Your app will be finished on Tuesday。 — which Tuesday?!


“Your app will be finished on Tuesday.” — which Tuesday?!


10 reasons why Software Development projects fail


If you search online for trends in software development you’ll find an endless supply of information on booming technologies and how tech is going to impact every sector by 2020. We hear about all the amazing changes new technology will have ad nauseam, but I’m here to question the latter part of the previous sentence.

“By 2020”. For those of you who don’t speak “software engineer”, that means 2040.

As the only guy at that doesn’t write code, I’ve been plagued by this problem for the longest time. Of course, non-coders are also part of the problem; this post was originally going to be about 5 reasons why software development projects fail, but in full client fashion I changed the spec halfway through the project and so it’ll now be about 10 reasons why software development projects fail.
作为Crane.ai中唯一没有编写代码的人,我最长时间一直困扰着这个问题。当然,非编码员也是问题的一部分; 这篇文章最初将是软件开发项目失败的5个原因,但在完全客户端的时候,我在项目中途改变了规范,因此现在大约有10个原因导致软件开发项目失败。

1. Poorly defined (or, god willing, undefined!) outcome


“Mobile app? We built a bridge, does that work?”

One of the largest problems plaguing software development projects is a poorly defined outcome. Without proper definition as to what the “end product” should be, a project is guaranteed to fail.

This is so vital that it could quite possibly change the direction of the project itself (which is why it’s #1 on my list!). I highly recommend building a specification sheet to better identify what the product will look like, what it will do, and how it will do it. More on this under communication and expectations!

2. Solving the wrong problem.


“We built a new wooden bridge that looks way prettier than the old one. Cars? Oh, no, it can’t support cars. Pretty much anything heavier than a bird will break it.”

Another common issue is solving the wrong problem. This lies along the same lines as a poorly defined outcome, yet is much broader in scope. Although you can properly identify your end product and solve the other issues discussed here, if your solution does not properly address the problem then you’ve gotten nowhere with the project.

One way to solve this is to incrementally ideate. Identify your core problem, what steps could be taken to solve it, and a possible solution. Next, constantly iterate the product through with your end user — maintain a constant review process to ensure the project is properly addressing the needs of your user, and remains a solution to your core problem.
解决这个问题的一种方法是逐步进行思考。确定您的核心问题,可以采取哪些步骤来解决它,以及可能的解决方案。接下来,不断地与最终用户一起迭代产品 - 维持一个持续的审核流程,以确保项目正确满足用户的需求,并且仍然是您的核心问题的解决方案。

3. Not enough communication.


“We built half a bridge, they built half a tunnel.”

Coming in at #3 is the core problem plaguing virtually every project, industry, and business — communication. Communication is vital at every level of a software development project.
进入#3是几乎困扰每个项目,行业和商业沟通的核心问题  。沟通在软件开发项目的每个层面都至关重要。

At an internal level, your developers need to communicate effectively to ensure they build tools and pipelines that in coordination and are properly compatible. A common solution here is to draft specifications beforehand for design, APIs, and any other engineering required in your project. This is vital to saving hundreds of hours of time that could otherwise be wasted in refactoring and restructuring.

At a higher level, it’s also important to properly communicate with other teams. The marketing team, for example, needs to know what is technologically feasible before selling the concept.

Failure to communicate at this level can cause project-shattering issues; the product could end up being severely detached from what was sold, promised, built and needed.
未能在此级别进行沟通可能会导致项目破碎问题; 该产品最终可能与销售,承诺,建造和需要的产品严重分离。

4. No plan or timeline.


“Yeah… it’ll get done around like… maybe a couple weeks? Not sure what we’re gonna do after that…”

Regardless of whether timelines and plans are adhered to, it’s important to have one. It provides your project with a sense of structure and gives you an estimate as to when and how tasks will be completed.

Of course, a good plan reaches much further. A good plan or timeline can also serve as a common border for large teams, allowing them to operate quickly and efficiently in sprints. If a feature falls through or needs more time, then the plan/timeline can be adjusted quickly, and the budget adjusted accordingly.

5. Lack of accountability.


“The buck stops… over there, bye!” — Harry Truman, probably
“降压停在…那边,再见!” - 哈里杜鲁门,可能

When shit hits the fan, someone has to be ready with a mop. If a feature falls through, it should be clear who is accountable and what steps should be taken to prevent this in the future.

