From Rails to Erlyweb - Part II

Updated Aug 23: Please see From Rails to Erlyweb - Part II Manage Project - Reloaded

Updated July 15: store the database configuration in <opaque> session of yaws.conf

Updated May 2: erlweb:compile(AppDir::string(), Options::[option()]) has option: {auto_compile, Val}, where Val is 'true', or 'false'. In case of development, you can turn on {auto_compile, true}. So, you only need to run erlyweb_app:boot(myapp) once.

2. Manage project

Erlyweb provides erlyweb:compile(App, ..) to compile the source files under app directory. To start an app, you usually should erlydb:start(mysql, ....) and compile app files first. To make life easy, you can put some scripting like code under myproject\script directory. Here's my project source tree:

  + apps
  |   + myapp
  |       + ebin   
  |       + include
  |       + nbproject
  |       + src
  |           + components
  |           + lib
  |           + services
  |       + test
  |       + www
  + config
  |   * yaws.conf
  + script
      + ebin
      + src
           * erlyweb_app.erl

Where, config/yaws.conf contains the confsiguration that will copy/paste to your real yaws.conf file. Here's mine:

## This is the configuration of apps that will copy/paste to your yaws.conf.

ebin_dir = D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin
ebin_dir = D:/myapp/trunk/apps/myapp/ebin

<server localhost>
  port = 8000
  listen =
  docroot = D:/myapp/trunk/apps/myapp/www
  appmods = </myapp, erlyweb>
    appname = myapp
    hostname = "localhost"
    username = "mememe"
    password = "pwpwpw"
    database = "myapp_development"  

You may have noticed, all beams under D:/myapp/trunk/script/ebin and D:/myapp/trunk/apps/myapp/ebin will be auto-loaded by yaws.

erlyweb_app.erl is the boot scripting code, which will be used to start db connection and compile the code. Currently I run these scripts manually. I'll talk later.





%% @doc call back funtion when yaws start an app  
%% @see man yaws.conf
%%      start_mod = Module
%%          Defines  a  user  provided  callback  module.  At startup of the
%%          server, Module:start/1 will  be  called.   The  #sconf{}  record
%%          (defined  in  yaws.hrl) will be used as the input argument. This
%%          makes it possible for  a  user  application  to  syncronize  the
%%          startup  with  the  yaws  server as well as getting hold of user
%%          specific  configuration  data,  see  the  explanation  for   the

To build it,

> erlc -I /opt/local/lib/yaws/include erlyweb_app.erl

The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin

So, I start myapp by steps:

cd \myproject
yaws -i -sname yaws
1> erlyweb_app:build(myapp).

The erlyweb_app.erl is almost escript ready, but I use it as module functions currently. It's pre-compiled and erlyweb_app.beam is placed under script/ebin

After I made changes to myapp, I run above erlyweb_app:build(myapp). again, then everything is up to date.

This is surely not the best way to handle the write-compile-run-test cycle, I'll improve the scripting to let starting yaws as a node, then hot-swap the compiled code to it.

It's a good experience to play with Rails, I like rake db:migrate, script, config folders of Rails. And Grails also brings some good idea to manage web app project tree. I'll try to bring them into project manager of ErlyBird.

Next part, I'll talk about the magic behind Erlyweb, and why I prefer the magic of Erlyweb to Rails.

Phusion Passenger是一种基于Nginx或Apache的应用服务器,它可以帮助我们快速、稳定地部署Rails应用。下面以Redmine为例,介绍在CentOS下如何使用Phusion Passenger方式部署Rails应用。 1. 安装必要的软件 首先需要安装Ruby、Rails、Nginx、Passenger等软件,可以使用以下命令: ``` sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel rubygems gcc gcc-c++ make sqlite-devel sudo gem install rails sudo gem install passenger ``` 2. 安装Nginx和Passenger 使用以下命令安装Nginx和Passenger: ``` sudo yum install nginx sudo passenger-install-nginx-module ``` 在安装过程中,需要选择“1. Yes: download, compile and install Nginx for me”选项,让Passenger自动编译和安装Nginx。 3. 配置Nginx和Passenger 默认情况下,Passenger会自动添加Nginx的配置文件并启动Nginx服务,但是我们需要手动修改Nginx配置文件。 找到Nginx的配置文件,一般是/etc/nginx/nginx.conf,添加以下内容: ``` http { # ... server { listen 80; server_name; root /path/to/your/redmine/public; passenger_enabled on; passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby; passenger_app_env production; } } ``` 其中,yourserver.com是你的服务器域名或IP地址,/path/to/your/redmine是你的Redmine应用所在路径。 4. 启动Nginx服务 启动Nginx服务: ``` sudo systemctl start nginx ``` 5. 配置数据库 修改/config/database.yml文件,配置Redmine连接数据库的相关信息。 6. 初始化Redmine 在Redmine目录下运行以下命令初始化数据库: ``` RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data ``` 7. 启动Redmine 在Redmine目录下运行以下命令启动Redmine: ``` RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails server -e production ``` 现在你就可以在浏览器中输入yourserver.com访问Redmine了。




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