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转载 shell 从文件中一行一行地读取

写法一:#!/bin/bashwhile read line<br />do<br />      echo $line     #这里可根据实际用途变化done < urfile<br /> <br />_____________________________________________________<br /> <br />写法二:<br />#!/bin/bash<br />cat urfile | while read line<br />do<br />    echo $

2010-09-24 18:16:00 2481 1

原创 select精确到微秒

<br />#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/time.h>void delay(long int time_amount);int main(void) { long int time_amount; printf("Input the time amount:"); scanf("%ld", &time_amount); delay(time_amount); printf("Finished!/n"); return 0;}vo

2010-09-24 17:24:00 809

原创 A reminder for terminal control

<br />/* For memorial by double*/#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <termios.h>int get_choice(char * str, char ** menu, FILE * in, FILE * out);void check_redirect(void);int set_new_terminal_attr(struct termios * init_attr, struc

2010-06-20 15:03:00 319

原创 A remander for C to mysql

debian-lenny安装mysql-server:              apt-get install mysql-server安装mysql-client:                apt-get install mysql-client安装开发库:                        apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev

2010-03-21 15:13:00 581

原创 已知某结构体变量中某一元素的地址求结构体变量的地址。

#include typedef struct abc { int a; int b; int c; struct abc * next;}abc;int main(void) { abc t1; abc * l; printf("add1 = %u/n", &t1); printf("add2 = %u/n", &(t1.next))

2009-11-14 17:02:00 1978 1

原创 巨数 阶乘

 #include #include #define N 10000int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int i, j, k, l, m; int result[N] = {1, 1}; if (argc != 2 || (m = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) { printf("Parameter error

2009-11-14 14:04:00 425

原创 递归调用的栈变化及函数调用示意

 #include void main() { int a = 2; void e(int n); e(a); } void e(int n) { if (n > 0) { e(--n); printf("*%d*/n* ", n); e(n);

2009-11-11 12:45:00 917

原创 王爽 《汇编语言》课程设计2

; 王爽《汇编语言》的课题2,之前已经做过初步的调试。测试环境:VMware 6.5,操作系统DOS6.22;课题要求的功能都能实现。但在细节上还有些不尽如人意的地方。;比如程序的结构安排和设置时钟的输入格式等。等我有时间再做调整。;by:double; date:2009-10-07; ver:0.1assume cs:codesgcodesg segmentstar

2009-10-08 01:08:00 2248

原创 C语言实现的简单的print函数,只支持%c和%d。

/* 由C实现的简单的print函数,在屏幕的中间打印。*/void print_double(char *str,char a, int b) { int n,quot,rem,flag ; char ch1; n = 0; flag = 10; while (*str) { if (*str == %) { ch1 = *++str; if

2009-10-07 11:38:00 4621

原创 C语言中函数参数传递的方式。

/* Windows 环境下,C语言中我们所写的main函数在生成exe文件之后只是整个可执行文件的一部分。当然, * 是最关键的一部分。在main函数中,我们只需要关心如何定义变量,如何赋值,如何进行参数运算等问 * 题,至于如何向系统申请资源,如何在程序结束后释放资源,参数之间如何进行值传递等等问题我们一 * 概不用关心。但对一个完整的程序而言,这同样是至关重要的。这些工作是由我们

2009-10-07 00:16:00 5873 1

原创 When ESC is pressed, change the color of the character.

;The code is to display the 26 characters in the;center of the screen.When ESC is pressed,the character;change color.;INT 9 is replaced by my program.;by: double; date:2009-09-26; ver:0.1a

2009-09-26 17:05:00 664

原创 display CMOS time

;To display CMOS time on line 5 col 12.;It can be terminated by ^c;;by:double; date:2009-09-26; ver:0.1assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg,ss:stacksgdatasg segment db ??/??/?? ??:??:??,

2009-09-26 02:15:00 403

原创 print numbers on the screen.(show_str and dtoc function)

;show_str, dtoc functions.;by:double; date:2009-09-20; ver:0.1assume cs:codesg,ss:stacksg,ds:datasgdatasg segment dw 123,12666,1,8,3,38,339,284,374,11124 db 12 dup (0)datas

2009-09-20 22:46:00 481

原创 print 'welcome to masm!' in the center of the screen.

;by:double; date:2009-09-19; ver:0.1assume cs:codesg,ds:datasgdatasg segment db welcome to masm!datasg endscodesg segmentstart: mov ax,datasg mov ds,ax

2009-09-19 15:56:00 399

原创 addressing manner in structured data accessing

;by:double; date:2009-09-19; ver:0.1assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg,es:tablesgdatasg segment db 1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985 db 1986,1987,19

2009-09-19 09:36:00 296

原创 100001 devided by 376

;100001 devided by 376;by:double; data:2009-09-17; ver:0.1assume cs:codesg,ds:datasgdatasg segment dd 100001datasg endscodesg segmentstart: mov ax,datasg mov ds,ax mov ax,ds

2009-09-18 12:15:00 461

原创 balanced binary searching tree(BBST)

/* As we all know that, binary searching is a efficiency searching method, * but, there is a precondition that the elements must be sorted in * either ascending or descending. So when the data are

2009-08-23 18:18:00 408

原创 dynamic searching tree

/* Dynamic searching tree, DST is created in searching progress. * If the element is found in the tree, TRUE will be returned * as well as the tree node.Otherwise, if element is not found * , n

2009-08-13 23:16:00 306

原创 binary_search

/* sequence search and binary search,Nothing to say*/#include "/usr/c/head.h"#define EQ(x, y) ((x) == (y))#define LT(x, y) ((x) < (y))#define LQ(x, y) ((x) <= (y))typedef int key_type;

2009-08-13 10:25:00 294

原创 Huffman decoding.

