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转载 Web Service示例程序

Below is the C# code used to create our sample web service:namespace RelevantCodes.TestingWebServices{  using System;  using System.Web.Services;  using System.Xml;  using System.X...

2013-11-22 20:18:00 132

转载 XMLHTTP Request

MethodDescriptionopen(method, URL) open(method, URL, async) open(method, URL, async, username) open(method, URL, async, username, password)Specifies the a...

2013-11-22 16:33:00 135

转载 直接获取OR的对象并改变它的属性

Set Obj = ORUtil.GetObject("Browser(""Browser"")")'Update one of the propertiesObj.SetTOProperty "title", "this is set using API"'Update the object we have changedORUtil.Update obj...

2013-11-22 09:01:00 162

转载 打印OR中的WebTables逻辑名

Dim ORUtil'Create the object repository automation APISet ORUtil = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil")'Load the object repositoryORUtil.Load "C:\temp\SharedOR.tsr"'Get al...

2013-11-22 08:57:00 113

转载 在QTP中申明CSS Selectors

Example 1: John SmithJohn Smith is within the H4 tag. Its TEXT value is used to implement Object Indentification in this example. Below is the target HTML used:<body>  <h4>John ...

2013-11-21 21:47:00 101

转载 CSS patterns, selectors, pseudo-classes

To understand how CSS Selectors work, let's use the following web page as an example:<html>  <head>    <title>CSS</title>    <style type='text/css'>      b...

2013-11-21 20:05:00 111

转载 XPath Axes 示例

Example 1:Use Button 3 to climb up to its TABLEThis is similar to example we saw in the section 'Select Parent Nodes using Children' but instead of using the XPath expression /..,we will use ax...

2013-11-21 12:29:00 147

转载 XPath Axes

AxisNameDescriptionancestorSelect all parent nodes(ancestor: parent,grandparent etc) of the current node.ancestor-or-selfSelect all parent nodes(ancestor: parent,grandp...

2013-11-21 09:36:00 80

转载 通过Children选择根节点

Example 1:<table id='table2'>  <tr class='row1' id=BPT>    <td>View ID</td>    <td><input type='button' value='Button 4' class='btn_blue'></td>...

2013-11-21 09:11:00 107

转载 在QTP中申明XPath

Example 1:<body>  <h4>John Smith<input type=checkbox name="select" /></h4><body>  <h4>Anne Anderson<input type="checkbox" name="select" checked=t...

2013-11-21 09:02:00 103

转载 从Element获取父WebTable

Demo:<table>  <tr>    <table border="1">      <tr>        <td>Attribute</td>        <td>Value</td>        <td>Description</t...

2013-11-20 16:37:00 185

转载 点击WebTable中的行

Method1'Get the tables DOM objectSetoDOMTable=Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").object'To Click on (1,1) we can use:Row=1Col=1oDOMTable.rows(Row-1).Cells(Col-...

2013-11-20 15:51:00 115

转载 GC浅析之二HotSpot GC了解

HotSpot JVM 内存模型内存概念上如下划分HotSpot内存参数-Xms; -Xmx 堆大小-Xss 栈大小-Xmn --XX:SurviorRatio=xxx 新生代大小 ;新生代中eden和survivor的比例-XX:NewRatio=xx;-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold 新生代和永久代的比例,新生代最大存活...

2013-10-25 12:55:00 170

转载 GC浅析之一GC基础知识

背景知识:Java内存分布分为以下几个区域本地方法区:(线程私有)native code占用的内存。方法区:存放Class定义,常量,全局变量PC计数器:(线程私有)记录当前指令位置栈:(线程私有)对正在运行方法指令,变量值,实例引用进行压栈堆:存放对象实例GC要解决2个问题计算出需要回收的无用对象如何回收无用对象问题1:计算出需要回收...

2013-10-25 12:52:00 127

转载 LoadRunner技巧之Vugen读取文件并验证

checkprocess(){char command[1024];int i, total = 0;char buffer[12], ch;char *filename = lr_eval_string("C:\\tasklist_{pTime}.txt");long file_stream;//Run a system command...

2013-09-12 10:16:00 202

转载 SQL FROM大表和小表的顺序, %位置的性能影响

1.BORACLE 的解析器按照从右到左的顺序处理FROM子句中的表名,FROM子句中写在最后的表(基础表 drivingtable)将被最先处理,在FROM子句中包含多个表的情况下,你必须选择记录条数最少的表作为基础表。如果有3个以上的表连接查询, 那就需要选择交叉表 (intersection table)作为基础表, 交叉表是指那个被其...

2013-08-13 21:59:00 490

转载 SQL大小写和where条件与表的顺序

1.SQL的大小写要看数据库类型, 如果数据库是Oracle, 则答案是BSQL Server中, 可以手工设置数据库是否区分大小写, 所以SQL大小写对解析没有什么影响, 但是要注意的是, 一定要统一表名, SQL语句等等的格式, 统一大写或小写.Oracle则不一样, SQL设置为统一为大写时性能更优, 虽然比小写时性能高不了多少.以下内容摘自Oracle官方的...

2013-08-13 21:58:00 156

转载 SQL优化细则

(1) 选择最有效率的表名顺序(只在基于规则的优化器中有效):ORACLE 的解析器按照从右到左的顺序处理FROM子句中的表名,FROM子句中写在最后的表(基础表 driving table)将被最先处理,在FROM子句中包含多个表的情况下,你必须选择记录条数最少的表作为基础表。如果有3个以上的表连接查询, 那就需要选择交叉表 (intersection table)作为基础表, 交叉表...

