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转载 vbox虚拟机扩容(CentOS 7.2)

PrefaceMy virtual machine was simply created by vagrant in default mode without anything about the extra disk volume configuration.The default size is about 10.5G.In order to use the web ...

2018-09-29 15:14:00 266

转载 安装MySQLdb模块遭遇"fatal error: my_config.h: No such file or directory"的处理

Issue I encountered an error when I run the python script which need to import the module of "MySQLdb".The error shows like this:[root@docker1 script]# python Xtrabackup.pyTrace...

2018-09-18 12:40:00 1462

转载 使用git bash编译安装sysbench时遇到的坑

Preface When I was compiling the sysbench just now,I encountered some failures in the precedure.I'll show the issue and workaround below.Issues1. Executing autogen.sh script ...

2018-09-11 16:10:00 1323

转载 CentOS 7.2安装11g数据库软件

Preface Yesterday I've installed the 11g GI software on CentOS 7.2.But I still encounter some troubles when I continue to install the database software in my environment.I've recorded ...

2018-08-28 15:11:00 341

转载 CentOS 7.2安装11g Grid Infrastructure

Preface Oracle claimed that11g RAC issupported on Redhat Linux 7 and above version,but there're still some incompatible issues in inplementing 11g GI on it.There're some main steps s...

2018-08-27 17:33:00 592

转载 CentOS 7.2静默安装Oracle11g

Preface Today I'm gonna export some test data to another server.The source server is Windows Server 2012 R2 and the tartget server is CentOS 7.2.Eventually,I found out that when using ...

2018-08-22 20:28:00 132

转载 InnoDB锁冲突案例演示(续)

Preface I've demontstrated several InnoDB locking cases in my previous blog.I'm gonna do the rest tests about InnoDB locks.ProcedureTest table information and the relevant va...

2018-08-16 23:04:00 89

转载 Consul初体验

Preface Today I'm gonna implement a consul in my environment to discover service of MySQL database and check whether the master-slave is working normally.Introduce Consul ...

2018-08-15 23:47:00 252

转载 InnoDB锁冲突案例演示

Preface As we know,InnoDB is index organized table.InnoDB engine supports row-level lock base on indexes,if there're no indexes on a certain table the record locks will upgrade to "tab...

2018-08-14 22:52:00 101

转载 InnoDB意向锁和插入意向锁

Preface Last night one buddy in tech wechat group asked "what's intention locks of InnoDB?"Thus,I'm gonna say someting about it.As we all know,there're various types of lock in InnoDB ...

2018-08-13 23:11:00 210

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-find

Preface We used to use "find" command in linux or AIX when we need to get a certain file but cannot rember the precise name.We will execute "find /pathtobegin -name xxx" in our OS prom...

2018-08-12 23:08:00 134

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-mysql-summary

Preface Sometimes we need to collect information of MySQL server as a report when we first time take over the system by someone else.Espcially there're lots of servers for you to che...

2018-08-11 23:10:00 167

转载 ProxySQL读写分离测试(续)

Preface I've implemented ProxySQL on PXC yesterday but got some errors when configured query rules.I'm gonna do it again in my master-slave environment again.Let's see the procedure....

2018-08-10 23:24:00 103

转载 ProxySQL初体验

Preface As we all know,it's a common sense that separate reading and writing operations can immensely increse the performance of MySQL database.Especially the query operations by execu...

2018-08-09 23:12:00 535

转载 在PXC中重新添加掉线节点

Preface When we add a new node into PXC structure,it will estimate the mothed(IST/SST) to transfer data to the new node.It's no wonder that sst will be automatically choosed.What if ...

2018-08-08 23:21:00 1985

转载 MySQL高可用之PXC安装部署(续)

Preface Yesterday I implemented a three-nodes PXC,but there were some errors when proceeding it.So I decide to research what's wrong with it.The operations and evidences shows below....

2018-08-07 23:35:00 466

转载 MySQL高可用之PXC安装部署

Preface Today,I'm gonna implement a PXC,Let's see the procedure.FrameworkHostnameIPPortOS VersionMySQL VersionXtrabackup versionzlm2192.168....

2018-08-06 20:24:00 658

转载 MySQL用户权限控制一例

Preface I supposed we are encountering a situation that there's an anonymous user hasconnected in ourMySQL database with an account which has large privileges.The user is doing some ...

2018-08-05 21:40:00 106

转载 ibdata1文件损坏时恢复InnoDB单表测试

Preface ibdata1 file is a shared system tablespace of innodb engine.Although we always set variable of "innodb_file_per_table" to "on" which means put the data of table into their indi...

2018-08-03 23:21:00 465

转载 MySQL高可用之MHA切换测试(switchover & failover)

Preface I've installed MasterHA yesterday,Now let's test the master-slave switch and failover feature.FrameworkHostnameIPPortIdentityOS VersionMySQL V...

