High-Performance Load Balancing with NGINX (Part 1 of 3)


Today’s internet user experience demands performance and uptime. To achieve this, multiple copies of the same system are run, and the load is distributed over them. As the load increases, another copy of the system can be brought online. This architecture technique is called horizontal scaling. Software-based infrastructure is increasing in popularity because of its flexibility, opening up a vast world of possibilities. Whether the use case is as small as a set of two for high availability or as large as thousands around the globe, there’s a need for a load-balancing solution that is as dynamic as the infrastructure. NGINX fills this need in a number of ways, such as HTTP, TCP, and UDP load balancing, which we cover in this post.
今天的互联网用户体验 需要 性能 和 正常运行时间。此,运行同一系统的多个副本,并在其上分配负载。随着负载的增加,系统的另一个副本可以联机。这种架构技术称为水平拓展。基于软件的基础设施因其灵活性而日益普及,开辟了广阔的可能性。对于高可用性而言,用例是否只有一组两个小的用例,或者全球范围内大到千个用例,需要一个与基础架构一样动态的负载平衡解决方案。NGINX以多种方式满足了这一需求,例如HTTP,TCP和UDP负载平衡,我们将在本文中介绍。

When balancing load, it’s important that the impact to the client is only a positive one. Many modern web architectures employ stateless application tiers, storing state in shared memory or databases. However, this is not the reality for all. Session state is immensely valuable and vast in interactive applications. This state might be stored locally to the application server for a number of reasons; for example, in applications for which the data being worked is so large that network overhead is too expensive in performance. When state is stored locally to an application server, it is extremely important to the user experience that the subsequent requests continue to be delivered to the same server. Another facet of the situation is that servers should not be released until the session has finished. Working with stateful applications at scale requires an intelligent load balancer. NGINX Plus offers multiple ways to solve this problem by tracking cookies or routing.
在平衡负载时,重要的是对客户的影响只是积极的。许多现代Web体系结构使用无状态应用程序层,将状态存储在共享内存或数据库中。然而,这不是所有人的现实。会话状态在交互式应用程序中非常有价值且非常有用。出于多种原因,此状态可能本地存储在应用程序服务器中; 例如,在正在工作的数据太大以至于网络开销在性能上太昂贵的应用程序中。当状态本地存储到应用程序服务器时,对于用户体验来说非常重要的是后续请求继续传递到同一服务器。这种情况的另一个方面是在会话结束之前不应该释放服务器。大规模使用有状态应用程序需要智能负载平衡器。NGINX Plus通过跟踪cookie或路由提供多种方法来解决此问题。

This post covers session persistence as it pertains to load balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus.
这篇文章介绍了会话持久性,因为它与NGINX和NGINX Plus的负载平衡有关。

How distribute load between two or more HTTP servers?

Use NGINX’s HTTP module to load balance over HTTP servers using the upstream block:

upstream backend {
    server      weight=1;
    server app.example.com:80  weight=2;
server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://backend;

This configuration balances load across two HTTP servers on port 80. The weight parameter instructs NGINX to pass twice as many connections to the second server, and the weight parameter defaults to 1.

The HTTP upstream module controls the load balancing for HTTP. This module defines a pool of destinations—any combination of Unix sockets, IP addresses, and DNS records, or a mix. The upstream module also defines how any individual request is assigned to any of the upstream servers.
HTTP upstream模块控制HTTP 的负载平衡。此模块定义目标池 - Unix套接字,IP地址和DNS记录的任意组合,或混合。该upstream模块还定义了如何将任何单个请求分配给任何上游服务器。

Each upstream destination is defined in the upstream pool by the server directive. The server directive is provided a Unix socket, IP address, or an FQDN, along with a number of optional parameters. The optional parameters give more control over the routing of requests. These parameters include the weight of the server in the balancing algorithm; whether the server is in standby mode, available, or unavailable; and how to determine if the server is unavailable. NGINX Plus provides a number of other convenient parameters like connection limits to the server, advanced DNS resolution control, and the ability to slowly ramp up connections to a server after it starts.
每个上游目标都由server指令在上游池中定义。该server指令提供了Unix套接字,IP地址或FQDN,以及许多可选参数。可选参数可以更好地控制请求的路由。这些参数包括平衡算法中服务器的权重; 服务器是处于待机模式,可用还是不可用; 以及如何确定服务器是否不可用。NGINX Plus提供了许多其他方便的参数,例如服务器的连接限制,高级DNS解析控制,以及在启动后缓慢增加与服务器的连接的能力。

How distribute load between two or more TCP servers?

