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转载 Executable and Linkable Format and Linkers

The whole process for .c --> executable file..c -> .s in assembly language, and then --> .o in the efl format , but when we try to call different .c functions, the de...

2017-11-08 18:22:00 178

转载 004 -- Binary search Tree

000 - search tree#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define datatype inttypedef struct Node{datatype data;struct Node *lchild;struct Node *rchild;}bintree;//create tree bintree...

2017-10-23 20:49:00 114

转载 001 -- Pointer

1- definitionA variable that contains a memory address,points to somewhere in the process’ virtual address space2- dereference a pointer#include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, cha...

2017-10-05 05:00:00 138

转载 006 -- Stack_define a stack, push/pop a element to a Stack

000-- Define a Stacktypedef struct{ ElemType *base; ElemType *top; int stackSize;}sqStack;#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100initStack(sqStack *s){ s->base = (ElemType *)mal...

2017-09-19 20:58:00 155

转载 005 -- DuLinkList_add nodes, delete node, Caser print..

000-- define a DulinklistA empty DuLinklist:typedef struct DualNode{ ElemType data; struct DualNode *prior; struct DualNode *next; }DualNode, *DuLinkList;...

2017-09-18 21:05:00 160

转载 004 -- Circle LinkList 3 -- Puzzels_Magic Poker and Latin

000--Magic Poker Put the poker with specific sequence, so that they can show as below:count 1, open the first card as A, count 2, the first one place to bottom and open the second one as 2; f...

2017-09-16 07:05:00 102

转载 003 -- Circle LinkList 2 -- connect 2 circle link lists

The operation fullfilled codes:// A, B is the rear for 2 LinkList with nodes LinkList Connect(LinkList A,LinkList B){ p = A->next; // use p to store A list head A-...

2017-09-16 04:49:00 128

转载 002 -- Circle LinkList_Josephus Story

Circle List puzzleJosephus Story:there is 41 people , 39 of them have the agreement that: all these 41 people stand as a circle, and one of them count from 1, and the one count to 3, suicide ...

2017-09-14 22:41:00 138

转载 001 -- Circle LinkList, list initiate, add a new node, delete a node, and List traverse

#include <studio.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct CLinkList{ int data; struct CLinkList *next ; } node;/*initiate a circle list*/void ds_init(n...

2017-09-14 22:01:00 123

转载 leetcode -- Algorithms -- 2_ Add two numbers

Solution# Definition for singly-linked list.# class ListNode(object):# def __init__(self, x):# self.val = x# self.next = Noneclass Solution(object):...

2017-09-13 17:29:00 107

转载 leetcode -- Algorithms -- 4_ Median of Two Sorted Arrays

00There are two sorted arraysnums1andnums2of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).class Sol...

2017-09-11 20:35:00 92

转载 leetcode -- Algorithms -- 3_ Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

from itertools import permutationsclass Solution(object): def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s): temp = 0 new_list = [] new_string = [] all_sub =...

2017-09-09 16:37:00 121

转载 hausaufgabe--python 40 -- some BIF

00-- issubclass(class,classinfo)to check if the class are the child of the Class in classinfo( can be a list )01-- isinstance (object, classinfo)to check if the object in the classinf...

2017-09-08 17:28:00 123

转载 hausaufgabe--python 39 -- objects and class

00--class, class object, instance objectAs shown below, Tracking is a class, and itself it's own class oject. in the object, __dict__ will have all the original data; d is the instance ...

2017-09-07 22:41:00 138

转载 hausaufgabe--python 38 -- extends of Class

00-- requirementsa. to define a class of Point and a class of Line with Point as parentb. define a function in Line to calculate the lenth of 2 points.import mathclass Point: ...

2017-09-07 20:55:00 122

转载 hausaufgabe--python 37 -- self in Class

00-- requirements:a. new a Turtle and 10 fishes with the moving area of x(0,10), y(0,10)b. turtle can move 1 or 2 step within the defined area and fish with 1 step, every step will result in tu...

2017-09-05 21:55:00 124

转载 hausaufgabe--python 36-- Basic knowledge of Class

00--Define a Class with properties and related functions and try to create a instanceRunning Result:001-- Classto reduce duplicate work, we will use class with some variable and...

2017-09-05 21:13:00 116

转载 hausaufgabe--python 35 - easygui_multenterbox, fileopenbox,diropenbox,integerbox,buttonbox...

0-- make use of easygui to recode the game of number guessing:01-- multenterbox002-- usage of fileopenbox and textopenbox:003--textopenbox and check if the opened file...

