ACE 简单常用类整理(二)


w        ACE_IO_SAP



int control (int cmd, void *) const

Interface for ioctl. ACE_OS:: ioctl(HANDLE, cmd, arg). More refer to the ioctl function in Unix programming.

int enable (int value) const

Enable asynchronous I/O (ACE_SIGIO), urgent data (ACE_SIGURG), non-blocking I/O (ACE_NONBLOCK), or close-on-exec (ACE_CLOEXEC), which is passed as the value.

int disable (int value) const

Disable asynchronous I/O (ACE_SIGIO), urgent data (ACE_SIGURG), non-blocking I/O (ACE_NONBLOCK), or close-on-exec (ACE_CLOEXEC), which is passed as the value. Reimplemented in ACE_DEV, and ACE_FILE.

ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const

Get the underlying handle.(This Class has member : _handle)

void set_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle)

Set the underlying handle.

oid dump (void) const

Dump the state of an object.

Reimplemented in ACE_DEV, ACE_DEV_IO, ACE_FILE, and ACE_FILE_IO.




Underlying I/O handle.

+pid_t ACE_IO_SAP::pid_ = 0 static

Cache the process ID.


w        ACE_FILE



int close (void)

Close the ACE_FILE handle without removing the ACE_FILE from the file system.

int remove (void)

Close and remove the ACE_FILE from the file system.

int unlink (void)

Remove the ACE_FILE from the file system without closing the ACE_FILE handle.

int get_info (ACE_FILE_Info *finfo)

int get_info(ACE_FILE_Info &finfo)

Get information on this ACE_FILE.

int truncate (ACE_OFF_T length)

Set filesize to length byte. ACE_OFF_T: off_t(偏移量)

ACE_OFF_T seek (ACE_OFF_T offset, int whence=SEEK_CUR)

Sets the file pointer as follows:

If <whence> is <SEEK_SET>, the pointer is set to <offset> bytes.

If <whence> is <SEEK_CUR>, the pointer is set to its current location plus <offset>.

If <whence> is <SEEK_END>, the pointer is set to the size of the file plus offset.

ACE_OFF_T tell (void)

Return an offset for the file handle.

int     disable (int signum) const

Disable signal signum. This is here to prevent Win32 from disabling SPIPE using socket calls

int     get_local_addr (ACE_Addr &) const

Return the local endpoint address in the referenced ACE_Addr. Returns 0 if successful, else -1.

int     get_remote_addr (ACE_Addr &) const

Return the same thing as get_local_addr().



ACE_FILE_Addr   addr_

File we are "connected" with


w        ACE_FILE_IO



ssize_t send (const void *buf,

                 size_t n) const

send upto n bytes in buf.

ssize_t recv (void *buf,

                 size_t n) const

Recv upto n bytes in buf.

ssize_t send_n (const void *buf,

                   size_t n) const

Send n bytes, keep trying until n are sent.

ssize_t send_n(

  const ACE_Message_Block *message_block,

  const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

  size_t *bytes_transferred=0)

Send all the <message_block>s chained through their <next> and <cont> pointers. This call uses the underlying OS gather-write operation to reduce the domain-crossing penalty.

ssize_t recv_n(void *buf,

                  size_t n) const

Recv n bytes, keep trying until n are received.

ssize_t send (const iovec iov[],

                 int n) const

Send iovecs via <ACE_OS::writev>.

ssize_t recv (iovec iov[],

                int n) const

Recv iovecs via < ACE_OS::readv>.

ssize_t send (size_t n,...) const

Send N char *ptrs and int lengths. Note that the char *'s precede the ints (basically, an varargs version of writev). The count N is the *total* number of trailing arguments, *not* a couple of the number of tuple pairs!

ssize_t recv (size_t n,...) const

This is an interface to readv, that doesn't use the struct iovec explicitly. The ... can be passed as an arbitrary number of (char *ptr, int len) tuples. However, the count N is the *total* number of trailing arguments, *not* a couple of the number of tuple pairs!

ssize_t send(const void *buf, size_t n,

               ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped) const

Send n bytes via Win32 WriteFile using overlapped I/O. typedef OVERLAPPED ACE_OVERLAPPED.

ssize_t recv (void *buf, size_t n,

                 ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped) const

Recv n bytes via Win32 ReadFile using overlapped I/O.

ssize_t sendv (const iovec iov[], int n) const

Send an <iovec> of size n to the file. Same with send(iovec,int)

ssize_t recvv (iovec *io_vec)

