
I) Job Description:

About This Job:
Tier 2 Technical Support Engineers play a key role as the front-line interface between our customer
and internal project team and operate as a second level of support after basic user-level support (L1).
Their primary responsibility is to provide customer support by resolving technical support incidents
or service requests in accordance with applicable service level agreements. This role is customer
facing and requires excellent verbal and written communication skills in English as well as the ability
to work under pressure when customers are experiencing critical (P1) incidents.
Key Responsibilities:
• Responsible for responding to, investigating and resolution of customer support tickets
within SLAs.
• Responsible for troubleshooting customer queries via 24hours duty phone call hotline.
Escalate to relevant L3 support personnel if needed.
• Effectively document investigative steps and analysis to escalate technical issues to the
Product and Engineering team (Tier 3).
• Escalate incident tickets through the incident ticketing system and hold those escalated
to accountable for responding in accordance with SLAs.
• Provide prompt, professional, and accurate communication with customers, vendors,
and colleagues. Able to explain what happened and why, whilst proposing solutions and
securing sponsorship to implement them.
• Prioritize and manage multiple open tickets at one time.
• Manage problem tickets following the standard operational flow.
• Identify new problems, defects, or abnormalities through system health checks.
• Maintain the Production platform version information, and plan release upgrade
• Interface with customers, and prepare and submit documents related to service
requests, change requests, and new version releases.
• Maintain up-to-date troubleshooting documentation.
• Provide input towards general process improvement.
• Willingness to work nights, weekends, and/or public holidays if any P1 incident requires
prompt attention.
• Responsible for monthly SLA KPI (incident, problem), accuracy related reporting
• Preferably, basic to intermediate level technical troubleshooting knowledge of Linux and
Key Accountabilities (Effort)
• Managing customer support tickets to agreed service levels (60%)
• Assisting in collating and documenting incident root cause analysis (10%)
• Supporting project release task from internal testing till production deployment (10%)
• Regularly monitor and maintain system health (10%)
• Monthly reporting (10%)

1.1 About This Job:

  • 1.1.1) Tier 2 Technical Support Engineers (L2) play a key role as the front-line interface between our customer and internal project team, and as a second level of support after basic user-level support(L1).
  • 1.1.2) Their primary responsibility is to provide customer support by resolving technical support incidents or service requests in accordance with applicable service level agreements.
  • 1.1.3) This role is customer facing and requires excellent verbal and written communication skills in English as well as the ability to work under pressure when customers are experiencing critical(P1) incidents

1.2 Key Respondsibility

  • 1.2.1) Responcible for responding to, investigating and resolution of customer support tickets.
  • 1.2.2) Responsibility for troubleshooting customer queries via 24 hours duty phone call hotline, escalate to relevant L3 support personnel if needed.
  • 1.2.3) Effectively document investigative steps and analysis to escalate technical issues to the Product and Engineering team (Tier 3).
  • 1.2.4) Escalate incident tickets through the incident ticketing system and hold those escalated to accountable for responding in accordance with SLAs.
  • 1.2.5) Provide prompt, professional and accurate communication with customers, venders and colleagues. Able to explain what happened and why, whilse proposing solutions and securing sponsorship to implememt them.
  • 1.2.6) Prioritize and manage multiple open tickets at one time.
  • 1.2.7) Manage problem tickets following the standard operational flow.
  • 1.2.8) Identify new problem tickets, defects, or abnormalities through system health checks.
  • 1.2.9) maintain the Production platform version information, and plan release upgrade implementation.
  • 1.2.10) Interface with customers, and prepare and submit documents related to service requests, change requests and new version releases.
  • 1.2.11) Maintain up-to-date troubleshooting documentation.
  • 1.2.12) Provide input towards general process improvement.
  • 1.2.13) Willingness to work nights, weekends, and/or public holidays if any P1 incident requires prompt attention.
  • 1.2.14) Responsible for monthly SLA KPI (incident, problem), accuracy related reporting.
  • 1.2.15) Preferably, basic to intermediate level technical troubleshooting knowledge of Linux and Kubernets.

