


1. 启动命令

wpa supplicant 在启动时,启动命令可以带有很多参数,目前我们的启动命令如下:

wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth0 -c/data/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -f/data/wifi/wpa_log.txt



一个是 wpa_params, 另一个是wpa_interface.





-i<ifname> : 网络接口名称

-c<conf>: 配置文件名称

-C<ctrl_intf>: 控制接口名称

-D<driver>: 驱动类型

-p<driver_param>: 驱动参数

-b<br_ifname>: 桥接口名称


2. wpa_supplicant 初始化流程

2.1. main()函数:


a. 解析命令行传进的参数。

b. 调用wpa_supplicant_init()函数,做wpa_supplicant的初始化工作。

c. 调用wpa_supplicant_add_iface()函数,增加网络接口。

d. 调用wpa_supplicant_run()函数,让wpa_supplicant真正的run起来。


2.2. wpa_supplicant_init()函数:

a. 打开debug 文件。

b. 注册EAP peer方法。

c. 申请wpa_global内存,该数据结构作为统领其他数据结构的一个核心, 主要包括四个部分:

wpa_supplicant *ifaces   /*每个网络接口都有一个对应的wpa_supplicant数据结构,该指针指向最近加入的一个,在wpa_supplicant数据结构中有指针指向next*/

wpa_params params   /*启动命令行中带的通用的参数*/

ctrl_iface_global_priv *ctrl_iface  /*global 的控制接口*/

ctrl_iface_dbus_priv *dbus_ctrl_iface  /*dbus 的控制接口*/

d. 设置wpa_global中的wpa_params中的参数。

e. 调用eloop_init函数将全局变量eloop中的user_data指针指向wpa_global。

f. 调用wpa_supplicant_global_ctrl_iface_init函数初始化global 控制接口。

g. 调用wpa_supplicant_dbus_ctrl_iface_init函数初始化dbus 控制接口。

h. 将该daemon的pid写入pid_file中。


2.3. wpa_supplicant_add_iface()函数:

该函数根据启动命令行中带有的参数增加网络接口, 有几个就增加几个。

a. 因为wpa_supplicant是与网络接口对应的重要的数据结构,所以,首先分配一个wpa_supplicant数据结构的内存。

b. 调用wpa_supplicant_init_iface() 函数来做网络接口的初始工作,主要包括:


读取配置文件,并将其中的信息设置到wpa_supplicant数据结构中的conf 指针指向的数据结构,它是一个wpa_config类型;



对于网络配置块有两个链表描述它,一个是 config->ssid,它按照配置文件中的顺序依次挂载在这个链表上,还有一个是pssid,它是一个二级指针,指向一个指针数组,该指针数组按照优先级从高到底的顺序依次保存wpa_ssid指针,相同优先级的在同一链表中挂载。

c. 调用wpa_supplicant_init_iface2() 函数,主要包括:







wpa_s->prev_scan_ssid = BROADCAST_SSID_SCAN;

wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, interface_count, 100000);


调用wpa_supplicant_ctrl_iface_init()函数,来初始化控制接口;对于UNIX SOCKET这种方式,其本地socket文件是由配置文件里的ctrl_interface参数指定的路径加上网络接口名称;


2.4. wpa_supplicant_run()函数:

初始化完成之后,让wpa_supplicant的main event loop run起来。

在wpa_supplicant中,有许多与外界通信的socket,它们都是需要注册到eloop event模块中的,具体地说,就是在eloop_sock_table中增加一项记录,其中包括了sock_fd, handle, eloop_data, user_data。

eloop event模块就是将这些socket组织起来,统一管理,然后在eloop_run中利用select机制来管理socket的通信。


3. Wpa_supplicant提供的接口

从通信层次上划分,wpa_supplicant提供向上的控制接口 control interface,用于与其他模块(如UI)进行通信,其他模块可以通过control interface 来获取信息或下发命令。Wpa_supplicant通过socket通信机制实现下行接口,与内核进行通信,获取信息或下发命令。


3.1 上行接口

Wpa_supplicant提供两种方式的上行接口。一种基于传统dbus机制实现与其他进程间的IPC通信;另一种通过Unix domain socket机制实现进程间的IPC通信。

3.1.1 Dbus接口



DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(DBusMessage *message);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_add_interface(DBusMessage *message,

                                        struct wpa_global *global);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_remove_interface(DBusMessage *message,

                                          struct wpa_global *global);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_get_interface(DBusMessage *message,

                                        struct wpa_global *global);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_set_debugparams(DBusMessage *message,

                                          struct wpa_global *global);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan(DBusMessage *message,

                               struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan_results(DBusMessage *message,

                                      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_bssid_properties(DBusMessage *message,

                                    struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,

                                    struct wpa_scan_res *res);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_capabilities(DBusMessage *message,

                                      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_add_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                        struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,

                                     struct wpa_ssid *ssid);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_enable_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                        struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,

                                        struct wpa_ssid *ssid);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disable_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                         struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,

                                         struct wpa_ssid *ssid);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_select_network(DBusMessage *message,

                                             struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disconnect(DBusMessage *message,

                                    struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_ap_scan(DBusMessage *message,

                                          struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules(

       DBusMessage *message, struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_state(DBusMessage *message,

                                   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_scanning(DBusMessage *message,

                                      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs(DBusMessage *message,

                                    struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_blobs(DBusMessage *message,

                                      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);


