

1. variables(指向对象的变量) 在stack,对象(new 创建的对象)在heap

    --statck holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in method invocation and return.

    --Heap:store objects create using or class level variables and class instances and arrays is allocated.

    --method local variables in stack, class variables (member variabls) in heap

2. 栈存取速度比堆快


4.基本类型(primitive types) 保存在stack,并且可以共享(看下面解释)

5.String = "abc" 保存在stack, String = New String ("abc") 在堆中

6.Integer, String, Double等将相应的基本数据类型包装起来的类。这些类数据全部存在于堆中

7.stack is created at the same time as each JVM thread(thread safe),  heap is shared by all JVM threadsa and created on JVM start-up

8.stack size can be fixed or expand, or contract.  Error : StackOverflowError & OutOfMemoryError  (as below)

   heap is reclaimed by  garbage collector,error : OutOfMemoryError

9.heap does not need to be contiguous. 


Difference Between Stack and Heap

What Is Stack?

Each Java virtual machine thread has a private Java virtual machine stack, created at the same time as the thread . A Java virtual machine stack stores frames. It holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in method invocation and return. Because the Java virtual machine stack is never manipulated directly except to push and pop frames, frames may be heap allocated. The memory for a Java virtual machine stack does not need to be contiguous. 

The Java virtual machine specification permits Java virtual machine stacks either to be of a fixed size or to dynamically expand and contract as required by the computation. If the Java virtual machine stacks are of a fixed size, the size of each Java virtual machine stack may be chosen independently when that stack is created. A Java virtual machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of Java virtual machine stacks, as well as, in the case of dynamically expanding or contracting Java virtual machine stacks, control over the maximum and minimum sizes.

The following exceptional conditions are associated with Java virtual machine stacks:

  • If the computation in a thread requires a larger Java virtual machine stack than is permitted, the Java virtual machine throws a StackOverflowError. 
  • If Java virtual machine stacks can be dynamically expanded, and expansion is attempted but insufficient memory can be made available to effect the expansion, or if insufficient memory can be made available to create the initial Java virtual machine stack for a new thread, the Java virtual machine throws an OutOfMemoryError 

What Is Heap?

The Java virtual machine has a heap that is shared among all Java virtual machine threads. The heap is the runtime data area from which memory for all class instances and arrays is allocated. 

The heap is created on virtual machine start-up. Heap storage for objects is reclaimed by an automatic storage management system (known as a garbage collector); objects are never explicitly deallocated. The Java virtual machine assumes no particular type of automatic storage management system, and the storage management technique may be chosen according to the implementor’s system requirements. The heap may be of a fixed size or may be expanded as required by the computation and may be contracted if a larger heap becomes unnecessary. The memory for the heap does not need to be contiguous. 

The heap mainly store objects create using or class level variables.

The following exceptional condition is associated with the heap: 

  • If a computation requires more heap than can be made available by the automatic storage management system, the Java virtual machine throws an OutOfMemoryError


How does Java allocate stack and heap memory? Explain re-entrant, recursive and idempotent

Each time an object is created in Java it goes into the area of memory known as heap. The primitive variables like
int and double are allocated in the stack
, if they are local method variables and in the heap if they are member
variables (i.e. fields of a class). In Java methods local variables are pushed into stack when a method is invoked
and stack
pointer is decremented when a method call is completed. In a multi-threaded application each thread
will have its own stack but will share the same heap. This is why care should be taken in your code to avoid any
concurrent access issues in the heap space. The stack is threadsafe (each thread will have its own stack) but the
heap is not threadsafe unless guarded with synchronisation through your code.

A method in stack is reentrant allowing multiple concurrent invocations that do not interfere with each other. A
function is recursive if it calls itself. Given enough stack space, recursive method calls are perfectly valid in Java
though it is tough to debug. Recursive functions are useful in removing iterations from many sorts of algorithms. All
recursive functions are re-entrant but not all re-entrant functions are recursive. Idempotent methods are methods,
which are written in such a way that repeated calls to the same method with the same arguments yield same
results. For example clustered EJBs, which are written with idempotent methods, can automatically recover from a
server failure as long as it can reach another server.




1. 栈(stack)与堆(heap)都是Java用来在Ram中存放数据的地方。与C++不同,Java自动管理栈和堆,程序员不能直接地设置栈或堆。 

2. 栈的优势是,存取速度比堆要快,仅次于直接位于CPU中的寄存器。但缺点是,存在栈中的数据大小与生存期必须是确定的,缺乏灵活性。另外,栈数据可以共 享,详见第3点。堆的优势是可以动态地分配内存大小,生存期也不必事先告诉编译器,Java的垃圾收集器会自动收走这些不再使用的数据。但缺点是,由于要 在运行时动态分配内存,存取速度较慢。 

3. Java中的数据类型有两种。 

一种是基本类型(primitive types), 共有8种,即int, short, long, byte, float, double, boolean, char(注意,并没有string的基本类型)。这种类型的定义是通过诸如int a = 3; long b = 255L;的形式来定义的,称为自动变量。值得注意的是,自动变量存的是字面值,不是类的实例,即不是类的引用,这里并没有类的存在。如int a = 3; 这里的a是一个指向int类型的引用,指向3这个字面值。这些字面值的数据,由于大小可知,生存期可知(这些字面值固定定义在某个程序块里面,程序块退出 后,字段值就消失了),出于追求速度的原因,就存在于栈中。 

int a = 3; 
int b = 3; 
编 译器先处理int a = 3;首先它会在栈中创建一个变量为a的引用,然后查找有没有字面值为3的地址,没找到,就开辟一个存放3这个字面值的地址,然后将a指向3的地址。接着处 理int b = 3;在创建完b的引用变量后,由于在栈中已经有3这个字面值,便将b直接指向3的地址。这样,就出现了a与b同时均指向3的情况。 

