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原创 NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn‘t communicate with the NVIDIA driver

nvidia-515.76sudo apt-get install dkmssudo dkms install -m nvidia -v 515.76

2023-05-11 15:54:35 79

原创 Ubuntu上安装运行 rotated_maskrcnn

主要介绍 如何安装 使用rotated_maskrcnn

2022-07-08 09:35:14 537

原创 如何解压缩.tar.gz00 .tar.gz01 .tar.gz02 03 ...

在Ubuntu中 终端 输入: cat data.tar.gz*|tar -zx

2022-05-20 19:53:07 2019

原创 no module named ‘av‘

conda install av -c conda-forge

2022-04-07 11:27:22 2075

原创 latex tips

list:\begin{list}{}{}\item{**}\end{list}enumerate:\begin{enumerate}\item{**}\end{enumerate}item:\begin{itemize}\item{***}\end{itemize}设置bib之间的间距:\vspace{11pt}bib有照片:\bf{If you include a photo:}\vspace{-33pt}\begin{IEEEbiography}[{\includegr

2022-04-04 23:59:24 653

原创 ImportError: cannot import name ‘PILLOW_VERSION‘ from ‘PIL‘ (/home/cc/anaconda3/envs/ultrapose/lib/p

conda install pillow=6.1

2022-04-01 01:06:35 1097

原创 在华硕玩家国度魔霸新锐2021的Windows 11操作系统中禁用BitLocker设备加密


2022-03-19 17:27:11 1139

原创 在Adobe illustrator 中给图片加框

选择图片,选择object 然后 选择 clipping mask 然后选择 mask

2021-10-14 10:27:09 2429

原创 如何在华硕玩家国度ROG魔霸新锐2021笔记本上安装CUDA

How to install CUDA and Nvidia Driver on ASUS ROG Strix G513QM laptopOutcomeNvidia Driver runs properly. Specifically, the nvidia-smi gives correct information, and the nvidia-settings works fine.CUDA samples run properly. Specifically, the sample cloc

2021-06-12 00:11:09 1108 2

原创 2021-02-22

ros中 (trans,rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(’/base_link’,‘end_link’,rospy.Time(0))rot 输出的四元素为(x,y,z,w,但matlab中使用的四元素输入为(w,x,y,z)。要注意变换。

2021-02-22 16:15:48 71

原创 convert txt to mat

clearstartupsave('valid.mat','annot')load center.txtsave ('annot','center')load scale.txtsave ( 'annot','scale','-append')load imagename.txtsave ('annot','imagename','-append')

2020-10-20 16:38:12 97

原创 detectron2 train with own datasets

1. detecton2/data/datasets/builtin.py#appoint self datasets pathself_datasets_root = 'datasets'2. coco_self_train coco_self_val#appoint self datasets pathself_datasets_root = 'datasets'_PREDEFINED_SPLITS_COCO = {}_PREDEFINED_SPLITS_COCO["...

2020-09-08 21:54:03 279

原创 使用tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir=/home/cc/... (tfevents所在目录) --port=8008打开浏览器输入:localhost:8008

2020-07-16 16:02:44 121

原创 git 更新代码

首先在github 上 Git clone一下 repository ()然后在本地配置一下 git: (首次使用时需要设置)git config --global user.email "***"git config --global user.name "****"git statusgit add .git statusgit commit -m "update"git push...

2020-06-28 22:50:24 300

原创 pycharm 卡死

用命令查看pycharn进程:ps -aux|grep pycharmcc 3824 15.3 .......然后结束进程:kill -9 3824

2020-06-15 10:40:14 2094

原创 __init__.py作用


2020-05-17 21:30:09 119

原创 Symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libblas.so.3: undefined symbol: gotoblas

sudo apt-get install juliasudo apt-get remove libopenblas-base

2019-10-09 23:00:57 470

原创 ros create package

cd ~/catkin_ws/srccatkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscppcd ~/catkin_wscatkin_make. ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

2019-09-25 22:24:17 246

原创 No module named 'yaml' in ros

在python2.7的环境中python2.7 -m pip install pyyaml

2019-09-25 22:11:29 1358

原创 ROS Import Error: No module named yaml, catkin_pkg

查看pip install numpy中numpy安装的地方: /usr/local/lib/pthon2.7/dist-packagesimport syssys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages')sudo gedit ~/.bashrcexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHON:/...