3.1.2 Unix domain socket 接口



(1“wpa_ctrl.h”,“wpa_ctrl.c”完成对control interface的封装,对外提供统一的接口。其主要的工作是通过Unix domain socket建立一个control interface 的client结点,与作为server的wpa_supplicant结点通信。



struct wpa_ctrl * wpa_ctrl_open(const char *ctrl_path);

/* 建立并初始化一个Unix domain socket的client结点,并与作为server的wpa_supplicant结点绑定 */

void wpa_ctrl_close(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl);

/* 撤销并销毁已建立的Unix domain socket的client结点 */


int wpa_ctrl_request(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl, const char *cmd, size_t cmd_len,

                   char *reply, size_t *reply_len,

                   void (*msg_cb)(char *msg, size_t len));


/* 用户模块直接调用该函数对wpa_supplicant发送命令并获取所需信息

 * 可以发送的命令如附件1所示 */


       Wpa_supplicant 提供两种由外部模块获取信息的方式:一种是外部模块通过发送request 命令然后获取response的问答模式,另一种是wpa_supplicant主动向外部发送event事件,由外部模块监听接收。


       一般的常用做法是外部模块通过调用wpa_ctrl_open()两次,建立两个control interface接口,一个为ctrl interface,用于发送命令,获取信息,另一个为monitor interface,用于监听接收来自于wpa_supplicant的event时间。此举可以降低通信的耦合性,避免response和event的相互干扰。


int wpa_ctrl_attach(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl);

/* 注册 某个 control interface 作为 monitor interface */


int wpa_ctrl_detach(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl);

/* 撤销某个 monitor interface 为 普通的 control interface  */


int wpa_ctrl_pending(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl);

/* 判断是否有挂起的event 事件 */


int wpa_ctrl_recv(struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl, char *reply, size_t *reply_len);

/* 获取挂起的event 事件 */


(2“ctrl_iface_unix.c”实现wpa_supplicant的Unix domain socket通信机制中server结点,完成对client结点的响应。


static void wpa_supplicant_ctrl_iface_receive(int sock, void *eloop_ctx,

                                         void *sock_ctx)

/* 接收并解析client发送request命令,然后根据不同的命令调用底层不同的处理函数;

 * 然后将获得response结果回馈到 client 结点。



static void wpa_supplicant_ctrl_iface_send(struct ctrl_iface_priv *priv,

                                      int level, const char *buf,

                                      size_t len)

/* 向注册的monitor interfaces 主动发送event事件 */




3.2 下行接口



1.    PF_INET socket接口,主要用于向kernel 发送ioctl命令,控制并获取相应信息。

2.    PF_NETLINK socket接口,主要用于接收kernel发送上来的event 事件。

3.    PF_PACKET socket接口,主要用于向driver传递802.1X报文。


主要涉及到的文件包括:“driver.h”,“drivers.c”,“driver_wext.h”,“driver_wext.c”,“l2_packet.h”和“l2_packet_linux.c”。其中“driver.h”,“drivers.c”,“driver_wext.h”和“driver_wext.c”实现PF_INET socket接口和PF_NETLINK socket接口;“l2_packet.h”和“l2_packet_linux.c”实现PF_PACKET socket接口。


(1“driver.h”,“drivers.c”主要用于封装底层差异对外显示一个相同的wpa_driver_ops接口。Wpa_supplicant可支持atmel, Broadcom, ipw, madwifi, ndis, nl80211, wext等多种驱动。

其中一个最主要的数据结构为wpa_driver_ops, 其定义了driver相关的各种操作接口。


(2“driver_wext.h”,“driver_wext.c”实现了wext形式的wpa_driver_ops并创建了PF_INET socket接口和PF_NETLINK socket接口,然后通过这两个接口完成与kernel的信息交互。



struct wpa_driver_wext_data {

       void *ctx;

       int event_sock;

       int ioctl_sock;

       int mlme_sock;

       char ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];

       int ifindex;

       int ifindex2;

       int if_removed;

       u8 *assoc_req_ies;

       size_t assoc_req_ies_len;

       u8 *assoc_resp_ies;

       size_t assoc_resp_ies_len;

       struct wpa_driver_capa capa;

       int has_capability;

       int we_version_compiled;


       /* for set_auth_alg fallback */

       int use_crypt;

       int auth_alg_fallback;


       int operstate;


       char mlmedev[IFNAMSIZ + 1];


       int scan_complete_events;


其中event_sock 为PF_NETLINK socket接口,ioctl_sock为PF_INET socket借口。



void * wpa_driver_wext_init(void *ctx, const char *ifname);

/* 初始化wpa_driver_wext_data 数据结构,并创建PF_NETLINK socket和 PF_INET socket 接口 */


void wpa_driver_wext_deinit(void *priv);

/* 销毁wpa_driver_wext_data 数据结构,PF_NETLINK socket和 PF_INET socket 接口 */


static void wpa_driver_wext_event_receive(int sock, void *eloop_ctx,

                                     void *sock_ctx);

/* 处理kernel主动发送的event事件的 callback 函数 */


最后,将实现的操作函数映射到一个全局的wpa_driver_ops类型数据结构 wpa_driver_wext_ops中。


const struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_wext_ops = {

       .name = "wext",

       .desc = "Linux wireless extensions (generic)",

       .get_bssid = wpa_driver_wext_get_bssid,

       .get_ssid = wpa_driver_wext_get_ssid,

       .set_wpa = wpa_driver_wext_set_wpa,

       .set_key = wpa_driver_wext_set_key,

       .set_countermeasures = wpa_driver_wext_set_countermeasures,

       .set_drop_unencrypted = wpa_driver_wext_set_drop_unencrypted,

       .scan = wpa_driver_wext_scan,

       .get_scan_results2 = wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results,

