're Just 30 seconds! C Lo Messi exquisite arc Sike in the end with the Savior

What is the life of the enemy? That's what you do I will have to do! Just yesterday, the day after Iran lore stoppage time Messi, C Ronaldo played a more magical stoppage outbreak - in Portugal eliminated from being missed, C Luo knockout're just a mere 30 seconds from the time, golden goal Mr. credited with a wonderful curveball teammates broke.

Match the United States and Portugal because "water rules" and other reasons, and five minutes of stoppage time. When you hit the first 4 minutes 30 seconds of stoppage time, Portugal was 1-2 behind. Another 30 seconds, the world will sing the dirge on C Ronaldo and his Portugal. Since then, the two wars 0 Portugal will certainly miss the group. Fans around the world at that moment the heart was in his throat, countless reporters, critics and the media have the ball in the headlines written on this text: FIFA World Player of the World Cup farewell!

But C Lo reconciled! In the first 4 minutes and 30 seconds in overtime, in the referee has begun at the table, the United States has begun to celebrate the fans, most of the world is still looking forward to a miracle C Lo fans have felt desperate moment right before the market gives C Lo a superb curveball, Varela teammates after hoisting break point. The score becomes 2-2. The goal would be late for a moment what is the concept? To know the ball out not long after, the referee blew the whistle to end the game, and then a moment later, Portugal will determine buried.

In all fairness, C Robben war performance is not very good. Because for a long time recovering from injury, but also because the opponent was the interference of anti-type tactics, C Robben war dragged though not yet good leg neatly bolted 9294 meters, but another set of data easily reveal the poor state of his body: he instantaneous maximum sprint speed of only 25 km / h, which is obviously not the C Lo everyday standards. Mr. Jin Qiu crazy hard shot seven feet, but no one scored. 6 breakthrough, three successful three times to win a free kick in key positions, but C Lo has not been able to help a great offensive team. We can say that tonight's C Lo is like yesterday in front of the Iranian team, grappling with the audience but mediocre Messi - Messi game regular course of time in general. Finally, C Luo also the same with Messi, with last-minute flash mode interpretation of their value. Messi in stoppage time against Iran, the world record with a wave of the first to help Argentina qualify. When C Luo completely dead and worse in the last 30 seconds from the Portuguese, with assists to help Portugal survived, died before a thorough re-seize the last straw.

Admittedly, integrated C Robben war performance, he bad state. Admittedly, even with the stoppage lore assists, Portugal wants to win the group, please also needs a miracle. But just as yesterday's Macy lore with such a record to prove his worth, as this day, C Luo also used the dying moments of the Savior, Portugal, proved himself as the FIFA World Player no means nothing. Meanwhile, C Luo also showed an attitude to the world: even if his team is not as Macy's football national team status, but he still tried my best and Macy Sike in the end, you can do I have to do!


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