from google search
一、常用收集如下:(vi set)
set autoindent
set list
把制表符显示为^I ,用$标示行尾(使用list分辨尾部的字符是tab还是空格)
set number
set readonly
set shiftwidth
set showmatch
在vi中输入),}时,光标会暂时的回到相匹配的(,{ (如果没有相匹配的就发出错误信息的铃声),编程时很有用
set tabstop
set wrapscan
二、vim set 在vi的基础上增加了如下(常用):
set smartindent
set cindent
三、set 设置可以在命令行输入,也可以写在$HOME下的.exrc (如果是vi)或者.vimrc(如果是vim)中。写进去很方便的。
:set ai:让vi自动对齐.
:set noai 取消自动对齐。
:set showmatch
:set noshowmatch 高亮显示(set noshowmatch不显示){, }, (, ), [, 或者 ] 的匹配情况
:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 :设置制表停止位(tabstop)的长度:当使用移动(shift)命令时移动的字符数
:syntax on :开启语法高亮显示
:set cindent :在C编码时,用户常常想要indent缩进内嵌代码块。若要在编码时自动完成它在C编码时,如果想要indent缩进内嵌代码块。设置该命令则自动完成。
:set smartindent :为C程序提供自动缩进
:set encoding=utf-8 #设置编码格式
:set ff=unix #将文件格式转为unix格式
:set noci#复制缩进
:set paste
:set num/nonum
:set ci! #复制缩排
:set si #智能缩排indent
:help option-list
VI 颜色设置
安装linux开发环境(vim + ctags + taglist + cscope + cppcomplete + global )
当然找不到了, 如果你之前没有配置过颜色的话。那让我们加一个颜色试试,在最后加入color murphy或者是colorscheme murphy。
然后保存这个文件,重新用vim打开一个你的源代码文件;或者你直接在vim的命令行模式下输入上面的任意一句。看看是什么效果。也许你会问, murphy是什么呀?
cd /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors
你看到了什么? 是不是有很多*.vim的文件,其中就有我们刚才输入的murphy,现在我不说你其实已经知道了,我们刚才输入的murphy是什么了吧,对,它就是colors目录下面其中的一个配置文件不包含.vim的文件名。如果你还是想知道这个单词是什么意思,你也不用去查了,我告诉你,是马铃薯,土豆的意思,就是tomato的意思。接下来你可能很想试试每个配置文件所对应的颜色方案,方法就是刚才我们用过的那个命令。
我们接着研究,其实这下面都是一些关于vim的不同颜色方案的组合。你可以打开这些文件看看里面的实际内容。也许试过了所有的颜色方案后,没有一个让你觉得满意的,那就改一个自己满意的, 怎么做呢?
首先找一个自己觉得还比较喜欢的颜色方案的配置文件,比如morning.vim, 复制一份。打开它。
hi Normal ctermfg = Black ctermbg=Grey guifg=Black guibg=grey98
hi Commnet ...
hi Statement ...
hi Type...
hi Number...
hi 是高亮的意思,是light的缩写
Comment any comment
Constant any constant
String a string constant: "this is a string"
Character a character constant: 'c', '/n'
Number a number constant: 234, 0xff
Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Identifier any variable name
Function function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement any statement
Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
Repeat for, do, while, etc.
Label case, default, etc.
Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
Keyword any other keyword
Exception try, catch, throw
PreProc generic Preprocessor
Include preprocessor #include
Define preprocessor #define
Macro same as Define
PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
Type int, long, char, etc.
StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc.
Structure struct, union, enum, etc.
