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原创 Information Visualization
The sudden COVID-19 in 2020 disrupted our life order. We can only isolate at home, learn about the outside world through mobile phones, and feel and imagine the changes in the outside world with our heart.The empty streets and alleys, with silent and seri
2020-12-11 16:37:24 762
原创 VS Code配置C语言环境
VS Code配置C语言环境前言配置环境变量配置VScode前言先是下载了CodeBlocks mingw版本,但是可视化界面不大好看,就想转VS Code,期中遇到许多困难,因此写下这篇文章记录。配置环境变量我自己的机器已经有C::B带的C语言的编译环境,直接添加环境变量。进入命令提示符输入gcc -v 没有编译环境添加环境变量编辑系统变量,点击环境变量(N)…1.新建系统变量,笔者这里的编译环境实在CodeBlocks里的,所以为 D:\CodeBlocks\MinGW2.在
2020-12-03 22:40:30 999
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