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转载 linux 设置系统语言

linux修改默认语言 编辑/etc/sysconfig/i18n这个文件,原内容如下:LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"SUPPORTED="zh_CN.UTF-8:zh_CN:zh"  www.2cto.com  修改为:LANG="en_US.UTF-8"SUPPO

2013-11-11 16:38:30 746

转载 Linux 调整时区和时间

系统默认的是utc时间,如果想改成当地时区的时间,需要首先修改时区,[simonsun@host ~]$ sudo mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak[simonsun@host ~]$ sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime[simonsun@host ~]$ sudo v

2013-11-05 12:25:54 434

转载 request.getscheme()

这个语句是用来拼装当前网页的相对路径的。是用来表明当前页面的相对路径所使用的根路径的。比如,页面内部有一个连接,完整的路径应该是 http://localhost:80/myblog/authen/login.do其中http://server/是服务器的基本路径,myblog是当前应用程序的名字,那么,我的根路径应该是那么http://localhost:80/myblog/。

2013-09-12 21:14:45 786

转载 Jetty

Jetty 是一个开源的servlet容器,它为基于Java的web内容,例如JSP和servlet提供运行环境。Jetty是使用Java语言编写的,它的API以一组JAR包的形式发布。开发人员可以将Jetty容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的Java应用提供网络和web连接。[1]编辑本段特性易用性易用性是 Jetty 设计的基本原则

2013-09-09 15:12:28 516

转载 Serializable

public interface Serializable类通过实现 java.io.Serializable 接口以启用其序列化功能。未实现此接口的类将无法使其任何状态序列化或反序列化。可序列化类的所有子类型本身都是可序列化的。序列化接口没有方法或字段,仅用于标识可序列化的语义。要允许不可序列化类的子类型序列化,可以假定该子类型负责保存和还原超类型的公用 (public)、受保护的 (p

2013-09-09 14:17:54 410

原创 好用的分页

var pages     = $("#pages").val();          // 总页数        var currPage  = $("#currentPage").val();    // 当前页数        $("#Pagination").pagination(pages, {        current_page : currPage - 1,

2012-06-29 12:09:07 331

转载 21 Laws of Computer Programming

As any experienced computer programmer knows, there are unwritten laws that govern software development. However there are no penalties for breaking these laws; rather, there is often a reward. Follow

2012-05-11 11:45:19 330

转载 Windows 7 Commands(Run Command)

Add/Remove Programs = appwiz.cplAdministrative Tools = control admintoolsAuthorization Manager= azman.mscCalculator = calcCertificate Manager = certmgr.mscCharacter Map = charmapCheck Disk

2012-05-10 10:26:20 837

转载 101 useful Run Commands

101 useful Run Commands Guys do you use the Run feature in Windows XP? For most, this feature remains unused (or rarely used). Why is that? Well, First off nearly all of the Run Commands Corre

2012-05-09 16:36:20 371

转载 The commonest javascript bug

Every couple of weeks somebody will come running to me: “Swizec, Swizec, I did everything right, but thisjavascript isn’t doing what it’s supposed to! Whatever I click only the last item works.

2012-03-02 21:38:42 372

转载 .Net页面传值

1、表单提交,           ....   form1.submit();   ....   此种方在ASP。NET中无效,因为ASP。NET的表单总是提交到自身页面,如果要提交到别一页面,需要特殊处理。  2、链接地址传送接收页面: string str = Request["param1"]  3、Session共享发送页面:Ses

2012-02-08 23:25:52 348

转载 服务器应用程序不可用解决方案

<br /><br />Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created解决办法<br />打开ASP.NET网站时,如果发生错误, 查看"事件查看器" 中的记录,如果发现警告信息:<br />"Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created. Error: 0x80131902"<br /> <br />未能初始化 AppDo

2011-05-07 23:37:00 564

转载 服务器应用程序不可用解决方案

<br /><br />Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created解决办法<br />打开ASP.NET网站时,如果发生错误, 查看"事件查看器" 中的记录,如果发现警告信息:<br />"Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created. Error: 0x80131902"<br /> <br />未能初始化 AppDo

2011-05-07 23:37:00 401

转载 上传文件

<br />using System;<br />using System.Data;<br />using System.Data.SqlClient;<br />using CA.Components;        //全部在组件名称空间下<br /><br />namespace CA.Components<br />{<br />    /// <summary><br />    /// General 的摘要说明。<br />    /// 发布日期:2002-8-8 原作者:雷神<br />

2011-04-23 21:48:00 501

转载 C#创建文件夹并设置权限

/*C#创建文件夹并设置权限*//*    需要添加以下命名空间:    using System.IO;    using System.Security.AccessControl;    */        string sPath = Server.MapPath(文件夹名称字符串);     Directory.CreateDirectory(sPath);     addpathPower(sPath, "ASPNET", "FullControl");         /*///////C#创

2011-04-23 19:55:00 2997

原创 更新

<br />   DataClassesDataContext DC =new DataClassesDataContext();<br />        var query =from a in DC.Activities<br />                    where a.ZhangHao =="zb09nju"<br />                    select a;<br /><br />        if(query.Count()>0)<br />        {

2011-04-23 19:54:00 433

转载 Linq删除

<br />   DataClassesDataContext DC =new DataClassesDataContext();<br />        var query =from a in DC.Activities<br />                    where a.ZhangHao =="zb09nju"<br />                    select a;<br /><br />        if(query.Count()>0)<br />        {

2011-04-21 20:10:00 480

转载 单表查询 (LINQ to DataSet)