Typedef A typedef
Special any special symbol
SpecialChar special character in a constant
Tag you can use CTRL-] on this
Delimiter character that needs attention
SpecialComment special things inside a comment
Debug debugging statements
Underlined text that stands out, HTML links
Ignore left blank, hidden
Error any erroneous construct
Todo anything that needs extra attention; mostly the
keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
color my_conf
让后保存退出。重新打开vim, 看看我们修改的成果。
added on Mar/21/2013
in .vimrc, 有个东西要特别标注,set t_Co=256 否则很多好看的颜色vim terminal显示不了,我试了很多颜色方案,就是在vimrc没有设置上set t_Co=256,费了很多功夫。
set nu
set fileformats=unix,dos,mac
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set smarttab
set autoindent
" -------------------------------------------
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" autocmd FileType java set noexpandtab
" autocmd FileType Makefile set noexpandtab
" grep.vim plugin
let Grep_Default_Options = '-i'
let Grep_Default_Filelist = expand("%")
set nobackup
let &termencoding=&encoding
set fileencodings=utf-8,gb2312,ucs-bom,euc-cn,euc-tw,gb18030,gbk,cp936
" let g:fencview_autodetect=1
" let g:fencview_auto_patterns='*'
" tab complete now ignores these
set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*.bak,*.exe,*~
" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" :map <F6> :tabnext<CR>
" :map <F7> :nohl<CR>
" :map <F8> :w!<CR>
" :imap <F5> <ESC>:<ESC><CR>i
" :imap <F6> <ESC>:tabnext<CR>i
" :imap <F7> <ESC>:nohl<CR>i
" :imap <F8> <ESC>:w!<CR>i
nmap <F2> :w!<CR>
nmap <F3> :wa<CR>
nmap <F4> <C-I>
nmap <F5> <C-O>
"nmap <F3> <C-O>
"nmap <F4> :pop<CR>
"nmap <F5> :tag<CR>
nmap <F6> g<C-]>
"nmap <F7> :tn<CR>
"nmap <F8> :tp<CR>
"nmap <F7> <C-D>
"nmap <F8> <C-U>
nmap <F7> <S-%>
vmap <F7> <S-%>
nmap <F8> n
"nmap <F9> g]
nmap <F9><CR><C-W>p
nmap <M-F10> :e!<CR>
"nmap <F12> <C-W>q
imap <F2> <ESC>:w!<CR>i<Right>
"imap <F3> <C-C>
"imap <F3> <ESC><C-T>i
imap <F3> <ESC>:wa!<CR>i<Right>
imap <F4> <ESC><C-I>i
imap <F5> <ESC><C-O>i
"imap <F3> <ESC><C-O>i
"imap <F4> <ESC>:pop<CR>i
"imap <F5> <ESC>:tag<CR>i
imap <F6> <ESC>g<C-]>i
"imap <F7> <ESC><C-D>i
"imap <F8> <ESC><C-U>i
imap <F7> <ESC><S-%>i
imap <F8> <ESC>n
"imap <F9> <ESC>g]i
imap <F9> <ESC><CR><C-W>p
imap <M-F10> <ESC>:e!<CR>i
"imap <F12> <ESC><C-W>q
nmap <S-F5> <C-Z>
nmap <S-F6> g]
nmap <S-F7> :%!xxd -r<CR>
imap <S-F5> <ESC><C-Z>
imap <S-F6> <ESC>g]i
imap <S-F7> <ESC>:%!xxd -r<CR>i
nmap <C-F5> :set hls<CR>gd
imap <C-F5> <ESC>:set hls<CR>gd<CR>i
nmap <C-F6> gf
imap <C-F6> <ESC>gf<CR>i
nmap <C-F7> :%!xxd -g 1<CR>
imap <C-F7> <ESC>:%!xxd -g 1<CR>i
"nmap <C-F8> gg
"imap <C-F8> <ESC>gg<CR>i
nmap <C-F8> :TlistToggle<CR>
imap <C-F8> <ESC>:TlistToggle<CR>i
"let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window=1
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window=1
nmap <C-F10> :set mouse=<CR>
imap <C-F10> <ESC>:set mouse=<CR>i
nmap <C-F11> :set mouse=a<CR>
imap <C-F11> <ESC>:set mouse=a<CR>i
nmap <M-F9> :run macros/gdb_mappings.vim<CR>
imap <M-F9> <ESC>:run macros/gdb_mappings.vim<CR>
"nmap <F8> :w!<CR>
"imap <F8> <ESC>:w!<CR>i
"map! <F9> <C-C>
"nmap q <C-O>
"nmap w <C-I>
"nmap e <C-]>
"nmap r <C-D>
"nmap t <C-U>
"nmap 5 g]
"nmap <F12> <C-W>q
syntax on
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [ASCII=\%04.4b]\ [HEX=\%04.4B]\ [LEN=%L]\ [%03p%%]\ [POS=%04v,%04l]]
set laststatus=2
"set mouse=a
set hlsearch
set ff=unix ",dos
set autoread
set t_Co=256
color molokai
"color torte
function! Mydict()
let expl=system('grep -r ' .