2019-09-25 15:12:12 909

原创 在python3.5建立虚拟python环境 能跑ros

pip install virtualenvpip install virtualenvwrappermkdir $HOME/.virtualenvsvim ~/.bashrc在末尾加上三行:export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvsVIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.5sour...

2019-09-21 16:23:17 457

转载 blender 安装第三方插件 python

First of all, pip is not part of Python so it doesn't come by default with Blender.It has to be installed for Blender's bundled Python even if you already have pip for some other version of Python o...

2019-06-09 14:39:17 4718

原创 python 文件读写

rr+ww+a 写内容, 不覆盖内容a+ 可读可写,不覆盖内容

2019-04-10 21:13:23 329

原创 ROS learning note

killall -9 roscorekillall -9 rosmasterTo add the workspace to your ROS environment you need to source the generated setup file:$ . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

2019-03-17 09:16:17 98

原创 matlab 矩阵左右乘除

左除 : C = B\A  ==== B*C =A右除: C = B/A  ==== C*A = B

2018-11-20 21:14:51 3285

原创 旋转矩阵、四元素之间转换matlab

R=angle2dcm(r1,r2,r3,S) S 为转动次序,默认为'ZYX'[r1,r2,r3] = dcm2angle(R,S) // ri 为弧度[r1,r2,r3] = quat2angle([q0 q1 q2 q3], S)R = angle2dcm(yaw*180/pi,pitch*180/pi,roll*180/pi)[yaw,pitch,roll] = qua...

2018-11-19 21:12:07 2962 2

原创 ubuntu 合并多文本文件内容

将 a.txt b.txt 的文件中的内容合并到c.txt文本中cat a.txt b.txt > c.txt 

2018-11-08 11:57:59 1503

原创 快速查看图像某点像素

利用Matlab, 打开 应用程序 image viewer, 将图片导入即可

2018-11-08 09:54:04 10641 2

原创 convert from .png to .jpg

from PIL import Image im = Image.open("a.png")rgb_im = im.convert('RGB')rgb_im.save('color.jpg')

2018-10-15 16:10:48 199

原创 批量修改ubuntu下面某文件夹中的后缀名

rename 's/\.mat/\.txt/' *           (将mat格式的wen'文件转换为txt

2018-08-06 22:30:47 682

原创 在matlab中显示.ply .stl格式的文件

ptCloud = pcread('m185.ply');pcshow(ptCloud);  model = createpde(3);importGeometry(model, 'm185.stl');pdegplot(model, 'FaceLabels', 'on');

2018-08-03 17:40:50 2017

转载 install Chinese input in the ubuntu english version

install language packages:system settings --> language support -->install/remove languageschoose chinese,click apply. install ibus framework:sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-clutter ibus...

2018-07-27 10:49:25 690

转载 vim settings

install vim: sudo apt-get install cimchange the vim settings file:cd /etc/vimsudo gedit vimrc add some information in the last line of the vimrc:syntax on                        //highligh...

2018-07-27 10:38:47 206

原创 opencv install without cuda


2018-07-24 15:27:05 408

原创 blender install ubuntu

via PPA:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install blender 

2018-07-20 17:57:59 334

原创 filezilla install

sudo apt-get install filezilla

2018-07-20 17:54:38 205

原创 check pytorch version and install

install pytorch with specific version :conda install pytorch=0.1.10 -c soumithpip install pytorch=0.1.10 check the version:import torchprint(torch.__version__)

2018-07-19 10:24:02 5166 1

原创 python opencv crop image

import osimport cv2image = cv2.imread('img1.jpg')cropImg = image[int(302-150):int(302+150), int(278-150):int(278+150)]cv2.imwrite('crop1.jpg', cropImg)

2018-07-18 20:22:16 6832 2

原创 tensorboard: it was already in use

lsof -i:6006(pytorch_tf) cc@cc:~/test$ lsof -i:6006COMMAND     PID USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAMEtensorboa 40813   cc    3u  IPv4 606165      0t0  TCP *:x11-6 (LISTEN)kill -9 40813...

2018-07-11 16:32:50 425

原创 python: the number is not float type

from __future__ import divisionkernel = t.ones(3,3)/-9kernel[1][1] = 8/9kernel

2018-07-04 16:07:11 381



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