       .deauthenticate = wpa_driver_wext_deauthenticate,

       .disassociate = wpa_driver_wext_disassociate,

       .set_mode = wpa_driver_wext_set_mode,

       .associate = wpa_driver_wext_associate,

       .set_auth_alg = wpa_driver_wext_set_auth_alg,

       .init = wpa_driver_wext_init,

       .deinit = wpa_driver_wext_deinit,

       .add_pmkid = wpa_driver_wext_add_pmkid,

       .remove_pmkid = wpa_driver_wext_remove_pmkid,

       .flush_pmkid = wpa_driver_wext_flush_pmkid,

       .get_capa = wpa_driver_wext_get_capa,

       .set_operstate = wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate,



(3“l2_packet.h”和“l2_packet_linux.c”主要用于实现PF_PACKET socket接口,通过该接口,wpa_supplicant可以直接将802.1X packet发送到L2层,而不经过TCP/IP协议栈。



struct l2_packet_data * l2_packet_init(

       const char *ifname, const u8 *own_addr, unsigned short protocol,

       void (*rx_callback)(void *ctx, const u8 *src_addr,

                         const u8 *buf, size_t len),

       void *rx_callback_ctx, int l2_hdr);

/* 创建并初始化PF_PACKET socket接口,其中rx_callback 为从L2接收到的packet 处理callback函数 */


void l2_packet_deinit(struct l2_packet_data *l2);

/* 销毁 PF_PACKET socket接口 */


int l2_packet_send(struct l2_packet_data *l2, const u8 *dst_addr, u16 proto,

                 const u8 *buf, size_t len);

/* L2层packet发送函数,wpa_supplicant用此发送L2层 802.1X packet  */


static void l2_packet_receive(int sock, void *eloop_ctx, void *sock_ctx);

/*  L2层packet接收函数,接收来自L2层数据后,将其发送到上层  */

4. Control interface commands






       SET <variable> <valus>








       LEVEL <debug level>



       BSSID <network id> <BSSID>






       SELECT_NETWORK <network id>

       ENABLE_NETWORK <network id>

       DISABLE_NETWORK <network id>


       REMOVE_NETWORK <network id>

       SET_NETWORK <network id> <variable> <value>

       GET_NETWORK <network id> <variable>




主机环境:Gentoo Linux 3.1.10
 WPA Supplicant工具包可以让您连接到那些使用WPA的AP。因为还只是beta版,所以它的配置方法仍会常常变化——尽管如此,在大部分情况下它已经能很好的工作。
 # 请不要修改下面这一行内容,否则将不能正常工作
 # 确保只有root用户能读取WPA的配置
 # 使用wpa_supplicant来扫描和选择AP
 # 简单的情形:WPA-PSk密码验证方式,PSK是ASCII密码短语,所有合法的加密方式都允许连接
 psk="very secret passphrase"
 # 优先级越高,就能越早匹配到。
 # 与前面的设置相同,但要求对特定的SSID进行扫描(针对那些拒绝广播SSID的AP)
 ssid="second ssid"
 psk="very secret passphrase"
 # 仅使用WPA-PSK方式。允许使用任何合法的加密方式的组合
 pairwise=CCMP TKIP
 group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
 # 明文连接方式(不使用WPA和IEEE802.1X)
 # 共享WEP秘钥连接方式(不使用WPA和IEEE802.1X)
 # 共享WEP秘钥连接方式(无WPA和IEEE802.1X),使用共享秘钥IEEE802.11验证方式
 # 在IBSS/ad-hoc网络中使用WPA-None/TKIP
 ssid="test adhoc"
 psk="secret passphrase"
 #Home Network

 /etc/init.d/net.wlan0 restart



wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c配置文件.conf -C/var/run/wpa_supplicant -B

-B: 后台运行

-c: 配置文件

-C:unix socket 名称


-D:使用的驱动名, 一般为wext或者 nl80211

              创建 wpa_supplicant.conf 的工具

        wpa_passphrase [ ssid ] [ passphrase ]  > conf 文件


    wpa_cli  [  -p path to ctrl sockets ] [ -i ifname ] [ -hvB ] [ -a action file ] [ -P pid file ] [command ... ]

    wpa_cli -i wlan0     |

                                | list_network

                                | remove_netwok

                                | add_network

                                | set_network %d    | ssid "名称"

                                                              | key_mgmt 类型(NONE, )

                                                              | wep_key0 密码

                                                              | psk 密码

                                                              | wep_tx_keyidx 0

                                | select_network %d

                                | enable_network %d

                                | save_config

                                | scan

                                | scan_results

                                | terminate


1: run wpa_supplicant first

use the following command:

       wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -C/data/system/wpa_supplicant -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf

      (use “ps”to make sure wpa_supplicant is running )


2: Run the command line tool wpa_cli to connect wifi

       wpa_cli -p/data/system/wpa_supplicant -iwlan0

       Then , it will let you set network interactively


       some common command:

       >scan = to scan the neighboring AP

       >scan_results = show the scan results

       >status = check out the current connection information

       >terminate = terminate wpa_supplicant

       >quit = exit wpa_cli

       >add_network = it will return a network id to you

       >set_network <network id> <variable> <value> = set network variables (shows

list of variables when run without arguments), success will return OK, or will return Fail