特 别注意的是,这种字面值的引用与类对象的引用不同。假定两个类对象的引用同时指向一个对象,如果一个对象引用变量修改了这个对象的内部状态,那么另一个对 象引用变量也即刻反映出这个变化。相反,通过字面值的引用来修改其值,不会导致另一个指向此字面值的引用的值也跟着改变的情况。如上例,我们定义完a与b 的值后,再令a=4;那么,b不会等于4,还是等于3。在编译器内部,遇到a=4;时,它就会重新搜索栈中是否有4的字面值,如果没有,重新开辟地址存放 4的值;如果已经有了,则直接将a指向这个地址。因此a值的改变不会影响到b的值。 

另一种是包装类数据,如Integer, String, Double等将相应的基本数据类型包装起来的类。这些类数据全部存在于堆中,Java用new()语句来显示地告诉编译器,在运行时才根据需要动态创 建,因此比较灵活,但缺点是要占用更多的时间。 4. String是一个特殊的包装类数据。即可以用String str = new String("abc");的形式来创建,也可以用String str = "abc";的形式来创建(作为对比,在JDK 5.0之前,你从未见过Integer i = 3;的表达式,因为类与字面值是不能通用的,除了String。而在JDK 5.0中,这种表达式是可以的!因为编译器在后台进行Integer i = new Integer(3)的转换)。前者是规范的类的创建过程,即在Java中,一切都是对象,而对象是类的实例,全部通过new()的形式来创建。Java 中的有些类,如DateFormat类,可以通过该类的getInstance()方法来返回一个新创建的类,似乎违反了此原则。其实不然。该类运用了单 例模式来返回类的实例,只不过这个实例是在该类内部通过new()来创建的,而getInstance()向外部隐藏了此细节。那为什么在String str = "abc";中,并没有通过new()来创建实例,是不是违反了上述原则?其实没有。 

5. 关于String str = "abc"的内部工作。Java内部将此语句转化为以下几个步骤: 

(1)先定义一个名为str的对String类的对象引用变量:String str; 

(2) 在栈中查找有没有存放值为"abc"的地址,如果没有,则开辟一个存放字面值为"abc"的地址,接着创建一个新的String类的对象o,并将o的字符 串值指向这个地址,而且在栈中这个地址旁边记下这个引用的对象o。如果已经有了值为"abc"的地址,则查找对象o,并返回o的地址。 


值得注意的是,一般String类中字符串值都是直接存值的。但像String str = "abc";这种场合下,其字符串值却是保存了一个指向存在栈中数据的引用! 

String str1 = "abc"; 
String str2 = "abc"; 
System.out.println(str1==str2); //true 

String str1 = "abc"; 
String str2 = "abc"; 
str1 = "bcd"; 
System.out.println(str1 + "," + str2); //bcd, abc 
System.out.println(str1==str2); //false 

事 实上,String类被设计成为不可改变(immutable)的类。如果你要改变其值,可以,但JVM在运行时根据新值悄悄创建了一个新对象,然后将这 个对象的地址返回给原来类的引用。这个创建过程虽说是完全自动进行的,但它毕竟占用了更多的时间。在对时间要求比较敏感的环境中,会带有一定的不良影 响。 

String str1 = "abc"; 
String str2 = "abc"; 

str1 = "bcd"; 

String str3 = str1; 
System.out.println(str3); //bcd 

String str4 = "bcd"; 
System.out.println(str1 == str4); //true 
str3 这个对象的引用直接指向str1所指向的对象(注意,str3并没有创建新对象)。当str1改完其值后,再创建一个String的引用str4,并指向 因str1修改值而创建的新的对象。可以发现,这回str4也没有创建新的对象,从而再次实现栈中数据的共享。 

String str1 = new String("abc"); 
String str2 = "abc"; 
System.out.println(str1==str2); //false 创建了两个引用。创建了两个对象。两个引用分别指向不同的两个对象。 

String str1 = "abc"; 
String str2 = new String("abc"); 
System.out.println(str1==str2); //false 


6. 数据类型包装类的值不可修改。不仅仅是String类的值不可修改,所有的数据类型包装类都不能更改其内部的值。 7. 结论与建议: 

(1) 我们在使用诸如String str = "abc";的格式定义类时,总是想当然地认为,我们创建了String类的对象str。担心陷阱!对象可能并没有被创建!唯一可以肯定的是,指向 String类的引用被创建了。至于这个引用到底是否指向了一个新的对象,必须根据上下文来考虑,除非你通过new()方法来显要地创建一个新的对象。因 此,更为准确的说法是,我们创建了一个指向String类的对象的引用变量str,这个对象引用变量指向了某个值为"abc"的String类。清醒地认 识到这一点对排除程序中难以发现的bug是很有帮助的。 

(2)使用String str = "abc";的方式,可以在一定程度上提高程序的运行速度,因为JVM会自动根据栈中数据的实际情况来决定是否有必要创建新对象。而对于String str = new String("abc");的代码,则一概在堆中创建新对象,而不管其字符串值是否相等,是否有必要创建新对象,从而加重了程序的负担。这个思想应该是 享元模式的思想,但JDK的内部在这里实现是否应用了这个模式,不得而知。 



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