Small UI changes in Siebel

1.How to change color for page tabs?

In order to change the page tab colors only for the partner application you need to introduce a new container page for the application object in Siebel Tools. This container page must reference different gif files in the sections for first level navigation (<swe:screenbar>...</swe:screenbar>) and third level navigation (<swe:viewbar...> ... </swe:viewbar>).

There are some pitfalls to be aware before doing this:

a) You need to register the new "Web Pages", "Web Templates" and "Template Files" in Siebel Tools.

b) Also you need to register the new bitmaps in tools and in the CFG file of your application. Please refer to Doc ID 474181.1 for further details .

2 How to change the Siebel Powered By logo and clicking on the modified logo navigate to another URL?

Please add the following code to the "CCFrameBanner.swt" template file.Please add another line of code as demonstrated below and avoid modifying the existing code .
Just before the code

<td align="right"><a href="" target="_blank"><swe:image name="POWERED_BY" category="HTML Control Icons"/></a></td>

add the following code:

<td align="right"><a href="" TARGET="_blank"><img src = "images/YOURIMAGE.jpg" height ="30"></a></td>


save the changes and log on to the application.You will see the logo just before the Siebel Powered by logo and when clicking on it you will be redirected to the  desired URL

Note:please note that the above changes to the web template file may be offset by an upgrade and the above steps have to be performed again.


3.How to highlight important text in Siebel (using RTF).

a) Go to Applet>Control
b) Go to the field for which you want to enable this and set the following properties
HTML Display Mode : EncodeData
HTML Type : RTCEmbedded
Runtime : checked
c) Save and Compile the changes.


For v 8.0.x:
a) Logon to Tools and on Object Explorer go to
Applet>Applet user prop
here disable all the user properties starting with "Save Target List Source" and "Apply Target List Source" .
b)Compile the srf and test if the values are still there.
For v 7.x;
FAQ 2271: How Can You Inactivate or Suppress Applet Menu Items and Application Menu Items for an Applet?

Applet Menu items may also be disabled by adding a CanInvokeMethodCanInvokeMethod:methodname user property to disable a method or using applet or business component user properties such as making them read only.

5. HOW to change the banner of Siebel Application:

The first way is the easier way. Following are the steps of the first way.
a.) Rename original banner_globe_logo.gif to another name
b.) Rename your own image file to banner_globe_logo.gif
c.) Clear IE browser cache.

In the first way, you just replace the existing banner_globe_logo.gif with your own image file.

However, if you insist on using you own image file name, you can try the following steps.

a.) In dCCFrameBanner.swt file, change the value of the name attribute in the following line from


<td valign="middle" align="left"><span><swe:image name="NEW_BANNER_GLOBE_LOGO" category="HTML Control Icons"/></span></td>

b.) Rename your own picture file to new_banner_globe_logo.gif

c.) Clear IE browser cache. Login but did not see my own picture file displayed in the eMarketing page

d.) Login to Siebel Tools. In Object Explorer, select Bitmap Category Object and search for Name HTML Control Icons If Bitmap Category Object is not shown in the object explorer, then need to expose from Siebel Tools > menu > View > Options > Object Explorer Tab.

e.) Drilldown into Bitmap Object of Bitmap Category Object HTML Control Icons. Search for Name BANNER_GLOBE_LOGO

f.) Make a copy of Bitmap Object BANNER_GLOBE_LOGO. Change the Name to NEW_BANNER_GLOBE_LOGO and Filename to new_banner_globe_logo.gif.

g.) Compile the changes into srf file

h.) Clear IE browser cache and login

In the second way, the name BANNER_GLOBE_LOGO that was found in dCCFrameBanner.swt is not really the actual image file name. It is the Bitmap Object name. If you want to use another image file name, you need to login to Siebel Tools and make changes or add a new Bitmap Object to give a new file name as indicated in the steps above.

Note:please note that the above changes to the web template file may be offset by an upgrade and the above steps have to be performed again


6. How To Remove The Query Dropdown From The Toolbar

a).Please try to remove the following code from the original web template file :

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="PDQWidth">
<tr> <td valign="absmiddle"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="3"></td></tr>
<!--Favorites Label-->
<swe:pageitem id="35">
<td valign="middle" nowrap><b><swe:this property="FormattedHtmlFormattedHtml" />:&nbsp;</b></td>
<td valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="middle"><swe:this property="FormattedHtmlFormattedHtml" /></td>
<td nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

b).Then, save the file.

Please note that you need to make sure to clear the IE cache after making the changes to the web template file and restart the Siebel Application.

c). Also, please note that manual changes to web templates such, as this one will not be propagated automatically during upgrade. Therefore, every time you upgrade, you have to make these changes manually and test it thoroughly.

Note:please note that the above changes to the web template file may be offset by an upgrade and the above steps have to be performed again
7. How to change Background Color of selected row in list applet in HI mode

a).Please go the <client install dir>/PUBLIC/FILES

b).Find the file "jctrls.css".

c).Open it and go to section ".clsJLCMain clsJLCMain "

d).Change the parameter "JBACKGROUND-COLOR-ROW-ACTIVE:" to the hex color code according to your choice of color.

e).Save the file.

f).Clear the IE cache and relogin to the application to observe the changes.

Please note that this is applicable to the clients that use Windows XP only and cannot be used for Windows Server OS.




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