/* Huffman decoding. * In order to get huffman codes of elements with different weights, we * build a huffman tree, which is also called strict binary tree ,and then * we trace from leafs to th

2009-08-02 01:29:00 608

原创 Huffman coding.

/* Huffman coding is widely used in video audio and image compression. * It can greatly reduce the size of files. The following codes show the * basic principle of huffman coding. * by: double;

2009-08-01 17:22:00 391

原创 binary threading tree

/* Binary threading tree can be used where frequent searching are needed. * Because there is no recursive function and the codes run quite efficiently. */#include "/usr/c/head.h"typedef ch

2009-07-25 13:48:00 276

原创 Floyd algorithm

/* Dijkstra algorithm can only calculate the lowest cost from one root vertex to others. The time-complexity is n*n. * For vertex-to-vertex lowest cost calculating, you can use Dijkstra for n times.

2009-07-12 16:08:00 287

原创 Dijkstra algorithm.

/* As we all know that, in routing protocol OSPF, algorithm Dijkstra is used to calculate the shortest path. * The following codes show us the basic operation in Dijkstra. But there are still many f

2009-07-12 13:29:00 353

原创 critical_path

/* Critical_path is much more useful in our life. * just be opposite to the so called "Bucket Principle", * the total time of one project is detemined by the cumulative * longest time of its co

2009-07-05 16:22:00 317

原创 mini_spanning_tree

/* * So, maybe this is the core of the spanning-tree protocol used between * switches to avoid link redundancy which will definitely cause broadcast * storm. Of course, in the IOS of CISCO cat

2009-06-21 12:16:00 412

原创 UDG To CS_tree

/* The purpose of this code is to creat Child-Sibling Tree * from Non-connected UG. * version:0.1 * by double * date:2009-06-16 */#include "/usr/c/head.h"#define MAX 20#ifndef

2009-06-16 22:53:00 381

原创 有向图的DFS和BFS算法实现

/*OL_graph.c无向图的DFS和BFS遍历。 *该代码是对教科书中算法的实现 *由于水平所限,代码雍肿在所难免,欢迎批评指正,欢迎讨论切搓 * by: double; version: 0.1; date: 2009-06-13 */ #include "/usr/c/head.h"#ifndef MAX_INT#define MAX_

2009-06-13 21:45:00 3813

原创 无向图的DFS和BFS算法实现

/*AML_graph.c无向图的DFS和BFS遍历。 *该代码是对教科书中算法的实现 *由于水平所限,代码雍肿在所难免,欢迎批评指正,欢迎讨论切搓 * by: double; version: 0.1; date: 2009-06-13 */ #include "/usr/c/head.h"#ifndef MAX_INT#define MAX

2009-06-13 21:43:00 1363


c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-44.SE6 cisco 3560 ios



c3560-ipservices-mz.122-35.SE5 cisco ios 3560


cisco ios 3560

c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-53.SE1.bin cisco ios 3560


cisco IOS 3560 12.2(52)




第2章、 XXXX IDC业务分析 6 2.1、 传统IDC业务 6 2.1.1、 基本业务 6 2.1.2、 数据增值服务 6 2.2、 移动特色增值业务 9 第3章、 XXXX IDC网络设计 10 3.1、 XXXX IDC的建设目标 10 3.2、 XXXX IDC用户发展定位 10 3.3、 XXXX IDC建设原则 10 3.4、 XXXX IDC一期网络方案 11 3.4.1、 IDC总体网络系统构架 11 3.4.2、 IDC核心层建设 12 3.4.3、 业务汇聚层建设 12 3.4.4、 用户接入层建设 14 3.4.5、 客户监控区建设 14 3.4.6、 后台管理层建设 15 3.5、 XXXX IDC路由IP规划 16 3.5.1、 路由设计 16 3.5.2、 IP地址规划设计 17 3.6、 XXXX IDC网络的可靠性设计 18



第一章 项目概述 3 1.1 设计依据 3 1.2 数据中心概述 3 1.3 设计原则 4 1.4 XXXX移动IDC项目简介 6 第二章 XXXX移动IDC数据规划 7 2.1 设备名称 7 2.2 设备密码 8 2.3 接口描述 9 2.4 vlan规划 9 2.5 IP地址规划 10 2.6 软件版本 11 第三章 IDC前台业务网络 12 3.1 IDC核心层及Internet出口路由选择 13 3.2 IDC业务汇聚、接入层 14 3.2.1 基本业务区 14 3.2.2 增值业务区 17 3.2.3 移动自有业务区 28 3.3 IDC内部路由选择 38 第四章 后台管理网络组网 38 4.1 SP服务器后台接入设计 40 4.1.1 增值业务区 40 4.1.2 移动自有区 41 4.2 业务运营管理系统 42 4.3 存储备份系统 48 4.4 客户监控区 49 4.5 综合接入区 52 4.6 KVM网络设计 52






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