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转载 September 15th, 2019. Sunday, Week 38th.

Break down these walls and come on in.一路披荆斩棘,勇往直前。We are the only wall that stands in our way to success.We are the only enemy that can beat us thoroughly.So, if we want to break down the...

2019-09-15 22:51:00 268

转载 September 08th, 2019. Sunday, Week 37th.

A heavy drew refreshed the earth at night.夜晚厚重的露水滋养着大地。From Leo Tolstoy.Today is the White Drew Day in the traditional Chinese Calendar.And there is an old proverb saying that drews turns...

2019-09-08 23:25:00 241

转载 August 25th, 2019. Sunday, Week 35th.

It's what you do next that counts, not what happens but what you decide to do about it.重点不是发生了什么,而是接下来应该如何应对。It's not what happens to us counts, it is how we respond to it that counts.Maybe...

2019-08-25 22:54:00 227

转载 August 18th, 2019. Week 34th, Sunday

Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.恐惧不会消磨你的意志,它能激发你的潜能。We all know that fear is powerful, and we all want to overcome fear, so that we can achieve something we can't do before.But ...

2019-08-18 14:41:00 147

转载 August 11th, 2019. Week 33rd, Sunday

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.忧虑不会消除明天的痛苦,它只会削弱今天的力气。From Corrie Ten Boom.Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow, and there are some wa...

2019-08-11 14:20:00 135

转载 August 04th, 2019. Week 32nd, Sunday

Making peace with what you don't have, that's what it's all about.人生在世,不如意者十之八九,保持平常心,命里无时莫强求。Everyone need some chicken soup, especially in his bad times, and sometimes a small amount of chi...

2019-08-04 23:34:00 102

转载 July 20th, 2019. Week 29th, Saturday

If we just open the door a crack, the light comes pouring in.只要把门开个小口,光就会倾泻而入。Don't be so dishearted, life won't be hard all the time.If it would, then why not think that it isn't the first...

2019-07-20 23:58:00 127

转载 July 7th, 2019. Week 27th, Sunday

We laughed and kept syaing "see you soon", but inside we both knew we would never see each other again.我们笑着说再见,但我们都心知肚明,再见遥遥无期。From The Legend of 1900.That is ture, just like sometimes we w...

2019-07-07 18:36:00 115

转载 June 30th, 2019. Week 26th, Sunday

It's so easy to be careless, it takes courage and courage to care.不在乎很容易,但在乎却需要很多勇气。Sometimes it would be much easier to give up than to hold on, especially when failing again and agian even ...

2019-06-30 23:01:00 138

转载 June 16th, 2019. Week 25th, Sunday.

I can fly higher than an eagle, for you are the wind beneath my wings.我之所以能飞得比鹰还高,是因为有你做我羽翼下的风。You are my hero, my dear daddy.You are the wind beneath my wings, so I can fly higher than oth...

2019-06-16 18:10:00 134

转载 June 09th, 2019. Week 24th, Sunday

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.你在我身上看到的美,正是你的倒影。From Jalaluddin Rumi.What we see of others and of the world would be the reflection of what we want to see.So, if we want ...

2019-06-09 22:29:00 187

转载 June 03rd, 2019. Week 23rd, Monday

There is no shame in hard work.努力从来不丢人。Stop complaining about the current work arrangements, just concentrate on doing the assignments well.Actually, to many of us, there is no job that is ...

2019-06-04 20:36:00 106

转载 June 01st, 2019. Week 22nd, Saturday

It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom.正是你的童心帮你找到属于自己的王国。From Charles Fillmore.When we were children, we dreamed of growing up to be adults.But when we reach adulthood, the stre...

2019-06-02 21:55:00 143

转载 May 26th, 2019. Week 22nd, Sunday

A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.真正的失败者,是那些因为害怕不能成功,就连试都不敢试的人。It seems that this sentence comes from a movie named ' Little Miss Sunshine.'In th...

2019-05-26 16:35:00 147

转载 May 19th, 2019. Week 21st, Sunday

Fight for what matters to you.为自己珍视的东西奋斗吧!We all want to make our life goals true, and we all expect to have what matters to us and never lose them.But first, I want to raise a question: Ca...

2019-05-19 22:35:00 119

转载 July 13th, 2018. Friday, Week 28th.

Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future.不要让你的未来被过去的错误和失望掌控。From Zig Ziglar.The mistakes and disappointments of the past might have casted some ...

2019-05-03 20:53:00 105

转载 July 12th, 2018. Thursday, Week 28th.

People love what other people are passionate about.人总是会爱上别人倾注热情的事物。From La La Land.This quote has reminded me something I had experienced in job interview.As a delegator of the employer, ...

2019-04-27 17:49:00 89

转载 July 11th, 2018. Wednesday, Week 28th.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.越是在艰难的时候就越要着眼于光明。From Aristole Onassis.When we feel the darkness presses in our life, we should trust ourselves to find ...

2019-04-20 23:41:00 85

转载 July 10th, 2018. Tuesday, Week 28th

Winning isn't everything, but wanting it is.胜利并不能代表一切,但求胜心可以。From Arnold Palmer.Compared to this quote, I believe that the quote from Vince Lombardi would be more famous, it goes as followi...

2019-04-13 22:54:00 161

转载 July 09th, 2018. Monday, Week 28th.

Happiness is an inside job.自内寻找,才能找到幸福。From William Arthur Ward.Nobody wants to suffer, and we all want to live a happy life.We are eager to be happy and we are constantly striving to pur...