       >select_network <network id> = select a network (disable others)

       >disable_network <network id> = disable a network

       >enable_network <network id> = enable a network


3: example


       for AP that doesn`t have encryption

              >add_network      (It will display a network id for you, assume it returns 0)

              >set_network 0 ssid “666”

              >set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE

              >enable_network 0


       if normal, we have connectted to the AP “666”, now you need a IP to access internet, for example:

              dhcpcd wlan0

              if everything is ok, it will get an IP & can access internet


       for AP that has WEP

              >add_network      (assume returns 1)

              >set_network 1 ssid “666”

              >set_network 1 key_mgmt NONE

              >set_network 1 wep_key0 “your ap passwork”(if usting ASCII, it need double quotation marks, if using hex, then don`t need the double quotation marks)

              >set_network 1 wep_tx_keyidx 0

              >select_network 1  (optional, remember, if you are connecting with another AP, you should select it to disable the another)

              >enable_network 1

              and then ,get an IP to access internet


       for AP that has WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK

              >add_network      (assume returns 2)

              >set_network 2 ssid “666”

              >set_network 2 psk “your pre-shared key”

              >select_network 2  (optional, remember, if you are connecting with another AP, you should select it to disable the another)

              >enable_network 2

              there is still some others options to be set, but wpa_supplicant will choose the default for you, the default will include all we need to set

              and then ,get an IP to access internet


       for Hidden AP(补充)

        原则上应该只要在上面的基础上去set_network netid scan_ssid 1即可,测试过无加密的Hidden AP,WEP/WPA/WPA2应该道理一样

=====================  wpa_supplicant.conf 官方描述(其中包含了 set_network 子命令中所带的参数与取值范围) ========================================

##### Example wpa_supplicant configuration file ###############################
# This file describes configuration file format and lists all available option.
# Please also take a look at simpler configuration examples in 'examples'
# subdirectory.
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored

# NOTE! This file may contain password information and should probably be made
# readable only by root user on multiuser systems.

# Note: All file paths in this configuration file should use full (absolute,
# not relative to working directory) path in order to allow working directory
# to be changed. This can happen if wpa_supplicant is run in the background.

# Whether to allow wpa_supplicant to update (overwrite) configuration
# This option can be used to allow wpa_supplicant to overwrite configuration
# file whenever configuration is changed (e.g., new network block is added with
# wpa_cli or wpa_gui, or a password is changed). This is required for
# wpa_cli/wpa_gui to be able to store the configuration changes permanently.
# Please note that overwriting configuration file will remove the comments from
# it.

# global configuration (shared by all network blocks)
# Parameters for the control interface. If this is specified, wpa_supplicant
# will open a control interface that is available for external programs to
# manage wpa_supplicant. The meaning of this string depends on which control
# interface mechanism is used. For all cases, the existance of this parameter
# in configuration is used to determine whether the control interface is
# enabled.
# For UNIX domain sockets (default on Linux and BSD): This is a directory that
# will be created for UNIX domain sockets for listening to requests from
# external programs (CLI/GUI, etc.) for status information and configuration.
# The socket file will be named based on the interface name, so multiple
# wpa_supplicant processes can be run at the same time if more than one
# interface is used.
# /var/run/wpa_supplicant is the recommended directory for sockets and by
# default, wpa_cli will use it when trying to connect with wpa_supplicant.
# Access control for the control interface can be configured by setting the
# directory to allow only members of a group to use sockets. This way, it is
# possible to run wpa_supplicant as root (since it needs to change network
# configuration and open raw sockets) and still allow GUI/CLI components to be
# run as non-root users. However, since the control interface can be used to
# change the network configuration, this access needs to be protected in many
# cases. By default, wpa_supplicant is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you
# want to allow non-root users to use the control interface, add a new group
# and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have
# control interface access to this group. If this variable is commented out or
# not included in the configuration file, group will not be changed from the
# value it got by default when the directory or socket was created.
# When configuring both the directory and group, use following format:
# DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
# DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=0
# (group can be either group name or gid)
# For UDP connections (default on Windows): The value will be ignored. This
# variable is just used to select that the control interface is to be created.
# The value can be set to, e.g., udp (ctrl_interface=udp)
# For Windows Named Pipe: This value can be used to set the security descriptor
# for controlling access to the control interface. Security descriptor can be
# set using Security Descriptor String Format (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/
# library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/secauthz/security/
# security_descriptor_string_format.asp). The descriptor string needs to be
# prefixed with SDDL=. For example, ctrl_interface=SDDL=D: would set an empty
# DACL (which will reject all connections). See README-Windows.txt for more
# information about SDDL string format.

# IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL version
# wpa_supplicant is implemented based on IEEE Std 802.1X-2004 which defines
# EAPOL version 2. However, there are many APs that do not handle the new
# version number correctly (they seem to drop the frames completely). In order
# to make wpa_supplicant interoperate with these APs, the version number is set
# to 1 by default. This configuration value can be used to set it to the new
# version (2).

