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转载 add characteristic to color

Problem: add a new Char. name D_COI6 that the description is Injected coloration #7 (COI6) in the D_BUSINESS class in PLM and SAP.Step1: to attain attribute name on business model.The re...

2019-06-11 08:54:00 181

转载 enovia PLM: add characteristic to both prototype and product

Issue: add new mandatory attribute named LUX_HazardousMaterial to protoype and product, and export the attribute to sap as D_HAZARDOUSMATERIALadd attribute mqladd attribute LUX_HazardousM...

2019-06-10 21:05:00 307

转载 enovia PLM : add new value to SPEO

Solution:Modify LUX_SPEO attribute in PLMModify D_SPEO attribute in SAP , Login sap system F3Tcode: /n/virsa/vfat enter administrative modeThen tcode: c...

2019-06-10 21:02:00 210

转载 wrong mechandise category

Issue:cannot open masterdata for this two UPCs since the error below is displayed, but I checked and the merchandise category is correct.Solution:I checked that the model of these two ...

2019-05-10 09:23:00 104

转载 django 内置server 外网不能访问, 报连接超时

按照官网教程,以 python manage.py runserver其访问url为,意味着只能本机访问,而我的django app 部署在 阿里云上面查找了好久发现服务器启动时使用80端口,browser访问时不填写端口,可以绕过这个错误。解决如下:1. python manage.py runserver 0.0.0...

2018-09-05 16:44:00 693

转载 add new color number to the color drop down in enovia PLM

Ticket description:A55482LTicket attachment:Open the attached page  2. Open the internationalizing properties file.vim /opt/plm/webapp/internal/WEB-INF/c...

2018-06-04 11:16:00 126

转载 add a characteristic in enovia PLM

Problem: add a new Char. name D_COI6 that the description is Injected coloration #7 (COI6) in the D_BUSINESS class in PLM and SAP.Step1: to attain attribute name on business model.Th...

2018-06-04 11:08:00 215

转载 Use on Git

Preface The document is about to introduce some specialties on PLM development and maintenance activities, we weren’t going to state everything about Git Usage. All content of the doc...

2018-06-04 09:19:00 250

转载 the blank final field factors may not have been initialized

Q1: why we should initialize final field before completion of new instance?  final means no changeable in java enviroment, the java compiler urges us follow the security violation.Q2: how t...

2018-05-21 11:51:00 2603

转载 what codes does sudo command do in Linux?

sometime, to make your change of configuration file be effective to web application, we have to restart the tomcat again then reload the memory cache.of course,if you are senior engineer with r...

2018-03-20 11:23:00 108

转载 http://localhost:8080 is requesting your username and password

after you startup your tomcat, you type a concrete request url in broswer, the tomcat probably will prompt you the subsequent message.it is because the <security-constraint> will restri...

2018-03-15 11:51:00 672

转载 extend java vm memory parameter in pom.xml

<project> [...] <build> [...] <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-c...

2018-03-14 16:19:00 71

转载 display default HeapSize of Java VM

window OS:java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr HeapSizeLinux OSjava -XX:PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep HeapSizethe result is display in Byte转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/dan...

2018-03-14 15:24:00 65

转载 find out the installed and runing tomcat version in Linux

To find out the Tomcat version, find this file – version.sh for *nix or version.bat for Windows. This version.sh file is normally located in the Tomcat bin folder.For example :mkyong@hcompass...

2018-03-14 11:28:00 82

转载 transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use

background: I have terminated some test debugger without properly saying goodbye. the JDWP didn't close related socket.so if I want to run Testng case again with maven, it can't instantiate the...

2018-03-01 11:29:00 189

转载 debug breakpoint with maven in eclipse


2018-02-28 16:53:00 65

转载 Tomcat Architect

Tomcat ArchitectHierarchy of nested tag representing different components in server.xml.1 <Server>2 <Service>3 <Connector />4 <Connector /&gt...

2018-02-09 16:13:00 69

转载 Java ThreadLocal

source from http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/threadlocal.html#inheritableThreadLocalJava ThreadLocalCreating a ThreadLocalAccessing a ThreadLocalGeneric ThreadLocalIniti...

2018-02-06 17:15:00 72

转载 SSH key introduction

Preface At the first time, we take the connection with GitLab remote server. You need to type username and password as your individual credentials to login the server, since the connect...

2018-01-30 22:36:00 312

转载 web-based installer and executable installer in python 3 ,what is the difference between them?

Welcome to Python!This applies to all programs, not just python:An executable installer has every component of the program you're installing locally in the installer itself. This means that y...

2017-12-25 20:23:00 189

转载 PL/SQL FAQ in installation "make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle client installed" and "Database ch...

requirement : connecting to remote oracle server . now I know the connectionURL :connectionUrl :jdbc:oracle:thin:LUXPRODUCTION/LUXPRODUCTION@// don't have to instal...

2017-10-23 14:20:00 109

转载 软考的一些知识点

1.原码,反码,补码  定义:对于正数,三者一致;对于负数,反码为符号位不变取反,补码为反码加一 理解:反码可以解决减法问题,不用定义减法器;补码可以解决0的映射有两个的问题,做到所有的值只有一个映射。2.缓存映射:直接映像,全相联映像,组相联映像  定义:直接映像,直接查找块,比较区。全相联,借助相联存储器存储一对一的块对应关系。组相联,大的组用直接映像,组...

2017-10-02 16:59:00 114

转载 start tomcat with debugging mode

For this, you must run your application in debug mode, which requires below parameters.-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket, server=y, address=<<port number>>, suspend=n...

2017-07-28 14:19:00 129

转载 Debugging java application with netbean

Debugging Java Applications withNetBeansfrom:https://manikandanmv.wordpress.com/2009/09/24/debugging-java-applications-with-netbeans/Netbeans provides an easy environment fo...

2017-07-18 10:41:00 116

转载 designed principle

Review Of designed Pattern principleOutLine:Explanation in principles of designed pattern and useful designed pattern’s samples, As we known, there are six principles at designing program,...

2017-07-08 10:30:00 87



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