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转载 lg v35 thinkq刷韩版android9.0教程
我在最开始被唬住了,后来发现并不复杂,设置于很简单,下面看教程,本教程一步到位,没有多余的废话1.环境准备下载刷机包kdz :https://pan.baidu.com/s/16PlI-GU-Rb1NMSYxxjFU9Q 提取码: y6bs安装驱动驱动:https://v35.52mfzy.com/usr/uploads/2019/01/1364890909.zip...
2019-09-16 21:26:00
转载 组件间显示和隐式通信
mainactivitypackage com.example.cie.zujiantongxin1;import android.content.Intent;import android.net.Uri;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.os.Bundle;im...
2018-06-24 10:38:00
转载 android studio listview长按删除
activity_main.xml 的代码<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><android.support.constraint.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="h...
2018-06-23 21:22:00
转载 关于iostream和c++命名空间
c++标准库函数都在std这个命名空间中,想要使用必须加上using namespace std,下面给出几种使用方法1. specify the identifier directily, for example std::ostream instead of ostream. the complete sentence is as follows:std :: cout &l...
2018-03-01 21:45:00
转载 华为hg255d路由器使用博爱网络开发的操作系统进行中继设置
2018-01-30 18:22:00
转载 pure virtual function(虚函数)
1. pure virtual function can be achieved, do not have to only declare, not to achieve.2. even if the pure virtual function has been achieved, with pure virtual function of the class is still abst...
2017-10-21 17:17:00
转载 布线问题
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <list> 3 #include <stdlib.h> 4 #define n 6 //size of maze 5 using namespace std; 6 7 int grid[n+2][n+2]; //we set the...
2017-10-19 21:28:00
转载 english note
Scott Young (Scott Young) completed a surprising feat: he learned all the 33 lessons of the MIT computer science course within a year. Most importantly, these courses are taught by self-taught by...
2017-10-18 16:30:00
转载 make_pair() andp air and function fflush()
function name: fflush(FILE *stream)function: clear the read and write buffer, you need to immediately write the output buffer data into the specified stream;head file: stdio.hprototype: int fflus...
2017-10-17 16:32:00
转载 the end sign of linux system documents
the end sign of document of linuxi tried all the linux version and found that the end of the file are 0a(alias LF),this is the operating system requirement, windows is \r\n character to end the f...
2017-10-15 21:14:00
转载 void指针(void pointer)
the meaning of voidvoid is "no type", void is "no type pointer", you can point to any data typevoid pointer usage specification1.void pointer can point to any data type, that is, any data type ...
2017-10-15 20:49:00
转载 relloc explaination
the prototype of relloc is extern void *realloc(void *men_address, unsigned int newsize)grammarpointer name = (data type*)realloc(the name of the pointer which point to the memory that need to ...
2017-10-15 17:55:00
转载 micro assert 宏assert()
assert macroNote: assert is a macro, not a function.in the c assert.h header file. the prototype of an assert macro is defined in <assert.h> and its effect is that if its condition return a...
2017-10-15 17:19:00
转载 usage and explanation of c++ virtual keyword virtual 用法和解释
virtual is the keyword of defination c++ virtual functionconcept: (1)inheritance as a prerequisite (2)decorate the function with virtual keyword in the parent class (3)rewrite thr virtual func...
2017-10-15 17:15:00
转载 dynamic_cast 的作用() the role of cynamic_cast
cast a base calss pointer (or reference) to the inheritance class pointer, dynamic_cast will be based on the base class pointer is really pointing to the inheritance class pointer to do the appro...
2017-10-15 16:24:00
转载 关于友元函数的优缺点(on advantage and disadvantage of friends' function)
a summary of c++ friends' functionin fact, there are probable the following two situations needs to use the friends' function: (1)some occasions of operator overloading needs to use friends' func...
2017-10-15 12:20:00
转载 markdown easy and clear lessons three table and formula
#1.markdown easy and clear lessons three table and formula##2.table###2.1tablemarkdown use pipeline diagram to implement table, the table which can use the emphasis, link and other inline format...
2017-10-14 17:46:00
转载 the experience of learning markdown syntax
markdown is powerful(frame, flow chart, formula), it is convenient to transform the formate of article of markdown syntax to pdf, txt etxbasic use methodltalic text:*text*bold text:**text**...
2017-10-14 17:18:00
转载 manage branch
1. cultivate branch, doing commiting operation on branch what was called cultivateing branch;2. if we create many branches, can develop multiple functions in the case of each other without af...