# AP scanning/selection
# By default, wpa_supplicant requests driver to perform AP scanning and then
# uses the scan results to select a suitable AP. Another alternative is to
# allow the driver to take care of AP scanning and selection and use
# wpa_supplicant just to process EAPOL frames based on IEEE 802.11 association
# information from the driver.
# 1: wpa_supplicant initiates scanning and AP selection
# 0: driver takes care of scanning, AP selection, and IEEE 802.11 association
#    parameters (e.g., WPA IE generation); this mode can also be used with
#    non-WPA drivers when using IEEE 802.1X mode; do not try to associate with
#    APs (i.e., external program needs to control association). This mode must
#    also be used when using wired Ethernet drivers.
# 2: like 0, but associate with APs using security policy and SSID (but not
#    BSSID); this can be used, e.g., with ndiswrapper and NDIS drivers to
#    enable operation with hidden SSIDs and optimized roaming; in this mode,
#    the network blocks in the configuration file are tried one by one until
#    the driver reports successful association; each network block should have
#    explicit security policy (i.e., only one option in the lists) for
#    key_mgmt, pairwise, group, proto variables

# EAP fast re-authentication
# By default, fast re-authentication is enabled for all EAP methods that
# support it. This variable can be used to disable fast re-authentication.
# Normally, there is no need to disable this.

# OpenSSL Engine support
# These options can be used to load OpenSSL engines.
# The two engines that are supported currently are shown below:
# They are both from the opensc project (http://www.opensc.org/)
# By default no engines are loaded.
# make the opensc engine available
# make the pkcs11 engine available
# configure the path to the pkcs11 module required by the pkcs11 engine

# Dynamic EAP methods
# If EAP methods were built dynamically as shared object files, they need to be
# loaded here before being used in the network blocks. By default, EAP methods
# are included statically in the build, so these lines are not needed

# Driver interface parameters
# This field can be used to configure arbitrary driver interace parameters. The
# format is specific to the selected driver interface. This field is not used
# in most cases.

# Country code
# The ISO/IEC alpha2 country code for the country in which this device is
# currently operating.

# Maximum lifetime for PMKSA in seconds; default 43200
# Threshold for reauthentication (percentage of PMK lifetime); default 70
# Timeout for security association negotiation in seconds; default 60

# Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) parameters

# Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID; see RFC 4122) of the device
# If not configured, UUID will be generated based on the local MAC address.

# Device Name
# User-friendly description of device; up to 32 octets encoded in UTF-8
#device_name=Wireless Client

# Manufacturer
# The manufacturer of the device (up to 64 ASCII characters)

# Model Name
# Model of the device (up to 32 ASCII characters)

# Model Number
# Additional device description (up to 32 ASCII characters)

# Serial Number
# Serial number of the device (up to 32 characters)

# Primary Device Type
# Used format: <categ>-<OUI>-<subcateg>
# categ = Category as an integer value
# OUI = OUI and type octet as a 4-octet hex-encoded value; 0050F204 for
#       default WPS OUI
# subcateg = OUI-specific Sub Category as an integer value
# Examples:
#   1-0050F204-1 (Computer / PC)
#   1-0050F204-2 (Computer / Server)
#   5-0050F204-1 (Storage / NAS)
#   6-0050F204-1 (Network Infrastructure / AP)

# OS Version
# 4-octet operating system version number (hex string)

# Credential processing
#   0 = process received credentials internally (default)
#   1 = do not process received credentials; just pass them over ctrl_iface to
#    external program(s)
#   2 = process received credentials internally and pass them over ctrl_iface
#    to external program(s)

