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转载 算法: 排序: 归并排序(Merge)


2014-08-12 10:01:00 169

转载 2014年目标

1. 积德行善, 愿家人都能平安, 健康, 幸福, 团员, 合家欢乐; 愿国家风调雨顺, 国泰民安; 愿神佛菩萨庇佑遍法界虚空届我等一切众生, 离苦得乐, 临终可以往生西方极乐世界.2. 精进佛法, 调服内心; 吐纳打坐, 健康身体; 学习国学, 教子爱妻.3. 布施放生, 吃素戒杀, 功德回向我和我的家人们的累劫冤亲债主, 累世宗亲, 坠胎英灵和缠身灵们, 包括我去世的母亲和坠...

2014-07-09 09:47:00 189

转载 算法: 排序: 快速排序

1. Algrithom◾Given an array of values, pick a value as a pivot value◾Check each value against the pivot value and - bring each value higher than the pivot value to the right of the p...

2014-06-20 08:48:00 174

转载 MVC: Connection String

背景:之前项目使用的是DB first/Model first,现在要对EF升级的6.0,并且更换成Code first。问题:1. System.Data.Entity.Core.MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource.<add name="TestCont...

2014-04-01 07:44:00 194

转载 Web API: Security: Authentication and Authority

原文地址: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/security/authentication-and-authorization-in-aspnet-web-api程序地址: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/630986/Cross-Platform-Authentication-With-ASP-N...

2014-03-28 02:24:00 104

转载 Web API: Security: Basic Authentication

原文地址: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn201748.aspxCustom HttpModule code:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Net.Http.Header...

2014-03-27 07:59:00 83

转载 Web API: Client: HttpClient Message Handlers

原文地址: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-clients/httpclient-message-handlersusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Net.Http;u...

2014-03-27 02:24:00 108

转载 Web API: Client: Call a Web API from a .net client

原文地址: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-clients/calling-a-web-api-from-a-net-client翻译地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/r01cn/archive/2012/11/20/2779011.htmlServer Code:1. 用EF创建Code Fir...

2014-03-27 01:26:00 83

转载 C#: Delegate and Event

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace Test.Other{ public class TestDelegateAndEvent ...

2014-03-21 04:49:00 83

转载 IIS Media Service: Channel 小结

IIS Media Service 对Channel的Schema可以在浏览器中输入http://{0}:{1}/services/smoothstreaming/publishingpoints.isml/settings 看到。<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><feed xmlns="http://www....

2014-03-21 01:54:00 157

转载 WCF: Retry when service is in fault state.

Service Host:using System;using System.Configuration;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Activation;using System.Web.Configuration;using log4net;using System.Thr...

2014-03-21 01:30:00 130

转载 Windows Azure: Service Bus Relay

Service Host:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.ServiceModel;namespace Test.WCF.Servic...

2014-03-21 01:02:00 119

转载 javascript 延时加载

1、SharePoint: ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(test,"SP.js") test: function name; ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded: please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff411788...

2012-03-13 14:47:00 77

转载 Sorting Displays in Data View Web Parts (转)

I figured out a great little trick for sorting a DVWP-based display based on a column name passed in the Query String. You can see this in action in the default All Items or All Document...

2012-03-12 15:46:00 75

转载 总结:Upate field which lookups from Content Types

1. when updating field which lookups from Content Types, (for example: set Required to Yes), it needs update Content Types first. please read this article: http://www.novolocus.com/2010/1...

2011-09-27 15:32:00 93

转载 学习:Dynamically Creating Sharepoint Content Type (转)

In a scenario where you need to create Content Type in bunch, there comes the role of Dynamic Content types.The following code snippet helps you in creating content type dynamically....

2011-09-27 15:08:00 66

转载 学习:如何向列表中添加数据值(管理员篇) (转)


2011-09-19 13:19:00 112

转载 学习:如何向列表中添加数据值(开发篇补充REST)(转)

SharePoint 2010中增加了对ADO.NET Service的支持。我们可以通过REST的方式来添加,查询或者更新数据。这篇文章,我将尝试使用REST的方式来查询,并且添加一条记录。准备工作:开始使用代码之前,记得要添加对 http://servername/_vti_bin/listdata.svc 服务的引用。我是引用之后,将其命名为“ListData...

2011-09-19 13:17:00 74

转载 学习:如何向列表中添加数据值(开发篇)(转)

上一篇中,我列举了几种管理员或者一般用户添加列表项的方式。这一篇我将从开发者的角度来完成这个操作。作为开发人员添加列表项的方式主要有如下几种:(服务器端)对象模型,客户端对象模型以及Web Service.1. (服务器端)对象模型。这种是开发中最常见的,可以是一个控制台程序,也可以写到你的Web Part或者Event Handler里面 1: st...

2011-09-19 10:42:00 132

转载 学习:SharePoint Caml Filter with Muli-values Lookup field

1. 对于Lookup Field,Caml 语句如下:<Query><Where> <Contains> <FieldRef Name="AlertLocation" LookupId="TRUE" /> <Value Type="text">1</Value...

2011-09-16 11:27:00 156

转载 学习:CAML – Query Lookup Field by ID; not by Value (转)

When lookup fields are created, sharepoint stores them asID;#Value format in related list.for e.g.in list “Contacts” there is column called “Country”.There is item in contact with value “India”...

