-chunk (Boolean) Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries.
    aliases: -vc, --vendorChunk
  --common-chunk (Boolean) (Default: true) Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.
    aliases: -cc, --commonChunk
  --base-href (String) Base url for the application being built.
    aliases: -bh <value>, --baseHref <value>
  --deploy-url (String) URL where files will be deployed.
    aliases: -d <value>, --deployUrl <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while building.
    aliases: -pr, --progress
  --i18n-file (String) Localization file to use for i18n.
    aliases: --i18nFile <value>
  --i18n-format (String) Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file.
    aliases: --i18nFormat <value>
  --locale (String) Locale to use for i18n.
    aliases: --locale <value>
  --missing-translation (String) How to handle missing translations for i18n.
    aliases: --missingTranslation <value>
  --extract-css (Boolean) Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones.
    aliases: -ec, --extractCss
  --watch (Boolean) (Default: false) Run build when files change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String) Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
    aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --app (String) Specifies app name or index to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --delete-output-path (Boolean) (Default: true) Delete output path before build.
    aliases: -dop, --deleteOutputPath
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --extract-licenses (Boolean) (Default: true) Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.
    aliases: --extractLicenses
  --show-circular-dependencies (Boolean) (Default: true) Show circular dependency warnings on builds.
    aliases: -scd, --showCircularDependencies
  --build-optimizer (Boolean) Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using `--aot`.
    aliases: --buildOptimizer
  --named-chunks (Boolean) Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    aliases: -nc, --namedChunks
  --subresource-integrity (Boolean) (Default: false) Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.
    aliases: -sri, --subresourceIntegrity
  --bundle-dependencies (none, all) (Default: none) Available on server platform only. Which external dependencies to bundle into the module. By default, all of node_modules will be kept as requires.
    aliases: --bundleDependencies <value>
  --service-worker (Boolean) (Default: true) Generates a service worker config for production builds, if the app has service worker enabled.
    aliases: -sw, --serviceWorker
  --skip-app-shell (Boolean) (Default: false) Flag to prevent building an app shell
    aliases: --skipAppShell
  --port (Number) (Default: 0) The port to use to serve the application.
    aliases: -p <value>, -port <value>
  --host (String) (Default: localhost) Listens only on localhost by default.
    aliases: -H <value>, -host <value>
  --proxy-config (Path) Proxy configuration file.
    aliases: -pc <value>, --proxyConfig <value>
  --ssl (Boolean) (Default: false) Serve using HTTPS.
    aliases: -ssl
  --ssl-key (String) (Default: ssl/server.key) SSL key to use for serving HTTPS.
    aliases: --sslKey <value>
  --ssl-cert (String) (Default: ssl/server.crt) SSL certificate to use for serving HTTPS.
    aliases: --sslCert <value>
  --open (Boolean) (Default: false) Opens the url in default browser.
    aliases: -o, -open
  --live-reload (Boolean) (Default: true) Whether to reload the page on change, using live-reload.
    aliases: -lr, --liveReload
  --public-host (String) Specify the URL that the browser client will use.
    aliases: --live-reload-client <value>, --publicHost <value>
  --disable-host-check (Boolean) (Default: false) Don't verify connected clients are part of allowed hosts.
    aliases: --disableHostCheck
  --serve-path (String) The pathname where the app will be served.
    aliases: --servePath <value>
  --hmr (Boolean) (Default: false) Enable hot module replacement.
    aliases: -hmr
  --config (String) Use a specific config file. Defaults to the protractor config file in angular-cli.json.
    aliases: -c <value>, --config <value>
  --specs (Array) (Default: ) Override specs in the protractor config. Can send in multiple specs by repeating flag (ng e2e --specs=spec1.ts --specs=spec2.ts).
    aliases: -sp <value>, --specs <value>
  --element-explorer (Boolean) (Default: false) Start Protractor's Element Explorer for debugging.
    aliases: -ee, --elementExplorer
  --webdriver-update (Boolean) (Default: true) Try to update webdriver.
    aliases: -wu, --webdriverUpdate
  --serve (Boolean) (Default: true) Compile and Serve the app. All non-reload related serve options are also available (e.g. --port=4400).
    aliases: -s, --serve

