I'd like to introduce you  Q7Goodies: a new Qt add-on, that adds Windows 7 features to your application. It integrates seamlessly with existing applications by encapsulating complexity and using Qt design patterns and API style. You can use: jump list, taskbar thumbnails, thumbnail toolbar and more in a Qt way with just a few additional lines of code.

Jump List - Your application's own start menu.

Tabbed Thumbnails - Any widget displayed as a separate thumbnail.

Thumbnail Toolbar - Quick access to key commands.

Thumbnail Progress Bar - Progress information that's always visible.

Overlay Icon - Status or notifications directly on the taskbar.

It doesn't add runtime dependency on Windows 7 libraries (DLLs), so software incorporating  Q7Goodies can be run on older Windows version.  Q7Goodies comes with the  full source code and a commercial  royalty-free license.