Use NGINX’s stream module to load balance over TCP servers using the upstream block:
使用NGINX stream模块使用upstream块在TCP服务器上进行负载均衡:

stream {
    upstream mysql_read {
        server read1.example.com:3306  weight=5;
        server read2.example.com:3306;
        server        backup;

    server {
        listen 3306;
        proxy_pass mysql_read;

The server block in this example instructs NGINX to listen on TCP port 3306 and balance load between two MySQL database read replicas, and lists another as a backup that will be passed traffic if the primaries are down. This configuration is not to be added to the conf.d folder as that folder is included within an http block; instead, you should create another folder named stream.conf.d, open the stream block in the nginx.conf file, and include the new folder for stream configurations.
server此示例中的块指示NGINX侦听TCP端口3306并平衡两个MySQL数据库读取副本之间的负载,并列出另一个作为备份,如果初选关闭则将传递流量。此配置不会添加到conf.d文件夹中,因为该文件夹包含在http块中; 相反,您应该创建另一个名为的文件夹stream.conf.d,stream在nginx.conf文件中打开该块,并为流配置包含新文件夹。

TCP load balancing is defined by the NGINX stream module. The stream module, like the HTTP module, allows you to define upstream pools of servers and configure a listening server. When configuring a server to listen on a given port, you must define the port it’s to listen on, or optionally, an address and a port. From there, a destination must be configured, whether it be a direct reverse proxy to another address or an upstream pool of resources.
TCP负载平衡由NGINX stream模块定义。与stream模块一样,HTTP模块允许您定义服务器的上游池并配置监听服务器。配置服务器以侦听给定端口时,必须定义要侦听的端口,或者可选地定义地址和端口。从那里,必须配置目标,无论它是另一个地址的直接反向代理还是上游资源池。

The upstream for TCP load balancing is much like the upstream for HTTP, in that it defines upstream resources as servers, configured with Unix socket, IP, or fully qualified domain name (FQDN), as well as server weight, max number of connections, DNS resolvers, and connection ramp-up periods; and if the server is active, down, or in backup mode.
TCP负载平衡的上游非常类似于HTTP的上游,因为它将上游资源定义为服务器,配置了Unix套接字,IP或完全限定的域名(FQDN),以及服务器权重,最大连接数, DNS解析器和连接加速期; 如果服务器处于活动,关闭或备份模式。

NGINX Plus offers even more features for TCP load balancing. These advanced features offered in NGINX Plus can be found throughout this post series. Health checks for all load balancing will be covered later in other post.
NGINX Plus为TCP负载平衡提供了更多功能。NGINX Plus中提供的这些高级功能可以在本系列文章中找到。所有负载平衡的健康检查将在后面的其他帖子中介绍。

How distribute load between two or more UDP servers?

Use NGINX’s stream module to load balance over UDP servers using the upstream block defined as udp:

stream {
    upstream ntp {
        server ntp1.example.com:123  weight=2;
        server ntp2.example.com:123;

    server {
        listen 123 udp;
        proxy_pass ntp;

This section of configuration balances load between two upstream Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers using the UDP protocol. Specifying UDP load balancing is as simple as using the udp parameter on the listendirective.

If the service you’re load balancing over requires multiple packets to be sent back and forth between client and server, you can specify the reuseport parameter. Examples of these types of services are OpenVPN, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), virtual desktop solutions, and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). The following is an example of using NGINX to handle OpenVPN connections and proxy them to the OpenVPN service running locally:

stream {
    server {
        listen 1195 udp reuseport;

You might ask, “Why do I need a load balancer when I can have multiple hosts in a DNS A or SRV record?” The answer is that not only are there alternative balancing algorithms with which we can balance, but we can load balance over the DNS servers themselves. UDP services make up a lot of the services that we depend on in networked systems, such as DNS, NTP, and VoIP. UDP load balancing might be less common to some but just as useful in the world of scale.
你可能会问:“当我在DNS A或SRV记录中有多个主机时,为什么我需要一个负载均衡器?”答案是不仅有我们可以平衡的替代平衡算法,而且我们可以负载均衡DNS服务器本身。UDP服务构成了我们在网络系统中依赖的许多服务,例如DNS,NTP和VoIP。UDP负载平衡可能不太常见,但在规模世界中同样有用。

You can find UDP load balancing in the stream module, just like TCP, and configure it mostly in the same way. The main difference is that the listen directive specifies that the open socket is for working with datagrams. When working with datagrams, there are some other directives that might apply where they would not in TCP, such as the proxy_response directive, which specifies to NGINX how many expected responses can be sent from the upstream server. By default, this is unlimited until the proxy_timeout limit is reached.
您可以在stream模块中找到UDP负载平衡,就像TCP一样,并且主要以相同的方式配置它。主要区别在于该listen指令指定open socket用于处理数据报。使用数据报时,还有一些其他指令可能适用于不在TCP中的proxy_response指令,例如指令,它指定NGINX可以从上游服务器发送多少预期响应。默认情况下,这是无限制的,直到proxy_timeout达到限制。

The reuseport parameter instructs NGINX to create an individual listening socket for each worker process. This allows the kernel to distibute incoming connections between worker processes to handle multiple packets being sent between client and server. The reuseport feature works only on Linux kernels 3.9 and higher, DragonFly BSD, and FreeBSD 12 and higher.
该reuseport参数指示NGINX为每个工作进程创建一个单独的侦听套接字。这允许内核消除工作进程之间的传入连接,以处理在客户端和服务器之间发送的多个数据包。该reuseport功能仅适用于Linux内核3.9及更高版本,DragonFly BSD和FreeBSD 12及更高版本。

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