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转载 operating system GUI history


2012-11-21 19:53:00 112

转载 flash error code


2012-11-21 18:05:00 215

转载 what is HDCP?

High-bandwidth Digital Content ProtectionHigh definition digital signals pose a large problem for movie studios. If movie studios allowed equipment manufacturers to output digital images from t...

2012-11-19 19:26:00 141

转载 le participe présent

http://gaaan.com/French?p=15511站上人數: 101使用者: 訪客 (U) 註冊/登入 |(O) 設定 | (H) 說明 作者: Toge (沈澱) 標題: [文法] 動詞的語式和時態的用法 -- 分詞式...

2012-10-15 21:23:00 85

转载 Javascript Flash harness


2012-10-11 18:21:00 52

转载 compgen bash

52 down voteYou can use the bash(1) built-in compgencompgen -c will list all the commands you could run.compgen -a will list all the aliases you could run.compgen -b will ...

2012-10-10 16:34:00 78

转载 action script optimization tips


2012-08-28 03:54:00 128

转载 an example to capture some systeminfos

copyright Intel#!/bin/sh## This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or# redistributing this file, you may do so under either license.## GPL LICENSE SUMMARY## C...

2012-08-22 18:35:00 69

转载 action script optimization tips


2012-08-20 05:17:00 135

转载 signature with phonegap

1. main function : jSignature http://www.unbolt.net/jSignature/not work with phonegap ( original citation from If you are certain that your audience will be limited to a specific browser eng...

2012-06-21 23:51:00 57

转载 openmobster build a cloud for mobile

IntroductionPhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies deve...

2012-06-19 19:06:00 129

转载 Javascript framework

50+ JavaScript & HTML5 Frameworks and Related ToolsPosted on Mar 08, 2012This is the first draft of a document I am using and handing out along with my upcoming presentations at 360Flex a...

2012-06-14 19:27:00 653

转载 sqlite

toolshttp://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ManagementToolsbooks http://www.sqlite.org/books.htmla conveter from sqlserver to sqlite http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26932/Con...

2012-06-06 21:54:00 78

转载 javascript capturing or bubbling

Event ordershow page contentsSee section 7D of the book.Netscape 4 only supports event capturing, Explorer only supports event bubbling. Netscape 6 and Konqueror support both, ...

2012-06-06 16:19:00 105

转载 firefox shortcuts

Great prizes! Hollywood judges! Exclamation marks! Enter Firefox Flicks, the global video contest to tell our story, or vote for your favorites!MozillaMissionAboutProject...

2012-04-27 20:34:00 199

转载 double negation

Grammarians insist that two negatives make a positive. While this may be true in English, in French two negatives usually make a stronger negative. Double negation is very common in French, parti...

2012-04-26 00:09:00 1316

转载 svn linux

Example Session: (Assumes that the repository has already been created. For Subversion repository creation and Subversion server configuration, see the (YoLinux Subversion and Trac tutorial) Chec...

2012-04-24 04:00:00 64

转载 Chapter 7: Inner Classes - Java

java.sun.com/developer/Books/certification/certbook.pdfTerminology:Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply ...

2012-04-17 18:27:00 69

转载 Microsoft Application architecture KB

Welcome to the patterns & practices Application Architecture KB! The App Arch Knowledge Base includes a large amount of material that elborates on specific topics in the main PDF guide. It al...

2012-03-28 16:08:00 80

转载 VIM minibufexplorer

以下是MiniBufExplorer的几个命令: :MiniBufExplorer " Open and/or goto Explorer :CMiniBufExplorer " Close the Explorer if it's open :UMiniBufExpl...

2012-03-27 21:46:00 118

转载 和我的猫一起旅行

和我的猫一起旅行我是在邻居家的车库后面找到它的。他们都退了休,并且马上就要搬到弗洛里达去,他们宁愿卖掉他们的大部分物品也不愿再花钱把它们运到南方。 那 年我十一岁,我正在找寻一本泰山的书,或是克拉伦斯 马尔福德的《豪派龙.卡斯迪(著名西部牛仔名)冒险史诗》,也可能是一本米基.史毕兰的限制级小说。我找到了它们全部,但接下来我不得不面对残酷的现实。 它们每本五十美分(《给我致...