2019-04-07 16:53:00 104

转载 July 08th. 2018, Week 28th. Sunday

Make each day your masterpiece.让生命中的每一天都成为杰作。From John Wooden.Try to focus on what we are doing right now and try the best of our abilities to make the results as perfect as possible.And ...

2019-03-30 18:45:00 99

转载 July 07th. 2018, Week 27th. Saturday

Soon is not as good as now.别谈未来,现在就行动。From Seth Godin.I always told myself that I should finish what I should do as soon as possible, but the ending might be always the same:The things we...

2019-03-24 16:42:00 109

转载 July 06th. 2018, Week 27th. Friday

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.生命无限,除非你自我设限。From Les Brown.There would be no limitation if we can set the right goals and go all out for them.Right goals? Yes, frankly ...

2019-03-16 03:41:00 115

转载 July 05th. 2018, Week 27th. Thursday

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.乐于工作才能有完美表现。From Aristole.Do you want promotion? Do you want to get some raise in paycheck?If you want, you should improve your performace ...

2019-03-09 21:17:00 84

转载 July 04th. 2018, Week 27th. Wednesday

And if you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is to look.想真正了解他人,只需要用心看。From Wonder.At least once in our life someone would do something that make us say: Why did they d...

2019-03-03 01:54:00 101

转载 July 03rd. 2018, Week 27th. Tuesday

I don't know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream.我不知道世间有什么事是确定不变的,但只要一看到星空,我就会开始做梦。From Loving Vincent.By comparison with uncertainty, I like certainty better, but ...

2019-02-24 04:42:00 103

转载 July 02nd. 2018, Week 27th. Monday

Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人。Bad times make a good man, and hard times create strong men, but sometimes strong men did not bring good times.There is an argument that hard times require...

2019-02-17 23:53:00 118

转载 July 01st. 2018, Week 27th. Sunday

Empty your cup so that it may be filled.清空杯子,方能再次装满。From Bruce Lee.We can't learn anything new if we already feel that we know.Please stay humble, please open ourselves to new ideas, and ...

2019-02-05 23:10:00 120

转载 June 30th. 2018, Week 26th. Saturday

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.如果学习是一根蜡烛,那好奇心就是烛芯。From William Arthur Ward.Please keep curiosity strong.We were all born with curiosity, but many of us might lose our cur...

2019-02-04 23:23:00 120

转载 June 29th. 2018, Week 26th. Friday

Real love is always worth waiting for.真爱永远值得等待。From Westworld.Real love is rare, but it does exist, and it can be generated by careful and tender caresses.There are several factors we can...

2019-01-30 03:02:00 98

转载 June 28th. 2018, Week 26th. Thursday

You cannot change the circumstances but you can change yourself.既然改变不了环境,那就改变自己。From Jim Rohn.Recently I am getting more and more dissatisfied with the allocation of resources in my departm...

2019-01-05 20:35:00 90

转载 June. 27th 2018, Week 26th. Wednesday

To be great, truly great, you have to be the kind of person who makes the others around you great.要做到真正的伟大,你必须能够让周围的人变得伟大。From Mark Twain.We all want to be liked, loved and happy, some peop...

2019-01-01 23:16:00 98

转载 June. 26th 2018, Week 26th. Tuesday

No affection but interests can be found in the world of animals.在动物的世界里,只有利益,没有感情。From Animal World ( A movie in 2018)My brother, you must get up every morning with determination if you are...

2018-12-31 22:45:00 77

转载 June. 25th 2018, Week 26th. Monday

Change in all things is sweet.有改变就会有美好。From Aristole.Change is always good, but embracing change may be no fun.Everyone of us likes staying in his or her comfort zone.After all, the com...

2018-12-07 23:59:00 114

转载 June. 24th 2018, Week 26th. Sunday

Beautiful things don't ask for attention.真正美丽的东西,并不会刻意寻求别人的注目。From The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.To see the world, things dangerous to come, to see behind walls, draw closer, and to feel....

2018-11-27 22:30:00 105

转载 June. 23rd 2018, Week 25th. Saturday

We are who we choose to be.要成为怎样的人,选择在于自己。From Barry Manilow.I believe that we are who we choose to be.Nobody is going to come and save us, we have got to save ourselves.Nobody is going...

2018-11-25 20:53:00 126

转载 June. 22 2018, Week 25th. Friday

Where words fail, music speaks.言语无法表达时,音乐就会响起。FromHans Christian Andersen.Where words fail, music speaks.It speaks of the pain, of the sorrow, of the lost, of the life we live.It share...

2018-11-24 23:40:00 83

转载 June. 21 2018, Week 25th. Thursday

Summertime is always the best of what might be.万物最美的一面,总在夏季展现。From Charles Bowden.It was June, and the world smelled of roses.The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside....

2018-10-21 22:37:00 100

转载 June. 20 2018, Week 25th. Wednesday

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.要敢于冒险,你的经历是无可替代的。From Paulo Coelho.Each step may be a challenge.Each day can become a joy.No one can destroy an unstoppable spiri...

2018-10-13 23:51:00 77

转载 【2018.10.11 C与C++基础】C Preprocessor的功能及缺陷(草稿)

一、前言及参考资料C Preprocessor即所谓的C预处理器,C++也继承了C的预处理程序,但在C++语言的设计与演化一书中,C++的设计者Bjarne Strustrup提及他从未喜欢过C预处理器,认为C预处理器尤其是其中的宏定义存在许多缺陷,破坏了程序设计语言的类型系统及变量的作用域边界等等,但是语言设计者却很难为预处理中的各种功能找到具有更好结构而又高效的替代品。我们知...

2018-10-11 23:26:00 175



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