2018-08-02 23:10:00 491

转载 MySQL高可用之MHA安装

Preface MasterHA is a tool which can be used in MySQL HA architecture.I'm gonna implement it and have some tests depend on it later.FrameworkHostnameIPPortI...

2018-08-01 23:05:00 279

转载 恢复误删除表黑科技之relay log大法(续)

Preface I've stuck twice in my previous experiments in backing up dropped tables.I am still not sure that why I got failure yesterday.Therefore,I decide to do that again with the same ...

2018-07-31 23:36:00 136

转载 恢复误删除表黑科技之relay log大法

Preface In my previous blogs,I've demonstrated several mothods of how to rescue a dropped table(or truncated table as well). full mysqldump backup + binlog on master(master wa...

2018-07-30 22:56:00 256

转载 关于mysqldump备份非事务表的注意事项

Preface We're used to get a logical backup set(whole instance) by simply specifying "--single-transaction" and "--master-data" options.For innodb engine tables,we can get a consisten...

2018-07-29 23:24:00 99

转载 利用binlog server及Xtrabackup备份集来恢复误删表(drop)

Preface Today I'm gonna test how to rescue a dropped table from binlog server based on a full Xtrabackup backup set.FrameworkHostnameIP/PortIdentityOS V...

2018-07-28 23:32:00 413

转载 基于Xtrabackup备份集来恢复某个误删除的表(drop)

Preface Yesterday,I've demonstratated how to rescue a droped and a truncated table based on mysqldump backup.Let's see what's different in rescuing them based on a backup set made by...

2018-07-26 23:05:00 217

转载 基于mysqldump备份集来恢复某个误操作的表(drop,truncate)

Preface How to rescue a dropped or truncated table online?Dropping or truncating is ddl operation which cannot be flashed back by the populare flashback tools like MyFlash,binlog2mys...

2018-07-25 23:09:00 243

转载 利用Xtrabackup搭建GTID主从复制(一主一从)

Preface I've been demonstrated how to implement a master-slave structure using mysqldump in my previous blog.I'm gonna use Xtrabackup to do it again now.Framework...

2018-07-24 23:43:00 721

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-duplicate-key-checker

Preface I suppose that we have a requirement of checking out how many duplicated indexes on a certain table or even on several specific databases.what will you do then?Introduce...

2018-07-23 23:10:00 155

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-table-usage

Preface There always be some table join operations in our SQL statement.Although we can know details of table join information from explain opertion by json format.Whatif you are not u...

2018-07-22 23:11:00 203

转载 GTID环境中手动修复主从故障一例(Error 1236/Error 1396)

Preface I got an replication error 1236 when I modified the password of a user without starting slave threads of replication.Further more,the user was absent in slave.below is the wh...

2018-07-21 16:50:00 313

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-summary

Preface As a dba,We are obliged to master several basic tools(such as vmstat,top,netstat,iostat,df,etc.) to monitor system status or analyze the the information of it espcially in trou...

2018-07-20 23:13:00 140

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-slave-find

Preface If we want to check out how many slaves in our replication environment.We can execute "show processlit;" on master.Whatif we'd like to check the detail of slaves.We have to exe...

2018-07-19 23:14:00 106

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-slave-restart

Preface Sometimes,the threads(especially the SQL_Thread) will be terminated by accident.The slave will stop until we fix the relevant error or just skip them.There's many methods we ca...

2018-07-18 23:16:00 300

转载 GTID环境中手动修复主从故障一例(Error 1146)

Preface In my last test of pt-heartbeat,both of master and slave were out of disk.And the mysql client was hang.In order to resolve the issue,I've tryed to fix the replicaiton enviro...

2018-07-17 23:01:00 454

转载 Percona-Tookit工具包之pt-heartbeat

Preface Replication delay is a common issue in MySQL replications.Especially in those replications not using semi-synchronous method.Long term delay leads to inconsistency between mast...

2018-07-16 23:10:00 153

转载 MySQL隐式转换测试

Preface There're various data type in MySQL such as number,string,date,time,lob,etc.The data type will convert implicitly if we don't use a proper operand in a SQL statement which may ...

2018-07-15 23:00:00 104

转载 MySQL增强半同步几个重要参数搭配的测试

Preface Semi-synchronous replication is supported since MySQL 5.5 and then enhanced gradually in 5.6 & 5.7.It's also called enhanced semi-synchronous replicaiton in MySQL 5.7.The n...

2018-07-14 23:02:00 203

转载 修改MySQL数据库字符集

Preface I've demonstrated how to change character set in Oracle database in my previous blog.Now,I'm gonna do the similar operation in MySQL database,Let's see the difference of detail...

2018-07-13 16:08:00 80

转载 MySQL 5.7传统复制到GTID在线切换(一主一从)

Preface Classic replication is commonly used in previous version of MySQL.It's really tough in managing them when our replications get into failures.Many new features are also depend o...

2018-07-12 17:34:00 152



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