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原创 64位复用和解析

小端下:#define MUX64(pBuffer,Data)\{\ (*(pBuffer)++) = (unsigned char)(((Data)&0xff00000000000000LL)>>56);\ (*(pBuffer)++) = (unsigned

2011-09-23 23:39:00 305

转载 Linux中DD命令详解

1.dd命令简介        功能:把指定的输入文件拷贝到指定的输出文件中,并且在拷贝过程中可以进行格式转换。可以用该命令实现DOS下的diskcopy命令的作用。先用dd命令把软盘上的数据写成硬盘的一个寄存文件,再把这个寄存文件写入第二张软盘上,完成diskcopy的功能

2011-08-10 23:03:41 459

原创 一些C函数

<br />统计整形参数的值为1的二进制位的个数<br /> <br />/* bitcount: count 1 bits in x */<br />int bitcount(unsigned x)<br />{<br />int b;<br /> <br />for(b=0; x != 0; x >>= 1)<br />if(x & 01)<br />b++;<br />return b;<br />}<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />squeeze(s1, s2),将字符串s1中任

2010-11-16 14:58:00 290

原创 一个MFC Console程序实例

<br />例子用来计算小于100的所有斐波那契数列(Fabonacci sequence)。斐波那契数列的计算方法:<br />  1、头两个数是1。<br />  2、接下来的每一个数是前两个数的和。<br /> <br />#include <afx.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int lo,hi; CString str; CStdioFile fFibo; fFibo.Open("FIBO.DAT", CFile::modeW

2010-11-04 16:28:00 414

原创 MFC深入浅出笔记 ①

<br />Windows三大模块:GDI32.DLLUSER32.DLLKERNEL32.DLL<br /> <br />一些缩写:<br />API: Application Programming Interface<br />DLL:Dynamic Link Library<br />GUI: Graphics User Interface<br />MDI: Multiple Document Interface<br />MFC: Microsoft Foundation Class<br />

2010-11-04 15:38:00 349

原创 今天重头开始学学vc,,写个windows入门的程序

<br />WinMain.cpp<br />`````````````<br /> <br /><br />#include <windows.h><br />#include <stdio.h><br /> <br />LRESULT CALLBACK WinSunProc(<br />HWND hwnd,//handle to windows<br />UINT uMsg,//message identifier<br />WPARAM wParam,//first message parameter

2010-11-02 20:52:00 307

转载 老去的80后


2009-09-11 21:55:00 263







The GNU C Library Reference Manual

This file documents the GNU C library. This is Edition 0.12, last updated 2007-10-27, of The GNU C Library Reference Manual, for version 2.8. Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being “Free Software Needs Free Documentation” and “GNU Lesser General Public License”, the Front-Cover texts being “A GNU Manual”, and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". (a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom.” Published by the Free Software Foundation


Visual Studio插件:VSTweak

可管理VS别名和启动优化等。 1、VSTweak is a small windows application that can be used to modify a number of hard to find settings. Using this small utility you can configure dynamic help, most recent lists, command aliases, file extensions, and more. This overview will walk through each of the various tabs and cover what settings can be manipulated from that tab. 2、The first tab contains an odd assortment of Visual Studio settings. The first section on this tab is the Help Settings section which provides an interface to enable or disable two parts of dynamic help. Dynamic Help is the name given to the feature that will automatically suggest help topics based on the context of what you are doing. Dynamic Help can be a great feature, but it also tends to slow down the IDE. If you don’t find that you benefit from dynamic help then disabling it here can speed up the IDE. 3、The second section, Import or Export Keyboard Bindings, is an easy to use interface for the management of keyboard bindings. Simply select the keyboard bindings that you want to export, click the export button, than select where to save the file. After saving the file you will then need to copy it to your new system, where you can then open VSTweak, click the Import button, and select your keyboard bindings file. Using this method you can move your configured keyboard bindings from system to system. 4、The last section on this tab, Clear History, can be used to clear a number of different history lists that exist in Visual Studio. These include the command list, browser history list, find history, as well as the replace history.



Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies is an introductory level book that gets you using Crystal Reports quickly and effectively. It covers all the major capabilities of Crystal Reports but doesn’t bog you down in intricate detail. The objective is to give you the information you need to produce the types of reports that most people need most of the time. I also get into some out-of-the-ordinary report types that you might be called upon to generate on occasion. Use this book as a handy reference guide. Each chapter deals with an individual feature that you may need at one time or another. Pull out the book, read the chapter, and then do what you need to do. In many cases, step-by-step procedures walk you through commonly needed operations. You might find it worthwhile to put the book beside your computer and perform the operations as you read about them. Anyone who may be called upon to produce a report based on database data can profit from the information contained in this book. It’s also valuable to managers who may never personally produce a report, but have oversight of people who do. This book tells you what’s possible, what you can do easily, and what takes a little more effort to accomplish. This knowledge can help you estimate how long it should take to produce reports of various types.



先来阐述一下DLL(Dynamic Linkable Library)的概念,你可以简单的把DLL看成一种仓库,它提供给你一些可以直接拿来用的变量、函数或类。在仓库的发展史上经历了“无库-静态链接库-动态链接库”的时代。   静态链接库与动态链接库都是共享代码的方式,如果采用静态链接库,则无论你愿不愿意,lib中的指令都被直接包含在最终生成的EXE文件中了。但是若使用DLL,该DLL不必被包含在最终EXE文件中,EXE文件执行时可以“动态”地引用和卸载这个与EXE独立的DLL文件。静态链接库和动态链接库的另外一个区别在于静态链接库中不能再包含其他的动态链接库或者静态库,而在动态链接库中还可以再包含其他的动态或静态链接库



Writing Clean Code Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs Steve Maguire 著 姜静波 佟金荣 译 麦中凡 校 电子工业出版社


Learn C programming language in 24 hours

Welcome to Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours. In this first lesson you'll learn the following: Hour 1 - Getting Started





Memory Management: Algorithms and Implementation in C/C++

Introduction "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." —The Wizard of Oz There are a multitude of academic computer science texts that discuss memory management. They typically devote a chapter or less to the subject and then move on. Rarely are concrete, machine-level details provided, and actual source code is even scarcer. When the author is done with his whirlwind tour, the reader tends to have a very limited idea about what is happening behind the curtain. This is no surprise, given that the nature of the discussion is rampantly ambiguous. Imagine trying to appreciate Beethoven by having someone read the sheet music to you or experience the Mona Lisa by reading a description in a guidebook.



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