\ expand("<cword>"))
windo if
\ expand("%")=="diCt-tmp" |
\ q!|endif
25vsp diCt-tmp
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
"nmap F :call Mydict()<CR>
function Gliethttp()
let exp=expand("<cword>")
let cfile=expand("%")
echo exp
execute "grep -i " . exp . " " . cfile
" cexpr system('gsearch_beagle -g ' . exp)
" copen
" execute "grep -r " . exp . " *" . " --exclude=*svn* --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.bin --exclude=*.elf --exclude=tags --exclude=*.swp --exclude=cscope.out --exclude=*.[oO]"
" execute "grep " . "/n /S " . exp . " *.c *.h *.s *.java *.cpp *.cxx *.ld Makefile *.ini *.inc"
"windows xp findstr /n /S exp *.c *.h ...
function Gliethttp2(express)
let cfile=expand("%")
echo a:express
execute "grep -i " . a:express . " " . cfile
" cexpr system('gsearch_beagle -g ' . a:express)
" copen
" execute "grep -r '" . a:express . "' *" . " --exclude=*svn* --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.bin --exclude=*.elf --exclude=tags --exclude=*.swp --exclude=cscope.out --exclude=*.[oO]"
" execute "grep " . "/n /S " . a:express . " *.c *.h *.s *.java *.cpp *.cxx *.ld Makefile *.ini *.inc"
"windows xp findstr /n /S a:express *.c *.h ...
function _Gliethttp()
let exp=expand("<cword>")
echo exp
cexpr system('gsearch_beagle -g ' . exp)
" copen
" execute "grep . .c"
" execute "grep -wr " . exp . " *" . " --exclude=*svn* --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.bin --exclude=*.elf --exclude=tags --exclude=*.swp --exclude=cscope.out --exclude=*.[oO]"
" execute "grep " . "/n /S " . exp . " *.c *.h *.s *.java *.cpp *.cxx *.ld Makefile *.ini *.inc"
"windows xp findstr /n /S /I exp *.c *.h ...
function _Gliethttp2(express)
echo a:express
cexpr system('gsearch_beagle -g ' . a:express)
" copen
" execute "grep -wr '" . a:express . "' *" . " --exclude=*svn* --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.bin --exclude=*.elf --exclude=tags --exclude=*.swp --exclude=cscope.out --exclude=*.[oO]"
" execute "grep " . "/n /S " . a:express . " *.c *.h *.s *.java *.cpp *.cxx *.ld Makefile *.ini *.inc"
"windows xp findstr /n /S /I a:express *.c *.h ...
nmap <S-F9> :call _Gliethttp()<CR><CR><C-O>
vmap <S-F9> y:call _Gliethttp2("<C-R>"")<CR><CR><C-O>
nmap <C-F9> :call Gliethttp()<CR><CR><C-O>
vmap <C-F9> y:call Gliethttp2("<C-R>"")<CR><CR><C-O>
nmap <F7> :call _Gliethttp()<CR><CR><C-O>
vmap <F7> y:call _Gliethttp2("<C-R>"")<CR><CR><C-O>
"nmap <C-F7> :call Gliethttp()
"vmap <C-F7> y:call Gliethttp2("<C-R>"")<CR><CR><C-O>
nmap <C-F7> :Grep<CR>
vmap <C-F7> y:Grep<CR>
imap <C-F7> <ESC>:Grep<CR>
nmap <F8> <C-W>s
imap <F8> <ESC><C-W>s
nmap <F9> <C-W>s<C-W><S-T>
imap <F9> <ESC><C-W>s<C-W><S-T>
"nmap <F10> :set mouse=<CR>
"imap <F10> <ESC>:set mouse=<CR>i
nmap <F10> :Ex<CR>
imap <F10> <ESC>:Ex<CR>i
nmap <C-F9> :cn<CR>
nmap <C-F10> :cp<CR>
nmap <F11> :set mouse=a<CR>
imap <F11> <ESC>:set mouse=a<CR>i
nmap <F3> gd
vmap <F3> y:/<C-R>"<CR>
imap <F3> <ESC>gd
"function! Mydict()
"let expl=system('sdcv -n ' .
