
Saiku 是一个浏览器基的OLAP分析工具,支持Mondrian和XMLA连接,能与多种数据源集成。本文介绍了Saiku的下载、安装、注册、登录过程,以及遇到的配置问题和解决方案,帮助用户开始使用Saiku进行数据分析。




Saiku 是一个用于 OLAP 分析的套件。用户可在浏览器中通过拖拽的方式进行分析。降低了使用者的学习成本。它能够连接多种数据源,如 Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, MongoDB 等。
Saiku 支持两种连接方式:一是 Mondrian,二是 XMLA。
Mondrian 是一个开源的商务分析引擎。使用 MDX(MultiDimensionalExpressions) 完成多维查询。
XMLA(XML for Analysis)是一种基于简单对象访问协议(SOAP)的 XML 协议。





[hadoop@hadoop1 soft]$ java -jar saiku-installer-3.17.jar 
Jan 29, 2020 5:32:52 PM INFO: Logging initialized at level 'INFO'
Jan 29, 2020 5:32:52 PM INFO: Commandline arguments: 
Jan 29, 2020 5:32:52 PM INFO: Detected platform: linux,version=2.6.32-754.el6.x86_64,arch=x64,symbolicName=null,javaVersion=1.8.0_181
Welcome to the installation of Saiku Enterprise 3.17!
This software is developed by: 
 - Meteorite BI <>
The homepage is at:

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Please read the following information: 
Thank you for downloading Saiku Enterprise. Your support
allows us
 to develop Saiku and make the product even better.
If you would like to see any features added to Saiku or need help and support
 with Saiku or you wider data warehousing, data integration or reporting
 needs please get in touch.

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay
Your use of Saiku Enterprise is governed by the terms set out in this document, together with any terms or documents referred to or incorporated into this document, including our Privacy Policy available from tBy purchasing, downloading or using any part of Saiku Enterprise, you agree to the terms of this Agreement and in doing so you, will form a legally binding contract with OBSI Limited (trading as Meteorite) of CIf you Order, download or use the software on behalf of a company, partnership or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are doing so in the course of business and that you have the legal right The details relating to your Account, including (without limitation) all contact details and billing information, details of your Representative and details of authorised Account users, usernames and passwords.Our website at www.meteorite.biStatus  representationsBy agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, you represent that you are authorised and/or legally entitled to enter into this Agreement and that in doing so you will not breach any law or any obligation to any third party. If you are an individual, you represent and confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and have the requisite capacity to enter into legal agreements.Your Rights  ObligationsYou agree, on your own behalf and (where applicable) on behalf of all User(s) that you shall (a) pay all Fees promptly when due, (b) comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to your use of the Software, (c) provide us with all data and other information reasonably required and ensure that the information provided is true, accurate, complete and not misleading in any material respect, (d) appoint a Representative(s) and ensure your Account Details are accurate and kept up to date, (e) carry out your responsibilities under this Agreement in a timely and efficient manner and notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breaches or suspected breaches of this Agreement.Software ProductsIn order to use the Software provided in connection with this agreement you must activate the software with a valid license key. A valid license key will be provided upon receipt of payment for the software.Where Named User licenses are specified in the Order, individual Users can use the solution up to the number specified in the Order. No additional users can use the software unless an existing User is deleted. Where Server Users are specified in the Order, an unlimited number of authorised Users can use the Software on a single Server. The memory allocated to the Software must not exceed the amount set out in the Order.Where an Unlimited User license is specified in the Order, an unlimited number of users can use the product for a single specific application or purpose or as defined in the Order. Trial licenses can be used by a single User for evaluation purposes only for a period of 30 days. Test and development licenses can be used by up to 5Named Users for the period that the Named User or Server license remains valid. LicenseSubject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and except as set forth in Section9, Meteorite grants you a limited, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicensable (except as permitted under Sections 4.7 and 4.8), non-exclusive license to use the Software for which you have been issued a Product Key, but only in accordance with: (a) the Documentation; (b) the restrictions in Section 3 of this Agreement and any restrictions on the applicable Order; and (c) the number of authorised Users and/or permitted allocated memory (if applicable), on the platforms and configurations or other restrictions set forth in the applicable Order.Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Meteorite grants you a limited, worldwide, non- transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive license to modify any sample source code from the Software provided by Meteorite to you (Sample Code) solely for internal use for the purposes of designing, developing, testing and otherwise facilitating your use of the Software under this Agreement.Production and Non-Production Environments:You may use the Software in a technical environment and on the platforms and configurations specified in the Documentation, solely for internal development and testing in connection with your licensed Software, or for backup purposes (Non-Production Environment). Your installation, activation or use of a copy of the Software in a Non-Production Environment is limited to the same number of authorised Users and/or permitted memory allocation as provided under Section 3 above. Your use of the Server Software in a Non-Production Environment may be concurrent with your use of the licensed Software in a Production Environment and such use is conditioned on you having an authorised license for the Software. Your commercial use of the Software is considered use within a Production Environment and you are entitled to 1 Production Environment for each Server orUnlimited User Software license you purchase under this Agreement. Your use of the Software in a Production Environment allows for a single Production Environment regardless of the fact that single Production Environment may not consume all the allocated memory identified on your Orderor at the time of purchase.You are entitled to make a reasonable amount of copies of the Software for archival purposes.Any open source software included in the Software, along with the applicable license, is listed in the Product license file or documentation. Such open source software is licensed to Licensee under the terms of the corresponding license.All Software and Documentation shall be delivered by electronic means unless otherwise specified on the applicable Orderor at the time of purchase. Software shall be deemed delive
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