ng eject <options...>
  Ejects your app and output the proper webpack configuration and scripts.
  --target (String) (Default: development) Defines the build target.
    aliases: -t <value>, -dev (--target=development), -prod (--target=production), --target <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --output-path (Path) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --aot (Boolean) Build using Ahead of Time compilation.
    aliases: -aot
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --vendor-chunk (Boolean) Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries.
    aliases: -vc, --vendorChunk
  --common-chunk (Boolean) (Default: true) Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.
    aliases: -cc, --commonChunk
  --base-href (String) Base url for the application being built.
    aliases: -bh <value>, --baseHref <value>
  --deploy-url (String) URL where files will be deployed.
    aliases: -d <value>, --deployUrl <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while building.
    aliases: -pr, --progress
  --i18n-file (String) Localization file to use for i18n.
    aliases: --i18nFile <value>
  --i18n-format (String) Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file.
    aliases: --i18nFormat <value>
  --locale (String) Locale to use for i18n.
    aliases: --locale <value>
  --missing-translation (String) How to handle missing translations for i18n.
    aliases: --missingTranslation <value>
  --extract-css (Boolean) Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones.
    aliases: -ec, --extractCss
  --watch (Boolean) (Default: false) Run build when files change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String) Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
    aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --delete-output-path (Boolean) (Default: true) Delete output path before build.
    aliases: -dop, --deleteOutputPath
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --extract-licenses (Boolean) (Default: true) Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.
    aliases: --extractLicenses
  --show-circular-dependencies (Boolean) (Default: true) Show circular dependency warnings on builds.
    aliases: -scd, --showCircularDependencies
  --build-optimizer (Boolean) Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using `--aot`.
    aliases: --buildOptimizer
  --named-chunks (Boolean) Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    aliases: -nc, --namedChunks
  --subresource-integrity (Boolean) (Default: false) Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.
    aliases: -sri, --subresourceIntegrity
  --bundle-dependencies (none, all) (Default: none) Available on server platform only. Which external dependencies to bundle into the module. By default, all of node_modules will be kept as requires.
    aliases: --bundleDependencies <value>
  --service-worker (Boolean) (Default: true) Generates a service worker config for production builds, if the app has service worker enabled.
    aliases: -sw, --serviceWorker
  --skip-app-shell (Boolean) (Default: false) Flag to prevent building an app shell
    aliases: --skipAppShell
  --force (Boolean) Overwrite any webpack.config.js and npm scripts already existing.
    aliases: --force
  --app (String) Specifies app name to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>

ng generate <schematic> <options...>
  Generates and/or modifies files based on a schematic.
  aliases: g
  --dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false) Run through without making any changes.
    aliases: -d, --dryRun
  --force (Boolean) (Default: false) Forces overwriting of files.
    aliases: -f, --force
  --app (String) Specifies app name to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --collection (String) Schematics collection to use.
    aliases: -c <value>, --collection <value>
  --lint-fix (Boolean) Use lint to fix files after generation.
    aliases: -lf, --lintFix

ng get <options...>
  Get a value from the configuration. Example: ng get [key]
  --global (Boolean) (Default: false) Get the value in the global configuration (in your home directory).
    aliases: --global

ng help <command-name (Default: all)> <options...>
  Shows help for the CLI.
  --short (Boolean) (Default: false) Display command name and description only.
    aliases: -s, --short

ng lint <options...>
  Lints code in existing project.
  aliases: l
  --fix (Boolean) (Default: false) Fixes linting errors (may overwrite linted files).
    aliases: -fix
  --type-check (Boolean) (Default: false) Controls the type check for linting.
    aliases: --typeCheck
  --force (Boolean) (Default: false) Succeeds even if there was linting errors.
    aliases: --force
  --format (String) (Default: prose) Output format (prose, json, stylish, verbose, pmd, msbuild, checkstyle, vso, fileslist).
    aliases: -t <value>, --format <value>

ng new <options...>
  Creates a new directory and a new Angular app eg. "ng new [name]".
  aliases: n
  --dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false) Run through without making any changes. Will list all files that would have been created when running "ng new".
    aliases: -d, --dryRun
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --skip-install (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip installing packages.
    aliases: -si, --skipInstall
  --skip-commit (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip committing the first commit to git.
    aliases: -sc, --skipCommit
  --collection (String) Schematics collection to use.
    aliases: -c <value>, --collection <value>