" \ expand("<cword>"))
"windo if
"\ expand("%")=="diCt-tmp" |
"\ q!|endif
"25vsp diCt-tmp
"setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
"nmap F :call Mydict()<CR>
" This tests to see if vim was configured with the '--enable-cscope' option
" when it was compiled. If it wasn't, time to recompile vim...
if has("cscope")
""""""""""""" Standard cscope/vim boilerplate
" use both cscope and ctag for 'ctrl-]', ':ta', and 'vim -t'
set cscopetag
" check cscope for definition of a symbol before checking ctags: set to 1
" if you want the reverse search order.
set csto=0
set ignorecase
" add any cscope database in current directory
if filereadable("cscope.out")
cs add cscope.out
" else add the database pointed to by environment variable
elseif $CSCOPE_DB != ""
cs add $CSCOPE_DB
" show msg when any other cscope db added
set cscopeverbose
""""""""""""" My cscope/vim key mappings
" The following maps all invoke one of the following cscope search types:
" 's' symbol: find all references to the token under cursor
" 'g' global: find global definition(s) of the token under cursor
" 'c' calls: find all calls to the function name under cursor
" 't' text: find all instances of the text under cursor
" 'e' egrep: egrep search for the word under cursor
" 'f' file: open the filename under cursor
" 'i' includes: find files that include the filename under cursor
" 'd' called: find functions that function under cursor calls
" Below are three sets of the maps: one set that just jumps to your
" search result, one that splits the existing vim window horizontally and
" diplays your search result in the new window, and one that does the same
" thing, but does a vertical split instead (vim 6 only).
" I've used CTRL-\ and CTRL-@ as the starting keys for these maps, as it's
" unlikely that you need their default mappings (CTRL-\'s default use is
" as part of CTRL-\ CTRL-N typemap, which basically just does the same
" thing as hitting 'escape': CTRL-@ doesn't seem to have any default use).
" If you don't like using 'CTRL-@' or CTRL-\, , you can change some or all
" of these maps to use other keys. One likely candidate is 'CTRL-_'
" (which also maps to CTRL-/, which is easier to type). By default it is
" used to switch between Hebrew and English keyboard mode.
" All of the maps involving the <cfile> macro use '^<cfile>$': this is so
" that searches over '#include <time.h>" return only references to
" 'time.h', and not 'sys/time.h', etc. (by default cscope will return all
" files that contain 'time.h' as part of their name).
" To do the first type of search, hit 'CTRL-\', followed by one of the
" cscope search types above (s,g,c,t,e,f,i,d). The result of your cscope
" search will be displayed in the current window. You can use CTRL-T to
" go back to where you were before the search.
nmap <F12>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <F12>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" nmap <F6> :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" imap <F6> <ESC>:cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>i
nmap <F12>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <F12>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" nmap <F9> :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" imap <F9> <ESC>:cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>i
nmap <F12>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <F12>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <F12>i :cs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>
nmap <F12>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" Using 'CTRL-spacebar' (intepreted as CTRL-@ by vim) then a search type
" makes the vim window split horizontally, with search result displayed in
" the new window.
" (Note: earlier versions of vim may not have the :scs command, but it
" can be simulated roughly via:
" nmap <C-@>s <C-W><C-S> :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>s :scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>g :scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>c :scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>t :scs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>e :scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>f :scs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@>i :scs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>
nmap <C-@>d :scs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" Hitting CTRL-space *twice* before the search type does a vertical
" split instead of a horizontal one (vim 6 and up only)
" (Note: you may wish to put a 'set splitright' in your .vimrc
" if you prefer the new window on the right instead of the left
nmap <C-@><C-@>s :vert scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>g :vert scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>c :vert scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>t :vert scs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>e :vert scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>f :vert scs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>i :vert scs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>
nmap <C-@><C-@>d :vert scs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
""""""""""""" key map timeouts
" By default Vim will only wait 1 second for each keystroke in a mapping.
" You may find that too short with the above typemaps. If so, you should
" either turn off mapping timeouts via 'notimeout'.
"set notimeout
" Or, you can keep timeouts, by uncommenting the timeoutlen line below,
" with your own personal favorite value (in milliseconds):
"set timeoutlen=4000
" Either way, since mapping timeout settings by default also set the
" timeouts for multicharacter 'keys codes' (like <F1>), you should also
" set ttimeout and ttimeoutlen: otherwise, you will experience strange
" delays as vim waits for a keystroke after you hit ESC (it will be
" waiting to see if the ESC is actually part of a key code like <F1>).
"set ttimeout
" personally, I find a tenth of a second to work well for key code
" timeouts. If you experience problems and have a slow terminal or network
" connection, set it higher. If you don't set ttimeoutlen, the value for
" timeoutlent (default: 1000 = 1 second, which is sluggish) is used.
"set ttimeoutlen=100