2012-03-23 05:11:00 282

转载 Example of nested Openmp

/* 8:35PM up 13:23, 12 users, load averages: 1.85, 1.47, 1.36USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAThuanggl p0 8:12PM 22 -bash (bash)wri...

2012-03-22 21:08:00 84


My Training Period: xx hoursNote:This Module presents quite a detail story of a process (running program). However, it is an excerpt from more complete, Tenouk's buffer overflow...

2012-03-09 00:38:00 685

转载 Calling C functions from python

Calling C functions from PythonWritten by Christian Stigen LarsenLicense This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Here's a small tuto...

2012-03-08 19:10:00 90

转载 linux desktop with inspiration


2012-03-07 22:22:00 69

转载 Linux file permission

The /tmp directory is typically world-writable and looks like this in a listing:drwxrwxrwt 13 root root 4096 Apr 15 08:05 tmpEveryone can read, write, and access the directory...

2012-03-06 01:23:00 110

转载 French prepositions

Mistakes will always be made in French, and now you can learn from them.Wrong: "Je te manque" to mean "I miss you"Right: Tu me manquesExplanation: Manquer is a weird verb, at least for English-sp...

2012-03-05 22:03:00 94

转载 Axure RP third party widget libraries


2012-03-01 21:31:00 94

转载 Linux input and output

A writer of a general-purpose Linux utility should follow certain guidelines in the code. These are recommendations that have evolved over time and help ensure that the utility can be used in a m...

2012-03-01 18:21:00 654

转载 TFS with eclipse

The Difference between Changesets and ShelvesetsWhen you check in one or more of the pending changes in your workspace, Team Foundation creates a changeset in the source control server. A cha...

2012-02-29 22:32:00 157

转载 Tips and Tricks (JDT)

The following tips and tricks give some helpful ideas for increasing your productivity. See also Platform Tips and Tricks for general Eclipse tips and What's New in 3.5 (JDT) for features in this...

2012-02-29 22:20:00 469

转载 c/c++


2011-04-22 21:17:00 63

转载 大数相乘

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%B6nhage%E2%80%93Strassen_algorithmSchönhage–Strassen algorithmFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation,searchThe Schönhage–Strassen ...

2011-01-03 23:33:00 643

转载 iPhone人机界面指南


2011-01-02 01:59:00 58


http://microstockinsider.com/guides/photo-cms-content-management-systemsHome › Guides › Professionals Photo CMS (Content Management Systems)By Steve GibsonWritten 01 December 2008...

2010-12-30 01:46:00 155

转载 coolest flash website around the world


2010-12-28 03:30:00 63

转载 free.fr space


2010-12-28 03:00:00 421

转载 osCommerce

http://boygj.com/osCommerceosCommerce is an online shope-commerce solution that offers a wide range of out-of-the-box featuresthat allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly with eas...

2010-12-27 23:29:00 83

转载 http://web.heima.com/software/shop/41720.shtm

一、osCommerceosCommerce 是一套基于GNUGPL授权的开源在线购物电子商务解决方案。该系统具有易于操作的可视化安装界面、完善的前台商品展示和户在线购物车功能、强大的后台管理和维护功能模块简单易用、70,000人的官方社区用户和活跃的论坛、121,300家已经注册的在线商店的解决方案3,000个成熟的插件供你选择。二、OXID eSalesOXID eSal...

2010-12-27 22:45:00 548

转载 Fitts's Law

First of all it is not Fitt’s Law. The name of the famous researcheris Paul Fitts, so one should be careful on spelling. Fitts's Law isbasically an empirical model explaining speed-accuracy trade...

2010-12-27 02:10:00 162



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