# network block
# Each network (usually AP's sharing the same SSID) is configured as a separate
# block in this configuration file. The network blocks are in preference order
# (the first match is used).
# network block fields:
# disabled:
#    0 = this network can be used (default)
#    1 = this network block is disabled (can be enabled through ctrl_iface,
#        e.g., with wpa_cli or wpa_gui)
# id_str: Network identifier string for external scripts. This value is passed
#    to external action script through wpa_cli as WPA_ID_STR environment
#    variable to make it easier to do network specific configuration.
# ssid: SSID (mandatory); either as an ASCII string with double quotation or
#    as hex string; network name
# scan_ssid:
#    0 = do not scan this SSID with specific Probe Request frames (default)
#    1 = scan with SSID-specific Probe Request frames (this can be used to
#        find APs that do not accept broadcast SSID or use multiple SSIDs;
#        this will add latency to scanning, so enable this only when needed)
# bssid: BSSID (optional); if set, this network block is used only when
#    associating with the AP using the configured BSSID
# priority: priority group (integer)
# By default, all networks will get same priority group (0). If some of the
# networks are more desirable, this field can be used to change the order in
# which wpa_supplicant goes through the networks when selecting a BSS. The
# priority groups will be iterated in decreasing priority (i.e., the larger the
# priority value, the sooner the network is matched against the scan results).
# Within each priority group, networks will be selected based on security
# policy, signal strength, etc.
# Please note that AP scanning with scan_ssid=1 and ap_scan=2 mode are not
# using this priority to select the order for scanning. Instead, they try the
# networks in the order that used in the configuration file.
# mode: IEEE 802.11 operation mode
# 0 = infrastructure (Managed) mode, i.e., associate with an AP (default)
# 1 = IBSS (ad-hoc, peer-to-peer)
# Note: IBSS can only be used with key_mgmt NONE (plaintext and static WEP)
# and key_mgmt=WPA-NONE (fixed group key TKIP/CCMP). In addition, ap_scan has
# to be set to 2 for IBSS. WPA-None requires following network block options:
# proto=WPA, key_mgmt=WPA-NONE, pairwise=NONE, group=TKIP (or CCMP, but not
# both), and psk must also be set.
# frequency: Channel frequency in megahertz (MHz) for IBSS, e.g.,
# 2412 = IEEE 802.11b/g channel 1. This value is used to configure the initial
# channel for IBSS (adhoc) networks. It is ignored in the infrastructure mode.
# In addition, this value is only used by the station that creates the IBSS. If
# an IBSS network with the configured SSID is already present, the frequency of
# the network will be used instead of this configured value.
# proto: list of accepted protocols
# WPA = WPA/IEEE 802.11i/D3.0
# RSN = WPA2/IEEE 802.11i (also WPA2 can be used as an alias for RSN)
# If not set, this defaults to: WPA RSN
# key_mgmt: list of accepted authenticated key management protocols
# WPA-PSK = WPA pre-shared key (this requires 'psk' field)
# WPA-EAP = WPA using EAP authentication
# IEEE8021X = IEEE 802.1X using EAP authentication and (optionally) dynamically
#    generated WEP keys
# NONE = WPA is not used; plaintext or static WEP could be used
# WPA-PSK-SHA256 = Like WPA-PSK but using stronger SHA256-based algorithms
# WPA-EAP-SHA256 = Like WPA-EAP but using stronger SHA256-based algorithms
# If not set, this defaults to: WPA-PSK WPA-EAP
# auth_alg: list of allowed IEEE 802.11 authentication algorithms
# OPEN = Open System authentication (required for WPA/WPA2)
# SHARED = Shared Key authentication (requires static WEP keys)
# LEAP = LEAP/Network EAP (only used with LEAP)
# If not set, automatic selection is used (Open System with LEAP enabled if
# LEAP is allowed as one of the EAP methods).
# pairwise: list of accepted pairwise (unicast) ciphers for WPA
# CCMP = AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
# TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
# NONE = Use only Group Keys (deprecated, should not be included if APs support
#    pairwise keys)
# If not set, this defaults to: CCMP TKIP
# group: list of accepted group (broadcast/multicast) ciphers for WPA
# CCMP = AES in Counter mode with CBC-MAC [RFC 3610, IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
# TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol [IEEE 802.11i/D7.0]
# WEP104 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 104-bit key
# WEP40 = WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) with 40-bit key [IEEE 802.11]
# If not set, this defaults to: CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
# psk: WPA preshared key; 256-bit pre-shared key
# The key used in WPA-PSK mode can be entered either as 64 hex-digits, i.e.,
# 32 bytes or as an ASCII passphrase (in which case, the real PSK will be
# generated using the passphrase and SSID). ASCII passphrase must be between
# 8 and 63 characters (inclusive).
# This field is not needed, if WPA-EAP is used.
# Note: Separate tool, wpa_passphrase, can be used to generate 256-bit keys
# from ASCII passphrase. This process uses lot of CPU and wpa_supplicant
# startup and reconfiguration time can be optimized by generating the PSK only
# only when the passphrase or SSID has actually changed.
# eapol_flags: IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL options (bit field)
# Dynamic WEP key required for non-WPA mode
# bit0 (1): require dynamically generated unicast WEP key
# bit1 (2): require dynamically generated broadcast WEP key
#     (3 = require both keys; default)
# Note: When using wired authentication, eapol_flags must be set to 0 for the
# authentication to be completed successfully.
# mixed_cell: This option can be used to configure whether so called mixed
# cells, i.e., networks that use both plaintext and encryption in the same
# SSID, are allowed when selecting a BSS form scan results.
# 0 = disabled (default)
# 1 = enabled
# proactive_key_caching:
# Enable/disable opportunistic PMKSA caching for WPA2.
# 0 = disabled (default)
# 1 = enabled
# wep_key0..3: Static WEP key (ASCII in double quotation, e.g. "abcde" or
# hex without quotation, e.g., 0102030405)
# wep_tx_keyidx: Default WEP key index (TX) (0..3)
# peerkey: Whether PeerKey negotiation for direct links (IEEE 802.11e DLS) is
# allowed. This is only used with RSN/WPA2.
# 0 = disabled (default)
# 1 = enabled
# wpa_ptk_rekey: Maximum lifetime for PTK in seconds. This can be used to
# enforce rekeying of PTK to mitigate some attacks against TKIP deficiencies.
# Following fields are only used with internal EAP implementation.
# eap: space-separated list of accepted EAP methods
#    MD5 = EAP-MD5 (unsecure and does not generate keying material ->
#            cannot be used with WPA; to be used as a Phase 2 method
#            with EAP-PEAP or EAP-TTLS)
#       MSCHAPV2 = EAP-MSCHAPv2 (cannot be used separately with WPA; to be used
#        as a Phase 2 method with EAP-PEAP or EAP-TTLS)
#       OTP = EAP-OTP (cannot be used separately with WPA; to be used
#        as a Phase 2 method with EAP-PEAP or EAP-TTLS)
#       GTC = EAP-GTC (cannot be used separately with WPA; to be used
#        as a Phase 2 method with EAP-PEAP or EAP-TTLS)
#    TLS = EAP-TLS (client and server certificate)
#    PEAP = EAP-PEAP (with tunnelled EAP authentication)
#    TTLS = EAP-TTLS (with tunnelled EAP or PAP/CHAP/MSCHAP/MSCHAPV2
#             authentication)
#    If not set, all compiled in methods are allowed.
# identity: Identity string for EAP
#    This field is also used to configure user NAI for
# anonymous_identity: Anonymous identity string for EAP (to be used as the
#    unencrypted identity with EAP types that support different tunnelled
#    identity, e.g., EAP-TTLS)
# password: Password string for EAP. This field can include either the
#    plaintext password (using ASCII or hex string) or a NtPasswordHash
#    (16-byte MD4 hash of password) in hash:<32 hex digits> format.
#    NtPasswordHash can only be used when the password is for MSCHAPv2 or
#    EAP-PSK (128-bit PSK), EAP-PAX (128-bit PSK), and EAP-SAKE (256-bit
#    PSK) is also configured using this field. For EAP-GPSK, this is a
#    variable length PSK.