It sounds childish but a common occurrence in the software development industry is “pointing fingers.” The backend engineers will blame the frontend engineers will blame the sales team will blame the marketing team will blame the legal office will blame the management will blame… This process is not only time consuming and disastrous for morale, but it leaves the core question — “what went wrong?” — open and unanswered.

6. Moving the goalposts too often.


“Ok, but now the bridge needs to also act as a runway, have 10 more lanes, and how about a park in the middle of it?”

It’s important to keep track of a project’s goals and make sure they are met in a timely fashion. While it is possible that a project needs to be expanded or the requirements have changed, making frequent modifications to the “end goal” can not only devastate morale, but make a project outright impossible. Often times, changes are unplanned and require extensive refactoring; over time, this leads to a large amount of wasted time, and eventually a failed project.
跟踪项目的目标并确保及时得到满足是非常重要的。虽然项目可能需要扩展或需求发生变化,但频繁修改“最终目标”不仅会破坏士气,还会使项目彻底变得不可能。通常情况下,变更是无计划的,需要进行大量的重构; 随着时间的推移,这会导致大量的浪费时间,最终导致项目失败。

What may seem like a small change at first could end up becoming a long-term development project.

7. Inadequate documentation and tracking.


“The instructions to defuse this bomb say to pull the red wire once the power cuts off, but all of the wires are red and the power was supposed to be cut 10 minutes ago!” — James Bond, at what will be the end of his career
“拆除这个炸弹的指示说,一旦断电,就拉出红线,但是所有的电线都是红色的,电源应该在10分钟前切断!” - 詹姆斯邦德,将会是什么结束他的事业

It’s great to follow an agile methodology and move fast, but documentation is always important. Undocumented code can lead to years of technical debt and can cause tremendous issues down the road — “what does this function do?”
遵循敏捷方法并快速行动非常棒,但文档始终很重要。未记载的代码可能导致多年的技术债务,并可能导致巨大的问题 - “这个功能有什么作用?”

It’s equally important to document the product. Every step of the process from ideation to design to execution should be well-documented to ensure that the project is easily navigable for others and stays on track. Good documentation can allow for easier project tracking — in an agile system, try a kanban board or similar to keep track of tasks!
记录产品同样重要。从构思到设计再到执行的过程的每一步都应该有详细记录,以确保项目可以轻松导航到其他人并保持正常。良好的文档可以实现更轻松的项目跟踪 - 在敏捷系统中,尝试看板或类似工具来跟踪任务!

8. Badly defined system requirements.


“WTF do you mean there’s only 5 loaves and 2 fish for all 5000 of us?!”

The technical requirements of a project can be hard to gauge, but it is extremely vital that you do so. What may seem like a small extra addition may turn into a turducken of an issue, involving allocating additional infrastructure and redefining the entire system to introduce support.

9. Poor preparation.


“We’re still flying half a ship.”

Often times a project is exciting and easy to jump into; however, it is vital to its success for the proper preparation to take place. Specifications need to be created, designs must be drafted, a timeline should be agreed on, and resources should be allocated.
通常情况下,项目是令人兴奋的,很容易进入; 然而,正确的准备工作取得成功至关重要。需要创建规范,必须起草设计,商定时间表,并分配资源。

A popular method of managing this at a technical level is Test Driven Development. Before writing a single line of code towards a project, plan out the architecture and what each piece needs to accomplish. Next, write tests to assert that each piece actually does what was intended. In this manner, you have a framework ready with set goals and can quantify progress on the development of your product.

10. Unrealistic expectations.


“Ok, the app looks good — but why doesn’t the color scheme automatically change to match the user’s phone case?”
好吧,该应用程序看起来不错 - 但为什么配色方案不会自动更改以匹配用户的手机外壳?”

It’s important to manage expectations. Often times, the client asks for a feature that is unreasonable, impractical, or flat-out impossible. A common practice is to limit the number of changes that can be made to a spec and to have an engineer present during discussions to determine if the proposed feature is technologically feasible.

Hopefully, by avoiding these 10 pitfalls, your next software development project will be an astounding success! What issues have you run into in your software projects?






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