2011-09-16 11:09:00 112

转载 学习:New in SharePoint 2010 CAML Query <IN>,<INCLUDES> &< NOT INCLUDES>(转)

Even though Microsoft encourages using LINQ in SharePoint 2010, they introduced some new CAML Query schema elements. They are· IN· INCLUDES· NOT INCLUDESIN:This is something work as ...

2011-09-16 11:06:00 96

转载 学习:SharePoint Calculated Field Formulas

1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb862071.aspx;2. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-sharepoint-services-help/examples-of-common-formulas-HA001160947.aspx;转载于:https://www....

2011-09-16 11:02:00 93

转载 总结:修改SharePoint管理中心管理员密码后,新创建的站点拒绝访问

背景: 域用户作为管理中心的管理员,而域用户要定期更改密码,在创建新的Application时,出现Access Denied的问题。 After changing Domain user password, it is denied to access new application.解决方案: 在注册表中添加:DisableLoop...

2011-08-30 16:26:00 143

转载 学习:Advanced SharePoint View and Filter techniques(转)

IntroductionWe discussed in a previous article how to customise SharePoint’s built in Task List and briefly looked at the power of Views with Filters. In this article we will build upon that...

2011-05-31 15:08:00 109

转载 学习:How To Use Filters in SharePoint to show items in the current Calendar Month(转)

Its very easy using the Filter feature of SharePoint views to show only items completed in the last 30 days or items due in the next X days; for example :-Completed >= [Today]-30On the ...

2011-05-31 15:07:00 80

转载 总结:SharePoint Designer 2010 DVWP (6) -- DataFormWebPart -- Sort and Group

有时data view webpart在下次打开时就看不到图形界面了,这个时候“Options”里的“Sort & Group”是不可用的,此时就要直接写<xsl:sort select=”” order=”” data-type=””/>Used within an <xsl:for-each> to determine the so...

2011-05-31 10:26:00 77

转载 总结:SharePoint 2010 -- Error and Solution(2)-- FileNotFoundException was caught

DescriptionThe Web application at http://localhost could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may ...

2011-05-31 10:14:00 59

转载 总结:SharePoint 2010 -- Error and Solution(1)-- SharePoint Designer – Value does not fall within the e...

DescriptionIn some odd situation, SharePoint Designer (SPD) 2010 would throw this error:“soap:Server was unable to process request.Value does not fall within the expected range”Reason...

2011-05-31 10:12:00 62

转载 总结:Errors and Soluctions when redeploying cube

1. The 'Proactive Caching' feature is not included in the 'Standard Edition'The SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Editon does NOT contain the “Proactive Caching” feature.Help link,...

2011-05-31 10:07:00 94

转载 学习:ASP.NET 应用程序生命周期概述(转)

本主题概述应用程序生命周期,列出重要的生命周期事件,并描述如何编写适合应用程序生命周期的代码。在 ASP.NET 中,若要对 ASP.NET 应用程序进行初始化并使它处理请求,必须执行一些处理步骤。此外,ASP.NET 只是对浏览器发出的请求进行处理的 Web 服务器结构的一部分。了解应用程序生命周期非常重要,这样才能在适当的生命周期阶段编写代码,达到预期的效果。 应用程序生命...

2011-03-15 10:21:00 94

转载 总结:Sharepoint2010 Client Object Model -- Silverlight Client

Silverlight Client:1. 添加引用, Add Reference:    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.dll;    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.Runtime.dll.  路径:C:\Program Files\Common Files\...

2010-12-14 11:40:00 98

转载 总结:Sharepoint2010 Client Object Model -- Managed Client

Managed Client:1. 需要添加引用: Add Reference: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll; Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll 路径:一般情况下在:C:\Program Files\Common Files\M...

2010-12-14 11:35:00 79

转载 学习:Sharepoint2010 Client Object Model 概述

SharePoint 2010 - Complete details about Client Object Model This is the introduction to the Client Object model introduced in the SharePoint 2010. This is going to be a huge help and useful pa...

2010-12-14 11:25:00 141

转载 总结:用Silverlight调用sharepoint2010 webservice 出错

Description:An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way witho...

2010-12-02 16:28:00 79

转载 学习:Javascript与后台交互(转)

1. javaScript函数中执行C#代码中的函数:方法一:1、首先建立一个按钮,在后台将调用或处理的内容写入button_click中;2、在前台写一个js函数,内容为document.getElementById("btn1").click();3、在前台或后台调用js函数,激发click事件,等于访问后台c#函数;2....

2010-11-30 17:54:00 105

转载 工具:sharepoint webservice:根据asmx生成disco和wsdl文件


2010-08-20 11:52:00 150

转载 总结:sharepoint webservice开发常见错误

How to create custom sharepoint web service, you can see:http://www.walisystems.com/articles/SPS/uplservice/v1/creating%20a%20custom%20web%20service.htm1.Disco.exe: When using...

2010-08-20 11:39:00 97

转载 学习:Creating a Custom Web Service for SharePoint(转)

Creating a Custom Web Service for SharePoint Category: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0There are a couple of Microsoft articles available on th...

2010-08-20 10:08:00 140

转载 学习: 实现动态查询列表视图数据(转)


2010-07-20 10:46:00 75



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