PX Deq: Execution Msg,PX Deq: Execute Reply等待事件

PX Deq: Execution Msg

Occurs when a parallel slave is waiting to be told what to do. This is normally considered an idle event, but can cause excessive CPU in some cases.


Reduce the degree of parallelism in the query if excessive CPU usage is detected.

PX Deq: Execute Reply

Occurs when the query coordinator is waiting for a response from a parallel slave. This is normally considered an idle event, but can cause excessive CPU in some cases.


Reduce the degree of parallelism in the query if excessive CPU usage is detected.

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Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Use R) By Christian P. Robert, George Casella Publisher: Springer Number Of Pages: 302 Publication Date: 2009-12-14 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1441915753 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781441915757 Product Description: Computational techniques based on simulation have now become an essential part of the statistician's toolbox. It is thus crucial to provide statisticians with a practical understanding of those methods, and there is no better way to develop intuition and skills for simulation than to use simulation to solve statistical problems. Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R covers the main tools used in statistical simulation from a programmer's point of view, explaining the R implementation of each simulation technique and providing the output for better understanding and comparison. While this book constitutes a comprehensive treatment of simulation methods, the theoretical justification of those methods has been considerably reduced, compared with Robert and Casella (2004). Similarly, the more exploratory and less stable solutions are not covered here. This book does not require a preliminary exposure to the R programming language or to Monte Carlo methods, nor an advanced mathematical background. While many examples are set within a Bayesian framework, advanced expertise in Bayesian statistics is not required. The book covers basic random generation algorithms, Monte Carlo techniques for integration and optimization, convergence diagnoses, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, including Metropolis {Hastings and Gibbs algorithms, and adaptive algorithms. All chapters include exercises and all R programs are available as an R package called mcsm. The book appeals to anyone with a practical interest in simulation methods but no previous exposure. It is meant to be useful for students and practitioners in areas such as statistics, signal processing, communications engineering, control theory,
Oracle数据库中的等待事件是指在数据库运行时,由于某些资源的限制,导致进程需要等待事件。以下是常见的33个Oracle等待事件: 1. latch free - 等待获取latch资源的进程。 2. CPU time - 等待CPU处理时间。 3. log file sync - 等待日志文件同步完成。 4. buffer busy waits - 等待访问繁忙的数据缓冲区。 5. db file sequential read - 等待从磁盘读取数据文件的读取操作完成。 6. db file scattered read - 等待从磁盘读取散乱的数据块的读取操作完成。 7. log file parallel write - 等待并行写入日志文件的操作完成。 8. direct path read - 等待直接路径读取完成。 9. SQL*Net message from client - 等待来自客户端的SQL*Net消息。 10. log buffer space - 等待空闲的日志缓冲区空间。 11. control file parallel write - 等待并行写入控制文件的操作完成。 12. db file parallel write - 等待并行写入数据文件的操作完成。 13. enqueue - 等待获取enqueue资源的操作完成。 14. db file async I/O submit - 等待异步I/O提交的操作完成。 15. db file async I/O complete - 等待异步I/O完成的操作。 16. direct path write - 等待直接路径写入操作完成。 17. SQL*Net more data to client - 等待传输更多SQL*Net数据给客户端。 18. redo log space requests - 等待空闲的重做日志空间。 19. buffer deadlock - 等待缓冲区死锁解除。 20. db file checkpoint completion - 等待数据文件检查点完成。 21. db file parallel read - 等待并行读取数据文件的操作。 22. latch: cache buffers chains - 等待获取缓冲区链锁的进程。 23. read by other session - 等待其他会话读取数据。 24. control file sequential read - 等待从控制文件读取数据。 25. ASM background process - 等待ASM后台进程操作完成。 26. latch: In-Memory undo latch - 等待获取In-Memory undo latch锁的进程。 27. cell single block physical read - 等待从Cell服务器读取单个块的物理读取操作完成。 28. library cache: mutex X - 等待获取库缓存互斥锁的进程。 29. PX Deq: Table Q Normal - 等待并行执行查询操作。 30. direct path read temp - 等待从临时文件读取数据的直接路径读取操作完成。 31. PX Deq Execution Msg - 等待并行执行消息处理。 32. PX Deq Credit: send blkd - 等待并行执行接收处理。 33. PX Deq: reap credit - 等待并行执行回收资源的操作完成。 以上是常见的33个Oracle等待事件,了解这些事件对于排查和优化数据库性能非常重要。


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