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转载 c++ 中 static 成员 和 函数

好处:   对象共享变量,属于类的。 关键点:   成员声明和定义的位置。   静态函数没有 this 指针。 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/yetanghanCpp/p/9511874.html...

2018-08-21 15:56:00 112

转载 Memory Layout for Multiple and Virtual Inheritance

Memory Layout for Multiple and Virtual Inheritance Warning. This article is rather technical and assumes a good knowledge of C++ and some assembly language. In this article we explain ...

2018-07-10 14:05:00 101

转载 covariant return type in override

1 #include <iostream> 2 3 class Base 4 { 5 public: 6 // This version of getThis() returns a pointer to a Base class 7 virtual Base* getThis() { std::cout << "...

2018-07-09 10:57:00 133

转载 Using-declaration

Two function: In namespace and block scope Using-declaration introduces a member of another namespace into current namespace or block scope #include <iostream> #include <string>...

2018-07-03 13:59:00 351

转载 Copy constructors, Assignment operators, and Copy assignment operator

1 #include <cassert> // for assert() 2 #include <initializer_list> // for std::initializer_list 3 #include <iostream> 4 5 class IntArray 6 { 7 private: 8 ...

2018-06-28 11:26:00 121

转载 Question : New int[0] and Sizeof on dynamically allocated memory

Sizeof on dynamically allocated memory   delete []does know the size that was allocated. However, that knowledge resides in the runtime or in the operating system's memory manager, meaning that...

2018-05-31 11:20:00 84

转载 Copy constructors, assignment operators, and exception safe assignment

Copy constructors, assignment operators, and exception safe assignment link: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/y8hv0pDG/ // copy constructor Myclass::Myclass(const Myclass& myclass) { ...

2018-05-24 19:19:00 113

转载 Memory of a c program

Memory Layout of C Programs A typical memory representation of C program consists of following sections. 1. Text segment2. Initialized data segment3. Uninitialized data segment4. Stack5. Heap...

2018-04-27 11:01:00 146

转载 c++ / c 数值类型的一些感悟

Contrary to the other answers, there is no undefined behavior here, and there is no overflow. Unsigned integers use modulo 2narithmetic. Section 4.7 paragraph 2 of the standard says "If the des...

2018-04-25 15:31:00 66

转载 C++ / C include 头文件问题

As a newbie programmer, i sometimes encouter the failure that the header files include each other. This article will illustrate why and how to solve this probleam Why we need header file (1) I...

2018-04-19 09:05:00 400

转载 c standard I/O library

the standard C I/O library: C标准库提供了文件的标准 I/O 函数库,相比前述的系统调用,主要差别是实现了跨平台的用户态缓冲的解决方案。标准I/O库使用简单,与系统调用I/O相似,也包括打开、读写、关闭这些操作,主要的函数列举如下。 ◆ oritened buffering:fwide。◆ 打开与关闭文件:fopen,freopen, fdopen, f...

2018-04-13 14:49:00 152

转载 SomeThing what i discover

1. 指针常量   int a[3] = {1, 2, 3};   const int *b = a;   b[0], b[1], b[3] 都是 read_only location 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/yetanghanCpp/p/8806196.html

2018-04-12 10:54:00 80

转载 静态库 和 共享库(动态库)

linux 下,创建静态库:     ar -rcs libname file.o(目标代码)……     -r : 插入和替换。     -c :没有静态库就创建。     -s :创建索引。 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/yetanghanCpp/p/8655990.html...

2018-03-27 10:16:00 107

转载 Files and Directoies

start 2017/01/09 Introduction:   文件系统的特性和文件的属性:查询/修改,学习链接,操作文件夹。 4.1 stat, fstat, fstatat and lstat Functions // 很重要 #include< sys/stat.h> int stat( const char* restrict...

2018-01-09 19:46:00 102

转载 Section 3 文件IO

starting: 2017/12/12 3.1 introduction   describing the function available for file I/O.Most file I/O on Unix system can be performed using only five functions: open, wirte, lseek, and close. Th...

2017-12-24 11:58:00 103



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