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原创 Maven Jetty Plugin

http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Running+Jetty+with+jconsolehttp://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/JMXhttp://code.google.com/p/run-jetty-run/issues/detail?id=27 -Dorg.mortbay.jetty.web...

2010-12-10 14:03:16 126

原创 Sonic ESB logging and custom services

Default is : sonicfs:///System/SonicESB/log4j.xmlor-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jFactory -DSonicESB.log4j.configuration=sonicfs:///System/Sonic...

2010-07-15 09:23:50 158

原创 Sonic ESB integration with Spring

 look up Sonic\ESB7.6\lib\esb_sfc.jar 1. create containerAppContext.xml or serviceAppContext.xml under classpath: config/esb, then import your custom xml file in it  containerAppCont...

2010-07-10 08:22:26 118

原创 line separator in java

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline http://www.stevengould.org/portfolio/SunWorld/swol-11-1998/swol-11-javaapps.html http://www.semiantics.com/?p=25

2009-12-04 11:35:01 94

原创 FAST(FIX Adapted for STreaming)

FIX Adapted for STreaming: 1. spec:http://fixprotocol.org/specifications/TechDoc-MktData2. java impl:http://www.openfast.org/

2009-11-23 12:09:04 253

原创 Overview of MultithreadedTC

整个Jar只有 4个class。 http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/PL/multithreadedtc/overview.htmlhttp://code.google.com/p/multithreadedtc/  1. What is MultithreadedTC?MultithreadedTC is a framework f...

2009-10-30 17:59:56 201

原创 org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property valu

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [$Proxy60] to required type [your_classname] for property 'your_property_name'; nested exception is...

2009-10-08 12:12:16 768

Mule and QuickFIX/J integration

  Mule and QuickFIX/J integration           (configurationand code NOT be verified)一.  Requirement,Installation.TODO二.  Configuration.1.       Decla...

2009-07-19 18:56:16 158

原创 eclipse's pulsar

eclipse 又出新东西啦, Pulsar,http://www.eclipse.org/pulsar/, 现在由于在Mobile Device,有很多的标准,就OS,就已经有5种了:  Mac, WM,Androd,Nokia,Palm,还有比较冷门的Blackberry,前三种,现在很热门,相信大家都应该对开发相应的program很感兴趣,但各自都有自己的SDK, 管理很麻烦,就用eclip...

2009-07-19 12:54:34 110

原创 java.lang.VerifyError, Incompatible argument to function

問題:     在搞QuickFIXJ 的時候,遇到:Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [com.xmlasia.fox.fix.server.GatewayConnector]: Constructor threw except...

2009-07-08 09:34:18 638

原创 thinking in java

just for back up

2009-07-01 16:43:42 80

原创 view java src code and examples online

http://kickjava.com/ src codehttp://www.java2s.com/ example

2009-07-01 16:32:08 76

原创 maven repository

http://www.mvnbrowser.com/index.html这里有很多的jar,src, doc,要找,现到找这里,还是没有的话,再通过其他地方找吧

2009-07-01 16:30:11 97

QuickFIXJ Notes

1. Session: a).config the start and end time, this can reset all of this session state, eg. sequence number, and the session can be start and stop automatically according to this configuration....

2009-06-23 22:35:53 136

原创 SWT 绘图技术


2009-06-14 17:34:20 144

原创 RMI for remote test

工作中的需要,  需要建一个middle ware,  用QuickFIXJ连接到Pats System FIX Gateway,去接收Market Data,由于network不稳定,在Dev的时候,经常收不到MarketData, 在decouple src code下,唯有用JMX把 QuickFIXJ 的IApplication 中的implementation exposed出来,再用R...

2009-06-14 17:27:39 64

原创 SoftReference、WeakReference 和 PhantomReference

工作中用到SpringDM depends on Spring 2.5.4, 不过遇到其中的一个bug,http://jira.springframework.org/browse/SPR-5577,是关于WeakReference,详细:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-refs/ 因为DM里的enum class is load...

2009-06-14 16:59:30 72

原创 Remote Lazy Loading in Hibernate

  May 2009Discuss this article Lazy loading in Hibernate means fetching and loading the data, only when it is needed, from a persistent storage like a database. Lazy loading improves the pe...

2009-06-13 11:17:43 120

原创 Differences between data object's field and Java B

Differences between data object's field and Java Bean propertyPosted by: Arseniy Taradonov on ?? 12, 2009 DIGG<script type="text/javascript"></script>In the Fishbolt data model, a da...

2009-06-13 11:11:48 78

QPID(implementation of AMQP) tutorial

1. read AMQP Spec first,  by now the lastest version is 0.10, understand the model of AMQP, the concepts of Exchange, Queue and Route key, the queue is different from the classic MQ queue. 2. offi...

2009-04-05 10:43:52 80

原创 Build OSGi bundle using maven

https://mail.osgi.org/pipermail/osgi-dev/2008-October/001498.html http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-maven-bundle-plugin-bnd.html

2009-02-16 15:23:04 80

RCP remote debug

sometime need to remote debug RCP application add the following para:-vmargs -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

2009-02-16 11:21:57 89

原创 Equals and HashCode

http://www.hibernate.org/109.htmlEquals and HashCodeJava's Collections and Relational database (and thus Hibernate) relies heavily on being able to distinguish objects in a unified way. In Relationa...

2008-12-11 10:08:17 311

原创 M$ AD User view

AD Users ViewAll Users It provides the details of all the users in the selected scope. How it works: This view is generated by querying the Directory Service with the filter “(&(objectCategory=pe...

2008-12-11 09:55:26 193

原创 LDAP error

Active Directory LDAP Errors  Here is a list of Active Directory errors: 525 - user not found 52e - invalid credentials 530 - not permitted to logon at this time 532 - password expire...

2008-12-11 09:51:20 349

NicEdit & FCKEditor


2008-08-17 22:25:42 59

原创 Maven Debug based on Eclipse.

based on http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Dealing+with+Eclipse-based+IDE steps as following: 1. install Maven and setup Environment Variables.2. a).maven is 2.0.8+, nothing changed the ...

2008-08-07 09:24:10 64

原创 Open Source PageFlow (a.k.a. State Machine) Writte

转载:http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/open-source-statemachine-for-user-interfaces-written-in-java Shocks - Shocks is a departure from previous servlet framework technologies. It is conceptual...

2008-07-16 14:45:00 117

Annotation + AOP

Requirement: 在目标方法invoke 之前进行validation,通过就proceed.不通过就throw exception.@Validation(validationRule=***)public submit(Order order){}Approach:BeanPostProcessor 处理有Annotaion 的bean, 加入所需要的Advic...

2008-07-13 22:23:47 111

the best tools for debugging on SmartClient

FF+firebugIE+Web Development Helper

2008-03-11 09:34:54 81

Debug tools for JavaScript on FF and IE

got from internet http://hi.baidu.com/taoaishan/blog/item/b0a496af5f2978cf7dd92aef.html and added some comments Mozilla FirefoxFirebug (mirror) Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of devel...

2008-03-11 09:10:34 119

New table from Nat Table based on SWT

can be refer to http://sourceforge.net/projects/nattable/, it is based on SWT and http://publicobject.com/glazedlists/做个SWT开发的,都知道Table系最麻烦,requirement最多的,SWT的table同JFace的tableviewer都不好用,ktable嘛,N...

2008-03-09 17:26:48 187


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