2013-08-11 22:00:00 104

转载 WebTable中查找包含指定文字的行

Function GetRowWithText(Obj, ByVal Text, StartFromRow, RegExpression)bReg = LCase(RegExpression)Set oDOM = Obj.ObjectIf bReg Then Set oReg = new RegExp oReg.Pattern = Text oReg.Global...

2013-06-21 11:22:00 92

转载 用或不用HTML DOM的原因

适合HTML DOM的原因:  1.QTP only provides access to radio buttons through the WebRadioGroup rather than providing access to individual elements.  2.QTP provides no way to access webpage style sheet...

2013-06-21 10:02:00 68

转载 将QTP共享OR转换为关键字类型的DP对象库,并导出到Excel

Dim RepositorySet Repository = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil.1")Repository.Load "C:\Test.tsr"'Set Repository = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\Temp\TestOR.xml")'This array will...

2013-06-14 16:37:00 92

转载 不需要事先加载Add-in的特殊情况

1.The SIEBEL add-in uses SIEBEL Automation API, so if a SIEBEL application is lauched before QTP, QTP will still be able to indentify the Siebel objects. This is because even though Siebel runs i...

2013-06-14 15:22:00 89

转载 转发--JVM内存管理与垃圾回收


2013-05-09 16:13:00 73

转载 获取脚本ID的脚本

TC_Path = "***"process_name = "BL"Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set parentFolders = fso.GetFolder(TC_Path & process_name)Set fc = parentFolders.SubFolderstcid = ""...

2013-04-16 18:17:00 475

转载 修复QTP hang的问题

Possible fixOpen a command prompt (Start > Run > type "cmd" > "Ok")Navigate to "/bin" directory (for example: "cd C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional")Run the following co...

2013-01-10 15:50:00 97

转载 释放指定程序内存

Public Function QTP_Release_Memory(hwnd) Extern.Declare micVoid,"SendMessageA","user32.dll","SendMessageA",micHwnd,micInteger,micInteger,micInteger SC_MINIMIZE = &HF020&...

2012-12-25 17:05:00 222

转载 QTP对象识别算法


2012-09-26 16:35:00 99

转载 Ordinal Indentifiers的区别

  Index - Indicates the order in which the object appears in the application coderelative to other objects.  Location - Indicates the order in which the object appears on the screen. Values areas...

2012-09-26 16:32:00 196

转载 在开启QTP之前运行的程序能被成功识别的特例

The SIEBEL add-in uses SIEBEL Automation API, so if a SIEBEL application islaunched before QTP, QTP will still be able to identify the Siebel objects. This isbecause even though Siebel runs insid...

2012-09-26 09:56:00 84

转载 分层设计方法-GUI层

'这里通过把百度搜索封装成GUI层作为例子来举例:Class BaiduSearchPrivate m_htChildObjects '定义变量作为Scripting.Dictionary'***********为变量设置Get Set方法*************Public Property Get ChildObjects()Set ChildObje...

2012-09-15 21:51:00 256

转载 从QC下载测试脚本

' ================================================================================== '' Download Automation Tests from QC'' 1. get all folders, for each folder:' a. check it h...

2012-09-13 17:35:00 102

转载 批量修改脚本名称

这里举例批量将脚本名的"_"替换成"-"'************************************************************************************************************************ 'Description: ' 'Assumptions: ' There is no unsa...

2012-09-13 17:26:00 104

转载 获取并处理WebTable中的子对象

' ***************************** Function Library ****************************** RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ObjectsByMicClass", "ObjectsByMicClass"' Function: ObjectsByMicClass ...

2012-09-13 09:43:00 94

转载 QTP设计模式-类的继承模式

'类的继承模式举例:'创建一个继承类库Class ClassHelperprivate dict'添加方法public default function addMethod(name)set dict(name) = getRef(dict("type") & name)end function'创建字典对象priv...

2012-09-11 15:25:00 120

转载 QTP设计模式-函数指针模式

'函数指针模式举例:'函数tt1Function tt1Msgbox "tt1"End Function'函数tt2Function tt2Msgbox "tt2"End Function'建立测试流函数Function TestFlow(LoadFuncs)'遍历所有载入的函数名,并利用函数指针进行调用For i...

2012-09-11 09:51:00 73

转载 QTP设计模式-回调设计模式

'回调设计模式举例:On Error Resume Next'创建一个类Class CallBack'被调用的对象Dim Caller'回调的动态脚本Dim CallBackScript'类的销毁化Sub Class_Terminate()Execute CallBackScriptEnd SubEnd ...

2012-09-11 09:43:00 85

转载 QTP设计模式-命令包装模式

'命令包装模式举例:'定义一个oCommand类Class oCommand'定义输入Private VarIntNumPublic Property Get NumberNumber = VarIntNumEnd PropertyPublic Property Let Number(ByVal oNum)VarIntNum = oN...

2012-09-11 09:36:00 95

转载 QTP设计模式-工厂设计模式

'工厂设计模式举例:Public oOutputsSet oOutputs = New OutFactoryClass OutFactoryPublic Channels '定义变量Private Sub Class_InitializeSet Me.Channels = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")...

2012-09-11 09:24:00 78

转载 QTP设计模式-单例设计模式

'单例设计模式举例:Option ExplicitPublic oExcel '声明全局变量Class ExcelWrapperPrivate oExcelObject'初始化类Private Sub Class_InitializeDim bAlreadyInit '判断对象是否存在的标志位'检查对象是否已经被初始化bAlready...

2012-09-07 18:04:00 59

转载 打印当前运行到的行号

Print Setting("executionline") + 1转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/dushuai/articles/2674991.html

2012-09-07 14:15:00 162



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