ng serve <options...>
  Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes.
  aliases: server, s
  --target (String) (Default: development) Defines the build target.
    aliases: -t <value>, -dev (--target=development), -prod (--target=production), --target <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --output-path (Path) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --aot (Boolean) Build using Ahead of Time compilation.
    aliases: -aot
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --vendor-chunk (Boolean) Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries.
    aliases: -vc, --vendorChunk
  --common-chunk (Boolean) (Default: true) Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.
    aliases: -cc, --commonChunk
  --base-href (String) Base url for the application being built.
    aliases: -bh <value>, --baseHref <value>
  --deploy-url (String) URL where files will be deployed.
    aliases: -d <value>, --deployUrl <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while building.
    aliases: -pr, --progress
  --i18n-file (String) Localization file to use for i18n.
    aliases: --i18nFile <value>
  --i18n-format (String) Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file.
    aliases: --i18nFormat <value>
  --locale (String) Locale to use for i18n.
    aliases: --locale <value>
  --missing-translation (String) How to handle missing translations for i18n.
    aliases: --missingTranslation <value>
  --extract-css (Boolean) Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones.
    aliases: -ec, --extractCss
  --watch (Boolean) (Default: true) Rebuild on change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String) Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
    aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --app (String) Specifies app name or index to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --delete-output-path (Boolean) (Default: true) Delete output path before build.
    aliases: -dop, --deleteOutputPath
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --extract-licenses (Boolean) (Default: true) Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.
    aliases: --extractLicenses
  --show-circular-dependencies (Boolean) (Default: true) Show circular dependency warnings on builds.
    aliases: -scd, --showCircularDependencies
  --build-optimizer (Boolean) Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using `--aot`.
    aliases: --buildOptimizer
  --named-chunks (Boolean) Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    aliases: -nc, --namedChunks
  --subresource-integrity (Boolean) (Default: false) Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.
    aliases: -sri, --subresourceIntegrity
  --bundle-dependencies (none, all) (Default: none) Available on server platform only. Which external dependencies to bundle into the module. By default, all of node_modules will be kept as requires.
    aliases: --bundleDependencies <value>
  --service-worker (Boolean) (Default: true) Generates a service worker config for production builds, if the app has service worker enabled.
    aliases: -sw, --serviceWorker
  --skip-app-shell (Boolean) (Default: false) Flag to prevent building an app shell
    aliases: --skipAppShell
  --port (Number) (Default: 4200) Port to listen to for serving.
    aliases: -p <value>, -port <value>
  --host (String) (Default: localhost) Listens only on localhost by default.
    aliases: -H <value>, -host <value>
  --proxy-config (Path) Proxy configuration file.
    aliases: -pc <value>, --proxyConfig <value>
  --ssl (Boolean) (Default: false) Serve using HTTPS.
    aliases: -ssl
  --ssl-key (String) (Default: ssl/server.key) SSL key to use for serving HTTPS.
    aliases: --sslKey <value>
  --ssl-cert (String) (Default: ssl/server.crt) SSL certificate to use for serving HTTPS.
    aliases: --sslCert <value>
  --open (Boolean) (Default: false) Opens the url in default browser.
    aliases: -o, -open
  --live-reload (Boolean) (Default: true) Whether to reload the page on change, using live-reload.
    aliases: -lr, --liveReload
  --public-host (String) Specify the URL that the browser client will use.
    aliases: --live-reload-client <value>, --publicHost <value>
  --disable-host-check (Boolean) (Default: false) Don't verify connected clients are part of allowed hosts.
    aliases: --disableHostCheck
  --serve-path (String) The pathname where the app will be served.
    aliases: --servePath <value>
  --hmr (Boolean) (Default: false) Enable hot module replacement.
    aliases: -hmr

ng set <options...>
  Set a value in the configuration.
  --global (Boolean) (Default: false) Set the value in the global configuration rather than in your project's.
    aliases: -g, --global

ng test <options...>
  Run unit tests in existing project.
  aliases: t
  --watch (Boolean) Run build when files change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --code-coverage (Boolean) (Default: false) Coverage report will be in the coverage/ directory.
    aliases: -cc, --codeCoverage
  --config (String) Use a specific config file. Defaults to the karma config file in .angular-cli.json.
    aliases: -c <value>, --config <value>
  --single-run (Boolean) Run tests a single time.
    aliases: -sr, --singleRun
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while in progress.
    aliases: --progress
  --browsers (String) Override which browsers tests are run against.
    aliases: --browsers <value>
  --colors (Boolean) Enable or disable colors in the output (reporters and logs).
    aliases: --colors
  --log-level (String) Level of logging.
    aliases: --logLevel <value>
  --port (Number) Port where the web server will be listening.
    aliases: -port <value>
  --reporters (String) List of reporters to use.
    aliases: --reporters <value>
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) (Default: true) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --app (String) Specifies app name to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>

ng version
  Outputs Angular CLI version.
  aliases: v, --version, -v

ng xi18n <options...>
  Extracts i18n messages from source code.
  --i18n-format (String) (Default: xlf) Output format for the generated file.
    aliases: -f <value>, -xmb (--i18n-format=xmb), -xlf (--i18n-format=xlf), --xliff (--i18n-format=xlf), --i18nFormat <value>
  --output-path (Path) (Default: null) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while running.
    aliases: --progress
  --app (String) Specifies app name to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --locale (String) Specifies the source language of the application.
    aliases: -l <value>, --locale <value>
  --out-file (String) Name of the file to output.
    aliases: -of <value>, --outFile <value>


评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


