AU NEWS 09-07-06

A plane carrying the deposed President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya has reportedly left Washington, bound for Honduras. Honduras’s interim government says it won’t allow the plane to land in the country and it’s reportedly being redirected to El Salvador. President Zelaya was ousted in a coup a week ago. 

Iran has agreed to release another employee at the British embassy in Tehran, leaving one staff member still in detention. Iran arrested nine staff at the embassy, blaming them for involvement in inciting post-election protests

A worker at Disneyland in the United States has been killed in a monorail crash. The staff was operating one of the trains which collided at theme park in the early hours of the morning. Investigators are trying to determine what caused the crash. 

And the British Foreign Office has denied UK’s security had been compromised after intimate details of the new head of MIC appeared on a social networking site. The wife of incoming security chief John Sawers had posted family photographs and their home address on Facebook. The government quickly ordered the web page be removed. That watered down concern by saying it was no state secret that Sir John wears 
Speedo swimming trunks

And that’s ABC World News


depose:/dɪˈpəʊz/ DJ             If a ruler or political leader is deposed, they are forced to give up their position.

bound: /baʊnd/ DJ          travelling, or ready to travel, in a particular direction or to a particular place 

interim: /ˈɪntərɪm/ DJ           Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established.

oust:  /aʊst/ DJ               If someone is ousted from a position of power, job, or place, they are forced to leave it.

coup:/kuː/ DJ                             When there is a coup, a group of people seize power in a country.

embassy: /ˈembəsi/ DJ        An embassy is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country. The building in which they work is also called an embassy.

detention: /dɪˈtenʃn/ DJ     Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison, especially for political reasons.

incite: /ɪnˈsaɪt/ DJ                  If someone incites people to behave in a violent or illegal way, they encourage people to behave in that way, usually by making them excited or angry. 


protest: /ˈprəʊtest/ DJ             If you protest against something or about something, you say or show publicly that you object to it. In American English, you usually say that you protest it.

monorail:/ˈmɒnəʊreɪl/ DJ monorail is a system of transport in which small trains travel along a single rail which is usually high above the ground.

collide:[kəˈlaid] DJ                    If two or more moving people or objects collide, they crash into one another. If a moving person or object collides with a person or object that is not moving, they crash into them.

compromise:/ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ DJ   If someone compromises themselves or compromises their beliefs, they do something which damages their reputation for honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles.

intimate:/ˈɪntɪmət/ DJ              If you intimate something, you say it in an indirect way.

incoming:/ˈɪnkʌmɪŋ/ DJ   An incoming official or government is one that has just been appointed or elected.

swimming trunks: /trʌŋk/ DJ         a piece of clothing covering the lower part of the body and sometimes the top part of the legs, worn by men and boys for swimming.

Sir John: 英语中,尤其是非正式场合,或者开玩笑的场合,可以用 Sir,或Mr Mrs等词直接加first name,来表示一种昵称或者调侃。


EI salvador:萨尔瓦多(中美洲)



Disneyland: 迪士尼乐园








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