<br />// Fill the DataSet.<br />DataSet ds = new DataSet();<br />ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;<br />FillDataSet(ds);<br /><br />DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];<br /><br />var query =<br />    from order in orders.AsEnumerable(

2011-04-14 23:08:00 729

转载 交叉表查询 (LINQ to DataSet)

<br />// Fill the DataSet.<br />DataSet ds = new DataSet();<br />ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;<br />FillDataSet(ds);<br /><br />DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];<br />DataTable details = ds.Tables["SalesOrderDetail"];<br /><br /

2011-04-14 23:05:00 927

原创 母版引用Jquery

<br />Js/jquery-1.3.1.min.js这样写是相对目录。是当然不行的,你需要<br />/Js/jquery-1.3.1.min.js<br />或者<br />/虚拟目录名字/Js/jquery-1.3.1.min.js<br />或者<br /><%=Page.ResolveUrl("~")%>Js/jquery-1.4.js<br /><br />才可以实现引用文件

2011-04-05 12:30:00 387

原创 加密与解密

<br />using System;<br />using System.Collections.Generic;<br />using System.Text;<br />using System.Security.Cryptography;<br />using System.IO;<br /><br />    ///<summary><br />    /// 加密字符<br />    ///</summary><br />    ///<param name=pToEncrypt>加密字符串<

2011-03-16 12:49:00 397

转载 "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" 和 "Chinese_PRC_CI_AI"

<br />"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" 和 "Chinese_PRC_CI_AI"都是中文集,但规则不同,因此会出错。 解决方法: 1.更改第三方collation? 2.查询时指定与第三方一致的collation 3.更改数据库collation: SQL code--查sql的collation select serverproperty('collation') --假如是如下结果 /* Chinese_PRC_CI_AS */ --更改sql指定库的collation,使之与第三方col

2010-11-16 19:09:00 5035

转载 我积累的20条编程经验(转)

<br />从11岁时,我就一直在编程,并且一直都很喜欢技术和编程。这些年来,我积累了一些艰难又容易的经验。作为一名程序员,你或许还没这些经验,但我会把它们献给那些想从中学到更多的朋友。<br />我会持续更新这些经验,我可能还会有更多的感想,但就我这20年来看,我想下面这个列表中基本不需要增添额外的东西了。下面就是我至今最难忘的经验。<br />1. 估算解决问题所需要的时间。不要怕,承认吧!我曾见过一些程序员为了解决一个特殊问题而坐在显示器前面8小时。为自己定一个时间限制吧,1小时、30分钟或甚至15分

2010-11-14 16:50:00 326

转载 Enhancing ColdFusion Script Protection - Security Series #10

<br />From http://www.12robots.com/index.cfm/2008/9/9/Enhancing-ColdFusion-Script-Protection--Security-Series-10Posted At : September 9, 2008 10:29 PM | Posted By : Jason Dean<br />Related Categories: JavaScript,Security,ColdFusion<br />So anyone that has

2010-11-13 00:18:00 353

转载 Enhancing ColdFusion Script Protection - Security Series #10

<br />From http://www.12robots.com/index.cfm/2008/9/9/Enhancing-ColdFusion-Script-Protection--Security-Series-10Posted At : September 9, 2008 10:29 PM | Posted By : Jason Dean<br />Related Categories: JavaScript,Security,ColdFusion<br />So anyone that has

2010-11-13 00:18:00 310

转载 ASP.NET ValidateRequest does not mitigate XSS completely

<br />As a security guy, I can safely say that there is no magic bullet to mitigate any security problems completely, and cross-site scripting(XSS) bugs are not exceptions.  Since ASP.NET 1.1, ValidateRequest can be configured in web.config to check and re

2010-11-10 23:20:00 324

转载 web dev template 2010 dans 2008 express

Resource Page Description<br />Comment utiliser le web dev template de 2010 dans le express edition 2008 Web Developer IDE<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Bonjour a tous <br /><br />Voici comment utiliser le template de page web de Web Developer Express 2010<

2010-11-01 13:00:00 523

原创 常用的分页SQL语句

<br />select top 4 * from News_Info where newsid>= (SELECT max(newsid ) from (select top 5 newsid from News_Info order by newsid ) as t ) order by newsid

2010-11-01 08:46:00 365


本人的毕业设计,涉及学生考评系统的项目文件、开题报告、中期检查、自我评价、论文、论文答辩PPT等全部资料,颇具参考价值。绝对独立完成,保证和任何他处的资料无重复,物超所值。要十分也算辛苦分吧。 摘 要:学生考评系统旨在使用当前行之有效的网站开发技术,结合学校的具体情况,通过数据记录、在线点名、作业管理等功能,实现对学生全面、准确而及时的考评。一方面有助于学校科学评价学生、衡量教学成绩及做出正确的决策;另一方面,有助于学生了解自己各学期的综合表现,提高自身约束力,及时调整自己,进而实现对自己的科学定位。本系统在Microsoft .NET 平台下,结合一系列网站技术进行开发。 关键词: 学生考评系统;网站开发; Microsoft .NET Student Assessment System Design and Implementation Author: Huqiang Dong Tutor: Bing Han (Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Information Science and Technology, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, 571158) Abstract: Student Assessment System, using current effective website development technology, is to assess a student completely and accurately in time according to the college concrete condition, through the data records, online roll call, students' work management functions and so on. On the one hand, the system contribute to scientific evaluation of students, measure teaching performance and make the right decisions; On the other hand, the system helps student understand their overall performance of each semester to improve themselves, so as to realize their scientific orientation. The system is developed with a series of web technology in Microsoft.Net platform. Key words: Student Assessment System; website development; Microsoft .NET


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