# ca_cert: File path to CA certificate file (PEM/DER). This file can have one
#    or more trusted CA certificates. If ca_cert and ca_path are not
#    included, server certificate will not be verified. This is insecure and
#    a trusted CA certificate should always be configured when using
#    EAP-TLS/TTLS/PEAP. Full path should be used since working directory may
#    change when wpa_supplicant is run in the background.
#    On Windows, trusted CA certificates can be loaded from the system
#    certificate store by setting this to cert_store://<name>, e.g.,
#    ca_cert="cert_store://CA" or ca_cert="cert_store://ROOT".
#    Note that when running wpa_supplicant as an application, the user
#    certificate store (My user account) is used, whereas computer store
#    (Computer account) is used when running wpasvc as a service.
# ca_path: Directory path for CA certificate files (PEM). This path may
#    contain multiple CA certificates in OpenSSL format. Common use for this
#    is to point to system trusted CA list which is often installed into
#    directory like /etc/ssl/certs. If configured, these certificates are
#    added to the list of trusted CAs. ca_cert may also be included in that
#    case, but it is not required.
# client_cert: File path to client certificate file (PEM/DER)
#    Full path should be used since working directory may change when
#    wpa_supplicant is run in the background.
#    Alternatively, a named configuration blob can be used by setting this
#    to blob://<blob name>.
# private_key: File path to client private key file (PEM/DER/PFX)
#    When PKCS#12/PFX file (.p12/.pfx) is used, client_cert should be
#    commented out. Both the private key and certificate will be read from
#    the PKCS#12 file in this case. Full path should be used since working
#    directory may change when wpa_supplicant is run in the background.
#    Windows certificate store can be used by leaving client_cert out and
#    configuring private_key in one of the following formats:
#    cert://substring_to_match
#    hash://certificate_thumbprint_in_hex
#    for example: private_key="hash://63093aa9c47f56ae88334c7b65a4"
#    Note that when running wpa_supplicant as an application, the user
#    certificate store (My user account) is used, whereas computer store
#    (Computer account) is used when running wpasvc as a service.
#    Alternatively, a named configuration blob can be used by setting this
#    to blob://<blob name>.
# private_key_passwd: Password for private key file (if left out, this will be
#    asked through control interface)
# dh_file: File path to DH/DSA parameters file (in PEM format)
#    This is an optional configuration file for setting parameters for an
#    ephemeral DH key exchange. In most cases, the default RSA
#    authentication does not use this configuration. However, it is possible
#    setup RSA to use ephemeral DH key exchange. In addition, ciphers with
#    DSA keys always use ephemeral DH keys. This can be used to achieve
#    forward secrecy. If the file is in DSA parameters format, it will be
#    automatically converted into DH params.
# subject_match: Substring to be matched against the subject of the
#    authentication server certificate. If this string is set, the server
#    sertificate is only accepted if it contains this string in the subject.
#    The subject string is in following format:
#    /C=US/ST=CA/L=San Francisco/CN=Test AS/emailAddress=as@example.com
# altsubject_match: Semicolon separated string of entries to be matched against
#    the alternative subject name of the authentication server certificate.
#    If this string is set, the server sertificate is only accepted if it
#    contains one of the entries in an alternative subject name extension.
#    altSubjectName string is in following format: TYPE:VALUE
#    Example: EMAIL:server@example.com
#    Example: DNS:server.example.com;DNS:server2.example.com
#    Following types are supported: EMAIL, DNS, URI
# phase1: Phase1 (outer authentication, i.e., TLS tunnel) parameters
#    (string with field-value pairs, e.g., "peapver=0" or
#    "peapver=1 peaplabel=1")
#    'peapver' can be used to force which PEAP version (0 or 1) is used.
#    'peaplabel=1' can be used to force new label, "client PEAP encryption",
#    to be used during key derivation when PEAPv1 or newer. Most existing
#    PEAPv1 implementation seem to be using the old label, "client EAP
#    encryption", and wpa_supplicant is now using that as the default value.
#    Some servers, e.g., Radiator, may require peaplabel=1 configuration to
#    interoperate with PEAPv1; see eap_testing.txt for more details.
#    'peap_outer_success=0' can be used to terminate PEAP authentication on
#    tunneled EAP-Success. This is required with some RADIUS servers that
#    implement draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-05.txt (e.g.,
#    Lucent NavisRadius v4.4.0 with PEAP in "IETF Draft 5" mode)
#    include_tls_length=1 can be used to force wpa_supplicant to include
#    TLS Message Length field in all TLS messages even if they are not
#    fragmented.
#    sim_min_num_chal=3 can be used to configure EAP-SIM to require three
#    challenges (by default, it accepts 2 or 3)
#    result_ind=1 can be used to enable EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA to use
#    protected result indication.
#    'crypto_binding' option can be used to control PEAPv0 cryptobinding
#    behavior:
#     * 0 = do not use cryptobinding (default)
#     * 1 = use cryptobinding if server supports it
#     * 2 = require cryptobinding
#    EAP-WSC (WPS) uses following options: pin=<Device Password> or
#    pbc=1.
# phase2: Phase2 (inner authentication with TLS tunnel) parameters
#    (string with field-value pairs, e.g., "auth=MSCHAPV2" for EAP-PEAP or
#    "autheap=MSCHAPV2 autheap=MD5" for EAP-TTLS)
# Following certificate/private key fields are used in inner Phase2
# authentication when using EAP-TTLS or EAP-PEAP.
# ca_cert2: File path to CA certificate file. This file can have one or more
#    trusted CA certificates. If ca_cert2 and ca_path2 are not included,
#    server certificate will not be verified. This is insecure and a trusted
#    CA certificate should always be configured.
# ca_path2: Directory path for CA certificate files (PEM)
# client_cert2: File path to client certificate file
# private_key2: File path to client private key file
# private_key2_passwd: Password for private key file
# dh_file2: File path to DH/DSA parameters file (in PEM format)
# subject_match2: Substring to be matched against the subject of the
#    authentication server certificate.
# altsubject_match2: Substring to be matched against the alternative subject
#    name of the authentication server certificate.
# fragment_size: Maximum EAP fragment size in bytes (default 1398).
#    This value limits the fragment size for EAP methods that support
#    fragmentation (e.g., EAP-TLS and EAP-PEAP). This value should be set
#    small enough to make the EAP messages fit in MTU of the network
#    interface used for EAPOL. The default value is suitable for most
#    cases.
# EAP-FAST variables:
# pac_file: File path for the PAC entries. wpa_supplicant will need to be able
#    to create this file and write updates to it when PAC is being
#    provisioned or refreshed. Full path to the file should be used since
#    working directory may change when wpa_supplicant is run in the
#    background. Alternatively, a named configuration blob can be used by
#    setting this to blob://<blob name>
# phase1: fast_provisioning option can be used to enable in-line provisioning
#         of EAP-FAST credentials (PAC):
#         0 = disabled,
#         1 = allow unauthenticated provisioning,
#         2 = allow authenticated provisioning,
#         3 = allow both unauthenticated and authenticated provisioning
#    fast_max_pac_list_len=<num> option can be used to set the maximum
#        number of PAC entries to store in a PAC list (default: 10)
#    fast_pac_format=binary option can be used to select binary format for
#        storing PAC entries in order to save some space (the default
#        text format uses about 2.5 times the size of minimal binary
#        format)
# wpa_supplicant supports number of "EAP workarounds" to work around
# interoperability issues with incorrectly behaving authentication servers.
# These are enabled by default because some of the issues are present in large
# number of authentication servers. Strict EAP conformance mode can be
# configured by disabling workarounds with eap_workaround=0.