Allows a client to read from a file without having to provide a buffer to read. This method determines how much data is in the file, allocates a buffer of this size, reads in the data, and returns the number of bytes read. The caller is responsible for deleting the member in the <iov_base> field of <io_vec> using delete [] io_vec->iov_base.

ssize_t sendv_n (const iovec iov[],

                    int n) const

Send an <iovec> of size n to the file. Will block until all bytes are sent or an error occurs

ssize_t recvv_n (iovec iov[], int n) const

Receive an <iovec> of size n to the file






w        ACE_DEV


int     close (void)

void dump (void) const

int     disable (int signum) const


w        ACE_DEV_IO



ssize_t send (const void *buf,

                 size_t n) const

send upto n bytes in buf.

ssize_t recv (void *buf,

                 size_t n) const

Recv upto n bytes in buf.

ssize_t send_n (const void *buf,

                   size_t n) const

Send n bytes, keep trying until n are sent.

ssize_t recv_n (void *buf, size_t n,

       const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

       size_t *bytes_transferred=0) const

Recv n bytes.

ssize_t send (const iovec iov[],

                 int n) const

Send iovecs via <ACE_OS::writev>.

ssize_t recv (iovec iov[],

                int n) const

Recv iovecs via < ACE_OS::readv>.

ssize_t send (size_t n,...) const

Send N char *ptrs and int lengths. Note that the char *'s precede the ints (basically, an varargs version of writev). The count N is the *total* number of trailing arguments, *not* a couple of the number of tuple pairs!

ssize_t recv (size_t n,...) const

This is an interface to readv, that doesn't use the struct iovec explicitly. The ... can be passed as an arbitrary number of (char *ptr, int len) tuples. However, the count N is the *total* number of trailing arguments, *not* a couple of the number of tuple pairs!

ssize_t send(const void *buf, size_t n,

               ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped) const

Send n bytes via Win32 WriteFile using overlapped I/O. typedef OVERLAPPED ACE_OVERLAPPED.

ssize_t recv (void *buf, size_t n,

                 ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped) const

Recv n bytes via Win32 ReadFile using overlapped I/O.

int     get_local_addr (ACE_DEV_Addr &) const

Return the local endpoint address.

int     get_remote_addr(ACE_DEV_Addr&) const

Return the address of the remotely connected peer (if there is one).




Address of device we are connected to.

w        ACE_TTY_IO

Class definitions for platform specific TTY features.

This class represents an example interface for a specific device (a serial line). It extends the capability of the underlying DEV_IO class by adding a control method that takes a special structure (Serial_Params) as argument to allow a comfortable user interface (away from that annoying termios structure, which is very specific to UNIX).

w        ACE_FILE_Addr



ACE_FILE_Addr(const ACE_FILE_Addr &sa)

Copy constructor.

ACE_FILE_Addr (const ACE_TCHAR *filename)

Create a ACE_FILE_Addr from a pathname.

int     set (const ACE_FILE_Addr &sa)

Acts like a copy constructor. If <sa> == ACE_Addr::sap_any then create a temporary filename using <ACE_OS::mktemp>.

int     set (const ACE_TCHAR *filename)

Create a ACE_FILE_Addr from a pathname.

ACE_FILE_Addr & operator= (

                 const ACE_FILE_Addr &)

Assignment operator.

virtual void * get_addr (void) const

Return a pointer to the address.

virtual int addr_to_string (

         ACE_TCHAR *addr, size_t) const

Transform the current address into string format.

bool operator==(

const ACE_FILE_Addr &SAP) const

Compare two addresses for equality.

bool operator!=(

const ACE_FILE_Addr &SAP) const

Compare two addresses for inequality.

const ACE_TCHAR *   get_path_name (void) const

Return the path name used for the rendezvous point.



ACE_TCHAR   filename_ [MAXPATHLEN+1]

Name of the file


w        ACE_DEV_Addr



ACE_DEV_Addr (const ACE_DEV_Addr &sa)

Copy constructor.

ACE_DEV_Addr (const ACE_TCHAR *devname)

Create a ACE_FILE_Addr from a pathname.

int     set (const ACE_DEV_Addr &sa)

Acts like a copy constructor.

int     set (const ACE_TCHAR *devname)

Create a ACE_Addr from a ACE_DEV pathname.

ACE_DEV_Addr & operator=(

const ACE_DEV_Addr &)

Assignment operator.

virtual void * get_addr (void) const

Return a pointer to the address.

virtual int addr_to_string (

         ACE_TCHAR *addr, size_t) const

Transform the current address into string format.

bool operator==(

const ACE_FILE_Addr &SAP) const

Compare two addresses for equality.

bool operator!=(

const ACE_FILE_Addr &SAP) const

Compare two addresses for inequality.

const ACE_TCHAR *   get_path_name (void) const

Return the path name used for the rendezvous point.





