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转载 离职信

离职信公司诸君: 自吾之来此,已一年有余。本当披肝,以报知遇,却发现往昔之热情所剩无几。想来与人无涉。问题在己,盖因自己实不具荣辱不惊之修为。既已无心向工,终不能应景混事,长此以往,百无一利。唯今之计,只有主动剥职,才是正议,如此即可顺遂心意,亦可免于日后复为旗下之祭。 其实去不足惜。辗转数月,倍感煎熬,故去留之事可知已。奈何,晃晃终日不安,去留两相难。且...

2011-09-07 18:26:00 104

转载 JDBC连接数据库代码

package com.zhao; import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement; public class TestJDBC {public stati...

2011-08-31 15:06:00 75

转载 【转】ssh原理


2011-08-27 05:54:00 74

转载 有空一起吃午饭

  A: Do you have some time tomorrow?  B: Yes, I do.  A: How about having lunch with me?  B: Good idea.   A: If you’re free, how about lunch?  B: When did you have in mind?  A: I was thinking abo...

2011-08-13 21:24:00 83

转载 Do remember not to smoke(it's a joke)

A much worried patient walked into doctor's office asking for help: "Doctor, I don't know what to do. I accidentally drank a bottle of gasoline yesterday!" "Oh, Don't worry! All you have to rem...

2011-08-13 21:21:00 118

转载 Tomcat配置

1.在/conf下面 server.xml文件,</Host>前面增加以下代码<Context path="/TestWeb" docBase="C:\Users\zhao\Workspaces\MyEclipse 8.5\TestWeb\WebRoot" reloadable="true" /> </Host> 2.启动 startup.b...

2011-08-10 06:34:00 75

转载 map(Map.Entry)

package com.zhao.day3; import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set; public class MapTest5 {public static void main(String[] args) {HashMap ma...

2011-08-10 01:22:00 69

转载 二分查询

public static int binarySearch(int[] array, int value){int low = 0;int high = array.length - 1;int middle;while(low <= high){middle = (low + high) / 2;if(array[middle] == value){...

2011-08-08 21:44:00 62

转载 单态学习

package com.zhao.day2; public class SingletoTest {public static void main(String[] args) {Singleton singleton = Singleton.getInstance();Singleton singleton2 = Singleton.getInstance();Syst...

2011-08-08 18:11:00 58

转载 How I explained OOD to my wife By Al-Farooque Shubho | 2 Aug 2010

Introduction My wife Farhana wants to resume her career as a software developer (she started her career as a software developer, but couldn't proceed much because of our first child's birth), an...

2011-08-04 17:13:00 158

转载 4 A was an apple pie

A was an apple pie A是一个苹果(APPLE)派   B bit it B咬了(BIT)一口苹果派   C cut it C切开(CUT)苹果派   D dealt it D来分发(DEALT)苹果派   E eat it E吃了(EAT)一块苹果派   F fought for it F为了一块苹果派而与人打斗(FOUGHT)   G got it G得到了(GOT)...

2011-07-29 15:12:00 87

转载 Spring学习备忘

IoC (Inverse of Control)DI(Dependency Injection)AOP (aspect oriented progamming) Stacicfactory Method 静态工程方法 也叫简单工厂 是由一个工厂对象决定创建出那一种产品类的实例。通常它根据自变量的不同返回不同的类的实例 例如去日用品工厂拿东西 工厂直接返回你要的洗发水 构成:工厂...

2011-07-26 16:49:00 128

转载 java面试重点

字符串String 集合Collection异常相关exception 设计模式 Design Pattern反射相关 Reflection 相等性 equals hashCode线程相关 Thread多态 Polymorphism数组Array 字符串:代码如下 String s = new String("abc"); Strin...

2011-07-26 16:19:00 66

转载 3 The Toad and the Frog

A toad saw a frog near the road. He was a fat old frog. He sat and moaned and groaned. The toad said, “Do not moan and groan, Mr. Frog. Hop like me. Hop down the road.” So the frog and the toad...

2011-07-25 15:04:00 128

转载 2 A Teenager's Joke: Guidelines for Doing Schoolwork

2 A Teenager's Joke: Guidelines for Doing Schoolwork My school had a policy about homework. Students should not spend more than ninety minutes per night doing homework. This is how I use the tim...

2011-07-23 18:31:00 124

转载 1 Chinese New Year

1 Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. The exact date of the Sprin...

2011-07-22 19:30:00 99

转载 词汇和短语

cassis ou dos-d'ane une résidence d'accueil chaussée chaussée rétrécie gravillons boue bouchon barrer déviation affec...

2011-07-22 16:18:00 103

转载 sql 语句练习

use studentmanagerselect * from carddrop table cardcreate table card (cid int identity primary key,cpassword varchar(20))insert into card values('idfjfdi234')insert into card values('dfiejf245j...

2011-07-22 16:08:00 60

转载 sql学习记录 数据库创建 增加列 删除表

/*例3-1 创建数据库表。*//*程序清单如下:*//*下面的例子将创建表S。*/CREATE TABLE S( sno char(10) NOT NULL /*学号字段*/ CONSTRAINT PK_sno PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED/*主键约束*/ CHECK (sno like '31300501[0-9][0...

2011-07-21 20:24:00 91



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