# Example blocks:

# Simple case: WPA-PSK, PSK as an ASCII passphrase, allow all valid ciphers
    psk="very secret passphrase"

# Same as previous, but request SSID-specific scanning (for APs that reject
# broadcast SSID)
    ssid="second ssid"
    psk="very secret passphrase"

# Only WPA-PSK is used. Any valid cipher combination is accepted.
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40

# WPA-Personal(PSK) with TKIP and enforcement for frequent PTK rekeying
    psk="not so secure passphrase"

# Only WPA-EAP is used. Both CCMP and TKIP is accepted. An AP that used WEP104
# or WEP40 as the group cipher will not be accepted.
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP

# EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2 configuration for RADIUS servers that use the new peaplabel
# (e.g., Radiator)

# EAP-TTLS/EAP-MD5-Challenge configuration with anonymous identity for the
# unencrypted use. Real identity is sent only within an encrypted TLS tunnel.

# EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 configuration with anonymous identity for the unencrypted
# use. Real identity is sent only within an encrypted TLS tunnel.

# WPA-EAP, EAP-TTLS with different CA certificate used for outer and inner
# authentication.
    # Phase1 / outer authentication
    # Phase 2 / inner authentication

# Both WPA-PSK and WPA-EAP is accepted. Only CCMP is accepted as pairwise and
# group cipher.
    proto=WPA RSN
    key_mgmt=WPA-PSK WPA-EAP

# Special characters in SSID, so use hex string. Default to WPA-PSK, WPA-EAP
# and all valid ciphers.

# EAP-SIM with a GSM SIM or USIM


# IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL with dynamically generated WEP keys (i.e., no WPA) using
# EAP-TLS for authentication and key generation; require both unicast and
# broadcast WEP keys.

# LEAP with dynamic WEP keys

# EAP-IKEv2 using shared secrets for both server and peer authentication

# EAP-FAST with WPA (WPA or WPA2)


# Plaintext connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X)

# Shared WEP key connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X)

# Shared WEP key connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X) using Shared Key
# IEEE 802.11 authentication

# IBSS/ad-hoc network with WPA-None/TKIP.
    ssid="test adhoc"
    psk="secret passphrase"

# Catch all example that allows more or less all configuration modes
    key_mgmt=WPA-EAP WPA-PSK IEEE8021X NONE
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
    psk="very secret passphrase"

# Example of EAP-TLS with smartcard (openssl engine)
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP


    # The engine configured here must be available. Look at
    # OpenSSL engine support in the global section.
    # The key available through the engine must be the private key
    # matching the client certificate configured above.

    # use the opensc engine

    # use the pkcs11 engine

    # Optional PIN configuration; this can be left out and PIN will be
    # asked through the control interface

# Example configuration showing how to use an inlined blob as a CA certificate
# data instead of using external file


# Wildcard match for SSID (plaintext APs only). This example select any
# open AP regardless of its SSID.






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