2017-09-01 07:51:00 293

转载 hausaufgabe--python 34 - with and else

00-- In python, else can be used with if; while; try01-- using "with", we can open a file without f.close():002-- make use of exception to make the codes simplier:...

2017-08-31 04:18:00 84

转载 hausaufgabe--python 33 - Exception2

00-- we can use Try, Except, Finally to handle the ExceptionsOder001: use Try and Except to handle the exceptions in the code :002-- usage of raise:Complete :...

2017-08-30 04:24:00 121

转载 hausaufgabe--python 32 - Exception

0-- Exceptions1-- Syntax Error2-- Index Error3--Attribute Error4--Key Error5--Name error6--Type Error转载于:https://www...

2017-08-27 06:08:00 110

转载 hausaufgabe--python 31 - Pickle

1-- pickle, transfer the target document to binary to save.2, pickle_file, write3. pickle_file, readTo write a script to separet the text by ":" and save into different f...

2017-08-26 06:49:00 91

转载 UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xbc in position 21: illegal multibyte sequence

Save the txt with UTF format and then open the file with f1 = open(path, encoding = 'utf')转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/7433608.html

2017-08-26 06:31:00 260

转载 hausaufgabe--python 30 - OS

000To list the types of the files in define dir :Running result:Standar:referred:http://www.runoob.com/python/att-dictionary-setdefault.html001To get the f...

2017-07-14 00:21:00 108

转载 Running error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb4 in position 0: invalid start byte

Running Error:It is caused by the txt's encode format. Please do use UTF-8 to save the file (you can use Notepad++ to choose the encode format to save the file) if you would like to read i...

2017-07-11 17:33:00 2158

转载 hausaufgabe--python 29- File 2

000get the files name and save what the users input _ with ':w' to save and quitrunning result:defect: no pop up message for user to input the text.standar:...

2017-07-10 23:38:00 109

转载 Hausaufgabe--Python 28-- File 1

000to print each line in a file :001To read and save the file to another fileStandar:002转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareish...

2017-07-06 22:50:00 87

转载 hausaufgabe--python 27 - set

000- The basic BIF and opearations for Set001转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/7123850.html

2017-07-05 22:28:00 95

转载 hausaufgabe--python 26 -Dict 2

000Running ResultStandar:001002003004转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/7118777.html

2017-07-04 22:13:00 97

转载 hausaufgabe--python 24,25-Dict

000--to creat a dict and access the value of a key001Standar:002Running Result:Defect: The dict1 will be clear when the program exis...

2017-07-02 22:14:00 79

转载 hausaufgabe--python 23- Recurse 2

000001-- Decimal to Bin (oops, the name of the function is wrong....-_-!!)defect :only can transfer 1 data to Decimal , otherwise the list a[] will restore the data for th...

2017-06-28 19:10:00 113

转载 hausaufgabe--python 22- Recurse

000-- x^y001--uclidean algorithmbetter one:002003转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/7082967.html

2017-06-26 23:28:00 126

转载 hausaufgabe--python 21_ Lambda

000def fun_A(x, y=3): return x * ysame as lambda x, y=3: x*y001return list_ with map and lambda002003list(filter(lambda n : not(n%3), range(1, 100)))0...

2017-06-25 22:00:00 98

转载 hausaufgabe--python 20-Closure functions 2

000-- to calculate specific letters in a string------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

2017-06-21 10:26:00 168

转载 hausaufgabe--python 20- usage of Closure

Running result:转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/7051056.html

2017-06-19 23:02:00 99

转载 hausaufgabe--python 19- Functions 2

000-- define a function to check if a string is a symmatrical stringrunning result:referred :how to reverse a string:http://www.jb51.net/article/15700.htm001-- define ...

2017-06-17 22:58:00 107

转载 hausaufgabe--python 18- Defined specific Functions

000-- Define a function which meets below criteria:a- if the last parameter != 5, then get the sum of all the parameters and multiple base=3b- if the last parameter ==5, then the base = 5 and...

2017-06-14 23:12:00 75

转载 hausaufgabe--python 17- Function definition

000-- Euclidean algorithmrunning result:001-- Decimal to Bin:Running result:002-- DRY principle : Don't Repeat Yourself003-- using a tupel as a parameter for a func...

2017-06-09 23:09:00 102

转载 hausaufgabe--python 16- Sequenz

000-- to print the value of a list in a list:001-- the codes of the function min():002-- update the sum() function:转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shareishappy/p/6959213.h...

2017-06-07 21:43:00 98

转载 hausaufgabe--python 15- String Format

000-- to transfer the data into differnt format: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, octalRunning result:By refering :a -- the difference between os._exit() sys.exit() exit()http://bl...

2017-06-06 23:09:00 117



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