2017-10-08 16:28:00
转载 L2-016. 愿天下有情人都是失散多年的兄妹
采用树存储父亲和母亲信息,共有两个数组,一个用来存储父亲节点信息,一个用来存储母亲查找函数:向上查找,出了五服或未出五服但可供查找的信息已经完结都要返回yes 五服之内有相同的祖先返回No 某些人的父母可能会离婚然后又结婚,需要记录父母的性别#include <stdio.h>#incl...
2017-10-03 15:33:00
转载 0-1背包问题(0-1 knapsack)
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;/*********************** * writer: HangFeiYu * * date: 2017/9/28 * **********************/void knapSa...
2017-09-28 20:36:00
转载 矩阵连乘(several matrix multiply)
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;void traceBack(int i, int j, int **s){ if(i==j) //the function is used to record the optimal solution { return; ...
2017-09-27 20:53:00
转载 用分治法求众数(seek the public with the divide and conquer)
// 用分治法求众数//参考:http://blog.csdn.net/core__code/article/details/47385045#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>using namespace std;void split(int s[], int n, int &...
2017-09-26 11:20:00
转载 归并排序(mergeSort)
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <vector> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 void mergeLocal(int arr[], int low, int middle, int high) 7 { 8 ...
2017-09-25 16:25:00
转载 二分查找(binarySearch)
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;void QSort(int a[], int low, int high){if(low>=high) //关于这个终止条件, 在下边处理后,low可能会大于或等...
2017-09-24 20:08:00
转载 快排(qucikSort)
#include <iostream>using namespace std;void QSort(int a[], int low, int high){ if(low>=high) //关于这个终止条件, 在下边处理后,low可能会大于或等于high { return; } int...
2017-09-24 17:02:00
转载 prim 算法(prim algorithm)
#include <iostream>#include <math.h>#include <list>using namespace std;void prim(int n, int u0, double **c){ bool s[n]; int closest[n]; double...
2017-09-23 11:55:00
转载 round robin schedule(循环日程表)
the source of the article:https://github.com/Fibird/Round-robin-schedule#include <iostream>#include <math.h>#define N 3using namespace std;int main(){ int sche = pow(...
2017-09-22 21:14:00
转载 数列极差问题(the problem of sequence biggest difference)
#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <list> //we use the list container , because it is easy to sort and get the biggest number and smallest numberusing namespace std;...
2017-09-22 17:37:00
转载 会场安排问题(schedule meeting)
#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;structtime // this struct is used to store the information of meeting{intid;intstartTime;intendTime;};bool...
2017-09-21 19:23:00
转载 tne number which is made of the number of remaining is smallest
#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;void deleteDigite(int k, string str){ int len = str.length(); for(int i=0; i<k; i++) //there are k elements that ne...
2017-09-21 16:16:00
转载 写代码的一些经验
2017-09-19 15:39:00
转载 prim算法
#include <iostream>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>using namespace std;/********************************************************** * in this program, you need to input th...
2017-09-14 20:27:00
转载 哈夫曼树
#include <iostream>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>using namespace std;#define MaxNode 20struct HtNode{ double weight; int parent, leftChildren, rightChildren;};st...
2017-09-14 16:20:00
转载 L2-014. 列车调度
参考:https://www.liuchuo.net/archives/1967分析:最终目标将列车按照从大到小的顺序输出,即按照输入顺序从大到小建立序列,至少需要几条序列,即需要几条铁轨每一次插入都需要自动排序,且需要拿到必查入值大的且差距最小的那个值,所以使用set,s.rbegin()拿到整个集合中最大的元素的迭代器,s.upper_bound() //比他大的范围,在有序...
2017-08-31 10:28:00
转载 L2-013. 红色警报
连通子图的个数来判断有多少无法连通的区域,当失去一座城市的时候,如果连通子图的个数增加大于1,则整个国家的连通性被改变,增加数为0(单独的一个城市,本身不和其他任何城市相连)或1(边缘城市,和子图之间只有一条通路)说明没有改变连通性#include <iostream>#include <stdlib.h>using namespace std;...
2017-08-30 17:06:00
转载 L2-012. 关于堆的判断
#include <iostream>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>using namespace std;typedef stru...
2017-08-29 20:28:00
转载 L2-011. 玩转二叉树
#include <cstdio>#include <vector>#include <list>#include <iostream>using namespace std;vector<int> in, pre;struct Node{ int data; struct N...
2017-08-28 17:05:00
转载 L2-009. 抢红包
简单的结构体排序而已,不多说了#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <stdio.h>using namespace std;struct personRedPackage //这是一个类,在类内声明{ static int Count;...
2017-08-23 15:37:00
转载 extern关键字的作用
2017-08-19 10:02:00
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