1.3) Key Accountabilities (Effort)

  • 1.3.1) Managing cutomer support tickets to agreed service levels (60%)
  • 1.3.2) Assisting in collating and documenting incident root cause analysis (10%)
  • 1.3.3) Supporting project release task from internal testing till production deployment (10%)
  • 1.3.4) Regularly monitor and maintain system health (10%)
  • 1.3.5) Monthly reporting (10%)

II) learn video for several hours on bilibili

III) review Docker, combine kubernates & docker together,

VI) learn the kubernates on Youtube

V) find some interview questions on the CSDN or Leetcode, etc

### 回答1: K8s运维工程师需要具备哪些技能和经验? K8s是目前最流行的容器编排和管理平台,因此,K8s运维工程师需要掌握基本的Linux系统管理和网络知识,具备Docker和K8s的实践经验和技能。在面试中,以下问题是K8s运维工程师经常会遇到的问题: 1.描述Docker镜像的构成和制作过程。 Docker容器是通过Docker镜像构建的,而Docker镜像是由多个层次构成的。运维工程师需要理解Docker镜像的构成和创建过程,掌握Dockerfile文件的编写和基本的构建命令。 2.如何使用Kubernetes创建和管理容器Kubernetes是一个开源的容器编排和管理平台。运维工程师需要理解Kubernetes的组件和工作原理,熟悉Kubernetes的部署和管理,能够使用Kubernetes创建和管理容器化应用程序。 3.Kubernetes中的Service和Ingress有什么区别? Kubernetes的Service和Ingress都是用于暴露服务和路由流量的机制。运维工程师需要理解Service和Ingress的区别和各自的使用场景,能够根据不同的要求配置和管理Service和Ingress。 4.如何管理Kubernetes集群的安全? Kubernetes集群的安全管理是K8s运维工程师必须掌握的关键技能。运维工程师需要了解Kubernetes的安全机制和最佳实践,能够配置和管理Kubernetes集群的安全策略和证书。 总之,K8s运维工程师需要具有扎实的英语和计算机技能、出色的问题解决能力、敏捷的反应能力和良好的团队合作能力。在实践中不断学习、不断探索,并遵循最佳实践,才能成为一名成功的K8s运维工程师。 ### 回答2: k8s运维工程师需要具备哪些技能和能力? 作为一名k8s运维工程师,需要具备以下几个方面的技能和能力: 1.熟练掌握k8s基础知识:k8s是目前最流行的容器编排平台,需要熟练掌握其概念模型、架构设计等基础知识,了解k8s各个组件的作用和相互关系。 2.熟悉Linux操作系统:Linux作为k8s最常用的操作系统,需要熟悉其操作和维护,包括文件系统、进程管理、网络配置等,可以快速解决生产环境中的问题。 3.编程语言:k8s的开源社区主要使用Go语言进行开发,因此需要掌握基础的Go语言编程能力,同时还需了解常用的Shell脚本语言。 4.容器技术:熟悉Docker容器技术,能够对镜像进行管理、发布和更新,了解容器网络、存储和安全领域的相关技术。 5.自动化和DevOps:熟练使用自动化工具,如Ansible、Puppet等,了解CI/CD的实践流程,掌握DevOps基本理念和实践方法。 6.团队合作和沟通能力:k8s运维工程师需要与开发人员、QA、安全、运维等不同部门进行沟通和协作,因此需要具备良好的团队合作和沟通能力。 在实际工作中,k8s运维工程师需要根据生产环境中的实际情况,灵活应用各种技能和能力,维护k8s平台的高可用性、高性能和高安全性,确保业务的稳定运行和快速迭代。 ### 回答3: K8sKubernetes)是一个开源的容器编排系统,可以将多个容器编排在同一个集群中,从而能够有效地管理和分发容器,在分布式系统中扮演着一个重要的角色。对于K8s运维工程师来说,需要掌握K8s集群的搭建和运维,具有一定的Linux操作系统基础和Docker容器技术。 在K8s运维工程师的面试过程中,常见的面试题目包括以下几个方面: 一、K8s基础知识:K8s的架构、常用概念、K8s资源对象、K8s组件和服务等。 二、K8s集群搭建:如何构建和部署一个K8s集群,如何管理Master和Node节点,如何配置Kubelet、Kube-proxy等。 三、K8s应用容器化:如何通过Docker将应用程序打包成容器,如何基于容器部署一个应用程序,如何将应用程序与K8s相关联。 四、K8s网络和存储:如何设置K8s网络和存储,如何配置网络插件和存储卷等。 五、K8s监控和调试:如何监控和调试K8s集群和应用程序,如何使用Prometheus、Grafana等监控工具。 综上所述,K8s运维工程师需要具备良好的K8s基础知识和实践经验,以及熟练的Linux系统操作和Docker容器技术,从而能够快速定位和解决K8s集群运维中的问题,提高系统的稳定性和可靠性。
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