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转载 CentOS 64 bit install mongodb,python, tomcat,etc, to achieve a web platform system_2
CentOS 64 bit install mongodb,python, tomcat,etc, to achieve a web platform system_2 在linux机CentOs 64位中安装FreeWiFi平台,所有的组件安装过程大致如下面所示,参考的是安装步骤txt文档,在其基础上结合个人实际在协助国外客户机安装时出现的问题进行一些修改和完善。 首先准备好一份安...
2017-04-06 10:23:00 128
转载 Service Restart Method for the Wedora Cloud
Supplement Service Restart Method Mysql Stop: #service mysqld stop Start: #service mysqld start mongo Stop: #ps -ef|grep mongo #kill -9 {PID} Start: #/usr/local/mongodb/bin/...
2017-03-02 14:49:00 117
转载 Wedora V4.1.1 Translation Issues
Wedora V4.1.1 Translation Issues 使用Wedora V4.1.1.iso一键安装包安装后的Wedora平台出现的中文如下 1 message_en_US.properties文本错误. 因该文档词汇错误导致页面出现文字错误如下,请优先修改过来 登陆页面 The max number of device registrati...
2017-02-23 12:06:00 124
转载 Wedora Platform Offline Installation Steps
1 Preparation Before the installation, you need to check the following: Install the CentOS-6.5 64 bit in your server machine.(We suggests use CentOS-6.5-x86_64bin-DVD1.iso ). The CentOS sys...
2017-02-16 12:04:00 167
转载 CentOS 64 bit install mongodb,python, tomcat,etc, to achieve a web platform system.
CentOS 64 bit install mongodb,python, tomcat,etc, to achieve a web platform system. 在linux机CentOs 64位中安装FreeWiFi平台,所有的组件安装过程大致如下面所示,参考的是安装步骤txt文档,在其基础上结合个人实际在协助国外客户机安装时出现的问题进行一些修改和完善。 首先准备好一份安装...
2017-02-07 15:52:00 96
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