Name of the device.


w        ACE_FILE_Connector

Defines an active connection factory for the ACE_FILE wrappers.

Note that the O_APPEND flag is only partly supported on Win32. If you specify O_APPEND, then the file pointer will be positioned at the end of the file initially during open, but it is not re-positioned at the end prior to each write, as specified by POSIX. This is generally good enough for typical situations, but it is ``not quite right'' in its semantics.



ACE_FILE_Connector (

  ACE_FILE_IO &new_io,

  const ACE_FILE_Addr &remote_sap,

  ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

  const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any,

  int reuse_addr=0,

  int flags=O_RDWR|O_CREAT,


Actively ``connect'' and produce a <new_io> <ACE_FILE_IO> object if things go well. The <remote_sap> is the file that we are trying to create/open. If it's the default value of <ACE_Addr::sap_any> then the user is letting the OS create the filename (via <ACE_OS::mkstemp>). The timeout is the amount of time to wait to create/open the file. If it's 0 then we block indefinitely. If *timeout == {0, 0} then the file is created using non-blocking mode. If *timeout > {0, 0} then this is the maximum amount of time to wait before timing out. The <local_sap> and <reuse_addr> parameters are ignored. The <flags> and <perms> arguments are passed down to the <ACE_OS::open> method.

int     connect(

   ACE_FILE_IO &new_io,

   const ACE_FILE_Addr &remote_sap,

   ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

   const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any,

   int reuse_addr=0,

   int flags=O_RDWR|O_CREAT,


Actively ``connect'' and produce a <new_io> <ACE_FILE_IO> object if things go well. The <remote_sap> is the file that we are trying to create/open. If it's the default value of <ACE_Addr::sap_any> then the user is letting the OS create the filename (via <ACE_OS::mkstemp>). The timeout is the amount of time to wait to create/open the file. If it's 0 then we block indefinitely. If *timeout == {0, 0} then the file is created using non-blocking mode. In this case, if the create/open can't be done immediately the value of -1 is returned with <errno == EWOULDBLOCK>. If *timeout > {0, 0} then this is the maximum amount of time to wait before timing out. If the time expires before the connection is made <errno == ETIME>. The <local_sap> and <reuse_addr> parameters are ignored. The <flags> and <perms> arguments are passed down to the <ACE_OS::open> method.

int     reset_new_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle)

Resets any event associations on this handle.


w        ACE_DEV_Connector



ACE_DEV_Connector (

ACE_DEV_IO &new_io,

const ACE_DEV_Addr &remote_sap,

ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any,

int reuse_addr=0,

int flags=O_RDWR,

int perms=0)

Actively connect and produce a <new_stream> if things go well. The <remote_sap> is the address that we are trying to connect with. The timeout is the amount of time to wait to connect. If it's 0 then we block indefinitely. If *timeout == {0, 0} then the connection is done using non-blocking mode. In this case, if the connection can't be made immediately the value of -1 is returned with <errno == EWOULDBLOCK>. If *timeout > {0, 0} then this is the maximum amount of time to wait before timing out. If the time expires before the connection is made <errno == ETIME>. The <local_sap> is the value of local address to bind to. If it's the default value of <ACE_Addr::sap_any> then the user is letting the OS do the binding. If <reuse_addr> == 1 then the <local_addr> is reused, even if it hasn't been cleanedup yet. The <flags> and <perms> arguments are passed down to the <open> method.

int     connect (

ACE_DEV_IO &new_io,

const ACE_DEV_Addr &remote_sap,

ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0,

const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any,

int reuse_addr=0,

int flags=O_RDWR,

int perms=0)

Actively connect and produce a <new_stream> if things go well. The <remote_sap> is the address that we are trying to connect with. The timeout is the amount of time to wait to connect. If it's 0 then we block indefinitely. If *timeout == {0, 0} then the connection is done using non-blocking mode. In this case, if the connection can't be made immediately the value of -1 is returned with <errno == EWOULDBLOCK>. If *timeout > {0, 0} then this is the maximum amount of time to wait before timing out. If the time expires before the connection is made <errno == ETIME>. The <local_sap> is the value of local address to bind to. If it's the default value of <ACE_Addr::sap_any> then the user is letting the OS do the binding. If <reuse_addr> == 1 then the <local_addr> is reused, even if it hasn't been cleanedup yet. The <flags> and <perms> arguments are passed down to the <open> method.

int     reset_new_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle)

Resets any event associations on this handle.




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